Fourth Race [4th Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-26

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FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Valcartier Claiming Handicap Handicapand yearolds and upward June ID 1911 111 113 SEWELL COMBS ch h 6 114 114Trainer By Tack Atkin Royal Captive by Golden Maxim Trainer J C Gallaher Owner Galloher Broi 54S39 Latonia 34 116 hvy 8 105 5 3 3 45 5 J Francis 7 Angon J HareJr Miss Jemima 54755 Latonia 34 l16mud 910 107 6 J5 4 43 33 J Francis 8 Hadrian Marvin May I Redmon 54712 Latonia 34 l10fast 9 106 4 4 4 4l 2s C Thpson 7 High Cost MinMan Da Darjeeling Darjeeling1s 54198 Churchl 34 l12fast 6 115 6 2 2 21 1s L Allen 12 HiUnJewel GGold C1I Cllntonvle 33888 Lexton 34 l13 eood 1 112 2 2 3 32 35 L Allen HiddenJewel Midway Midway5S782 CGrasa 5S782 Leiton 34 115 hvy 13 117 7 66 62 6 618 L Allen 10 ColumTenn Brkholt B BHomme 19715 Windsor 34 lllfast 3 109 6 3 3 3 4 A Collins 8 DrHickn Carmandale WMask WMask3l 19588 Windsor 34 lllfaat 1310 110 3 22 21 3l A Collins 4 Carmandale Estero Tic Ticklish 18953 Kwrth 34 113 fast J 114 4 65 41 51 A Collins S DrHman FHdley Ma MarHynea 18479 Latonia 34 112 fast 21 112 2 3 4 5 6 i F Wilson 5 Flags Linden Truly R Rural tDead beat beatULTRA ULTRA GOLD ch g 6 111 By Golden Maxim Ultimate by Goldfinch GoldfinchTrainer Trainer R A Smith Owner Sunnyland Stable 34 l13fast 13 102 2 4 4 2s 21 A Gantner 8 MotorCop MockOrange BJester 5S603 Bowie 51 f l07fast 3 115 4 45 4 5 42 31 L Morris 8 ArGoOn Sagamore TJsLassie 52497 Bowie 65 f l20fast 310 117 3 1 13 3 3l 551 Li Morris 9 Sagamore SmartGny LadsLove 52588 FGnds 34 l12Vifast 710 116 2 3 34 4 11 I1 L Morris 10 Crystal Ford Herald Kuklux 52498 FGnds 34 l12fast 135 112 6 4 43 3 2 31 L Morris 9 GeoStarr StIsidore PasSwain 52467 FGnds 34 l12fast 2i 108 5 4 42 2 22 21 L Morris 8 ColumTenn TdHonr MMan 52342 FGnds 34 l12fast 6 110 3 4 42 2 1 1s L Morris 13 TdHonr StIsidore Sagmore 52177 FGnds 34 l12fast 30 109 10 9 10 H1 II1 L Morris 12 ERickbher BProof CHshler 314B3 Bowie 61 f I22goodl910 119 2 2 21 1 2 I1 L Morris 8 Germa Nightstick Gilt Fringe FringeBy HIDDEN JEWEL b g 5 118 118Trainer By Disguise Rubia Granda by Greenan Trainer C Haughton Owner J Marino 55207 Hamton 34 l13fast 5i 108 1 2 2 4J oi J I Mney 8 MotorCop CltraGold M Orange 54198 Churchl 34 l12fast 9 110 2 11 11538SS Ih I J D Mneyl2 GGold Clintonville SCombs 538SS Lexton 34 l13good 6 109 1 11 11 1 J D Mney 6 Midway S Combs Green Grass 53820 Lexton 34 l12fast 11 112 3 11 4 5 i J J Mney 10 Clintonville Herald Gl France 32622 FGnds 51 f l06fast 85 109 2 11 11b2480 1 I1 J J Mney 12 Trusty The Nephew Port Light b2480 FGnds Im70y l44fast G 109 1 1 1 1 3h 6T1 J J Mney 7 Romany Tippo Snhtb FOrient 52415 FGnds 34 l12fast 125 113 2 22 21 2nk C Ponce 11 TgaLg MarieMaxim Meliora 52292 FGnda 34 l14fast 115 114 1 11 1 2 L Lyke 12 MarieMaxim JockScot Shilling 52115 Jefson 34 l14fast 31 122 1 22 22319S8 2l 2 ° L Lyke II Lt Perkins Murray Anticipate 319S8 Jefson 58 l01hvy 75 106 1 12 2 21 W Helnch 7 Talisman Rolo