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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 715 LATONIA. LATOXIA. K.v., October 3. Sunday Avork-outs here were as follows: Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 043-Balce Wheel. 30 090-Humanitarian .36s 701- Bartercd 37 GSS-Pcnwell 35 712-Birdie G. 37 . John Reve.30 712- Bobbed Hair ..37-;3 706-WJio Can Tell 30 : 713- Bonus ........33 711-Winchester ...38 Half Mile. 700-Guy 4S Peggy Mnrtin. ,1 107-Mavehona i-.i 700-Port Light ...49 ens-Merchant 50 092-AVise Man 52 112-Ieace Pcnnant.47 Eive -Eighths Mile. 705-Debadou .....1:024 701-Lidy LKfowl:04 700-Gorham 1:05 Miss Hope ..1:03 700-Kinburn ....1:07 Three-Quarters Mile. 70:;-Asia 1:14 711-Orlova 1:15 711- Cozette ..... 1:14 701-Pahiiska ,...1:14 I21-Iay of Wrathl:18 710-Iaiol 1:10 712- Diana 1:10 711-Red Wglieldl;ll 7H-5eorge Starr 1:10 703-Warsaw 1:13 092-Hamet 1:15 Seven-Eighths Mile. 702- Jackstraw ..1:37 705-Talisman 1:32 712- Mab 1:30 700-W.G.MeCtk 1:32 One Mile. 7i:5-Bet Mosie ...1:42 701-Furbelow 1:47 713- P.iddIcdee ...1:47 710-GeorKe.tte ...1:41 712-Billv Dunn ..1:52 712-Graco 1:40 70::-i:ojul 1:42 i32-Sir L-nvnfal .1:45 710- r.ritisli Liner 1:40 C9S-Wnpiti 1:10 711 - Carpenter ...1:41 703-Wickford 1:42 700-Cinderella ...1:43 712-Woodtrap ...1:15 705-Demicre Sou. 1:40 Mile and an Eighth. 700-Capital City .1:59 Mile and a Quarter. 710- Kiugfisher ..2:10 LAUREL. LAITRKL. Md.. Oclober 3. Smiilay training gal-lop hen- included the following i Weather clear; track fast-- Three-Eighths Mtla. Wfl-Dexterons ;...39 710-ToddIe 40 711- Right Angle ..39 707-Top" Sergeant .38 7H-5tep Lightly ..40 711-Tretelyan ,.,..40 Five -Eighths Mile. 075-Griselda ....1:10 . 075-Pride of Indial:10 083-Hea 1:10 375-Rinkavous ..1:04 G44-Pancake 1:04 710-Titania 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. C75-Baywood 1:18 One Mile. 712-BIazes 1:40 Infidel II 1:48 079-Gnome 1:45 JAMAICA. NEW Y015K, X. Y., October 3. Sundays workouts here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 700-Arapahoe .....37 711-Killala 33 CflS-Courtship .....25 CS2-Margaret White3i G95-Com. McMeekin37 711-Pier. Qui Rqnle3fi 710- Chat. Thierry 35 711-Rbyal Charlie 3ju 711- Dafk Hill -...41 C94-Smnrty as- 014-Kate Brummol 30 711-Trajanus 37 Half Mile. 714-Forest Major ..51 707-Radiola 51 2t " 711-Morvich . ..51 " Five-Eighths Mile. 710-Mawreoron ..1:01 710-Red Tom ...1:01 709-Rolo .1:03 Three-duarters Mile. 711- Bon Homme 1:19 709-Round Robin 1:24 712- Fort Cliurchilll:10 707-Simiile Simon l:lSi 709-My Tlay 1:19 710-Valentia 1:19 One Mile. 711-Golden Flint 1:45 BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 70::-Biidaiia 37 710-Monasterv 30 700-Driftiug 31 700-Modo 40 714-Forest Queen ..35 711-Rr.ddIes 30 711- Good Times ...35 Half Mile. 712- Briganna 51 714-Kirtle 49 714-Comic Song ...49 72-Lizetto 52 714-Domiuiquo 51 711-Mad Hatter ...48 709-Ddhnacqiia 52 714-San Sttfano ...51 711-Devastatibn ...51 7il-Tangerii!e 49 7iy-nood Bye 53 711-Volcanic 51 7U-IIatu 55 711 Valor r.l 711- Kai-Haui; ....-13 Five-Eighths Mland. 707-Anna M 1:02 714-Our Dear ...1:02 714-Beverly Belle 1:03 712-Bosiileen 1:03 712- Chcwrhk 1:02 714-Str.iight Shot 1:03 714-Eaecutlon ,,.1;04 Three-Guartcra Mile. 708- Atta Gal 1:23 714-Swccp By ...1:15 710- I5elatrix ...1:20 712-St. Henry ...1:27 709- Runantell ...1:10 703-Tulwar 1:23 707-Siiripatica ...1:25 Soven-Eighths Mile. 714-Invincible ...1:31 One Mile. 711- 1layfcllow ..1:13 711-Iurchase 1:13 Milo and an Eighth. 711- Seunings Parkl:57 BELMONT TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; truck fast Three-Eighths Mile. 712- Gem 37 712-May Hampton. 