Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-18

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LAT0NIA FORM CHART XATONIA. KY;, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1921. Latonia 1 mile. Thirteenth, day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 31 days. Weather cloudy first race, wet thereafter: temperature SO". Stewards. Chas. Fi Price, S. t;. Nuekols. .Ir.. A. G. Leonard and . AV. Hay. Judges, w. H. Shelley, N. II. McClelland and E. Jasper. Starter, A. It. Dade. Racing Secretary. AV. H. Shelley. Rncing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time 2:00 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. K PTOOdfX FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. June 7. 1821 1:101 C 110. Purse ,400. 3-year.olds Q 4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100: second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt YM Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt i"0430sAEADANK w K 330 32 S 7l 4"S 31 ll T Murray AV E Applegate 44O-I0.1 57115 REDMON wn fi 111 : 5 2 li2 21 II I.unsfM I-Uorisant Stabbi iW-lm 57073 GLORIA FRANCEwn 4 107 2 3 5i 51 4:: II J Burke J S AVanl lCO-Klo 569433CLlNTONVILI.E w 4 103 G 12 9t 71 5k 4" O AVillis S IC Nichols :SO-ro 57039s "MISS PETITE w 3 100 lrt l si 01 fi 5l 15 Parke J B Respess ::6G3-ltil f7070RISING ROCK wit 103 7 G 41 23 21 fi M Garner L Gentry MW-lfO 57070SUNCLE VELO wsu 3 100 5 11 Hi-111 71 71 II Gregory G F Baker 2040-lon 57037 JCOZETTE w3 9S1 3 7 102 10s Ss S1 G Fields G J Long IVC-ioO 57070 ROMANCE w 3 10:: I 2 .". x 9 9r- E Barnes Hal Price Headley t2l0-lim 51755 BLUE PARADISE w G 107 5 !l fil HllO 10 R liar ton H .T Brannon lsr,d-lii 56820 HIDDEN JEWEL wn 5 110 11 4 1" :: 11 15 .1 D Mney J Marino t 50674 COTTON BEOS M W 4 108 8 30 32 12 32 12 V Paul J L Paul t tAIutuel held. Time, 23, 46, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels paid, Abadane, 0.S straight, .30 place, .10 show; Redmon, .00 place, .30 show; Gloria France, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Abadaue, 440 to 300 straight, 165 to 100 place, 103 to 100 show; Redmon. 100 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show: Gloria France, 225 to 100 show. AVinner P.. g, by Maboul II. Alby, by Rabelais trained by K. Spcnce; bred iu France by Alcomte de Fontarce. Went to post at 2:08. At post 1 minute; Start good and slow. Won handily; second aud third driving. ABADANE apppared lame when going to the post arid had to close si. big gap, but finished gamely and. came away in the center of the track to win with ease, but finished with a pronounced limp. REDMON showed early speed and raced into the lead, but could not withstand the winner; GLORIA FRANCE began fast and, rncing forwardly, made a fust finish. CLINTONAILLE began slowly and closed an immense gap. RISING ROCK quit fast in the last eighth. Scratched 50859 Ruby, 108; 51943 Columbia Tenn, 110; t57039Ensteside; 111; 57070 Jacobean, 100. Overweights Redninu, 1 pound; Clintonville, 1; Cozette, lji; Romance, 1; Cotton Blossom, 3. ttrTOA"! SECOND BACE 5 1-2 FurlongSr June 7. 1909 1:05 3-93. Purso ,400. 