untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-02


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THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of AUGUST, IS NOW ON SALE I C L I The SpCGial Attention of Students of Form is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and traok conditions designated on the occasion of each" and every start. By means of this innovation it is possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which in-formation is desired. a , -.. ., t- e . . PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY? only be sent aand registered mail, witli an- extra charge of ten cents for registration Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, JQlinoii 157-159 East Thirty-second Street .... Mw York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street ------ Buffalo, U. Y. 2 SPECIALS FOR 0 JJEOArSK of the prcponderanti! of "information" accumiilr.tinj; in -jar turf department, we are making a HA1JGAIX OFFKK OF TWO SIICCIAI.S FOR 0. Both of these GO Wednesday, September 7 ,Ue at ISelniont Park, the other at Blue Bon- nets, Montreal. AS ISlAI.. these are not "tips," but bona fide INFORMATION. Hither one is worth double what we ask for the two. These GO Wednesday TWO FOR i10. NEXT 00 GUARANTEED SPECIAL QUR NEXT 00 Guaranteed Special GOES Friday, September 9. For the benefit of "Missourians," oar last previous ?100 Guaranteed Special ran second. No. it was NOT a favorite. "We print losers, as well as winners. gTKCIAIj Fridays 00 Guaranteed Special is. we believe, equally as uood as was Leatherfacc. which won at 5 to 1. Read the chart on that race and SKK IF WE KNEW. Our "guarantee" is: TUB HORSE MUST AVIN not run second or third OR WE REFUND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. In order to circumvent the "pilferers." please sive your telephone number. WE PREPAY ALIj TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH CHARGES. Rush your subscription NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Turf Dept. Suito 1002, 109 II. Dearborn St. CWcajfO, III. DONT MISS OUR Opening Day Specials AT LAT0N1A All They Cost Is .00. Remember, This Track Is Our Old Stamping Ground. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: April-Apple-13-lG-95-60. ROOM 403, 22 W. QUINCY ST. CHICAGO, ILL. Reliable Information FROM LATONIA Telegrapher and Clocker Advance information filed with Racing Form on two sleepers. One goes Saturday, one I-ibor Day. I am on the urouud. Will you bet ten straight fur me on live information Write or wire. F. V. BOHL 0. K. Hotel, 3rd and Broadway Cincinnati, Ohio Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHIGAGO. ILL. 157-.159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y-74 EXCHANGE STREET ;; BUFFALO, N. "X. i "SIB" mi: Make Preparations Today for Kentuckys Great Meeting LATONIA TO LOUISVILLE TO LEXINGTON Get Lined Up Now to Receive Intelligent Inside Information OUR MAN NOW AT LATONIA GETTING SET As explained recently, we arc arransin to send 3"ou a daily one horse special. - Our man, who has been at Latonia since the spring meeting, has now commenced active work obtaining correct workouts and other inside information. Are we ir a position to give you winners? YES and some will be at nice long odds. Employ us as your Kentucky representative. Our price for this information we reiterate, "information," not tips is 0.00 for a period of one week. As a special inducement to start your week on Monday we will give Saturdays daily free in those having their subscription in before September .!. REMEMBER Every horse we send out H in the pilik of condition, and connections are going to shoot with lwtli barrels to Win. Telegraph or Mail Subscription Today. Southern Information Bureau LATONIA KENTUCKY From a Horseman World Famed FOR SALE I am going to retire from the turf busiues?, aud now offer for sale, for the first time, my own private methods of relccting from one to three great plays a day. BEST HORSES. PRICE 00.00 Upon receipt of the alwve my wonderful method will be mailed, with full and complete instructions of how to handle it. Address PROF. 0. R. GLEASON AMERICAS KING OF HORSE TRAINERS NATIONAL HOTEL CHICAGO, ILL. THE WINNING POST Americas Leading Sporting Weekly. THIS WEEKS CODE: Devonshire-Uno-Marks-Opening-For. All Newsstands 15 Cents Per Copy. By Mail, .00 Per Year. 101 W. 41st St. New York City TURF LIGHT RACING WEEKLY 24 WINNERS LAST WEEK 24 All Stands 15 Cents All Cities There is no mere up-to-date sporting new:; v-riiid than is found in the columns of TURF LIGHT. TODAYS FREE CODE: Eleven-Tu-Oiity-Six -Four-Honesty Dorval Our Daily Service Daily. 0 Weekly. TURF LIGHT S W. 43nd St, Now York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921090201/drf1921090201_10_4
Local Identifier: drf1921090201_10_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800