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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS Seldom does a rider in the course of a weeks racing meet with the success that crowned jockey L. Lykes efforts last week. His score for that period was eleven winners. Earl Sande, the star of the eastern brigade, continued his onward rush to the top and added eight more to his fast-climbing total. He is now in fifth position aud, despite the big lead of the stars of the winter racing, is rapidly overhauling them. In that true index of a riders ability, the percentage column. Sande surpasses them all with the exceptionally high mark of 35 per cent. The records of the thirty leaders, from January 1 to and including the races of Saturday last, are as follows: I Jockev. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C.L.W. Marinelli. B. . . .104 90 75 05 108 .21 1 Taylor, K 513 82 0t 02 305 .10 3 Icnman, L 393 07 00 55 211 .17 1 Lancaster, K. ...471 04 57 72 278 .14 1 Sande, E 155 54 30 29 42 .35 8 Fields, G 281 53 38 41 149 .19 4 Pool. E 245 52 -13 49 101 .21 0 Garner, M 281 51 45 47 138 .18 5 Francis, J 403 48 02 58 295 .10 1 Powell, I. 311 48 49 43 201 -.14 1 Kelsay, W 288 48 45 49 140 .17 1 Lvke, L ..188 48 33 24 S3 .20 11 Wilson, F. ......222 47 31 42 102 .21 0 Coltiletti, F 200 43 50 27 110 .17 0 Thurber, H 203 42 31 25 105 .21 2 Kennedy, B 211 40 28 40 103 .19 0 Ilinphy, W 221 39 27 27 128 .18 4 Pickens. A. 207 38 34 35 100 .18 0 Moonev, J. D 273 37 35 30 105 .14 2 Yeargin. G 274 35 40 34 105 .13 0 MeDcrmott, L. ..219 34 34 34 120 .10 0 Josiah, E 234 34 31 23 140 .15 2 Kummer. C 117 33 20 15 49 .20 5 But well. J 151 32 37 25 57 .21 2 Majestic, J 151 32 18 15 80 .21 2 Fa lor, E. 208 29 32 30 117 .14 2 Keogh, F 119 29 28 13 49 .24 4 Slaughter, M. ...170 29 27 21 99 .10 0 Hum,. D. 228 29 27 10 150 .13 0 Martinez, P 34 4 28 39 40 231 :08 0