Connaught Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-18

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C0NNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART OTTAWA, ONT., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1921. Connanght Park 1 mile. Fifth day. Connaught Park Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Vcathcr raining; temperature 68. Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations, Francis Nelson. Stewards of Meeting, J. B. Campbell and M. X. Macfarlan. Judges, D. S. Gillies and L. N. Bate. Starter, Harry Morrisscy. Bac- ing Secretary. T. 1. Gorman. Racing starts at 2:30 p: m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. OtfTkfT FIRST BACE About 2 Miles. Queen City Steeplechase Handicap. Purse 00. 4-ycar- 3 4 jSaSJ 4 olds and upward. Net value ta winner 1921.sh75; second. 50; third, 5. : Index Horses A Wt PI St 3 0 n 12 Fin Joekeya . Owners - Eqirlv. Odds Strt 5G899 T1J ANSPKBO w 0 139 1 1 V.i 11 11 ll W J5org.m C K Harrison Jr " M 0-100 5G899.SL7ECTENNT SEASw 1 137 5 4 2 23 2 2 23 II Wliiims A Rogers. 210-100 r70 1-McCORBURN W 7 142 2 3 5 41U 43 4 31 W OCOnr W G "Wilson G75-100 5G731sliAROXET w C 137 4 5 3s Vfi ::3 r,3 4 W Howard J G Gorman 050-10 07014 RAY O LIGHT w 10 130 3 2 43 5 5 5 5 F Preece H Waring 1690-lfO Time, 3:52. Track good. inutuels paid, Transpero, .20 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Lieutenant Seas, .05 place, .30 show; McCorbnru, 2.00 show. Equivalent booking odds Transpero, 110 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Lieutenant Seas. 32,i to 100 place, IT, to 100 show; McCorburn. 30 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Transvaal Espero, by Sir Dixon trained by S. Veitcli: bred by Mr. W. S. Kilmer. Went to post at 2:34. At post 1 minute. Start goodond slow. Won easily; second und third driving. TRANSPERO went to the front at once and, leading" under restraint, made several blunders at jumps, but won all the way. LIEUTENANT SEAS fenced well and raced gamely. McCORRURN began slowly and finished fast. BARONET lost considerable ground wiicu going "to the Juuip, and tired badly. Scratched 50953:;Coronado, 13S; 50312 Madrid, 130. SECOND BACE 5 .1-2 Furlomjs Sept. 1, 1913 1:06 3 1B3. Purs 00. 3.yeax-O 4 JUXJCj olds and upward. Claiming. Net valno -to" winner , se.coad. -2fc. third. 0; index: Horsfcs Artl,PStltt" "Stf jln. "jcgey "Ownani""" " " TijqDly.-OdasSftFt fiVdJsAX. PIEltCE s wHlIl 1 1" 2fi2Ll"j "W.Bostiikf .1 T irrisoi 1 rTT" B70.1C0 07U77:IKINEriCf wii 3 llr. 6 5 11 ll "2s -23 H Rmclli J G Gorman 210-100 1 07083 KID yy 1 IU 3 Q 1 7 7 3i E Atkinsn L J Erown 13G5-100 57077 TIPFORD w C lfiR " 4 4 Cl 4 2 4 11 Tliurber B T Zbllicoffer 74M0O " r778 JACK LEE v;n 3 iOO . 3 3 41 5? T -Murijly. II Tullett- 2D55-10O 57174 RUTH MAXIM w3 106 7 2 -5V Z- Gs H Sfearns, .1 C Fletclier 11G5-100 57078 MISS OURI w C IOC 5 7 4j C 61 7 32 Hnfbiie S ? Kelly 2C3C-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:02, 1:09. Track rood. mutucls paid, Al Pierce, .40 straight, .70 place, .40 show; Kinetic, .85 place, .50 show; Rib, .S0 show. Equivalent booking odds Al Pierce, 120 to 100 straight, 35 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Kinetic, 421- to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Rib, 90 to 100 show. Wimicr Br. g, "by Dick Welles Skvte, by Kingston trained by A. Bennett; bred by Mr. E. T. Graves. Went to post at 3:03. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. AL PIERCE, after racing in elose pursuit of KINETIC, moved up with a rush on the stretch turn and, racing into the lead, won going away. KINETIC showed the most early speed, but could not, withstand the winners rush. BUS closed a big gap and finished with a rush on the inside. TIPBQKp quit. .TACK LEE h:fd no mishaps. Scratched 52292: Turf. 114; 07119:!Ballyiiew, 101. 2;JWtf"Q THIRB RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 1, 1913 1:06 3 115," Xmisc 800: 3.ycar-tJ 4 Jm" olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to .winner 05; second, 25;rtKifd.,S70. Index " Horses AWtPPSt Vs V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 57119. LIGHT FTASTIC vn 3 101 4 3 3 3 1- ll W Eogski M E-Thompson- 21S71-100 07078 3GAIL0U-BERRY wMq 7 5 4 P I?. 21 A Cantner Seagram Stable 75-10! 