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WATSONS RACING FORTUNE How Retired Soap Maker Bought Six 0,000 Yearlings, and All Are Winners. PARIS, Prance, July 1. The English Grand Prix winner Lemonora is incontestably a horse of -great merit. Alec Taylor, who is undoubtedly one of the best trainers of the present day, has remained actively in the sport just to see the colt run. "The AVizard," as he is called,, wished to retire two years ago. Mr. AVatson, who himself had retired from the soap business, asked Taylor not to consider retiring. In order to persuade the trainer to continue to maintain his big Manton racing establishment, which Taylor then wanted to sell, AAatson bought, it on condition that Taylor would train his horses. AVatson had no horses then. But when Taylor had accepted the proposition he made AVatson buv six yearlings at 0,000 or so each.- All of these have become winners, and among them were Le-monora and Love in Idleness, the winner of the Oaks. Th story is the counterpart of the romance of Comrade. Undoubtedly everything worth saying has already been said about Lemonora. Still it may be worth while, if only to avoid underrating those horses which the grandson of Cyllene has beaten, to refute the assertion of a French racing authority that AAatsons horse is far from being the best of his generation. That assertion is not strictly true. Lemonora is not far from the top. A horse which has lost the Two Thousand Guineas by a neck, leading home in that race the future winner of the Derby a horse which finished close behind the winner in the Derby itself a horse, which hart beaten Humorist once before, last year at Don-caster, certainly should be considered of the first Rink. Although Lemononis victory was well received, the French press points out that, while everyone congratulates Mr. AAatson on gaining the stakes of 03,550, the French treasury will be considerably the poorer. No special tax is made on racing stakes, but Frenchmen morcly include their winnings in their income tax returns. AVhen the owner of the winner of a big race is a foreigner he has no such tax to pay, and consequently the treasury suffers a dead loss, which in the case of stakes amounting to one hundred and three thousand dollars, is not inconsiderable.