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it j A SARATOGA J1U SPECIAL T 0 D0UBT you have read our advertisements and watched results or 1X1 our ?10 GUARANTEED SPECIALS. These, in tho main, havo been confined to western tracks. In order to become better acquainted, also "PROVE UP," we are making a "cut rate" of 0 for our opening day Monday Special at Saratoga. THERE ARE NO " SURE THINGS." as there is no such a thing as "a sure thing," we offer this inducement: If this horse INASMUCH don t win at odds satisfactory to you. we will give OUR NEXT SPECIAL FREE. Could anything ho fairer? Not "tips," hut GENUINE INFORMATION. Tho price of our Opening Day Special is 0, and no propositions accepted. D ANNOUNCEMENT: A. E. McBurt has taken charge of our turf dept. McBurt is almost SPECIAL too well known to noed lengthy introduction in an advertisement. His slogan is sufficient-"RESULTS COUNT," Get Mondays Special and ho convinced. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Turf Uept. SU1TJB 100 - 100 NORTH DKAUBOIlItf STREET - CHICAGO, ILL. DO YOU Want To Win a big bet on this Saturday at Devonshire track? I have 0112 that was shipped from Empire City to Devonshire. Connections have this one in A SOFT SPOT- Saturday, and they are down hook, line and sinker on this one. I AM GIVING THIS FREE because I want YOU TO AVIN" A BIG BET. and I also want to CONWINCE YOU that I AM IN A POSITION TO MAKE YOU A BIG AVINNER IK YOU AVILL KOLLOW MY INFORMATION. You Must Win Before I Profit All I ask YOK is to seud me .00 to insure payment of my telegram on Saturday, and after horse WINS send me anything you wish and also deduct this .00. YOU MUST SPEND TUB .00 IK YOU AVANT THIS ONE SATURDAY, as thats only a guarantee that the telegram I send will be paid by you. Then you can take it off from the first winnings you send me. Here Is Your Life-Time Chance as on Saturday I expect this one to pay 0 for because hardly anyone but the councctious aud u few otherb know alwut this good thing, so that will make him a big prico Saturday. Send your name and address whore a telegram can reach you early Saturday morning. Make sure you send .00 with it, or I cant send tiie telegram. Address L. I. OSTFELD 20 WEST JAUKHON ST it GUT CHICAGO, TIJ,. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM 21 WINNERS LAST WEEK There were only two tracks, but we had 21 winners, besides giving the biggest tip ever sent out on a winning horse Xunotta. 4V4 to 1, Won. Our last code horse won. DIXIE CARROLL, .15, won. Previous rode horse, Pickwick, won. Real live; horses at your service every week. Out every Thursday. TODAYS FREE CODE: Thirteen-Four-Twcnty-five-Integrity-Empirc. TURF LIGHT 25 W. 42nd St. Now York City THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of JULY", will be on sale Monday noon, August 1. PRICE, .00 Single copies hy mail will POSITIVELY only ba sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for Wok sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: OinCAOO, xr.Ti. 16"M6S East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y, 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. i