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FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlong 2yearolds Allowances June 7 7inin inin t fK oit DREAM OF ALLAH ch f 2 112 By Colin Garden of Allah by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean 54950 HRogers54G58 Latonia 58 59fast 85 112 3 11 I2 I2 J Butwell 9 MFallon Ompotent HRogers 54G58 Latonia 58 59fast 5 111 S 4 3 32 321 J Butwell 8 Fair Phantom Miss Joy Startle 54517 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 10 112 4 8 7B 4 1 J Butwell 8 Fair Phantom Miss Joy Aloft 54114 Pimlico 41 f 539sfast 65 115 4 44 31 3J1 J Butwell 6 LBtimore S Thghts BRascal BRascal539S8 539S8 Pimlico 12 49 slow 1 1131 3 1 1 1B J Butwell 10 ExcuseMe Unctainty RosaLee RosaLeeBOBBED BOBBED HAIR b f 2 112 By Helmet Miss Ringlets by Handball Trainer H J Thompson Owner E H Bradley 55003 PrecLula54S41 Latonia 58 l00fast 2710 115 4 52 I1 I3 L Lyke 11 MWinsor Inquisitn PrecLula 54S41 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 3910 115 a 5 o2 5s L Lyke 7 Red Leaf Santa Clara BirditO 54548 Churchl 41 f 54fast 11 112 2 5 42 3 1 C Thpson 10 Pr Welles CherTree LitPolly 54412 Churchl 4i f 55mud 14 113 1 3 4s 3 L Lyke 7 Aloft LadyMother Bright Leaf 54309 Churchl 41 f 52fast 14 110 1 66 6 C Thpson 5 Miss Joy C dAmour N Nisba NisbaWAYWARD WAYWARD DizonTrainer LADY b f 2 112 By Black Toney Wayward Lass by Sir Dizon Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt 55237 Lttonia 58 l02hvy 15 112 1 12 2J 34i M Garner 7 BirdieG Red Leaf CdAtnour CdAtnourD5118 D5118 Latonia 58 l00fast 35 115 2 11 1 Il M Garner 8 Mom Birdie G Brass Tacks 55022 Latonia 58 lCOfast 2 111 3 22 1S I3 L Lyke 8 Mom MissCrstwood F Weather WeatherJAMES JAMES lissakTrainer B BROWN br c 2 115 By Master Robert Marbles by lissak Trainer R C Frakcs Ownor Kohn Theisen Theisenr5169 r5169 Latonia 58 lOOJsfast 2 113 1 2 2 I1 I2 W Lilley 12 BkrBrown SPrince Salnmdfir 55027 Tamper54S92 Latonia 5S 101 fast 19 115 3 12 21 Z3 W Lilley 12 Bet Mosie Billy Star Tamper 54S92 Latonia 58 l01fast 17 112 6 23 4i 4s W Lilley 12 Hutchison LcharesII Vitamin 53321 Lexton 12 48 fast 55 J12 7 7 C 7 A Allen 10 Rekab ComMcMeekin Topmt TopmtYOSHIMI YOSHIMI GoldcrestTrainer b c 2 115 By Ballot Gold lady by Goldcrest Bradley54S10 Trainer A Baker Owner T C Bradley 54S10 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 9 115 C 4 2s I2 B Pool 12 Leochares II Dad Autocrat 54548 Churchl 41 f 54fast 6 115 9 8 7l 7 = 3 E Pool 10 Pr Welles CherTree BobHalr 54305 Churchl 41 f 53fast 27 115 4 5 61 4 L AllenLLEWELLYN Allen 8 Bemceful Demos GmanJett GmanJettLLEWELLYN LLEWELLYN b c 2 115 By Luke Mel MelTrainer McLuke Agnes Virginia by Sir Dixon Trainer G H Keene Owner J 0 G H Kecno 55274 Latonia 51 f 107 fast 38 lor 7 C C C C5 51 S Wirta 8 Santa Clara Bonus Washington 55199 Latonia 58 l02 l02shvy shvy 2710 115 a 4 4 4 4 410 T Nolan 8 Qu Garden Adventure BllStar 53982 Lexton 12 48mud 6 122 4 4 4 3 N Barr Barrett 4 Rekab Casey Lord Allen 53874 Lexton 12 50 hvy 41 110 4 4 li in K Barr Barrett 5 Better Still Sweepy Stamp 53787 Lexton 12 48slow 15 109 10 84 8IB N Barr BarrLINA Barrett 12 LordAllen Gentility PepperTe LINA CLARK b f 2 112 By Delhi I ITrainer Prism by Trap Rock Trainer T L Pierce Owner J W Bailey 54708 Latonia 58 l00fast 29 108 2 4 4 4 4 H Kins Miss Joy MarFallon Eq Rights 54G5S Latonia 58 59fast 75 111 2 888 8 i F Smith 8 FrPhtom MissJoy DrofAUah 004 Lexton 41 f 57hvy 2110 113 4 3 32 22 D Connlly G Martha Fallen Mom Caunzel 876 Lexton 12 49hvy 2110 109 2 1 1 1 F Smith Cnuuzel Nig Alameda Girl GirlOLORED OLORED BOY br c 2 115 By Black Toney Melton Mowbray by Melton MeltonTrainer Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thraves 007 Latonia 58 l00fast 7 109 5 2 2 CJ GJ E Scobie S Bernlce K Red Leaf WmOldt 837 Latonia 58 105 hvy 13 112 4 444 4 H Lunsf cl 4 Miss Joy Casey Banker Brown 655 Latonia 41 f 54fast 51 115 3 1 1 I2 T Murray 10 Lcharis II DSinker lJouett 548 Churchl 41 f 54fast 26 113 4 3 El G32 T Murray 10 Pr Welles CherTree BobHalr 347 Churchl 41 f E4fast 8 112 1 5 7 7 i T Murray 7 Randel Hermoden BulButtona BulButtonaDVENTURE DVENTURE b c 2 115 By Jack Atkin Bessie Simpson by Deceiver Trainer R G Denny Owner R G Denny 55199 Latonia 58 l02hvy 25 11G 3 2 2 2 2 G Fields 8 QuInGardcn BilStar Llewlyn 54552 Churchl 41 f 53fast 74 112 8 G 7i 7 J Kederis 8 Rockminister Aloft Rekab 54381 Churchl 41 f SS fast 45 1151 3 6 6 6 G W W Tlor G Rkminister Brdbane LAllen 54245 Churchl 12 46fast 18 113 3 3 3l 3 W W Tlor 4 Miss Joy Rekab Tamper 54142 Churchl 41 f 55hvy 6 122 5 4 5 6 W W Tlor 5 Casey Rekab Braedalbane 54102 Churchl 12 46fast 9 115 1 3 3 3 W W Tlor 5 Casey LdAllen Boy fromHome 2832 FGnds 38 35fast 115 120 3 11 3t E Pool 11 JDundee E White MyldBelle 52783 FGnds 3S 35 fast 3 113 2 1 1First 1 E Pool 9 Mawrcoron Gentility DVarden First start for the following followingQUALITY QUALITY t f 2 M 105 By The Manager Little Daughter by Ogden OgdenBy Trainer S Chenault Owner T C McDowell McDowellPAMLY PAMLY b f 2 M 105 By Horron Palms by Himyar HimyarBy Owner J Dorsey DorseyLIEUT LIEUT COLONEL b 8T 2 M 108 By Light Brigade Yolanda by St Florian Trainer J C Milam Owner Montfort Jones