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CONDITIONS FOR THE ARMY RACE The conditions governing the 1921 contest for the United States Mounted Service Cup, better known as tin, annual army endurance race, havo been announced by the sponsors, the Morgan Horso Club. The race this year will be held over a route from Camp Alfred Vail, New Jersey, to Washington, D. C. The first night stop will be at the Fair Grounds, Trenton, N. J.; the second night at the Fair Grounds. Chester, Pa.; third night at the Havre tin Grace race track: fourth night at the Pimlicu track, and the fifth night at the Horse Show Grounds. Washington. Entries must be in the hands of the secretary of the sponsors, in care of the Morgan Horse Club, 3 East Forty-Fourth street. New York, by September 15. An entrance fee of ten dollars must accompany the application for each horse entered. Major Henry Leonard of Colorado Springs, Colo., Harry McNair of Chicago and J. Garner West of Garnersville, N. Y., will act as judges. A. A. Cederwald. secretary of the American Reinouut Association, will Iks the official recorder, and Harold L; Barry of Portland, Me., will be the official weigher. Dr. II. A. Southey, Boston, Mass.. has been named as official veterinarian, and Major C. P. George as route master. The race will be held from October 10 to 14.