Bobby Allen 51326 Jefson 61 f l07fast 95 106 3 22 2 1 22 H King 10 Tab dHonneur Youneed Titl ADONIS ch c 3 100 100Trainer By Uncle Lady Hubbard by Yankee Trainer R Goose Owner J S Ward 54449 Churchl 1 l40mud 15 106 2 1 2 3 51 5 H J Burke 8 HEColeman BKean Advocate 54304 Churchl 78 l24fast 9 105 5 1 1 1 11 22 J Francis 14 MtheTime GrdSwell Youneed 5W12 Latonia 1 l41fast 37f 110 10 10 11 11 11 11s2 H J Burkel2 Bettina BroBatch BalWheel 50682 Latonia 34 l12fast 27f 108 4 34 4 91 912 H J Burke 12 Rangoon Coyne Brunswick 50613 Latonia 51 f l06fast 101 111 3 48 5 II2 11 H J Burke 12 BehaveYself Muskge CBaker CBakerBy FORT BLISS b g 6 116 116Trainer By Dick Welles Espero by Sir Dixon Trainer M Smith Owner T R Skinker Skinker550S3 550S3 Connht 34 114 fast 65 113 4 11 1 I2 I1 A Claver 10 Occasion Lads Love JsUmnm 54929 BBonts 1 l39fast 3910 1135 3112 2 2s 28 R Simpson 8 Vice Chairman Bolster BettyJ 54134 Pimlico 34 113 fast 19 100 478 8 5s 6J A Allen 8 Crank Panaman Carmandale 45296 Hamtn 1 116 l47fast 65 110 1 1 1 21 G R Simpson 8 Belario Exhorter King John 49206 Hamtn Im70y l45fast 1 112 4 1 1 2 22 2 R Simpson 6 KCmpion SmrtMoney CQone 49131 Hamtn 1 116 l4Sfast 12 115 2 1 1 1 11 I1 R Simpson 3 Hush King John 49054 Kwrth Im70y l45fast 5 110 1 1 1 1 1IS693 Il I1 R SimpsonU Stevenson lolite Belario IS693 FtErle Im70y l43fast 135 111 2 1 1 1 1 1 R Simpson 6 Exhorter LHamilton Kiltall 48562 FtErle 34 l12fast 4 110 2 12 2 I1 4 R Simpsoa 5 Westwood HisCholce MHynea MHyneaBy ABLAZE b f 4 102 102Trainer By Tony Bonero Abrasion by Bmito Trainer H Dots Owner H Oots 55122 Connht 34 l13fast 3910 108 204 4 42 2 L McDottlO FlaBKingSpirit JsIIn SocStar 54671 Thorncliffe 34 116 hvy 1710 101 1 L McDott 8 VWclles PhanFair TheTrumji 54564 Thorncliffe 34 115 hvy 75 104 31 L McDott 8 Anticipate PlianFair WCares 54491 Wdbine 34 l13goou 145 105 2 22 22530SS 2 3 33J L McDott G Manoevre Sagamore S Star 530SS Shport 5i f lllhvy 6 100 4 44 4 4JO 491 L McDott 5 TabdHonr Panaman RapDay 53051 Shport 5i f l16hvy 35 98 2 11 1 1s 1s L McDott 5 Ettahe Anticipate Lit Maudie 52978 Shport 5i f l16hvy 1110 HO 5 21 2 1 I1 1s L McDott 5 Resist Ettahe Shilling 32711 FGnds 3i l14mud 115 108 3 43 4 3 21 21 G Stack 9 Holo Jago Harvest King 52641 FGnds 6i f 106 fast 12 106 6 66 6 6 4l 3 i G Stack 6 Apple Jack II Meliora Tenlte 52568 FGnds 34 l12fast b 108 8 44 44C2396 4 4 61 6 i G Stack 12 Meliora FredtheGt TNepuew C2396 FGnds 1 141 fast S 99 5 3 2 1 in 2 L McDott 5 TMaid MRankin Dane Spray 52096 Jefson 34 114 slow 6 109 8 7 76 6 62 4 i G Stack 10 Trooper Port Light Title 31884 Jefson E f 1 07f ast 95 113 3 2 22 2 2 J I2 G Stack 8 Murray Pueblo Royden 51797 Jefson 61 f l08mud 115 106 7 44 444 3i G Stack 8 Talisman Lancelot Jock Scot 51594 Jefferson 6S f l10Mhvy 1110 111 3 3 33 3 3l 1 G Stack 8 HiddenShip LLanelL MlJIan 31322 Churchl 34 l13fast 12 106 7 7 6 7 7 G Stack 8 Ruby CotBlossom Brig of War 3173 Latonia 34 l15mud 10 105 7 66 6 6 61 6i G Stack 10 Mar May GlpQueen LLuxury LLuxuryBy FURBELOW b f 4 105 By Peter Pan Frillery by Broomstick