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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART NEW YORK, N. Y SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1921. Aqueduct Hi miles 51 feet. First day. Queens County Jockey Clnb. Autumn Meeting of 12 days. Weather cloudy; tempentturo 70. Steward tneprcRPnt .lockovTlub. J. E. Davis. Stewards of Meeting, .1. E. Davis, 11. K. Knapp and W. S. Vosburgh. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Cornehlsen. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, A. McL. Earlocker. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. KF7iGandA I"IHST RACE 3-4 Mile. July C. 19161:113116. Roamer Handicap. ?4.785.67 Of-d JLJf: Added. All Ages. Net value to winner .980; second, 00; third. 00. Index Hornes AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jocivs Cwners OHO P si 57107DLTNi:OYNH w 5 12S 2 2 1J 1 37. 1U Sando S flildreth 4 4 10-50-5 3-5 .".; : G LAD rATOU wu IP.! 1 l f;i -l 5s 2i I! Marip.;llii:edstnm Stable 3 41 3S-CS-5 4-5 50942LAST STRAW w S 111 S 0 4 4ll"2i S1! F CltilettiG D Widener S f 6 21 C-5 5706 Is WAR NOTI2 wit 5 101 9 10 T.1 31 4l V AVciner .1 10 32 32 6 21 rifi15AUDACIOUS wn 5 Vi 4 4 fll 9 5!1 C KunnnerKon-igii Stable 4 S S .: S-3 5ufi ARARAT wi: :: KS 7 S - 21 i Gl L Penman II P AVhitney 12 15 15 C ?, riGH53lllISH DREAM wn 4 Vf 5 5 10 10 !2 ?;i L JlcAtce Kilrano Stable 0 8 S S-5 57107 ST. ALLAN wi: 4 102 10 9 Ss Gl 6J sl M. ItnrsonD Cunningham : GO 50 20 10 55865 REGAL LODGE wis 108 6 7 "i SI Si 9 C Turner 11 G Soule 2 32 6 56711 SMOKE SCREEN wn 11G S :: 1 71 10 30 G W CVrollO A Cochran 0 fi 5 2 1 Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track good. AVinner Ch. h, by Celt Workmaid, by Fatherless tr.iined by S. C. Hildrcth; bred by Mr. Arthur 15. Hancock. Went to post at 2:17. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. IHNP.OYNE.- prominent from the start, took the lead on the stretch turn, and won easing up. GLADIATOR was shuttled buck early, but saved ground on the turns and. iinixhing fast, outstayed LAST STRAW. The latter raced ou the inside sill the wny and ran a good and game race. WAR NOTE displayed much speed for five-eighths. AUDACIOUS was shuffled back at once, but closed a big gap. and finished with a great hurst of speed. ARARAT tired i:i the stretch. IRISH DREAM broke slowly and closed a gap. SMOKE SCREEN set a fast early paee :md unit badly. Scratched 5C6SSThundercIap. 135: 57107Iry Moon. 112; 571075Mercury, 97. Overweights War Note; 1 pound; St. Allan, 5: Regal Lodge. 2; Irish Dream. 1. CC7" LET SECOND RACE Ahout 2 Miles. Steeplechase. Purse ,000. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Q 4 XofO Selling. value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. "Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 S 12 15 Fin Jockeys Owners OHO P 8 .17J1SALG-ARDI ws 8 142 3 4 2s Is 3 Il Is! S Sfiis;on.I L Murphy" 2 2 C-5 1-3 .ut 50020 FA. I It MAC v.- 11 112 4 1 " 2 21W N IlenncdyJ D McDaniel 2 115-516-M out 57 032 FRANC TIREUR w 4 127 2 2 4 4 21 3 ?. A WliamsW Garth 4 ih 4i 7-5 out 56981 SAYWIIICII w 4 130 1 Is -i Pulled up.W Jones C Tcncbaum 21 3 3 4-5 out Time, 4:17. Track g-ood. Winner B. g, by Voorhccs Irama, by lurycar . trained by J. AV. Hcaly; bred by Mr. Adolph B. Spreekels. Went to post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow.. Won easily; second and third driving. ALGA R 11, under restraint, raced into the lend in the last mile, and was eased up in the last ftrides. FAIR MAC fenced, faultlessly and finished gumely. FRANC TIREUR tired after making a game challenge at Ihe twelfth jump. SAYWIIICII fell i;tme nnd was pulled up at the twelfth jutnp. QktCi THIRD RACE 5-8; Mile. July 3, 1919 57 2 115. Thirteenth Running BELLE -9 4 ItXU ROSE SELLING-. STAKES. ,000 Added. 