Fifth Race [5th Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-29

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FIFTH It VCE l aiile Uyearoltls aiirt upivard Claiming June a 1 1 I II G 4 1 1 7 ALEXANDER EsherTrainer HAMILTON bi c 3 112 By Sweep Sweet Clover by Esher Trainer Wi Garth Owner W Garth 54544 Belmont 34 st lOSfast 12 107 6 77 7i S1 A SchugrlO Gladiator SMislk MadHattcr 34372 Jamaica 34 l13fast 4 9SJ13 411 1 J T Jarvis 14 Jock Scot Carline S Shandoh ShandohTHEODOSIA THEODOSIA b f 3 M 96 By Theb Cook Slim PriiJcess by Ssmwronlus Trainer SsmwronlusTrainer J J Flacigan Owner D A Cohn 55143 Afjuuct Gl f l21fast 8 98 7 7 7 4J 4 E Kummerlo Mamlalay Orcus Pibroch 55067 Aqduct 78127 fast 4 98 3 2 3 4 43 31 T Burns 7 Winconno GlUus Perigourdlne 54S20 Perigourdlne54S20 Belmont 1 l39fast 12 100 8 7 5 5 3 3i M Swart 10 Houyhnhhm CurEvents Allliro 54722 Beimont 61 f l19 fast 5 9411 S G 41 41 E Kummerl7 CarlineS Perjgrdine Tnabout 54507 Belmt 34 MC l13fast 12 92 6 55 3J 31 E Kummer 9 HoldDp JockScot LeadlucStar 54152 Pimlico 34llGslop Sj 103 3 5 5 4 4 T Rice 13 Actress Phelion WofOotomn 53856 HdeGca 34 l14fast 135100 4 3 2 2 21 A Allen 15 Citizen vvwvv u u w 0 uv v y Ai 4 ow vjtiiiuu xii HighValue ii v Uluc JkluKUvOUa Rinkavons1 53693 HdeGco 6J f l07fast 50 111 1 9 7 8l 6 1 T Rice 1C Baywood Registrar PPandor REP b c 3 M 106 By Pioton Enchantress II by Collar Trainer CollarTrainer L F Marshall Owner G A Marshall 55269 Aqduct 1 l38fast 10 110 111 1 3s 3 C Turner 7 Court View Sportiboy Two Frs 551UG Frs551UG Aqduct 6J f Il8fast 8 110 S 332 4A C Turner 14 LKclair Rhinestone Killala 54943 Belmont 1 l40fast 7 115 2 3 3 3 3 2J A Collins i Devastation Dyslct OtKvets 54SDO OtKvets54SDO Belmont 1 l38fast 10 115 111 1 3 4 1 A Collins 7 TopSergt CtView TwoFeafrs 5461S TwoFeafrs5461S Belmont 34 l12fstst 6 113 4 7 9 103 9 i A Collins 20 Invincible Phoenix Polar 54573 Belmont 34 l12fast 20 115 4 44 5 4J A ColUns 17 Mainmast Esquire GoldenFIint 54150 Jamaica 34 114 fast 8 106 2 423 = 45i A Collins n Ar Mnrlm K i jr nr nrlt lt FRANK FOGARTY br g 3 By Wrack Irish Wit by Celt Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Quincy Stable 53107 Aqduct 1 IMOJofast 10 103 211 1 1 1 J Mooney 10 Sraarty LEclair Jlarjoii JI 54C48 Aqduct 1 140 J4f pat 10 105 2 111 1 1 J Mooney 10 Smarty liEtJulr Mar tmM 54648 Belmont 34 l12ifast 6 1C S 1 13 14 14 J Mooney 20 Invincible Phoenix IolaV 54573 Belmont 34 l12fast 20 115 S 56 61 S l J Mooney 17 Mainmast Esquire GolduuEHnt 64280 Jamaica 34 l13fast 25 115 7 5 6 6s 6 2 J Mooney 10 Dunsundel Golden Flint 0 View 54150 Jamaica 34114 fast 30 106 S 67 7 7 J Mooney 9 MMnrine BeachStar Messinei ROYALLIEU b h i 117r By Tho Manager Kings Daughter by Ornamont Trainer OrnamontTrainer J H McAvoy Owner T Monahan MonahanSMCG SMCG AijMnet ll37 fast rO JOS 3 2 t G C R J lley 7 CAUwk HobBaUer fiui W