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! EMPIRE CITY FORM CHART YONKERS. N. Y., MONDAY, JULY 11, 1921. Empire City 1 mile. Second day. Empire City Racing Association. Summer Meeting of 19 days. Weather clear; temperature 90". Steward to Represent Jockey Club. A. II. Morris. Stewards of Meeting. F. J. Bryan and AV. S. Aos- burgh. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Cornehlsen. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretarv, A. E. Schaum- burg. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. Rr CTRTQy FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. July 22, 1918 1:05 2 119. Arcadia Purse. Purse jJJy a 1,000. 2-year-olds.- Selling, Net value to winner 700; second, 200; third, 100. Index Horses AAYtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 55204-LADY DELHI w 102 5 1 lh 11 jij ji p cltilettiD Gideon 8-5 2 8-5 1-2 1-5 554G4 TIMBREL wr. 105 1 3 0 4 3J 21 I, Fator Rancocas Stable 8-5 13-513-54-5 1-3 55228 MARSDALE wn 113 C 5 41 2A 21?. 3 F Keogh B AAilliams 4 4 13-34-5 1-3 55.145 REPARATION w 113 2 4 3i 0 5 4-1 AV Kelsay Allies Stable 8 15 15 5 55322 RADICAL w 10S 3 2 sk 5 6 5 C RobonL T Bauer 25 20 20 7 3 5450SRED TOM n 102 4 5 2J 3 4i C R Turner A Daniel 20 "0 20 8 4 Time, 23, 48, 1:01, 1:07. Track good. Winner B. f, by Delhi Lady Teresa, by Star Shoot trained by S. A. Clopfon; bred by Mr S H Aelie. AVent to post at 2:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. LADY DELHI took the lead at once and, making the pace fast, saved ground when entering the stretch and gamely withstood TIMBRELS challenge. The hitter, forced back iu the early running, came fast when called on and was wearing the leader down at the finish. MARSDALE moved "up rapidly on the outside of the leaders on the last turn, but tired finally. RED TOM showed speed, but tired in the last quarter. ; , Scratched 553225Swcepy. 107; 555433Kirtie. 98; 55516Dick Deadeye, 112; 55300 San Stefano 10.V "55322 Margaret AVhite, 100; 55142 AVreckless, 105. PfcQS SECOND RACE 1 1-1C Miles. July 11, 1914 1:44 6 124. Putnam Purse. Purso J U tf t-F O 1.000. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 700; second. 200-third, 100. Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 55189 SAMMY KELLY wit 5 114 4 3 3 2f 23 1 1 E Sande J F Richardson 6 7 5 S-C l-. ;ii4352PICKAVICK wit 7 112 1 1 41 33 1J 23 23 L, Ensor AV C Clancy 2 13-513-51 1-" 554 89 HERD GIRL wn 4 101 S 5 5" 5 4 3 F Weiner S Rosa 1" 15 19 5 , 54888K. OF THE IPERwit 3 99 G 4 1 i: 3 3 4 S BullmanR T Wilson 3 s. 10-5G-5 3-5 55384 jGIPSY LAD wit 3 103 2 C 6 GJ 5 5 5J F CltilettlM F Foley 3 3 1G-5G-5 3-5 55574 FANTOCHE avb .5 109 5 S 7 7s fi1 03 C3 C RobsonA Zimmer 12 15 15 0 3 5554730OLD DAD wit 1 105 3 2 J 4" 7"" 7 7s II ClemntsC Koehler 20 30 25 10 5 5523.2 BLACK THONG wit .5 112 7 7 S 8 8 S 8 AV Kelsay J A Hurrigan 30 50 50 "0 10 Time, 23, 47, 1:13, 1:41, 1:47. Track good. Winner B. h. by Sweep Absent Friend, by Theophiliis trained by J. R. Ficliardson- bred bv Air Charles AV. Moore. AVent to post at .1:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. SAMMY KELLY, after being a prominent contender from the start, raced into the lead in the last eighth and won going away. PICKWICK, away forward ly, moved up into the lead while rounding the last turn, but could not keep pace with the leader in the stretch drive. HERD GIRL finished -imelv and easily pdssed KNIGHT OF THE HEATHER in tiie last sixteenth. The latter tired badlv after setting a fast early pace. GIPSY LAD finished gamely. Scratched 55232 Rockport. 