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BRIGHOUSE PARK FORM CHART VANCOUVER, B. C, Thursday, July 21, 1921. P.rigliousc Park 1 mile. Fifth day. Weather clear. Stewards, T. J. AAellnian, J. A. Kullcrtoii and A. 11. Uecd. Starter, James Haley. Racing Secretary. J. S. ICothert. 55931 First Kace 3-4 Mile. Lady Astor Purse. Purso 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. IihI. Horse. AVt. K;n. Jockey. Straight. 5500C:Lit. Pointer 106 li A Neal 215-100 55011 Magician 111 2.J T AVavt 720-100 55433SStanIuy H. Ill 33 1 Hum 530-100 55180Mad. Hurry 107 1" G Williams 210-100 53536 Gratitude 111 31 F J Baker 2505-100 55861 Due tie Gse 11G 6 V Cloud 885-100 39308 Jacobel 114 7 L Mink 1900-100 mutuels paid. Little Pointer. .30 straight. .70 place, .20 show; Magician, .90 place, .30 show; Stanley II.. hB1.90 show. Time. 23, 48, 1:14. Track fast. AAinner J. Cerullis ch. f. 3, by Heno Stellata, by Star Shoot trained by L. K. King; bred by Bel-air Stud. Went to post at 2:33. At post 1 minute. Start good aiid slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 55932 Second Kace 5-8 Mile. Mary Pickford Purse. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 45; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odda. IijJ. Horse. AVI. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 55103 L. Bourbon. 112 1" D Powell S03-100 55858 Mvily Belle 115 23 F F Murphy 175-100 3583:. Muriels Pet 112 oi G AVilliams 1S0-1O0 55II2C Ethel 117 4? J Donavon 1155-100 55900 Bug 117 5 AV Crump 1053-100 55434 Ispham 117 6 T McCuUoughllSO-100 55836 R, Ilnirigan 112 71 T AVilson UOMM f.r.lOK Boslc KugoulU X A Neat t HVJiVl ..52 1.1 Alajah H. .! II Jones 1S45-1 35213 Hoda Irish 110 10 A Cloud t tMutuel tield. j mutuels paid. Lady Bourbon, 8.10 straight. 2.90 place, .70 show; Killarney Belle, .50 place, .70 show; Muriels Pet, .60 show. Time, 24, 48, 1:01. Track fast. Winner It. S. Townsends ch. f, 1. by Marta Santa Helen Pink, by Pink Coat trained by J. G. Givens; bred by Mr. J. Hal AVoodford. Went to post at 3:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. 55933 Thira Kace 5-8 Mile. Love-in-Idleness Purse. Purse 50. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 45; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. ncrse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 55925 Cal Curn 112 1 G Williams 1S0-100 55926 Doc. Doorleyll2 2i R Dority 2CS0-100 55927 Tillotson 112 SJ Ar Cloud f.10-100 55926 Annabelle 110 4n L Mills 730-100 55928 Ed. Tranter 112 5 C Gross 3C0-100 55432 3Little One 112 fil E McCown f 1075-100 55906 Sh. Squirrel 101 71 P Hum 1S23-100 Drummer 312 81 B McEwen t 45100 Bac 112 93 G Froggatte T 4 79713Doveridge 105 10 F Cantrell 729V100 55927 Bell Squirrel 101 11 H Jones 23C5-100 tMutuel lield. mutuels paid, Cal Curn, .00 straight, .70 place, .80 show; Doctor Dobrley, 4.20 place, 0.10 show; Tillotson, S3.90 show. Time, 24, 48, 1:01. Track fast. AVinner S. Hesseltines ch. g, 11, by Stem AVin-der Queencup, by King Faustns trained by C. Parsons; bred by Mr. II. II. Trowbridge. AVent to post at 3:36. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. 55934 rourtn Race 5-8 Mile. Honeymoon Purse. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 45; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ir.d. Horse. AVt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 55927 Little Jake 112 1J B McEwen 100-100 55927 Josenia 105 2"h G Frost 4195-100 55925 .St-Patrick 114 3 A Zeigler 335-100 55832 Letty Ree SC, 41 M. Garrett S20-100 55314 Migh. Lever 117 5 B Pinnegar f2905-10t 55926 B. and Stars 114 T McCulloughl525-100 55858 Listal 107 73 H Rettig 1715-100 55925 King Chiltonll3 8 L Mink t 53407Black SprayllS 9 L Mills 1125-100 tMutuel lield. mutuels paid. Little Jake, .00 straight, .50 place, 82.70 show; Josenia. 5.20 place, .10 show; Lady St. Patrick, S2.70 show. Time, 24, 48. 1:01. Track fast. Winner E. M. Levels ch. g. 11, by Krutsch Stella Perkins, by Prophecy trained by M. P. Level; bred by L. T. Lee. AVent to post at 4:07. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AAron easily; second and third driving. 55935 Fifth Sace 5 1-2 Furlongs. Lily Lang- try Purse. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 45; second, S70; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. norsc. AAt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 53664 Pittsburg 109 1 II Rettig 1120-100 550 19 Lola 112 21 L Mills S13-100 55927 Alice Carr 113 3s L Mink iCOO-100 55905 Move On 112 1 A" Cloud 105-100 55412 Dandy Van 111 7f. T McCulIough57C5-100 55862 Ballotcar 9S r. AV Miller 1020-100 55127 Mont. Belle 107 7 G AVilliams 18S3-100 55905 Conchifero 117 S5 B Pinnegar t 55929 Gr. Green II.1C5 91 F Cooper 21SO-100 I. D. A. 107 10 F J Baker t 54393 Roxboro II. 112 11 E McCown 12S0-1C0 tMutuel field. mutuels paid, Pittsburg. 0.40 straight. 9.10 place, 0.10 show; Lola, 5.20 place, .10 show; Alice Carr. .10 show. Time, 24, 49, 1:08. Track fast. AVinner II. Bettigs br. g, 4, by Jim GalTiiey Pattie Black, by Wagner trained by It. Stralen-dorff; bred by Mr. 15. B. Million. AVent to post at -4:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. 55936 sixtn Rac 1 Mile. Mother-in-Law Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. AVt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 55863Miss AVells 112 1 L Mills 135-100 55863 Dione 107 21 C Gross 471-100 55861 Hubbub 109 3 D Powell t210-10Q 55863 Cafeteria 110 41 R Dority t 55930 Geo. James S9 5 P Hum 1510-100 55910 Cobrita 10S Gi AV AVright 1S85-100 55317 L. Inr.ocencel07 75 II Rettig 1915-303 55427 Shenandoah 102 8 AV Miller 3070-100 55910 Our Maid 110 P.up.B McEwen 2305-100 tMutuel field. mutuels paid, Miss AVells. .70 straight, .10 place, .30 show: Dione, .00 place, .30 show; Hubbub, .40 show. Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:41. Track fast. AVinner P.. T. Zumwalts b. m, 9, by Irish Exile Ruth AVells. by Nonchalance trained by B. T. Znmwalt; bred by Mr. L. L. Allen. AVent to post at 5:03. At ixst 1 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. 55937 Eoventl1 Xaxe 1 1-16 Miles. Sisters and Wives Purse. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, C0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ird. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 55834-.Terry 111 P AV Crump 55-100 55860 Mike Daly 108 2 E Xeal 850-100 55834 Ar. Park MaidlOl 3 T AVilson 530-1C0 55834 Dienero 10S 4 D Powell 30S5-100 55860 Short Stop 10S 53 G AVilliams 1383-100 55860 Plielan 93 6 M Garrett 2190-100 55906 Aunt Annie i7 7 P Hum 2365-100 mutuels paid, Jerry, .10 straight, .90 place, .40 show; Mike Daly, .50 place, .70 show; Aalley Park Maid. .90 show. Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:40, 1:46. Track fast. AVinner G. I. Brumhillers ch. g, 8, by Alvescot Levia, by Palsetto trained by K. Ilcavener; bred by Mr. George J. Long. AVent to post at 5:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same.