04GG2 CHICK BARKLEY w C 111 ;: 4 C3 51 43 S II Thurber S J Kolley CSO-lQO 07120 WAAC w U 91 r. 1 iu 2?. 3 4 13 llarbne A Warner 2CTO-100 HILLANDALE w 7 1J-1 S t: 5U 5 5s F Hunsker E Hill 1175-100 067.00 MARGTE DIXONwi: 3 100 1 7 V 73 7- 0 E Atkinsn S Brown 3."65-l 528G! DRAFTSMAN wr. 3 IOC 2 S S S S 7 F Murphv T Hodge 30SO-100 5C280 SAND BIVER II. wr. 4 111 r, 2 2?. 4s 01 S W Hinpliy P Hinphy 3C5-iOO Time, 24, 50, 1:09. Track good. mutucls paid. Light Fantastic,, 3.75 straight, .25 place, .50 show; Gallou-Berry, .05 place, .G5 show: Chick Barkley, .00 show. Eiiivalent booking odds Light Fantastic. 21S7 to 100 straight, 3C2. to 100 place, 125 to 100 show; Gallon -Berry. 52. to 100 place, 32 to 100 show.; Chick Barkley, 77. to 100 show. Winnci-T-Ch. f, by Olainbala Fjmtasque, by Disguise trained by M. E. Thompson; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson. Went to post at 3:33. At post 12 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. LIGHT FANTASTIC, elose up from the start, came fast through the. stretch and, wearing GALLOU-BERRY down, won going away. GALLOU-BERKY was rushed into forward contention rind, racing WAAC into defeat, topk the lead, but tired finally. CHICK BARKLEY closed up ground and fin-ished gamely. WAAC set the early pace and quit. SAND RIVER II.. fractious at the post, slip wed speed. Kjy O-fl t FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. June 17, 19211:133112. Fiirso"o0. 3-ycaf.,olds and 4 " upward. Claiming." Net value to winner 05; second, 25; third", 0. Index . Horsca AWtpFst - Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 56058 PANAMAN w C 109 2 2 2 23 Ill3 J Dreyer C"lChiglif 210-100 070833GOLDEN CHANCE w 7 107 4 4 C 4" 31 23 13 Moore II E Davis 9G5-100 07121 APPROVAL wn 6 10S 2 8 4- f. 5 2! W Bog ski W 1 McCaffrey 475-W 07080MESS KIT wr. 4 1 10 G 5 iu i.. 23 4- F Murphv M E Thompson S30-100 07121-,CdRMORAN wr. 4 110 1 C V." 3?. 41 f.3 AV Hinphy C AV Hall 175-100 5G898SLEIPSIC w 3 107 5 1 tf C G C E Atkinsn A B Spreckels llCO-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:14. Track good. mutucls paid, Pamiman, straight, .00 place, .40 show; Golden Chance, .S0 place, .00 show.; Approval, .05 show. Equivalent booking oilds Panaman, 24Q to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Golden Chance, 290 to 100 "place, 130, to, 100 show; Approval, 102 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Magellan Pronta, by Falsetto trained by W. Richey; bred jn. France by Mr. T. P. Thome. Went to post at 4:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PANAMAN forced, a fast early pace while racing op ilie outside in the best going and, passing MESS KIT in the stretch, won going away. GOLDEN CIIANCK began slowly, but closed a gap. and finished fast. APPROVAL raced gamelv and had no mishaps. MESS KIT tired after setting a fast pace to the stretch. CORMORAN quit badlv. . - Scratched 570SOPhrl. 111. frTtf-g " FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Juno 23. 1917 1:45 3 112. ftneon City Handicap. . J. JSdJL " JL Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner T" 00; second, "" 00; third, 00: " :": Index Horses AWtPPSt vt Str Fin Jockeys Ownera " Equlv. Odds Strt 571 7GLADS LOVE w 5 110 3 2 2. in 1-. 1 l3 J Dreyer S Mipdow H3100 5087.0 DUKE BUFF w 5 102 1 "1 liV 2: 2 2 "21 H Tliurber J De "Estrampcs 320-100 57081 WOODBINE wn 4 100 5 4 C C C 5 3 A Gantner Brocikdalo Stable 1515-100 5704.8SPADUA wn 5 104 4 5 ?S Z 3?. 4 R Ranelli L A Seregnl 113-Htt 07048 BETTY . I. wsu 4 1011 G 3 5- 5s 41 41 511 F Murphy T Hodgft 45Q-1CO 570.-19 WAKEFIELD wsu 3" PG- 2. 6 41 4 56 G 0 AV Bogski Seagram Stable :1213rI0 Time, 24. 