2.year- 4 mKJJl olds. Maiden. Claiming. ,N?t valno to. tripper .1QQ; so?o"nd, 00; .tMta. ,S100. Index Horses AWtlPStttand BtriFln; Jockeys s Owners Eguiv. Qflda sttt rn39TMODXA " w VjVjy 5;" ZVlk l" lv B IrtrUe s GJ 176ti " 211100 04249rMEGANr " " -w-112-12 H- -. -2 53 Barnes Kehn -Theiscn - lSi-lOO OC73 OUH BETSY ww. 112 11 10" 10 7i3j p V Smith A L Ferguson 930-100 OfiJ89PLUNELLA wi? 107 2 1 C r.j 4i as a Wilson I ft Bnidfield; t2SlQ-lpQ OG989 BASHFUL w 11- 7 3 21 3V G " .1 D Iney J Marino 9305-100. 07miBONNIE CREST w 112 1 1 1 C G C. AV Morsey J B Rcspess 2CQ-10Q OG980 IMAGE w 112 10 8 0k 71 71 R Davies Trcacand Walker " t 07071 CANNY ,ADY w 112 :: j HKW" ll-9 N K McDott AV F Knebelkamp t 57071 FIELD I.AUK w 112 8 7 Sl 10 10 9,3 J Murray K Spencc 1735-100 OG891 ETHKti VALE w 112 C 2 11 83 J- 103 J SmulHvd OMcara. BroH S0S0-1O0 07.074 WHO CAN TELL as- 112 9 6 7 4l SJlluiI J Burke Fair Acre Farm 3720-100 C6S8!.S1DA McGEE w 107 112 12 12 V 12 Ci Fields C M Hardy 015-100 tMulnel Jieltl. Time, 23, 49, 1:011, 1:08. Track muddy. S2 mutucls. paid. Modna, -1,30 straight, 4.10 place, .70 show; Megan, .40 place, .50 show; Our Betsy,- S5.40 show. Equivalent booking odds Modna, 2115 to lOO Straight, 005 to 1C0 place, 2S5 to 100 show; Megan, 120 to Kin place, 75 to 100 show; Our Birthday, 170 to 100 show. Winner Br. f, by Sain Belle Scott, by Contestor trained by It. A. Williams; bred by Mr. George J. Long. Went to post at 2:3S. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MODNA moved up steadily and, saving much ground by slipping through next to the inner rail on the stretch turn, meed into the lead and won casing up. MEGAN began slowly and closed a big gap in the last ipiurtcr. OUR BETSY closed a big gap and "made a fast linish. PLUNELLA ran a good race all the way. BASHFUL tired after reaching "the stretch. BONNIE CHEST ran poorly in the going. IDA McGEE ran away a half mile at top speed before the start. Scratched 57040 Bartered. 112; 509S9 Dixie ODay. 112; Torsida, 112. tT rTOfhTi THIRD BACE 1 l-lG Miles. Oct.. 7, 191G 1:43 3 122. Eurso. ,400. 4-ycar.olds O 4 MVfJU and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00, Index Horses AWtPPSt "U StrFin. Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Str7! STl 11 FAIR ORIENT ws S 114 15 21 ll 1 I3 1 E Bool R L Baker " ;C5rl0O 57043 AltrtAVAN w 7 111 S 9 8 C 2J 2s- 2 II Lunsfd E Trotter StHMOQ 070433ILYRAEST KING w 7 112 5 0 41 2h :P 4l 3 H .7 Burke .T M Gpbdo 7r.-l00 R0a9lWAVE w 5 107 C 10 !s 7 5 5 4t G Fields A Luzader r.lO-ICO rG045ALEX JR. wr. -lllt 1 S J C" 4S 3J 5 F Smith A W Jackson 945-100 ,rr,45 MISS NELL w 4 100 2 7 Si cl 6- C- N J Barnes A Hill f2o."i0-100 30822LA FOUDRE av 5 IOC 11 2 7 Sl S1 7 73 B Parke Gallaher Bros 10SO-100 rfi8223MAB w 7 109 3 4 C 0r 9 Ss S1 E Barnes II T Batchler 2105-100 53235 SHILLING w 1 112 9 1 1 41 7 U- 9 .T D Mney Anderson Bros r.O10-100 r,OU 7 3 GREY EAGLE w C 112 7 " 10s 10l:10l 10,o10 BarrMt F Gering Jr t 57072 ROYAL DUCK wi: 4 110 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 G Stack B Davis 2970-100. JMutuel Held. Time, 24. 49, 1:15, 1:43, 1:49. Track muddy. jautupls paid, Fair Orient, 3.30 straight, .00 place, .30 show; Arravan, .30 place, .90 show-; Harvest King. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Fair Orient. 50.-. to 100 straight, 330 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; Arravan, 105 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Harvest King, 00 to 100 show. Winner "h. g, by Fair Play Orienta, by Henry of Navarre trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. Raymond L. Belmont . Went to p;t at 3:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. FAIR ORIENT raced into the lend in the lirst pi.