2-year-clds. Net value to winner ,650; second, 00; third, 00. . . Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 V- Str Fin Joccyt Owners O H C P S 56937 KANTRY PASS 91 1 2 :: Il li T Finn Oak Itidge StableS 10 10 4 2 57033 MODESTY w 100 G G 1 3" 21 F "ltilotti.I A Coburn 12 12 30 4 2 50483 HKPHAISTOS wi: 105 10 5 51 5i ."1 C.S. W CrollI- li Brown 6 S 7 21 C-5 56812SQUESADA wn 108 9 10 41 21 4l C Turner C A Stoncham 3 4 3i 6-5 3-5 56812 LEGHORN w 99 4 1 i! 5 J Callahan W Dugan t3 41 41 S-5 4-5 57031 ATTA GAL w 901 7 7 71 fil fi K Kcobio .1 12 Madden i:5 3 21 1 "2-5 5fl7I3OOLONG w 104 ." 1 01 71 7 L McAtee J K Madden i" 3 2.J 1 2-0 5640 OPPKRMAN w 102 31 31 31 9 Si P Weiner Triple Spgs Fm 15 15 10 4 2 r.7110sFOREST QUEEN wr. 310 8 9 91 SI 9s T Rice J S Cosden 10 15 15 G 3 57110DISPUTE wn 302 3 S i0MI0 10" S Lowrt Quincy Stable M CO 50 20 10 56778SWIFT GRASS w 53 2 3 Jil 11 31 L Penman Short" Grass Stb 13 4i 4i 8-5 4-5 t JConplcd in betting; no separate place or show belting. Time, 1:00. Track good. Winner Ch. f, by Sea King Puff, by Ballot trained by L. W. Gartli; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 3:08. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BANTRY PASS, oft forwardly nnd closo up, in the early running, slipped through on the inslde in the last quarter and outstayed MODESTY in the final drive. MODESTY sec a fast pace; and raced LEGHORN and QUESADA into defeat, but tired when challenged. HEPHAISTOS. away well, was" forced wide when entering the stretch, but finished fast and gamely; and outgamed QUESADA in the stretch drive. The latter moved up menacingly at the eighth post, then tired. iiEGHORN retired after going a half mile. ATTA GAL and OOLONG were alwnys ontpacedt Scratched 50512. Tulwar, 94; 57110 Plucky. 99; .r.COS4Rorwood. 102. , Overweights Quesada". 2 pounds; Atta Gal. 2V-j. IK f7-t OrT FOURTH RACE 1: 1-8 Miles. July 27, 19211:493123. Twelfth: Running EDGE-J 4 JLvJ4 MERE HANDICAP. ,000 Added. and upward. Net value to -winner ,150; second , ,000; third. 00. - - Index Horses A WtPPSt Vt, Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 5G985CAPT. ALCOGK wn 4 104 1 2 21 2s 3 3 li; L MclUco Quincy Stable 2 31-511-51-5 out 56940 DAMASK wsu 4 108 2 :. :: S 2 1J 21 V Cltilettlll P AVhitney 6 8 7 1 out 5G910MAD HATTER wn 5 132 3 1 V- Is ll 2l 3 1-1 Sando Rahcocas Stable 3-5 7-103-5 out Time, 23, 46. 1:11. 1:37, 1:50. Track good. AVinner Ch. c, by Ogden Mallard, by Star Shoot trained by J. Fitzsimmons; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 3:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CAPTAIN ALCOGK, showing much speed in the going, saved ground when entering the stretch, and, finishing gamely, wore the leaders down in the stretch and won drawing clear. DAMASK, under restraint for the first three-quarters, moved up fast on the outside and raced MAD HATTER into defeat, but could not withstand CAPTAIN AI.COCKS challenge. MAD HATTER set a great pace in the early running, but tired when forced to a drive in the. stretch. Scratched 506SSThundcrclap, 127; 57101 Dounacona, 110; 50S54sKnobbie, 112; 56779sKiagdom II., 104. Overweights Captain Alcock, 2 pounds. Kf7t Qfi FIFTH RACE 1. Milo. June 25, 1921 1:36 4-tRJ7. Purse ,585.67. 