49, 1:14, 1:40, 1:47. Track good. mutucls paid. Lads Love, 3.20. straight, place, .55 show; Duke Buff, .30 place, .40 .show; AVoodbine. .55 show. " Equivalent booking odds Lads Love, 5G0 to 100 straight, 202. to 100 place, 127. to 100 show; Duke Ruff, 115 to 100 place, 70 to 101 show; AVoodbine, 127. to 100 show. AVinner Ch. g, by Hamburg Ballet, by Ben Brush trained by S. Miodow: bred by Greentree Stable, AVent to pot at 4:42. At" post 1 minute. Start good and fast. AVon easily; Second and third driving. LADS LOVE raced DUKE RUFF into defeat iu the first half mile and, racing into a long lead, wa cased up at the end. DUKE RUFF set a good early pace in the early" running and gainely outstayed AVOODBINE. -The latter raced last for the lirst three-quarters, then finished with a rush through the stretch. PADUA ran well for a half, then quit. BETTY J. also quit in the stretch. Scratched 57047 Flying Ford, 93. Overweights Duke RntT. 3 pounds; AAakelield, 1; Betty J., 1. KFTO-g O SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. June 21, 1921 1:45 5 121. Purse 00. 9j4uiJLAi 3-year-olds iand upward. Claiming. Net valao to winner 75; second. 50; third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv; Odda Strt 07122MACK GARNER w v 92 2 1 1-. is; IV. 11 B-t A Arvin I" Hinphy 370.-100 5.7iaswOODTHBUSIl w 6 105 3 3 3 31 3 21 2 ji Thurber J M Collins 07017 ANMUT w 4 95 1 1 4 4 4 5 53 A Gantner Brookdalo Stablo 725-10O1, 5-7049 SMADGE F. wb 5 111 1 2 2 2 2J 4 -I H Steams E . J Salt l-ii0 Time. 24, 49, 1:15, 1:41. 1:40. Track good. inutuels paid, Mack Garner, .40 straight, .35 place; AVoodthruah, .S0 place; no show mutucls sold." Equivalent booking edds Mack Garner, 370 to 100 straight, 77. to 100 place; Woodthrush, 40 to 100 place. Winner B. h, by Seth Flarney. by Grccnan trained by P. Hinphy; bred by Mr. F. A. Breit. Went to post at 5:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. AVon driving; second and third the same, MACK GARNER, favored by his light impost, raced into the lead at once and won all the way, but was hard ridden all through the homestretch to outstay AVOODTlIRUjSH. The latter was saved in the early running ami made a fast finish, but could not quite get up. ANMUT. closed up ground and was going fast at the linish. MADGE F. raced in closest pursuit to the stretch" and tired. , Scratched .rG725AVinneconne, 99; 57019 Darnley, 110; 57121Amerieau Eagle, 107; 570193Monnon Elder, 105; 57175 Yakimene, 90. Overweights Annint, 4 pounds. 5r79-g Q SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Aur. 30, 1913 2:08 3 SO. Purse 00. 4.year.olds 9 fefJLX and upward. Claiming, Net value, to winner 05;. second. 25; third,-0. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Ownera Eqniv. Odds 8trt 07050SHRRY M. STENSwr. 5 109 2; X 1 I3 Il l PJA ClanUier 11 K -Allen" 5C0V10O. 07050 BOURBN" GREENwn 5 109 3 2 4- 0.".s 21 23 13 Atkinsn L T AVhitehill 19U41DO 57083 KOIE w 5 102 4 3 G 3 l3 4 3- AV Bogski M E Thompson ClutlOO 57179IFIREWORTH . wn -1 1QG G 6 21 21 3 4s E Moore H E Davis 445-100 07124 AZTEC wsr. G 1CKJ 5 4 sn 41 r.3 5:o 53 H Thurber H Field 735-100 07082 PADDY DEAR wsn 7 105 15GCCCCB Ranelli J C Mayes 1645-100 Time, 25, 50, 1:14, 1:41, 2:08. Track good. mutucls paid, Harry M. Stevens, .20 straight, .35 place, .55 show; Bourbon Green, .00 place, .85 show: Zoie, .05 show. Equivalent booking odds Harry M. Stevens. 200 to 100. straight, 77. to 100 place, 27 to 100 show; Bourbon Green, 75 to 100 place, 42. to 100 show: Zoie. 02 to 100 show. AVinner Ch. g, by Superman Rose Prim, by Potomac" trained by J. Allen; bred by Messrs. Young and Gorhum. AVent to post at 0:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. HARRY M. STEAENS sprinted into a long lead in the: lirst quarter and easily won all the way. BOURBON GREEN was far back in the early running, but made up ground steadily and easily outstayed the others. ZOIE raced in the middle of the track all the way and got up in the final strides to outstay FIRI3WORTH. The latter lost an immense amount of ground on the lirst turn and was brought next: to the inside rail through the homestretch, which cost hint third place. AZTEC quit. - Scratched 5G774 J. Alfred Clark, 103: 571783Oricntal Park, 98; 07179 Capt. Hodge, 103. Overweights Paddy Dear, 2 pounds; Fireworth, 3.

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Local Identifier: drf1921091801_3_1
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