-irter and won as his rider pleased. ARRAVAN ran" a good race and gained steadily in the hist half mile. HARVEST KING had 110 mishaps and just lasted to hold third place. WAVE was going fast at the end. ALEX 3R. was tiring through the stretch. Scratched 571S0 Harry Burgoyjie, Hi; 570!22Frank F 107 : 5707C Philistine, 107; 554GS Belle of Bllznbcthtown. 100 : 57070 Peggy .. KM: 57037 Shipmate. 112; 5C945 Ollie Palmer, 107. ETTOrf"h FOUKTK BACE 3-4 Mile. June 7,- 1921 1:10 G 110. Twelfth Bunninjr FORT 3 4 l VU. THOMAS HANDICAP. S5.000 Added. 2-year-olds. Net value to winner ,360; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 20. Indcs Horses AWtPPSt V. and .;4StrFin Jockeys Owners IfrmiT. Odds Strt 55G3M1SS JOY w 132 2 2 1 I5 1 l1 M Garner M6ntf,Qrt, Jones . " i-10-100 57 J 1 G:AASHlNGTON will 1 5 21 2: 21.-2" O Willis H H Hewitt 5120-100 56787STAHTTjE w 117 2 4 4 41 3 3J E Pool H H Hewitt 507.87 - JEANNE BOVDRE w 109 5 1 ? 5 5 4 7 Barrett J O and G H Keeno 510-100 5G904:PEGASUS . wu 123. 4 5 5 31 41 5 F Kco?h Montfort" Joiies t tCoupled in betting as Montfort Jones entry; fH. H. Hewitt entry. Time, 24, 47, 1:15. Track muddy. niutucls paid. Montfort Jones entry, .80 straight, .10 place; H. II. Hewitt entry, .00 place; no show inutuels sold. . . Equivalent booking odds Montfort Jones entry, 40 to 100 straight, 5 to 100 place; H. H. newitt entry. 30 to 100 place. . Winner 13. f, by Peter Quince Proud Daisy, by Pride trained by J. C. Milam; bred by Mr. Johnson N. Camden. . . . Went to post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. ;MISS JOYr showing great speed, took a good lead after going, three-eighths, but tired in the stretch under her heavy weight and; had .to be ridden hard at the end. WASHINGTON raced in closest pursuit from the start and made a resolute linish. STARTLE came fast in the stretch. PEGASUS tired in the stretch drive. Scratched 5012C:Fair Phantom, 127; 50991 Bet Mosie, 110: 5091S Bonus. 105; 57171 Aloft, 10S; r,r,S21Bmodnlbanc, 115; 57110 Tom Hare Jr.. Ill; 5G094 Granite AVare, 103; 5703S Pindar Peel, 115. KrTOfkfl FIFTH BACE 1 3-4 Miles. Oct. 23, 1320 2:56 3 119. Third Bunnins LATONIA O 4 CHAMPIONSHIP STAKES. S15.000 Added. 3-year-olds. Special Weights. Net value to winner 3,635; second, ,000; third, ,000; fourth, ,000. Index Horses AWtPPSt j StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiy. Odds Strt rG7JUSPDRTLNG BLOOD w 120. 5 4 .31 2- ::- 11 1 F Kcogb H C Fisher C30-100 5G947 BLACK SERVANT w 12G 2 1 1- 1 -l -2 2 L Lyke E R Bradley t0-100 5699:;I1UMPHREY wn 12C 1 5 -I10 I5 -t3 11 ,T 1 Mney D Leban . 715-100 5G940 GREy LAG wi: 120 2 3 2 2 2l S -I1 L Fator Jiancocas Stablo CO-100 C07J8 BEHAVE TOURSLFw 120 4 2 5 5 5 r, S A Collins E B Bradley iConidcd in betting as i:. It. Bradley entry. Time. 23, 43. 