BroomstickTrainer Trainer A V Thomas Owner Nugent Bros 54894 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 11 104 6 6 6 8 8 8 J Francis 8 MarJorieHynes Jouett MintCat 54415 Churchl 78 l26mud 3710 107 5 5 4 4 2 2l J Francis 9 Dodge Clintonville By Golly 54268 Churchl 1 l3Gfast 30 103 2 4 2 2 32 3 J L Penman 5 Sands ofPlsure Flags Bholt 53343 Havana 34 l12fast 85 112 6 66 61 61 B Kenndy C MHouse BofEltown Sirocco 53302 Havana 61 f l06fast 21 113 B 565 6 J J Francis 5 BofEltown DifEyes Am Ace 53241 Havana 34 113 fast 114 3 3 2 2 21 L Penman 4 Riverside Tacola Guaranteed 3200 Havana 61 f l06fast 85 112 4 33 3l 13 J Francis 6 DifEyes Sirocco Mayor House 33138 Havana 34 113 fast 21 112 5 33 21 2J J Francis 5 LastOne DifferentEyes Sirocco 52895 Havana 34 l12fast 2 111 6 5 3 3 1 B Kenndye nQaJ pooSsQ zauiooKTO 8 KASHMIR ch h G 108 By Delhi Gingham by Domino DominoTrainer Trainer C Buxton Owner R Firaeno 63629 Tijuana 1 12 233 fast 26 114 233 5 S 8 M Buxton 9 Louis Sailor Wynnewood WynnewoodK209 K209 Tijuana 1 lS9 fsst 175113 556 6 62 431 M Buxton 8 Bob Baker Liola Veteran 63045 Tijuana 1 116 147 hvy 7 113 8 4 4 9 11 U2 M Buxton 13 Edwina PPennant TSNPass 61203 Empire 1 l42mud 1710 120 1 1 1 1 I2 2 E Sande 3 Sweet Music Coaler 61108 Empire 1 116 l47fast S 110 1 1 1 1 If 4 1 M Buxton 4 Recount TMcTagt BDancII 50898 Jamaica 1 116 l46fast 7 102 3 6 6 6 6 G C Ponce 6 Veto Thunderstorm Tailor Maid PASTORAL SWAIN b h 5 By Colin Elegance by Onn Trainer G C Winfrey Owner G C Winfrey 5710 HdeGe 1116145 fast S 108 5 6 5 51 ii G Babin 8 Star Realm Felope KingJolm 53651 HdeGe 1 116 l47fast 185 117 2 5 G 42 C J J Butwell 8 Star Realm Madge F Roisterer 52GOO Bowie ImOy 147 fast 3110 113 433 3 21 31 G Babin 8 Tantalus Penelope Frogtown 5349S Bowie 1143 fast 145110 111 2 2 24 2 J Heupel Heupel62CG3 C Tantalus Escarpolette Fizer 62CG3 FGnds 1 11G l45fast 10 104 C G C G C G Ge G Babin 0 CaptMac CrystalFd GenHalg C2f70 FGnds Im70y 144 fast 85 105 5 3 3 3 31 1 A Collins r Tantalus Uesthoff Sngamore L2540 FGrnds ImTOy l43fast 8 106 3 4 4 4 32J A Collins C StIsidore Warsaw TippoSahlb C249S FGnds 34 l12yfast 20 HS S 885 4i T Rowan 9 JpoStarr StIsiilore UltraGold GREENLAND ch g 3 By Broomstick Hansa by Hamburg Trainer S A Clopton Owner H P Whitney 4P145 Sartoga 61 f l03 fast 12 113 5 3 3 71 711 S S4SK99 E Ambrsell Moody Pluribus Registrar 4SK99 Katonia 51 f fl7fast 7r 115 2 11 1 I6 li li4S215 lfc L Lyke 11 McGoodwin AHRSir SrgtYork 4S215 Latonia 51 f l10hvy 910 112 5 222 2 2 3s L Lyke 12 GoldDigger SirTKean Petrch 48009 Latonia 5S I OUfast 5 1111 4 2 21 2J47G01 2J J Rodgez 6 Brunswick Easteside Hunzaf 47G01 Churchl 41 f 54fast 3 115 4 3 21 2 D Connllyl2 Reprisal PaganPan CourtView 47337 Churchl 41 f GGKhvy 6 108 1 4 4 41 41LADY 414 C Robson 8 UiiVelo BenVIet SmkeScreen SmkeScreenBy LADY MEARE ch f 4 M 102 By ByTrainer Ulster King Mana Trainer W H Bringloe Owner Seagram Stable First sUirt

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Local Identifier: drf1921062601_6_6
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