McCacitiiiVAMIS law Wlaw Belmont 1 l37fust iO Ids fi G 5 i G D Hopkins ti MaJorParl Veto T McCacitiiiV AMIS Belmont 1 l37alow 15 117 G 7 fi n 7 7 K Keogh 7 C itAUotk SMusic LaJlible 49712 Sartoga 1 l3Gi fast 20 117 2 4 4 1 4 = 4 J Jtodsuez ti VolIfaml UaKauUe L IJrwvck 49091 imarais4SOW Empire 1 140 fast 2 113 S G 7 B 5 4 C Borel KsAlburt SwtMuaic imarais 4SOW Jamaica 1 11G 147 fast 115 107 G 7 7 7 4 2 = L Ensor 11 DebaUou VoungAdam Armenus menus 47881 Belmont 1 l40fast 41 120 3 7 7 7 G 2 C Turner 7 Carnarvon TheWgoner Feodor 47384 Jamaica IroTOy rWslast 15 1H S 4 4 Z 2 2 c Turner 0 BlueLaaaie Feodor Amsoldiw NOHANT oh c 3 112 112Trainer By Rockton Consuelo II by Brad war diue Trainer T O Webber Owner T O OE5146 Webber E5146 A iduct 1 l39fast 8 104 4 4 6 6 6s 4s F CMtllettl 7 MAntoinette AmBoy Phalaris 65000 Belmont 34 st l14fast 20 126 4 4B4SS5 6 6 4J L Ensor 11 Polar Hold Up Turnabout B4SS5 Belmont 78 l25fast 20 102 9 10 10 9 92 7i A GallaherlO MajPke Perigourdine GlyGus 4702 Belmont 1 138 fast 10 111 S S 8 8B4340 7 7 7 J Callahan 8 Fantoche Devastation Natural B4340 Jamaica 34 l14pood 0 P6 10 10 10 10 8TJ E Josiah 10 Messines Halu Sea Cove 64169 Jamaica Im70y l46mud 10 107 1 3 2 4 6J o10 J Callahan 7 SammyKelly AmerBoy Sileucc 64105 Jamaica 34 l14ifast 6 105 8 6 6 6 in J Callahan 15 Invincible SisterFlo Turnabout 64027 Jamaica 61 f l07good 0 103 11 11 11 11 lllt J Callahanll LastStraw CareFree Cimarron MANDALAY ch g 4 117 117Trainer By Marathon Foxy Mary by St Lawrence n Trainer R Colston Owner E Arlington on 65143 Aqduct 61 f l21fast 7 113 2 2 3 2 1 T Rice 15 Orcus Pibroch Theodosia 64885 Belmont 78 l25fast 20 111 10 9 5 5 6l 53J C Ponce 10 MajPke Perigourdine GlyGus 64722 Belmont 61 f l19fast 7 114 4 7 7 8 6 i J D Mneyl7 CarlineS Perigrdine Tnuhout 64612 Belmont 1 l39fast 20 112 9 6 3 2 4 34i C Ponce 12 Leading Star Omer K Galiot 64227 Jamaica Im70y l44fast 35 109 4 1 1 1 2J 371 F Cltilettl 7 WMachine LLillian Chleugei 64166 Jamaica 1 116 150 mud 20 114 3 1 1 1C4105 1 2 2T C Ponce 6 Eliuendorf Chevalier Streamei C4105 Jamaica 34 l14fast 40 105 15 11 11 lll 123 C Ponce 15 Nohant Invincible Sister Flo 63633 Bowie 61 f I21fa8t 65 108 8 6 6l 710 H Gregory 8 DbleVan Amackassln Tdstool TdstoolBy GALIOT b f 3 107 107Trainer By Bryn Mawr Elizabeth B by Pirate of Penzaaoe Trainer J H McDonald Owner 3 H H652C6 McDonald 652C6 ArjMuct 6i f l20fast 12 10C10 C C6MKW 10 102 10 5 C Ponce 12 Miss Petite Tyntee Actress 6MKW Belmont 34 st l14fast 8 107 S 8 82 811 G Yeargin 11 Polar Hold Up Turnabout 64726 Belmont 1 138 fast 15 97 3 3 4 3 4 44 G Yeargin 7 Jock Scot Mr Brummel Mr X 64012 Belmont 1 l39fast 7 S8 4 3 6 6 E1 4 B Mariellll2 LeadingStar OmerK Mandalaj 64117 Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 6 95 3 7 8 7 C1 B8 I Gordon 8 PnFeu Padua Hello Purduer 64012 Pimlico 34 118 slop 6 102 6 6 6S3546 6 31 43 A Allen 