1:14, 1:41 2:09, 2:47, 3:05. Track muddy. ?2 inutuels paid. Sporting Blood, 4.00 straight, .70 place; E. R. Bradley entry, 1.90 place; no show inutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Sporting Blood, G30 to 100 straight, 135 to 100 place; E. It. Bradley entry, 115 to 100 place. " Winner B. c, by Fair Play Felicity, by Itock Sand trained by W. Booth; bred by Mr. August Belmont. Went to post at 4:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow-. Won easily; second and third driving. SPORTING BLOOD was well ridden ami saved close up to the last quarter, where he rushed into the leail and won easing up. BLACK SERVANT showed line speed in paccmaking and held on gainely for second place. HUMPHREY came with a rush right .at the end. GKF.Y BAG was done after going a mile and a half and seemingly was handicapped by the mud. BEHAVE YOUKSELF was always far back. Scratched 57041 Rangoon. 120: 50990 White Star, 120. R.f79ASi; SIXTH BACE 3-4 Mile. Juno 7.1921 1:10 6 110, Gibson Hotel Handicap. O jMXttJ ,800 Added. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Net valus to winner ,350; "second, 21.50; third, 31. Inder Horses AWtPESt and StrFin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 5GK04 HIGH COST WB G 115 2 2 1 1" 1 lc H Lunsfd Florisant Stable 190-100. f0800ADONIS w 3 10S 4 1 2" 23 2 2 II J Burke J S Ward r,"0rl00 r84 BROOKHOLT wn 4 123 5 5 3t ;z 310 -p Keogh Montfort Jone3 1165-100 r.C860 DARJEELING wn 2 103 1 3 5 5 41 4- M Garner J N Camden f 5G894 AMERICAN ACE wb 5 112 3 4 4 41 5 5 J D Mney E Cebrian 443-100 tCoupled in betting as Mpntfort Jones and J. N. Camden entry. Time, 23, 47, 1:14. Track muddy. inutuels paid. High Cost, .80 straight. .90 place; Adonis, . SO place; no show mutucls sold. Equivalent booking odds nigh Cost. 190 to 100 straight, 95 to 100. place; Adonis, 140 to 100 place. Winner B. h, by Von Trbmp Mitten, by King Eric trained by E. Trotter; bred by Mr. Daniel F. Egan. Went to post at -1:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HIGH COST, running in much improved form, raced, into a long lead at once and won as his rider pleased. ADONIS was in closest pursuit for the entire race and held on gamely in the final drive. BROOKHOLT was outpaced, but made a resolute linish. The others were far back from the start. Scratched 50S04Ir. Clark, 120; ..7012Ginger. 112; 50917 Marjorie Hyncs, IPS. EirfOAf? SEVENTH BACE 1 Mile. July 3, 1919 1:36 4 10G. . ,500 Added. 3-ycar-olds O 4 SFO and upward. Claiming. Net value to- winner ,150; second, 28.50; third, 04. Index Horses AWtPPSt Y2 X Str gin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 57075BIACKIE DAWwn S 103 1 X l5 1" l6 Is 1 B Parke A L Kirby -130-100 5G851 DABTMOOR w 3 112 2 2 2 21 23 23 2 C Buel A B Gordon 250-100 50049 TlPPO SAHIB w C 103 4 2 S3 3 3? 3 T,s 31 Gregory J T West 2SO-100 07075 BROTHLY LOVE w 4 107 3 1 4 4 4 4 -1 J D Mney J McPherson 1145-100 Timo, 24, 49. 1:15,-1:42. Track muddy. inutuels paid, Blackic Daw, .00 straight, .00 place; Dartmoor, .20 place; no show mutucls told. Equivalent booking odds Blackic Daw. 130 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 plnce; Dartmoor. 00 to 100 place. Winner Blk. h, by Hilarious Mary Day, by Peep oDay trained by A. L. Kirby; bred by Mr. Jesse Spcnee. AVent to post at 5:28. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BLACKIE DAW ran as if he outelessed the others and led unextnnded by a wide margin for the entire race. DARTMOOR laced in nearest pursuit from the start and held TIPPO SAHIB safe all the way. TIPPO SAHIB raced gamely, but was always outpaced. BROTHERLY LOVE Was always far back. Scratched 50919By Golly. 102; 5C94G Kcwpic ONeil, 110; 57075sMavchona, 9S.

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