39 Half Mile. 711-B. McLaughlin. 19 700 Surf Rider 1S 711- Castleton 51 7M-Sadowa 54 C93-Fitzgibbon 50 709-Tody 52 712- Gladiator 50 711-Utah 52 711-Miracle Man... 52 . Five-Eighths Mllo. 709- Aknusti 1:04 711-Rose Hill ...1:07 70Q-Frigfite 1:01 712-Toil 1:07 Three-Quarters Mile. 711-Ar. of Gold. 1:17 711-Nightboat ...1:17 710- Clinchfiold .."1:1$ 712-Tfdings 1:17 711- Castanet ...1:17 708-Teir-Lbc- 1:15 One Mile. r , . 709- Flying Cloud. 1:49 711-Sea Mint ..1:40 7T6 LATONIA. LATONIA, Kj, October 3. Mondays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 70G-Blue Jeans ...37 712-Image 38 097-Doric 37 710-Judge Pryor ...38 631-First National. 37 700-Masimac 3S 517-Gentility 37 Half Mile. 705-Clouglijordan ..54 703-Millersburg ...54 710- Dancing Spray 52 713-Pongee 50 711- Lackawanna ..54 ODl-Bagazza 51 710-5Iarvin May ..53 712-Bing Rose 51 72-Mclun 00 70G-Yoshimi 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 713- Bill and Coo 1:07 705-Tom Hare Jr.l:07 703-Black Betty 1:10 Tomahoi 1:10 705-Bothenition ..1:01 707-AVild Flower 1:07 710- Grcund-Swell 1:10 Three-Quarters Mile. 703-Accelerate ..1:21 099-Rap. Travelerl:23 .93-15tiful Drmsl:22 711-Runzaf 1:19 711- Janku 1:21 705-Tharon .1:22 433-Omond 1:20 712-T. Col.s Ladyl:20 707-Peggy C. ...1:19 Seven-Eighths Mile. 710-Herd Girl ...1:34 Ono Milo. 707-Cut Up 1:48 710-Pastoreau ...1:58 705-Kewp, ONeill :52 Miie and a Half... , 703-Gipsy Lad ..2:43 LAUREL. LAUREL, Md., October 3. Monday work-outs here were as follows: Weather raining; track fast .". Three-Eighths Mile. 714-AU Fair 37 701-Gimme 10 711- Broomster 35 714-Miss Colin 3R 712- Crossless 38 701-M::sty 10 S8-Carpet Sweepcr39- 710-Missibn Bells... 10 709-aiateaugay ...39 712-Rocket ,...35 74-Dr. of Allah ..38 712-Sniierwoinaii ...39 709-Fannie Bean. ..37 073-Toucli Me Not. .37 703-Gallivant 3S Half Mile. 700-Champlain 19 t!S2-Motor Cop ....49 705-Comder Colin.. 54 715-.Step Lighllv....5l 709-Crocus 47 i95-SuperIative ....50 C02-Iair Laily 51 715-TbddIe .... 51 700- Lcugh Red ...54 715-Trcvclyan 50 Fivo-Eighths Mile. 573-Antilles 1:07 030-Roulette 1:12 712-Dough Girl.. .1:08 C6t-Sech Verdictl:03 709-Ira Wilson ..1:10 710-SHence 1:03 705-North Wnles.l:03 710-Summr Sigh.lfOS Three-Quarters Mile. - 712-Brainstorm ..1:18 710-Jean Bullnnt.l:J9 701- C.othe Roost 1;20 GSl-Knbt 1"2 070-Cranfc .. .....1:22 712-Rcd Brand .1:19 C72-DeviIdoB 1:23 703-sresf.i ........1:0 701-H. of t.North 1:23 029-Ticucey .....lil9 One Mile. 3S-Antoinette ...1:10 700-Overmntch ..1:50 709- Ben nampson.l:50 711-Snnnv mil ..1-43--712-Bclario .. .-. . .1:45 OW-Scotland Yct.l hr," 712-Cliasseur 1:43 712-Tantaliis ., . .lVliV C50-Cavcndi3h ...1:17 715-T. Sergeant .1M Crest Hill ...1:48 70G-Thuiidcrstin 1:52 712-Goldine 1:45 Milo and a Quarter. 710- Damask ...2:09 JAMAICA. NEW YORK, N. Y.. October 3. Mondays workouts here were as follows: Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighth3 Mile. 714-Draft ..35 710-Mcuse ...... 37 712-Horologc 37 711-Rovallieii :!7 ao-Leghorn -JG 711-Star Court ..;;: Half Mile. 070-Asuncion 50 715-Mv Plav -ts 099-Bullet Proof ..50 712-Xolawn 5-i 714-Cote dOr 50 710-Plurality -ftV- 710-ICeziah 54 715-Smarty .......19 ill-Lord Herbert.. .50 CC2-Vineyard . 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 709-Coniiie 1:02 714-lrelude 1 :0j u 714-Knot Grass ..1:01 709-Saddle Ring.l:l:5 539-Miss Finn ...1:05 709-Split Grass .1:05" 709-Iavia 1:02 715-Trajauus .:..1:03" Three-Quarters Milo. 709-Domingo 1:17 714 -Nose Dive ...1:10 714- Grace E 1:20 714-Ross R 1:1G One Mile. Thierry.l:14 CS4-Paddy Whackl:4S 715- Killala 1:43