3-year-olds and Q 4 JLyO upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ;385.67; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U "A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 30887 GEORGIE wn 1 125 3 ::l ?," 3l ll 11 B MarinelliRedstone Stable 5 5 41 C-5 2-5 56688 THUNDERCLAP wr. 5 1J C 2 21 2s 11 2l EJ E Samlc Rancocas Stable 3-5 4-5 3-5 3-15 out 5 7 109 CHAT. THIERRYwn 3 309 2 1 41 0s 4s 3l ::; A SchusrJ Sanford 4 5 G 7.-3 1-2 56158 GEXIE AV. w 4 PS 1 4 Id iu 2 4 4 L Penman J AVhaler. 8 10 10 3 G-5 57064 ROMANY wr. -I 101 7 6 7 4 I- 5 and F CltilcttiAA Daniel 15 20 20 G 2 50506 CIMARRON wi: 3 19 4 5 r.h 7 7 7 fil G AV CarlG A Cochran 3 40 SO 10 4 157036 GOOD DYE wn 3 931 5 7 G 5i t" CI 7 C KummcrGrcentree Stable SO CO 30 10 3 Time, 23, 46, 1:11, 1:37. Track rood. AVinner Ch. g, by Star Shoot Fair Atalant.i, by Knight of the Thistle trained by M. Ilirscli; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 4:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won .easily; second and third driving. GEORGIE, under a good ride, was saved to the. stretch, where he gained steadily on the outside and, diking the lead in the last eighth, won casing up. THUNDERCLAP Mas much used in racing GENIE AV. into defeat and tired in the stretch after taking the lead. CHATEAU THIERRY came fast through the stretch and made a game finish. GENIE AV. set a fast pace for nearly three-quarters nnd tired. Scratched 53533 Dominique, 12G; 5H00JCopper Demon, 99; 568S8Tufter, 110; 5G5033EsciinoIett , 103; 57194 War Note. 101. Overweights Good Bye, 4,-i pounds. KF7and OCfe SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. July 0, 19161:113116. Purse ,555.66. 2-yeur-olds. Q 4 JLytj Allowances. Net value to winner ,385.66; second, 00; third, 00. . Index Horses AWtPPSt ft y2 yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 564U4 MISSIONARY w 110 3 10 81 s 3l 31 C RobsonLexmgton Stb 31 31 7-5 .-7isALL OVER wi: KWl 1 4 C1 Gl 31 2:l T Rico Quincy Stable 10 15 12 5 56939 MY PLAY wit K7 5 :: 2 1" 21 A SchfserLexington Stb f21 ::l I!l 7-3 2-5 570333i:.lOTION w 307 3 G 5U 41 41 41 E Scubio Montfort Jones 13 15 13 C 3 56939 SEDGE v.- 110 11 11 .V 71 71 5 L Penman Greentree Stable U 41 4 7-3 3-3 56983 PRODIGIOUS W 122 G 1 :v- :fl 3h Gs G AV Croll.I E Davis 15 15 15 G 3. 57067 JUNE GRASS wi: 112 7 1 ll 2- GJ 7 C KummerG A Cochran :! :!1 S-57-101-:: 57110 CONFUSION w 102 2 8 12 12 11 SU J CstllahanG AV Canenter 50 CO GO 2J 10 57069 RAINBOW BOY w 103 12 12 41 101 io 9V L McAtee F J Farrell 30 30 30 12 G 55630 IRISH BRIGADIER w 1121 S 9 301 31 12 301 A JohnsonKilrano Stable 30 33 33 C 2 5706:1 TARN w 103 .5 7 11 9 Sl 11 V CltilettiGreentree Stable J4 41 4 7-3 3-3 56939 TOIL wn 11G 4 5 71 5 9112 E Sando M L Schwartz 5 S 6 21 C-3 f Coupled in betting; no separate place or1 show betting. Time. 23, 47, 1:14. Track good. AVinner Ch. c, by Hourless Mission, by Rock Sand trained by K. Patterson; bred by Mr. August Belmont. AVent to post at 4:33. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVou driving; second and third the same. MISSIONARY gradually improved his position from a slow beginning and, under 11 vigorous ride, wore ALL OAER down in the final sixteenth and won drawing clear. ALL OVER passed JUNE GRASS on. the stretch turn and took the lead, biit could not -withstand the winners challenge. MY PLAY ran well throughout, but was tiring through the linal eighth. SEDGE and PRODIGIOUS were in close quarters through the stretch, but were beaten at the time. JUNE GRASS had no mishaps and quit after set-ling a fast early pace. Scratched 57031sCommander, McMcekin, 105. Overweights All Over. l. pounds; My Play. 2; June Grass, 2; Irish Brigadier, 21-.