112; 551405PhaIaris. 109; 54541Bantry, 111; 535173Dnrk Hill 109-5i5743 American Boy, HI; 55517 Walnut Hall, 111; 55352 Tufter, 101; 55517 Flibbertygibbet 114 Overweights Pickwick, 1 pound; Knight of the Heather, IV; - Fantoche, , 3: , Old Dad , T- Black Thohg, l; ? K K QOT THIRI -RACE 512 Furlongs. July-22, 1918 1:05 2 119. Tenth Runnine DEMOISELLE STAKES. Guaranteed Value 5,000. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances: Net value to winner 3,720; second, 800; third, 400. Index Horses AAVtPPSt and i Str Fin Jockeys Owners o II GPS 554d7 iMY REVERIE w 119 3 2 2h 21 2i 1 C KummerR J Brown 3 4 4 S-5 4-5 55437 PENITENT w 109 5 4 4 ::?. 3 2 L Penman H P Whitney 4 5 4. 8-5 4 5 55145 NANCY F. w 116 2 3 Il Il ll 31 J, McAtoe F J Farrell 5 8 c" " 1 55437 SHERANDO w 112 G 1 51 51 4 41 F Keogh Oak Ridge StableS S G 2 1 55437 PLUCKY BUTTON w 112 1 7 7 7 G 53 L. Ensor Ascot Stable 4 6 4 S-5 4-5 55437 3ROSE BRIGADE wit Ho 7 5 C 4i 51! C E Sande Rancocas Stable 21 3i3. G-5 3-5 r.5289fPRETTA LADY w 10j 4 G 3l ol 7 7 C RobsonR L Gerry 30 50 50 20 10 ?Added starters. Time. 23, 47, 1:01, 1:07. Track good. AVinner B. f, by Ultimus Reflex, by Sir Dixon trained by I. McDaniel; bred Ky Mr. Brownell Combs. AAent to post at 3:33. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driving. MY REVERIE followed NANCY F. closely under slight, restraint until straightened awav in the stretch, where she closed up swiftly and won going away. PENITENT, close up throughout responded gamely when called on and outstayed NANCY F. The latter set a fast pace but was thin- rinidly through the last sixteenth. SHERANDO closed a gap. UCKY BUTTONS began slowlv hut aved ground on all the turns and finished gamely. ROSE BRIGADE met with repeated interference and wis shullted back hopelessly. Scratched Sidius. 109; 55494 Bee Wins, 109. Overweights Rose Brigade.. 3 pounds. 5KOTI r0,VRTH A?-AMi,le a?d 70 Yards- July 20- 1918-1:425117. Tuckahoe Han-JLPW feap,,,H,20J Atlded. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 995; second. 200; third, 100. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S J521?2C,9.OLS WK G 103 2 " Vl Vi p 15 B Kenn dyFairmont Stable 7-5 11-59-5 1-3 out V--if.Vr5T?mT ""o V 23 23 23 2i G Margin Triple Spgs Fm 4-5 1 1-6 out-ii.i4oSEDOEPIELD wn 3 991 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 S BullmanR T Wilson C C 5 1 out Time, 24, 47, 1:12, 1:39, 1:43. Track good. AN inner B. g, by Salvation Saintolat, by Sain trained by AV. II. Travers; bred by Messrs. Lawrence fc Coinstock . AVent to post at .1:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv; second and third driv-infr; 1J0,YC,K KOOLS passed PEN BOSE on the backstretch under restraint ami, lacing into a Ion- lead at his riders leisure won easing up. PEN ROSE, away well, set a fast early pace ami tired after"going a half mile, but held on gamely for second place. SEBGEFIELD was hard ridden, but lacked early speed iiiid had no mishaps. Scratched 55439 Knobbie. 120; 55572 Courtship, 95; 551CC Recount 100 Overweights Sedgetield, 4V pounds: KKBCandi-IIfJff7K"EAb??t 3i Mile- July 29, 1909-1:11-5-117. Livil7PlIrieril7o0O lf9jW J. Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 1,030; second, 200; third, 100. Index Horses AAYtPPSt 34 Str Fin Jueivs Owners O H O P S 55143 TING-A-LING wn S 112 11 1 5 21 2 ll L Ensor AV C Clancy 5 10 S 3 S-5 5538lTURNABOUT wit 3 ICG 2 5 41 CH 4 2i L Fator J J OToole G 10 10 4 55480 ARROWHEAD w 4 113 13 7 21 1 1 3 G AV CrollJ V Byme 5 7 G 1 55143 MACHINE GUNNRw 3 1C0 1 9 sa 71 G "4l G Ycargin S C Denham 30 "JO !0 1" G 54722 CARLINE S. wn 4 1031 9 10 7 4 5 5 G Babin E Pet-rs 4 7 7 - G5 Sl??11 w" 5 1,2 13 101 8i SJ Ci AV Ke,sa F A Selirs "- 25 20 S 4 o4541 TAN II. w 6 113 10 G 12 101 71 71 J Zoeller K Roscacher 30 50 50 M 10 52oS2 lAX wn 4 109, 7 4 lh 3i 31 SZ C RobsonA Zimmer 20 30 30 12 G 5538. GRANNY T LEE w 4 1141 8 S 91 9 91 9 A JohnsonModo Stable 20 25 "5 10 5 C50C7 PERIGOURDINE w G 112 15 2 G 111 Hi 101 A Collins A Soloman 15 "0 15 G 3 554 3 LLOYD GEORGE wsit 5 108 3 1G 13 12 121 111 C Ponce G Peterson 30 50 r.!t "0 10 54407 FOAM w 3 99J14 11 142 13 13 1 S BullnianJ Duller 50 60 60 0 10 55143SHANDON w G 102 10 14 16 1G 1G 13 T Burns J L Covle "0 30 30 1" G 51121 TIDINGS w 3 99 5 15 15U15 14114 .T Callahan J S Cosden S-3 7-5 3-5 1-4 53729 OPTIMISM w 3 101 12 12 ID 14U15 153 F AVeiner S R00S 30 30 30 1" G 5520G LIBERTY GIRL w 1 1121 6 3 3H G 10 1G C II Millerl AAelz 10 15 8 3 S-5 Time. 1:11. Track good. AVinner Ch. g, by Star Shoot Lady Vincent, by St. Blaise trained by AA C. Clancy; bred by Mr John E. Madden. AVent to post at 4:31. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second and third driving. TING-A-LING gradually improved his position in the early running and, saving ground on the stretch turn, took the lead in the last eighth and won going away. TURNABOUT ran well and closed up gamely near the end. ARROAVHEAD raced into a good lead while entering the stretch but bolted to the outer rail in the final sixteenth and then refused to extend himself. MACHINE GUNNER male up ground. CARLINE S. was in close in quarters the early running. TIDINGS was away iioorlv "mil 1 J was not persevered with. Scratched 5532-1 , Mandalay, 107: 51517 P. T. Barnum, 102; 54SS5 Celtic Lass. 92; -553803Flvnaner 107; 554S93Actress, 111; 55105 Hard Guess, 102; 54372 Miss Rankin. 95; 53540 Rustler. 105 55195 S Jumbo 121; 3921, Lauator, 107; 55233 Blue Belle. 107; 55435 AVedgwood. 95; 54105 Liquid Fire, 10S; 54ji0 Jago, 111; u3G48 Ross R., 100; i.5143 LEnjoleur, 107; 542S9 Marie Maxim, 10S; 50024 Yeomanette! - Dverweights Ting-a-Ling. 5 pounds; Carline S., 2?.;, Granny Lee, Vy, Pcrigomdine, 1; Lloyd George, 1; Foam. i-i; Pibroch, 1; Liberty Girl, 41. 5 2 SYSToL KACE1 ,file-iJuly 19 191G-l:38-5110. Bryn Mawr Purse. Purse tgvDUia 1,200. 3-ycar-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 900 ;second, 200; third; 100. Index Horses AWtPPSt i y. Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0H OPS r!SA,49- WU H ii ; "J. 2i 11 1,5 K Samle Incocas Stable 1-S 1-G 1-lOout- 55493 QUECREEIv wit 113 2 1 2 U 2 2 210 F Keosh J E Davis G 10 8 out C54511ARADEU w 110 UH3 3 3 3 F CltilettiS A Clopton 20 50 50 G out Time, 25, 48, 1:13, 1:40. Track good. Winner ch. c, by Star Shoot Miss Minnie, by Meddler trained by S. C. Hildreth; bred by Mr. John "u E. Madden. AVent to jiost at 5:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easilv; second and third driv ing. GREY LAG was under stout restraint for the entire race, took the lead on the-last turn and won :n a canter. QUECREEK raced well for tliree-quarters of a mile and alwavs held PAKADER sift- Tl.. latter set tiie early pace briefly and dropped back to the rear mioKamu 1305 n5,,!-SIry M"" H:!; ---lsnin,n,esdale, 115; 55571 Ilouyhnh.lm,