Laurel Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-10-08

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LAUREL PARK FORM CHART LAUREL, MD., FUIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1921. Laurel Park 1 mile. Fourth day. Maryland State Fair. Autumn Meeting of Si days. . Weather clear; temperature 70. Steward Representing Maryland -Racing Commission. George Brown, Jr. Judge at Large, Carlos M. ReGarniandia. Stewards of Meeting, Baker Wafers, Flunk J. Bryan and George Brown, Jr. Judges, II. 1. t onkling. J. B. Campbell and George T. Miller. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. F. J. Brya n. Racing shirts at 1:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. 111.. Mndicates apprentice allowance. SfcTTftQ FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 31, 1914 1:051 2 118. Purse ,459.28. 2-ycar-t- UP olds. Claiming. Net value to w-inner" ,059.28; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 5 7GG7 SWOHD w 112 11 5 4: 4s i ji p cltiletti J II Tevis : 39101 1 57.484 3 HILLSDALE wis 107 3 4 1 Is 1 2 L Coney J R Skihker 22n-lri 57552T1IE VEXGEAXCE wn 101 1 1 sJ U 31 3!1 J Rowan C J Casey tlS30-10O 57481 COI.AXDO w 113 4 1 G .in 4i 4 J BuUvell E 15 McLean 1190-100 57318 THRILLER w 109 9 9 7i 7i Gl 5 A Allen J M Black t 575lS-OURIfS w 111 12 2 Si 7 G!i E Pator B B Rice 1125-100 57357 XORTIt AVALES wr. 107 2 7 ii 53 7i L Penman R B Strassburger 1705-1P. 573J8 FEIGXED KEAL wn 112 IC S 9 9 Sa i. A Jolmson P Powers f 57640 DISSOLUTE. w 112 7 12 11 IIs ll !! D Stirling E E Mooar 1S70-IO0 i"57.5.18BOUXGE w 112 5 .11 10" 10J 10 10 W Bogski Kentmere Farm Stable 12JiW-100. 37G4M D.OVESHOOST wi: 117 S 3 2" SU j u T Rowan A Solomon 3S0-KW 57484 W1LFKX wi: 112 G 10 u 12 12 12 L Morris Simnyland Stable 1090Q-10O iSIutucl lield. . Time, 23, 47, 1:01, 1:07. Track fast. muiuels paid, Sword. .SO straight. ?4.30 place, ;10 show; Hillsdale, 3.60 place, .00 show: The Vengeance, lield. iji.OO show. Equivalent booking .odds Sword. 390 to 100 straight, 115 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; Hillsdale, SO to 100 place, 50 to. lOO. show; The Vengeance, lield. 115 to 100 show, . Winner B. g, by Light Brigade Sard, by Ben Brush trained by J. H. Tevis; bred by Mr. Johnson X. Camden. Went to post at 1:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SWORD was outpaced in the early running, but moved up witli a rusii through the stretch aurl. passing HILLSDALE, was going away at the end. HILLSDALE showed extreme speed atid rushed into a long lead, but was rushed too much and quit in the Una! eighth. THE VEXGEAXCE. away forwardly, saved ground 011 the torus and held the others safe. DOVESKOOST quit badly. COLANDO ran well 574S4 Swagger, 107; 57510 Mother Carey, 107. . Overweights Colando,.! pound; Feigned Zeal, 3. . ..... r Wild. SECOND BACE-i; Mile." O.Qt. 21, lSlO-l. :374 125. Purse ..659,28. . -year-olds 3. 4; I Ml -and upward. Selling.. Net valne to winner. ,159.28 second, ;" thlrj.-Ob."-. Index. Horses AWtPPSt .4 hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners ... . . ! BnlV. Odds BtrH G7587 CHLIE SUMMY WB 5 113 4 S 1 V- V IJ li E Josiah E B McLean 00100 !i5?A"l1KA3By w SlOS G 5 ; 31 3 31 it H CTinetits Triple Springs Farm IfelOO a7586GATIt . , wb 5 115 5 1 4i 4H 4 I 3 A Johnson C Koehw 533-1WI 5: 42 1MOLLIfc BARNES wr. 3 101 2 3 2- 2Ml 4 -I A Alien V J Fp: "ir.