7 SIsEmblein Explosive Medusa S3546 Bowie 78 l2S ood 7 102 3 7 0 6 63 Zi A Allen 8 GAgmte Chevalr MornFace E3313 Bowie 78 l28fast 7 104112 12 8 7 74 53 C Ponce 12 Moroni Lloyd George Dr Jim AIDA McGEE b f 3 107 By McOee Ida Harrison by Ingoldsby IngoldsbyTrainer Trainer W M Wallace Owner Xalapa Farm Stable 5163 Aqduct 7S l25fast 15 90 8 8 7 S S S J Callahan 8 Wellfder TFcathers MPetite 64702 Belmont 1 138 fast 15 108 1 1 5 8 8 8 C Robson S Fantoche Devastation Natural 61478 Bowie 61 f 124 slow 6 109 1 7 8 8 814 C Robson 9 Due deMorny Sobrigude DollyO DollyOB1211 B1211 Empire Si f l09mud 720 112 1 11 I4 I1 C Robson 3 Lady Algy Sparkling SparklingB1151 B1151 Empire 51 f 107 fast 12 112 3 6 5 41 S C Robson 6 TBiitns GiltFnge Rhlnestonf RhlnestonfDOROTHYS DOROTHYS PET b f 4 M 108 By Dalhousie Rosebay by Hindoo HindooTrainer Trainer J Edwards Owner J Stetzer StetzerE5107 E5107 Aqduct 1 l40fast 8 1011 645 6 63 6 F Wiener 10 FrankFogarty Smnrty LEelair LEelairE4943 E4943 Belmont 1 l40fast 40 100 3 1 1 2 21 33J F Weiner 0 Devastation Rep CurrentEvnts CurrentEvntsB4722 B4722 Belmont 61 f l19fast 100 109 15 16 15 13l 13 F Weiner 17 CarlineS Perigrdine Tnabout TnaboutE4648 E4648 Belmont 34 l12fast 50 10011S 19 14 133 13IB M Harson20 Invincible Phoenix Polar PolarB1BS5 B1BS5 Bowie Im70y 150 hvy B9 107 11 11 4 7 71 S F Hunt 14 Nebulous Pansy Flypaper 61444 Bowie Im70y 149 fast 89 103 8 9 9 7 7s B14 F Hunt 10 Favour Kingling II May W 61452 Bowie Im70y 153 hvy 38 98 2 3 3 2 6 620 F Weiner 6 Columbine MisPolly SEmblem 61429 Bowie 61 f l22fast Bf 104 8 6 6 6k 6l ° F Weiner 15 TPortuguese MayW Amackn AmacknOCEAN OCEAN SWELL b f 3 107 By Sea Sick Laelia by Gallinule 632C6 Aqduct 61 f l20V fast 13 3 107 11 11 9 91 812 G W Crolll2 Miss Petite Jyntee Actress 64226 Jamaica 34 l13fast 30 10 lit 2 5 56 6 62 6 L Fator 12 Last Straw Cimarron M Ballet 63919 Lexton 1 116 151 mud 3 1 98 4 6 4 5 6b 6 J McCoy 8 Aph Wild Flower Tawusenthit 62745 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 10 0 102 6 56 EH 4 1 J J Mney 7 Doric Wedgwood Julia N 62520 FGnds 1 141 fast 8 104 7 2 1 3 21 8 1 J J Mney 9 Pimlico MasJack TForgner 62478 FGnds 34 l13fast 10 0 111 8 66 4l 41 M Buxton 11 Day Lilly Rancocas Rolo 62341 FGnds 61 t l07fast 12 2 108 11 9 96 96NATALIE 6 El 631 M Buxton 13 Rancocas Day Lilly Rolo NATALIE br f 3 M 101 101Trainer By Huron Lady Joy by Nasturtium NasturtiumW Trainer W Poth Owner W Poth PothIf 50333 Lexton 51 f lOSfast 8f If 106111 10 12 12 12 W Helnchl2 Bit of Green Tawasentha Plato 49831 B Grass 12 47fast 7 112 48 C VanDun 5 Sure Mary G Rasola 49759 BGrass 12 48slow 11 1 114 8 J Morys 8 FairFIorin NickLondon MaryG 48568 Devre 58 l02fast 4 1 111 Fell D Stirling 7 Sandalwood Capon High Wave 47811 Thncliffe 12 50 fast 35 i5 103 2 1 C Dishmon 7 BlarStone MyrtleMoore Eniled 47534 Wdblne 58 l02fast 21 1 105 4 4 44 44NANCY 4 4 4 C