untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-08-21


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HARFORD AGRICULTURAL AND BREEDERS1 ASSOCIATION 14-3600 ADDED IN TEN DAYS I AVERAGING $ 11,460 ADDED DAILY j Opening Wednesday, September 21, and Continuing Until Saturday, October 1 I Stakes to Be Run During the fail Meeting I AT HAVRE DE GRACE, Md. Eastern Shore jff FOIt TWO-YEA R-OJLDS. SIX KUUIiOXGS. I TO BE KUET.ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 8 Potomac CIA AAA mm Handicap m ivUlU KOIl THHEK-THAIt-OLJiS. MIMi OXK-SIXTKISXTll. 10 BE RUN ON SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24. Havre de Grace CI ft AAA ADDED I Handicap 4J i II IF U II . j KOIl THllEE-YUAK-OIiUS ASM LIWAUl. OXE ailhE AD OA E-ElGFlTlf TO BE RUN ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1. ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1921 No Entrance fees. Starting Fee the Only Liability, i OVERNIGHT PURSES ,200 AND ,500 I ADOKESS AM.. COItrMUXl CAT JOINS TO 1 Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association, Havre de Grace, Md. 1 EDWARD BURKE General Manager I V J " MIGHT RAIDER Should Have Breezed Home, But Was Beaten a Nose by Birr BANG, Although Not the Best Horsc. Tho above big three-inch type headline is from ono of the Now York dailies, covering- sevon columns of that paper. The s.imo paper says: "Night Raider was ridden by an apprentice; under anybody clso would have breezed home." Daily Racing Form also said: "Night Raider was best and would have won but for interference. He was blocked when he tried to get through." Another New York daily said: "It is a raco that could be well passed un as too much of an enigma." You will remember when I advertised in Daily Racing: Form, giving Night Raider as FREE INFORMATION. I stated Gantncr would be in the saddle. Unfortunately, ho was compelled to go to Canada that morning and was unable to ride. He KNOWS Night Raider and Night Raider knows him. If my information was not of the best, would I dare advertise TREE winners You will notice it was a difficult race in which to namo the winner, but I know that all horses that I send out are well-meant. SELDOM HAS ANYONE EVER DARED TO ADVERTISE A HORSE AS A FREE WINNER, but I have that confidence in my information that my horses always win, barring accidents. SPORTING BLOOD WON. I claim I am tho only man in America that gave out this horse. I stated to all my subscribers that the right parties had bet on his nose. HERE IS THE RESULT OF TilE LAST TWELVE "V1KI5S THAT I SEXT OUT, FILED WITH DAILY RACIXG FOIOI : SWEEP CLEAN". WON, 8 to 1. lcl in advance -vllli tliis publication. YOUXEED. WOX. 20 to liliMl in advance with this publication. CHATEAKJAV, WOX, to 1. HIlmI in advance witli this p wl.Iicat ion. TUFTEK. WOX, to 1. tiled in advance witli tills publication. ROYAL DUCK, WOX, 4 to 5. Hied in advance with this publication. XEDXA, WOX, S to ,1. filed in advance witlr tliis publication. GA LET A.. WOX. to ,". Hied in advance with this publication. KUXTJXG, WOX", to 5, filed in advance with this publication. THREE LOSERS, filed in advance witli this publication. I SEND OUT HORSES ONLY THAT HAVE BEEN SPECIALLY PREPARED. TERMS I want no money until after I win then send me the winnings of a 0 straight play after tho race by telegraphic money order. NOTE Wiro me the cost of six day-rate telegrams, as I prepay all telegrams; none sent collect. I have about two plays a week. Information wired at 9 a. m. Xeavo it to my judgment from which track to wire you information. HARRY C. WHITE, SOU EAST LEXIXGTOX" STREET - BALT1.1I ORE, 311. 5 1 WON - to - LEATHER-FACE THIS WAS OUK 00 Commission Special POSITIVELY THE ONLY HORSE sent out on Saratoga Friday. Our advertisements promised you an OLD-FASHIONED MELON CUTTING INFORMATION, not "tips." Tha chart of tho raco reads: "Leatherface raced Scottish Chief into defeat, then took a long lead and WON EASING UP." We reiterate, that IS "information." Throw away your dope books WE ARE SPECIALISTS. Wednesdays 00 Guaranteed Special wa3 because of track conditions withdrawn. Each subscriber, however, received Leatherface. The last previous 100 Guaranteed Special was Last One, beaten a nose and a head, at 5 to 1. Wc may BUY "information," but we cannot be expected to ride them, too. Next Special GOES Wednesday. Ono or two a week thats all. NEXT 00 SPECIAL GOES WEDNESDAY SPURRED ON by the splendid success of our 00 Commission Special Leatherface we herowith announce our NEXT .S100 COMMISSION SPECIAL goes Wednesday. Frm ths information at hand we HONESTLY believe it just as good a tiling as was Leatherface. HERE IS OUR PROPOSITION : Will you invest 00 on Wednesdays Special for US, remitting the winnings the day following and at OUR EXPENSE ? No strings attached just one plain, HONEST proposition. Do you want WINNING INFORMATION? All right; will you invest 00 for