untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-08-16


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RUNNING RACES KANSAS STATE FAIR HUTCHINSON September 17 to 23, 1021 SPEED PROGRAM Monday C Furlongs 00 5,4 Furlongs 150 Tuesday 5 Furlongs Elks Club Purse 00 4 Furlongs Hutchinson Board of Trade Purse.. 200 ti Furlongs Lions Club Purse 200 7 Furlongs Rotary Club Purse 200 5 Furlongs Hutchinson Keal Estate Board Puree 200 1 Mile and 70 Yards Kansas Derby -.. 500 Entries to Derby close September It. The Kansas Derby, for three-year-olds and upward: 0 to accompany the nomination and 0 additional to start; 00 goes to the second horse; 0 to the third horse. Winners of one or more purses of the value of 00 in P.I20 or 1921 to carry three pounds extra; if such race- was at a greater distance than one mile, seven pounds extra; non-winners of a race valued at 00; one mile or over, since June 1. 1921, allowed seven pounds; such race, any value, twelve pounds. Wednesday 7 Furlongs 00 5 Furlongs 150 -I Furlongs 150 Thursday 1 Mile Derby winner to pick up 10 pounds... 00 ! Furlongs, for horses that have not won first or second 150 5 Furlongs, for horses that have not been first, second or third 150 All purses except Kansas Derby will be divided 00, 25 and 15 per cent. Rebate on frieight of 0 will be made to each horse that starts in a race. Fiee stalls. This program may be changed to suit horses on the grounds. The Santa Fe Railroad has a spur into the grounds , with ample docks. Races to be run under rules of Central Jockey Club. Eight harness races are scheduled to be raced during the above four days. II. S. TnO.MPSON, President. A. L. SPONSLEK, Secretary. OKLAHOMA STATE FAIR AND EXPOSITION OKLAHOMA CITY September 24 to October I, 1921 Racing Days September 26, 27, 29, 30. Six Running Races Each Day Purses 00 and Upward. Book of Meeting Published September 14, 1921. No Entrance Fee, No Deductions, Except Oklahoma Derby. OKLAHOMA DERBY 500 Added Money. Entries close September 9, 1921. Will be raced Thursday, September 29. For thrce-ycar-plds and upward. Nomination fee of .0 must accompany entry; 5 additional to start; 00 added by the Association, of which 00 goes to second, and 0 to third horse. Winners of one or more purses of the value of 00 in 1920 or 1921 to carry three pounds extra; if such race was at a greater distance than one mile, seven pounds extra; non-winners of a race valued at 00, one mile or over, since June 1, 1921, allowed seven pounds. Distance, 1 mile and seventy yards. The Central Jockey Club Rules govern all races. Entries close at 11 oclock, A. M., the day before the race, except for the Oklahoma Derby. Stall rent, . Address all communications to I. S. MAHAN, General Manager, Box 974, Oklahoma City, Okla. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE 00 Guaranteed Special WEDNESDAY, WINDSOR, AUGUST 17 AS PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED in this publication, our NEXT 00 GUAR- ANTEED SPECIAL goos at Windsor tomorrow, opening day, Wednesday, August 17. This horse, carefully prepared, is, wo hoHcvc. tho BEST proposition ever handled by us. Our last previous 00 Guaran -toep Special was Last One. It finished third, beaten a head and a noso and quoted at better than 5 to 1 in tho betting. Wo may BUY "information," but wc cannot be expected to ride them, too. Positively no DAILY wire on Windsor specials only. ALL information filed with this publication. FRIDAYS SPECIAL A CONVINCER ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, we hope to put over an old-fashioned clear-up. Like Wednesdays opening- day special at Windsor, tho prico -will be 00. We, however, arc making: a. now departure in that we ask that you NOT remit this amount, but please INVEST it for us, remitting tho winnings of the 00 tho day following and at our expense. Could anything bo fairer? SPECIAL: For obvious reasons, we ask that you give your telephone number. Wc propay all telephone long distanco or telegraph charges on these specials. Got your subscription in for Wednesdays Windsor Special NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Turf Dept. SUITE 1002 - 100 NORTH DEARBORN STREET - CHICAGO, ILL. A. T. GEHRING Connected with commissioners for over 30 years. Will wire you one or two horses daily for a week, and jou to guarantee to send winnings of a straight play. Send postal if more information is required. A. T. GEHRING 10 Antignc Street Cincinnati, Ohio TURF LIGHT RACING WEEKLY 23 WINNERS LAST WEEK 23 All Stands 15 Cents All Cities There is no more up-to-date sporting news printed than is found in the columns of TUKF LIGHT. TODAYS FREE CODE: Saratoga: Four-Six-One-Honcsty Our Daily Service, ; Weekly, 0. TURF LIGHT 25 West Forty-Second Street New York City CAPTAIN SCOTT ?9.90- WON and a Loser Were Last Saturdays XX Specials. Dont Fail to Get Next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES AT WINDSOR. All they cost is , and if one of the two docs not win you get the following SATURDAYS FREE. Todays Form Special: March-Plum. STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 503, 82 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111, JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS ONE HORSE SPECIAL PRICE .00 Yesterdays Get-Away Special: 00 LA LA ...25- Place We came close to putting over a LONG SHOT yesterday, although our followers AVON", as he was a good price for place. This shows you that I had the right one and that I get the "real stuff." Get me? TODAY 10-1. SHOT From the information I have on this one today lie should easily be this price, so dont let a dollar stop you from getting the money today at Saratoga. THIS HORSE MUST WIN or you set next special FREE by mailing back todays sheet with your name and address. CINCINNATI, Ohio Sold at Bishow Fountain Nows Co., 5th and Walnut Sts. And Other Principal Cities or I Mail It to You for a Week. Room 1506, 20 West Jackson Street, Chicago, 111. CHIEF OBSERVER 35 Cents Per Copy. TODAYS FREE CODE: Saratoga: Virginia-3-7-12 SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. lil PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921081601/drf1921081601_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1921081601_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800