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1 g I j LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST " 700 LATONTA. LATONIA, Ky., September 17. Todays training 1 ?ullops hero included the following: Weather cloudy; track fast Three .Eighths Mile. 591- Allee Atkin ...37 CS9-Moon Winks .30 696- A. N. Kkin ..38 iOO-Poaee Pcnnant.36i 692-Bonero Blue ..39 C!3-Quince Garden. 35 Cautious 38f, 698-Sandy Land ...35" 616-Hermoden ....36 098-Young Adam .38 Half Mile. 690- Bullet Proof ..49 094-Plaudelia 51 621-Dr. Prall 50 691-Smuts 31 699-Damoris 50 692-Sandinan II. .52 0JS-Jouett 4S 629-West Side ....51 695-MInute Man ...49 085-Whitc Star ...51?3 Five-Eighths Mile. 634-Alula 1:05 022-Mrtble G. ...1:00 592- Carrie Buker.l:03 689-Millcrsburg .1:05 CSuNCho Cho ....1:01 612-Magnesia ...1:03 621-Cap Rock ...1:03 020-Nuncy Lane .1:0-1 695-Clghjordnn .1:02 698-Pcter Piper. .1:05 692-EviI 1:01 690-T. Elishmanl:03 692- Joc. Wiedel .1:02 C91-Wm. Oldt ...1:01 691- J. Pennybakerl:03 691-W.O.McCtck 1:01 Three-Quaxters Mile. 695-Aloft 1:15 697-Miss Jemiinal:13 695-Amanda ....1:20 694-Maxiniac ....1:15 695-Bright Trash.l:ll 699-Meliora 1:22 C92-Bud Fisher .1:15 C92-Omnipotent .1:21 692- B. Dancer 11.1:15 693-Pumps 1:15 699-Distinctlon ..1:14 020-Pattern 1:16 619-Pimples 1:17 699-Pindar Peel. .1:15 693- Fineastle ...1:16 097-Port Light ..1:16 689-Guvnor 1:11 t;s-RouIcau 1:16 093-Hold Up 1:14 c::2-Sam Reh 1:13 093- Uinkle 1:21 W.-Spats 1:16 J97-Hysteria ....1:20 695-Violinst 1:15 686-Lllln Mae 15.1:10 Seven-Eighths Mile. 693- Hodge 1:30 096-MarcelIa Boy.l:30 One Mile. 680-Ace ..1:40 092-Lit. Blossom. 1:15 092-Accelerate ...1:42 691 -May Bodine .1:47 097-Bit of Whitc.l:41 095-Miss Fontainel:13 097-Bullion 1:41 697-Radio 1:40 592-Dantzic 1:43 698-RefUKce II... 1:41 694- Guy 1:43 699-Shipmate 1:41 090-Gorham 1:14 69S-Sea Court ...1:13 697- Kinburn 1:13 690-Travesty 1:51 Mile and an Eighth. 691-Aphie Dear.. 1:58 OOt-Ranpoon 1:55 Mile and a Quarter. 699-Fircbrand ...2:03 JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 094- Avispa 37 086-The Chmberlin37 675-Lucky Button... 37 697-Welcome Strgr37 663-Lucky Hour 39 Half Mile. 694- Arapahoe 51 097-Pirate McGee...32 698- EoisKle 32 6S5-Pluribelle 50 589-Fruit Cake 49 698-Ross R 50 OOS-Goodhart 30 580-Twopair 50 695- Max Gold 18 696-Voormir 32 698-Penitent 49 089-Wnr Bond 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 698- Ballotmark ..l:t OSO-Phantom lluel:01 699- Conine 1:03 .OS-Simple Simon. 1:03 693- GlcabelLs 1:03 699-Sleiv"onard .1:03 696- Jules a.irson..l:01 Three-Quaitjrs lllle. 695- Annlstice 1:21 699-ucen Klonde.l:20 097-IVjmingo 3:21 C93-15oyal Jester.. 1:20 097-Fluff 1:20 C9S-5t. Isidore I:20?. 504-Grand Son ...1:17 0t5-Tikcli 1:21 698- Horologc 1:13 099-Ticklish 1:20 697- Keddani 1:16 697-War Pennant. 1:22 Seven. Eighths Mile. 697-Challenger ...1:32 9. Wireless 1:31 Ono Milo. 696- Brumado 1:13 690-Fa via 1:50 696-Dark Hill 1:46 695-Sca Sianer...l:49 699- Eye Opener... 1:47 654-Star Court 1:45 694- Gray Gables. .1:45 095-Salute 1:46 696-KilIaIa 1:43 693-Staunch 1:46 Penitent was under restraint. Fruit Cake went easily. Max Gold showed good speed. Phantom Blue went well. Neddatn was not extended. Horologe did good work. Dark Hill and Salute went easily together. Killala seems fit and ready. Krn-mado did his work well. Gray Gables galloped an easy mile. BELMONT. XBW YORK, X. Y.. September 17. Todays work-outs over the local courses included the following: Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mils. 674-Ailliro 37 098-InviiKible 38 695- Briganna 41 69S-Manna 40 696- Dream of t.VaI.3S 695.Taugcrine 40 693-Feodor 41 Half Mile. 697- Castauet 50 693-Kitty M 54 GSO-Cum Sah 53 Mary Patricia 55 690- Dimniesdale ...57 695-May Hampton 51 097-Irish Confetti 51 014-Printers Devil. 51 698- Kirklcvington .57 693.Venizclos 49 Z Five-Eighths Mile. 093-Diaua 1:09 69S-Phate Gold . .1:07 698-Good Times 1:10 635-Sum. Breezesl:03 692- Modo 1:02 C98-Tw. Sev. Biv.l:0:i 605-rerrcction ...1:03 698-Wishbone 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 09S-Bellatrix 1:15 6SS-RoutIedgc ...1:22 691- Bigheart 1:16 69S.St. Michael ..1:18 09S-Dan Boiling .1:15 693-Sweep By ...1:15 C9S-Little Patsy 1:18 633-Surf Rider ..1:16 J95-Lueky Girl ..1:20 697-Tulwar 1:19 693- Mizar 1:10 697-Uncertainty ..1:21 695- 0rcus 1:18 095-Vendor 1:16 696- Rosa ree ...1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 693-Diomedcs . . . . 1 :30 One Mile. 693-Faunus 1:52 096-Sedgefleld ...1:41 697- Frigate 1:4S 692-Yic 1:44 Venizclos worked well. Wishbone did her work impressively. Modo was not extended. Hellatrix went well. Dan Boiling is ready for a good race. Orcus was not full- extended. Surf Rider weut easily. Sweep By worked well.