us? Do it NOW. NOTICE : Our lists are CLOSED for Mondays Special. This "ad" will not appear again. National Mews Service Turf Dept. SUITE 1002 - 100 XORTH DEARBORN STREET - CHICAGO, ILL. Chief Observer DAILY TRACK LETTER 50 cents Daily. Mailed 2 Weeks .00. FRIDAY WE GAYE TO WIN: LEATHERFACE 5-1 WON CARMENCITA 4-5 WON FRANKLIN ...,.30- WON St. Paul Lost Tomorrow, Monday, UNDER NO CONSIDERATION HISS OUR 0 FREE SPECIAL This one will win in a walk and will have no trouble. Go to your newsdealer and ask for the CHIEF OBSERVERS DAILY TRACK LETTER. Only 50 cents and is for sale at all newsstands. Whatever you do, dont miss tomorrows Chief Observers Occasional One that the CHIEF is extra confident of winning with tomorrow and one that should bo a nice long price. For sale at all newsstands, or mailed overnight 1 week. ,00. Address CHIEF OBSERVER PUBL5SHING CO. 25 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY AGENTS: Cincinnati, 0. All news-stands. St. Louis, Mo. Wm. Laser, Lobby. 705 Market St. Louisville, Ky. Eilar and Goodman, 827 4th Ave. Lexington, Ky. Rob. Bishow, Cor. Main and Lime St. and all others cities. NEXT-OUT WEEKLY BULLETIN Mailed to Subscribars on Saturday Morning. Contain a list of from ten to twenty horses, ready and expected to win next out. All are rated, enabling player to make selection when two or more mentioned horses arc in same r:icf!. FIRST COST IS ONLY COST We Have No Specials for Sale When we get lato word on something extra Rood we mail or win; tliis additional information. ABSOLUTELY FREE to all subscribers for three or more weeks. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 Week, . 3 Weeks, . 5 Weeks, . 10 Weeks, . ALL BUSINESS BY MAIL NEXT-OUT, Suite 415, 500 5th Ave., New York City National 0. K. Racing Letter PHOTOPLAY 2372-100 WON Was Yesterdays Long Shot." Yesterdays "Best Bet" Was Scratched. Remember, We Absolutely Only Give TWO HORSES EACH DAY 50c Daily at All Newsstands 50c Mailed Direct. 1 Week. .00; Z Weeks, .00. NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, III. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ! GET EVEN MONDAY and TUESDAY These two horses have boon carefully pointed for just these two spots. Conditions are made to order. A good .boy will ride and the odds should be gcod. Nothing has hern overlooked to bring these two sleepers down in front. I cannot say m trc. SPECIAL OFFER I am making the following offer at a out price: The two specials mentioned above one going Monday and the other Tuesday at Windsor, including the entire Devonshire meeting, which opens Saturday one horse daily for 7 days, for the sum of 0.00. Xo propositions accepted. Here is your chance to set in on wmii real smart stuff "thats all." Rush your subscriptions NOW. Time is short. GEO. L. STRANG Suite 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. The Reliable, Wonderful, WINNING SYSTEM The select plays are winning big money on a flat bet straight. A cool, conservative method, wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from track, with large or small capital. My system is jrivins many good priced winners: Cavalcadour II., 1.35; Fly Home, 513.65; Careful, 5-1; Current Events. 5-1; Lads Love, 2.05: Wraith. 8.25; Guy, 9.30; Brisk, 4.45; Talisman, 3.35; Parader, 10-1: Idle Dell, 5-1; Kirtls, 6-1; Duke of Wellington. 2.35; Thunderclap, 6-1; Lady Luxury, 2.20; Duke Ruff, 0.65; Sennings Park. 8-1; Kirklevington, 5-1. "ou can get my system on small payment down, balance after you win. STOP THAT LOSINt; RIGHT NOW AND START WINNING. Write at once for free particulars. WATSON CORNELL 125 CHURCH ST. SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y. THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING SPORTING WEEKLY Week Before Lasts Free Code: BANTRY PASS 4-1 WON Last Weeks Free Code: MELI0RA .10- WON Do you think this information is worth 15 cents? H you do, buy THE WINNING POST. Can be obtained at any newsstand. Watch for This Weeks Code We specify no certain day, but it will be when we have something good. Our motto is: "One a week and a WINNEIi." S7.00 Per Year by Mail. 101 West 41st Street New York City EX-JOCKEY WILSON BIG WINDSOR SPECIAL Have an extra good one get-away day. Looks like a sure winner at a good price. As I am so confident of results I charge nothing in advance. A trial will convince you. Terms: Winnings of a Straight Play. I am lined up right for Lntonia. Rush your name. X. WILSON Box 133 ..... Dayton, Ohio If Yon Want Winners Get ths Old Reliable STANDARD TURF GUIDE 35c All Newsstands Gives beet line on live ones at Canada and New York Todays Form Special: Oetober-Orap-18-20-19-S8 THE STANDARD TlfcF GUIDE Koorn 409, 82 W. Quincy St. Chicago, HU

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921082101/drf1921082101_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921082101_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800