Dishmon 4 Bees Nest Mackeluaine Wuuc NANCY b f 3 M 101 101Trainer By Uncle St Ursula by St Leonards Leonardser Trainer J E Nash Owner er J E Nash NashE519C E519C Aqduct 61 f l18fasi 30 a 103 11 8 87 7 8s 819 C Ponce 14 LEclair Rhinestone Killala 55072 Aqduct 1 143 fast 20 0 115 7 3 5 3 3SISTER 34 2 A Collins 9 Vivian Sagacity Daffadndilly SISTER FLO br f 3 107 107Trainer By Ogden Traditional by Watercress Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Quincy S Stable 65233 Aqduct 34 114 fast 7 122 4 86 6s 68 J Mooney 10 ChThy Mavn ValleyoftheMn 64444 Jamaica 34 1 14slow 7 109 4 66 66642CO B1 5J3 J Mooney d Beckna TButtons MerMarlne MerMarlnei6 642CO Jamaica Im70y l44fast 66 i6 103 7 7 6 4 B8 5 J Mooney 8 Ivernian Sedgefield DioinedeB 64170 Jamaica 34 l14mud 3 107 3 2 1 I4 J Mooney 11 Diomedes Dunsandel Occasion 54105 Jamaica 34 l14fast 10 6 105 5 7 78 8 71 3 J Mooney 15 Nohant Invincible Turnabout Turnaboutfl 49565 Sartoca 68 59good 40 fl 109 5 76 76BLODWIN 6i 7 J Mooney 8 GosAvenue MMitfflns Tidinci BLODWIN b m 7 M 106 By Charles Edward Militona by Superman Trainer E D Purcell Owner C B Hendrickson B4338 Jamaica 34 l14good CO 100 4 7 7 712 7 J Zoeller 8 RegalLodge LibGirl OmerK 51230 Empire 1 l45hyy 10 106 4 44 3 J Mooney 4 LEujoleur Chimero Cherubino 51170 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 100 10712 11 11 11s 11 W Obert 12 MarsMouse Pof Como Chimera E10S7 Empire Ab 34 lllVffast 50 110 14 13 15 14 131S F Weiner 15 LibertyGirl BonTromp Chimera 43202 Empire Ab 34 lllslow 100 11315 15 15 15 15 T Thorrtnl5 Vancouver Sam Kelly Jeweler 29823 Laurel 51 f 109 good2177100 111 7 9 8 82 812 H Cnapp1110 Supernal CherRipe BrightStar DOMINGO b g 3 M 101 By Marathon Edna Shannon by Onondaga Trainer W H Fizer Owner W Farnum 54150 Jamaica 34 114 fast 100 106 9 6 619 G Babln 9 MMarine BeachStar Messines E3604 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 88 112 6 510 410 j Conley 6 Vulcanize Gurg Water Nohant E3496 Bowie 34 114 fast 74 116 1 910 929 j Conley 10 Wellfder Bwood Gurg Water 62444 FGnds 34 114 fast IB 114 8 9l 7 J Conley 11 Cut Up Vulcanize Plato GIPSY LAD b g 3 118 118Trainer By Garry Herrmann Gipsy Hill by Avington Trainer J Carroll Owner M F Foley 54109 Jamaica Jm70y l45fast 6 10 4 7 C C 6 C10 L Ensor 7 DCarroll GlmyGus Elmendorf 54031 Jamaica Im70y 145 good 5 107 7 7 7 7 5l 5T B Kenndy 8 Lads Tx ve StarKealm SKelly 63945 HdeGce 1 l43mud 21 98 6 6 0 E 51045 H Gregory 0 Natural MasterJack Kirkvton 60673 Laurel 34 114 fast 15 111 6 7 fiuk c E Haynes 7 Transient LStorm PollyAnu 49930 Belmnt 78MC l2Gfast 75 112 1 3 C 21 2i L Ensor 3 Fauinis Silence 49179 Saratoga 51 f Irteiifast 10 112 7 7 7 7 T Rice 7 Guvnor Chevalier Baywood GRANNY LEE br f 3 M 106 By Granite Polly Lee by Marta Santa JTlrat start

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921062901_5_3
Library of Congress Record: