Third Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-23

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THIRD RACE 1 11G Miles 4yearolds and npward Claiming Oct 7 191G 143 25 3 122 ALEX JR ch c 4 104 104Trainer By Ballot Bronzewing by Stalwart Trainer K Pitt Owner A W Jackson 55113 Latonia 1 116 l47fast S 110 4 5 5 53 5 J Roberts S Exhorter Colonel Lit Dolph 55008 Latonia 1 18 l51fast 20 108 1 2 2 i 4 = 5 F Smith i Paris Maid Lothair Sea Prince Prince2s 54730 Latonia 1 116 153 mud 45 112 3 2 2 2s 2 H J Burke 5 Harlock NelleYorke DTokalon DTokalon4l 54656 Latonia 1 14 205 fast 17 113 4 1 1 Kalong2i 4l 5 H J Burke 8 PGKing HonoluluBoy Kalong 54481 Churchl 1 14 208slow 7 110 2 1 1 1 2i 22 H Lunsfd 4 HonoBoy FrOrient TVirginn 54306 Churchl 1 18 l53fast 20 114 4 4 3 1 4 22 G Fields 5 Kimpalong Lazy Lou Sam Beh 54235 Churchl 1 14 205fast 31 1091 1556 7 71S H King 7 MterBIll HluluBoy Simpleton 54181 Churchl 1 l39slow 26 106 5 4 4 4 4TONEY 5 5 L Canfield 5 Ethel Gray HEColeman Alula TONEY LADY b f 4 M 104 104Trainer By Black Toney Lady Colonist by Africander Trainer S C Cottrell Owner Stevens Sc 55004 Latonia 1 14 206fast 18 103 S 9 9 C 71 7 1 W Morseyll Nonskld British Liner Dolph 54920 Latonia 1 18 153 fast 37 1051 C 7 7 4 44i W Morsey 8 Repeater BritishLiner Nordeck 54656 Latonia 1 14 205 fast 66 94 8 S S KalongO2 8 820 E Anthony 8 PGKing HonoluluBoy Kalong 4515 Cnurchl 1 14 203fast 9L 104 2 7 6 O2 G1 E Anthony 9 Korbly FauxCol Wave 54310 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 35 110 12 12 12 11 102 718 W Lilley 12 FauxCol VBlosm WFlower 54244 Churchl 1 l40Mfast 5f 105 15 15 14 11 71 7 E Anthony 15 Radio Wishmaker BldBuddy 54001 Lexton 1 116 l51 l51hvy hvy 49 110 3 9 7 8 6s 6 J Francis 9 NWyatt TVirelnn TVirginn TSVlpid 33966 Lexton 1 116 l47fast 130 108 8 8 8 8 8MISS 8l 811 H J Burke 10 Colonel Lit Prospector Jetsam MISS PATTY b f 4 99 99Trainer By Robert Kay Martha Lee by Marta Santa Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thraves 54920 Latonia 1 18 153 fast 21 99 1 3 3 3 5 C l E Scobie 8 Repeater BritishLiner Nordeck 54448 Church 1 1 142 mud 21 102 2 C 6 6 55 410 E Scobie 7 WFloer Korbly WGMCllk 54348 Churchl 1 116 147 fast 23 112 1 1 1 2 4 4 1 T Murray 9 Grace MaryJaneBaker Romper 52970 Lexton 1 116 l49M mud 31 109 5 7 S 7 72 7 T Murray 8 Louie Lou Cantilever Poilu 53936 Lexton 1 l44hvy 10 110 5 5 5 5 6 6 T Murray 0 Link Boy Iwlniwin Hondo 17279 Churchl 1 116 l50mud 95 102 10 8 9 9 9l 9 F Wilson 10 JUastings OBthday PeggyO 17146 Churchl 1 116 l52mud 13 103 6 6 5 4 62 6 F Wilson 7 LMountjoy JHastings Convoy 16999 Lexton 34 l14fast 14 111 7 68 681 681TANLAC 10J 10 T Murray 12 EasfrFlor Ly inBlackMabelG inBlackMabelGTANLAC TANLAC b p 6 109 By Toddington Lemco by Duoat DuoatTrainer Trainer E C Crockett Owner 0 A Bryant 52358 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 50 112 9 10 10 10 10 10 A Collins 10 Claquer Warsaw Deckmate 50457 Lexton 1 116 l45fast 175 115 1 6 5 5 54 4 E Pool S Mazola Chief Brown Jellison 50385 Lcotn 1 116 l46fast 32 110 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 H Pool 7 SelmaG TexSpecial BuckNail 50303 Lexton 1 110 l46fast 165 110 4 5 4 3 21 2 E Pool 8 Capt Rees Trophy Buck Nail Nail4S425 4S425 Latonia 1 14 205 fast 37 113 4 4 4 5 6 6 W J OBn 5 Wave Cortland Frank W W4S220 4S220 Latonia 1 14 213 hvy 41 112 5 3 1 1 H in H Lunsfd 7 BuckNail SeaPrlnce Bombast 47660 Churchl 1 116 149 fast 48 113 4 7 7 7 6 671 H Ericksn 8 Jellison Corydon TheColnBaWH MANDARINS WiselyTrainer COAT ch g 6 109 By Santol Trousseau by LOTS Wisely Trainer M Loweristeih Owner M J Lowenstein 15119 Latonia 1 11G l4Gfast 153 110 7 4 6 8 1 714 G Stack High Gear Slab Dalmbiah II 55075 Latonia 1 14 206fast 79 10S 9 8 7 6 6s 62 G Stack 9 JCStonc Wave WwrthsLast 64923 Latonia 1 18 153 fast 29 110 788 6 6 51S G Stack 8 J C Stone Exhorter Mab 54714 Latonla 1 14 205fast S5 112 2 1 1 3 62 CB G Stack 7 Gourmand La Fondre Cap City B4266 Church 1 1 14 204fast 2G 111 S 8 i 7 G Stack 8 WvforthsLast Wave JUStone B4200 Churchl 1 14 207fast 8 110 5 5 4 4 5s 42J G Stack 0 T xasSpe FouritainF Simonite 64100 Churchl 1 14 205fast SO 113 6 6 5 S 6i 6 G Stack 10 NewelW WadssLast CReel HONDO blk g 7 104 By Plaudit Blue Jacket by Whistle Jacket JacketTrainer Trainer R Ferris Owner W Elite 54923 Latonia 118153 fast 41 104 2 4 G 7 7 ° 7 E Josiah 8 JCStone Exhorter Mab Mab54S42 54S42 Latonia 1 11G l55hvy 43 106 4 4 4 G 7 714 F Porretto 7 Tnlsa Rapid Stride Corson Corson54G83 54G83 Latonia I 11G l47fast 9S 113 2 2 2 10 12 125 W Andressl2 Repeater Corson Merchant MerchantE4310 E4310 Churchl ± 11G l46fast 19f 115 G 4 5 7 81 9 W AndresslS FansCol YBIosra WlFlowei 54141 Churchl 1143 hvy 21 108 7 7 8 8 I1 75 E Pollara 8 Jim Heffering Aph Simonite 54005 Lex ton 1 18 1 58Vshyy 5 111 1 1 1 3 4 7 W Andres 8 Bnlimah Cantilever NewelW 53979 Lexton 1 116 l50mud 11 112J 322 2 21 3 V Andtess 4 SanMap HvestKing JCStont JCStontPUEBLO PUEBLO ch g 4 107 By Eockton Oriika by Clifford CliffordTrainer Trainer J Phillips Owner W Birnie 5491S Latonia 34 l13fast 18 107 G G G G1 G5J J Francis 12 SwtLiby MFonso EycsofYtb 63S93 HdeGce 34 114 fast 95 115 9 56 7 9T J Butwell 15 LUMaudie BlackTop Rafferty 63672 HdeGce 61 f l09fast 6 106 5 2 2 2l 2 F CMtilettllS LibGirl LitMaudic OrmaUeed 63518 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 33 103 8 37 71 10 M SchwtzlO Approval Brisk Service Star 62567 FGnda 61 t 107 fast 135 109 4 21 1 J Heupel 13 LitJlaudie Circulate Vansylvl 61946 Jefson 34 l17hvy 6 105 8 72 7SJ H King 8 Lonely Lancelot Oaklawn Belle 61884 Jefson 61 f l07fast 31 1021 2 1 1 1 32 T Roberts 8 Ablaze Murray Royden OLD MISS b iri 7 104 104Owner By Hapsburg Lady Lexington by Hastings Owner T M Murphy 12243 Lexton 1 11G l4Gfast GO 110 422 3 9 913 H Thurber Lucky R Rookery Sasenta Sasenta40X4 40504 Latonia Im70y l4Ggood 13 112 G 1 1 1 l t 46i D Connelly 9 JWKrin ThisGreen Dbiahll IQ335 Latonia Im70y l44fast 1C 107 3 S 8 7 7McADOO G2 Gto J Ho ward 10 Thinker Hope Mab MabMcADOO McADOO br g 9 109 By Electioneer Natasha by St Maxim MaximTrainer Trainer J H Baker Owner J H Baker 54815 Latonia 1 11G l55hvy 7G 110 7 S 8 7 7S 71 L Canfield S LHughes Simpton DahabhII 54233 Churchl 1 116 l4GV fast 52 103 776 5 G2 62 G Fields 8 Tribune Blarney Stone Mchaiu 54183 Churchl 1 l40slow 54 115 788 7 7 71 W W Tlor 8 Guaranteed Harvest King Bond 63984 Lexton 1 l43niud 15 112 S 7 5 5 42 4s M Garner 8 Simonite LiiikBoy TawasentLa 63891 Lexton 1 116 l4Cgpod 16 112 76456 6 M Garner 8 Insp Hughes Bond Serbian 53784 Lexton 1 14 209hyy 11 108 655 7 S10 S T Jaryis 9 Corydon InspHhes WadsLast WadsLast6839FGnds 6839FGnds 114208 fast 12 103 11010 10 101 7 ° F Wdstk 12 Kohinoor YaplVank Berlin BerlinB2728 B2728 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 31 107 7 7 7 o 51 412 J Roberts 8 Bbannock Thderbird LhtWhw LhtWhwAMANDA AMANDA br f 4 M 104 By Dick Finneil Flaming Flamingo by Cesarion CesarionTrainer Trainer J R Alexander Owner J R Alexander 64709 Latonia 34 l S fast 99 108 9 77 51 4s J Kederis 12 G Swell Sw Liberty GFrance 54549 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 79 107 G 2 8 9 10 1024 R McDottlO Wkford Dr Rae GDaugherty 64448 Churchl 1 142 mud 6 107 733 3 4h 51S R McDott 7 WFloer Korbly WGMCltk 64264 Churchl 34 l13fast 15f 110 13 12 8 911271 R McDottlS Lady Rachel Troilus S iueelet 61152 Latonia 34 l13mud 15 108 7 79 81 810 H King 12 Jago MilltaryGirl SwpGlanc 61000 Latonia 1 116 l4G f ast 24 101 652 7 8l 818 J Roberts 9 Friz Harry B Simonite SimoniteMISS MISS NELL b f 4 104 By Dick Finneil Miss Thompson by Goldcrest GoldcrestTrainer Trainer D Hill Owner A Hill HillC4S09 C4S09 Latonia 34118 hvy 52 110 S 89 71 71 W Heinch 9 Ruby Dr Carmen Lancelot Lancelotfl59 fl59 Jefson 1 116 l48f ast 20 98 710 8 10 91 931 S Mitchell 13 Sentimental HkODay ColLit 62073 Jefson Im70y l50 ihvy 12 103 652 3 4h 3J E Pollard 9 KNeptiihe HigldLad SusanM 61967 Tofson 34 117 hvy 25 10212 6 7 8l 912 H GregorylS Ragazza Murray Anticipate 61740 Jefson Im70y 149 hvy 12 991 3 2 3 3 5s 5 G Babin 7 Ballybell Bombast Medusa 61649 Jefson 1142 fast 10 100 4 4 4 4 21 I3 J J Mriey 7 Willigan Verity Keen Jane 60689 Kwrth Im70y l46fast 36f 103 243 4 7 8 H ThurberlO Refugee Philistine Frank F JAZZ ch g 4 M 104 By Boots and Saddle Autoline by Autolight AutolightTrained Trained G P Mattingly Owner O P Mattingly 48115 I atonia 34 l13fast 81 110 7 G 9 8 = S11 H Gray 12 Cmoufiage Trooper LtPerkins LtPerkins4VG60 4VG60 Churchl 1116149 fast S2 104 7 G 6 6 71 S H Gray 8 Jellison Corydon TheColBawu 47211 Cfiurchl 34 l15good 103f 103 8 12 11 11s II13 H Gray 12 Converse Rafferty MilitaryGIrl 12 H Gray 12 Bcklaide AofTrmps TLogoa BY HECK b g 5 By Helmet Lady Languish by St Simon Trainer H Van Ry Owner H Van Ry 51093 Latonia 34 l14slow 1GO 112 5 9 II 11 11 = ° R Hartpn 12 DrCarmen GrnGrass Lancelot 54120 Churchl 1 116 l49mud 21 110 3 5 5 5 5s 520 C Tmpson 7 Llvely Repeater Adelia W 53970 Lexton 1 116 l49 mud 9 113 7 8 5 6 6 BIT C Tmpsoii 8 Louie Lou Cantilever Poilu 62354 FGnds 34 l13fast 15 11216 10 10 81 7 2 L Lyke 12 Ina Kay Rnow Girl CarlineS 62153 Jefson 34 l14fast 7 113 3 9 8 9 L Lyke 11 RnbowGirl Ina Kay Back Bay

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921062301_4_5
Library of Congress Record: