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ENGLISH RACING PARTNERSHIPS LONDON, England, July 1. At its last meeting the Jockey Club adopted an amended rule No. 94 governing partnerships. The new rule reads as follows: All partnerships, and the name and address of every person having any interest in a horse, the relative proportions of such interest, and the terms of any sale with contingencies, lease, or arrangement, must be signed by all the parties, or their authorized agents, and lodged at the registry office or with the clerk of the course for transmission to the registry office. All partners shall be jointly and severally liable for every stake or forfeit. No , part owner shall assign his share, or any part there- of, in a horse without the consent of his partners. A fee of shall be paid on each horse, and all partnerships, sales with contingencies, or leases shall be published in the next available Racing Calendar. Any termination or severance must be notified within fourteen days to the registry office for publication, or a second fee will be incurred. If a horse is entered for any race without such registration having been lodged, the omission may be , corrected under Rule S3 at any time before the horses number is exhibited for that race, provided that the stewards are satisfied that the omission was accidental. If a horse start for any race without such regis- ! tration having been lodged, he shall be disqualified unless it be proved to the satisfaction of the stewards that the omission ,was accidental, in which case the person responsible shall be fined not less than 5. I