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WINDSOR The horses which seem best in Thursdays races " are: Windsor, Ont., July 13, 1921. 1 Top.o th Morning, Ima Frank, Gloria France. 2 CORENZIO, J. K. L. Ross entry, Royal Gift. 3 -Vicc-Chairman, Old Chap, Kashmir. .4 John Finn, Second Thoughts, II. P. Whitney .entry. 5 Black Servant, .Dark Horse,. Eunquoi. i; Ixmgh Storm, Muttikins, Talisman. 7 Broom Peddler, Koh-i-noor, Harry Burgoyne. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 Im.i Frank, Fort Bliss, King John, Ultra Gold. 2 Corenzio, Lynniouth, Royal Gift, Bright Morn ing. 3 Kuklux, Mr. Brummel, Vice-Chairman, Ex- liorter. , 4 Second Thoughts, John Finn, Bonus, Johnny Dundee. 5 Rtinqiioi," Black Servant, Pimlico, Pongee. 0 TALISMAN, Muttikins, Belgian Queen, Lough Storm. 7 Jlarnley, Roseate, Piedra, Sunduria. Clilcagro and Buffalo Handicaps. J lina Frank, Dr. Carmen, Ultra Gold, Fort Bliss. 2 Corenzio, Lynmouth, Bright Morning, Royal Gift. 3 Mr. Brummel. Miss Petite, Tan Son, Diomed. 4 John Finn, Second Thoughts, Bonus, Martha : Fallon. 5 Black Servant, Jim Daisy, Dark Horse, Pimlico. MUTTIKINS, Talisman, Belgian Queen, Goldine. 7 Hurry Burgoyno, Roseate, Koh-i-noor, Antoi-nette. Observers Handicap. 1 Ima Frank, Dr. Carmen, Kama, Top o th Morning. 2 Lyumbuih, Royal Gift, Corenzio, Bright Morn-;.". 3 Exborter, Mr. Brummel, Kuklux, Miss Petite. 4 Joliu Finn, Dream of Allah, Bonus, Second Thoughts. T. BLACK SERVANT, Runquoi, Pongee, Dark Horse. 0 Muttikins, Belgian Queen, Talisman, Lough Storm. 7 Roseate, Koh-i-noor, Harry Burgoyne, Antoinette. Consensus of Handicaps. l IMA FRANK, Topo th Morning, Dr. Carmen, Fort: Bliss. 2 Corenzio, Lyiimduth, Royal Gift. 3 Mr. Brummel, VIce-Chairmari, Kuklux, Ex porter. 4 John Finn, Second Thoughts, Dream of Allah, Bonus. 5 Black Servant, Runquoi, Dark Horse, Jim Daisy. 0 Muttikins, Talisman, Lough Storm, Belgian Queen. 7 Roseate, Harry Burgoyne, Broom Peddler, Burnley.