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OMAHA FORM CHART OMAHA Neb Wednesday June 8 1921 Omaha One mile Sixth day AkSarBen Exposition Company Spring meeting of S days Weather showery showeryPresiding Presiding Judge Martin Nathanson Starter Ar ¬ thur McKnight Racing Secretary Charles L Trimble 54989 rirst Race 4 12 Furlongs Pursa 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 300 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 54790 Patsy ONeil 106 lz G Fields 750100 54879 3Crispie 113 2J W Manders 255100 881 T By Friti 106 3 D Hurn S50100 S501007772May 7772May Craig 106 41 S Orr 645100 54789 AVaneta PkslOl G ° T AArayt 600100 54783 Patsie HarrlslOl 6 Templeton 1300100 54873 Bula Maid 106 LpostMcAdams 1213100 54783Bon Box 118 UriderR Scoville 440100 2 mutuels paid Patsy ONeil 1700 straight 530 place 410 show Crispie 330 place 300 sliow The Boy Favorite 520 show showTime Time 24 48 54 Track fast fastAVinuer AVinuer A J Moscrs b g 4 by Dr Root Bonnie Hayes by Bonnie Joe trained by J F Cell bred by Messrs J H Baraett BaraettAVent AVent to post at 23G At post 2 minutes Start bad and ow AVou easily second and third driving ct 54Q90 rvtu Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3 yearcias and UpWard Claim ing Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight548752Spartan 548752Spartan Boy 111 1J J Deavenport 140100 54874 Klmberly US 2s G Morrow 260100 54782 Nadine H 106 3h T Corner 1650100 54783 Blue 106 4S G Yarrow 675100 38197 Rookwood 106 510 G Ury 1543100 54786 A Blossom 100 6 G Fields 835100 54786 Dolly Link 106 V7 Templeton 1230100 2 inutuels paid Spartan Boy 480 straight 270 place 200 show Kimberly 270 place J2iO siiow Nadine H 420 show showTime Time 24 48 54 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner J A ISrauses b g 4 by Elkhorn Indian Fairy by Iroquois trained by J A Brause bred by Mr C W Crowlcy CrowlcyAAent AAent to post at 308 At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving 54991 Tlurd Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 4003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingNet Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse AVt FiiT Jockey Straight 54879 T Duncan 106 1 D Hurn 1445100 54880 = Blue Jay 116 2i L Mink SC100 5487 8Repent 103 3 = J Singleti Singleton 1SO100 54879 Zainer 103 4 4i Templetoi 453100 54779 J R Roche 116 5 R Spicer 1520100 51881Hunter Platt 111 6 G Fields 54875 Old Man CritllO 7s Maskrid 54790 Hand Sweep 108 Szi Johnson 54777 Bess WelcU 103 8 2 Wayt 2 mutuels paid Tempy Duncan 3090 straight 1290 place 410 show Blue Jay 7SO place 3 0 show Repent 300 show showTime Time 245 49 101 10 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner O B Irwius b m 10 by Billy May hue Kdna Edwards by Dcerslayer trained by C B Invln bred by Mr W E Moody MoodyWent Went to post at 338 At post 2 niinutes Start good and slow for all biit Hunter Platt AVon driving second and third the same 54992 Fourth Race 34 Mile Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming1 Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 330 330Equiv Equiv Odds 54876 Gadling 115 1 L Mink 205100 54874 Doctor BluesllS 23 G Fields 625100 54784 R Lester 115 3 = 3 W Crump 405100 54873 Big Cedar 103 4 E Owen 1705100 54789 Texas Chief 105 5J D Hurn 785100 54784 Little Red 115 63 A Maskrid 3240100 54785 Air Queen 110 71 S Orr 1420190 54875 Faywood 115 SJi J Dallie tl720100 AVayback 315 92i T AVayt 4103100 54785 Jessie Wood 110 10 J Singleton 925100 54881 Alice Byers 103 11 T Corner t 2 mutuels paid Gadling 010 straight 400 place 310 show Dr Blues 470 place 370 show R Lester 320 show showTime Time 24 48 115 Track fast fastWinner Winner J A Barnes b g 4 by Alpha II Lady Gauntlet by John oGaunt trained by J A Ilrn bred by Messrs Kcene Schorr SchorrAAent AAent to post at 407 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AAon handily second and third driving 54993 Fifth Race 34 Mile Purse 1000 3 yearolds and upward Net value to winner 800 second 125 third 75 75Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight Straight548773Herder 548773Herder 117 13 AV Manders 450100 450100548833Byrrie 450100548833Byrrie 548833Byrrie 114 2J AV Crump 190100 190100547883Phrone 547883Phrone Wardll2 3 G Morrow 230100 54877 Loyalist 117 4 G Fields t t54793SL 54793SL in Black 120 5 J Singleton J 54791 = Orchid King 113 6 D Hurn J 54882 Sandy H 112 7 R Templeton 830100 830100tCoupled tCoupled in betting as Rosedale Stable entry entryJN JN B Updike entry 2 mutuels paid Herder 1100 straight 350 place Rosedale Stables entry 320 place no show mutuels sold soldTime Time 23 47 113 Track good goodAVinner AVinner F R Irwins br g 6 by Colin Bel gravia by Ben Brush trained by F R Irwin bred by AVickliffe Stud StudWent Went to post at 445 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same 54Q94 Sixth Race 1 Milc Purse 400 3 ° yearolds and upward Claiming Net Netvalue value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight54793Canute 54793Canute 117 1J J Singleton 180100 54884 Howd BlandlM 2ZJ G Morrow 4S5100 54873 Lola 109 3 B Gibbons 710100 54878 Patsy Mack 114 4i J Deavenport 760100 548782Swenson 114 51 R Spicer 395100 54884 All Bright 114 69 W Crump 1140100 43433 Hasty RIchesll7 7 r S Orr 1445100 2 mutuels paid Canute 500 straight 320 place 290 show Howard Bland 350 place 440 show Lola 54GO show showTime Time 24 49 116 144 Track good goodWinner Winner Cozad Yeomans b g 5 by Sir Huon Binda by The Bard trained by A P Yeoman bred by George J Long LongWent Went to post at 520 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AAon easily second and third driv ¬ ing AQQ Seventh Race 1 Mile Purse 400 3 t7 U t yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Straight 54793 Bill Sparks 114 VI G Morrow 9SO100 54791 C Muller 109 2J T Shockley 315100 54884 Audrey K 107 3s D Hurn 250100 54791 Dragon Rk 114 4 J Duggan 235100 54878 N K Beal 114 53 L Mink 625100 54779 Brando 114 6 B Gibbons 1540100 2 inutuels paid Bill Sparks 2100 straight 970 place 380 show Camilla Muller 450 place 270 show Audrey K 270 show showTime Time 24 48 115 143 Track good goodAAinner AAinner T Lances br g 5 by Mint North Knid by Bowling Green trained by T Lance bred by Mr C B Campbell CampbellAVent AVent to post at 555 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AAon easily second and third driving