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HAVANA RACE TRACK SOLD Stoneham and McGraw Dispose of Majority Stock to Thomas Monahan and Associates. XKW YORK, X. Y.. July 13. Charles A. Stoneham and John J. McGraw have disposed of their majority stock in the Cuba-American Jockey and Auto Club to Thomas Mouahau and associates. Mr. Stoneham will resign and Mr. Monahan will succeed him as president. John J. McGraw will resign as second vice-president and hereafter will devote all of his time to baseball. Mr. Monahan is a popular horseman and spent the greater part of last winter at Mariauao, Cuba, where he became enthusiastic about the Havana track and Cuba. Frank J. Bruen is to remain as general manager. Mr. Bruen stateil the only reason that Mr. Stoneham sold control of the Havana course was because of his vast business interests, which would prevent him from giving his attention and visiting there. -