-lM f.7523 THK TRUMP vf 5 112 3 7 tfi 5i 5i 51 f. and HauVs Lincoln Sttt Ida TlOrt 57J70 BODAXZKTV: w 3 104 1 4 55 C 66 6 0- V CiriUlettt S Loiila landir.-liM 57a7,i HACICAMQRE w 4 113 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 H Stearns PioktoWl Stablo G200100 Time, 23. 48, 1:15, 1:41. Track fast. .mutuels paid, Charlie Suniniy, 3.S0 Mtraight, ?2.S0 place, S40 show; TIcacev, .S0 place, S".S0 show; Gath, .70 Show. . , ." -. . . . u: ... . ., ,: Equivalent booking odds Charlie Suminy..90 to ;100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 20 tb 100 showj Tieacey, ttO to 100 place, -10 to 100 show; Gath, 35 to lOO.slsow. Viniicr 11. by Assagai Bracktown Belle, by Cunard trained by JV V. .Schorr; bred by 3Ir.: A. Brown. - 14 j , , - -Went to post! at 2:10. At post 1 mimlte. Start good imil slow. Won easily; secondjanrt third drir-fn. CHARLIE -iSUMaiY sera good pin- .from the start and wpn with speed in reserve. TICAOEY Wbrfcea his "way UP oif the outside" and outflnished, GATH for second place. The .latter rani well, nrid: saved grbunO.-onj.he stretch turn: iOLXIE BARNES tired after racing In nearest pursuit to the stretch. The Vlnner, entered for ,000,; was bid up to ,100 and sold tJ?T." B. atnraford. is uveiweiglita Tlie Trump, 2 -poiindtf. " . " - . SITfi25t THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Oct, .7, 39161:43 5110. bursas .1S9.8; 3-ycar- JijPj olds. Handicap. Net value-tg winner ?1.S5and;28; second. 00; third. 00. - .; Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 A 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners" Equlv. Odds Strt r764r?DATtIC HORSE wn 112 2 2 1? 1 li li 1 D Stirling K E aiooar 230-100 577190 JEG w 120 :: 3 22i 2i 21 2J 2U .f Butwell J 13 Griffilli 285-100 5748iCOPPER DEMON wn 126. 1 1 4 4 4 i S II IRuntpn Quincy .Stable .105-100 57488 aiONTALArO wit 105 4 4 v.- 3 r 22 ; .nt 4 j, Morris Sunnyland Stable 775-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:40;, 146. Track fast. 2 mutuels paid. DarTr Horse; straight, .10 place; .leg. .00 place; no1 show mutiielssohl. Equivalent booking odds Dark Horse, 230 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place; Jes, 80 to 100 place. . Winner B. c, by Ballot Incognita, by Disguise trained by J. Mobney; " bred by Messrs. Morris-and Walden. ",j ,"t Wcnt to post at 2:44. At f-post 1 minute. Start good and slow Won handily ; second and third driving. DARK HORSE set a: good pace from soon after the start and. finishing gamely ,; won by a safe margin. JEG raced in closest pursuit all the way and finished gamely, but just lasted long enough td outfitav the fast coming COPPER DEMON. The latter was laboring ittthe early running, but finished fastest of nil.. atONTAUVO quit. t-FITand FOURTH RACE-3-4..Mile Oct. 5, 1918 1:11 4108.- Pjtsrse ;458.29.: 3-year-53 t 4 "OP olds and upward. Beijing. Net value to winner ,050.29; second, 50; third, 50. index Horses AWtPPSt Vi StrFln Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 57668COGA COLA n 3 101" 4 9 C 41 2 1 S McLane A L Austin, 425-100 G7555AMACKASSIN n C Ul 13 2 1 1? .VI 2? P Mqore E IC Brysibh . .CSand-100 67168 s oBURCJOtNE wn 4 111 9 13 1? 12. 7 3?1 R McNee G P "Winfrey . 310-100 .17C71MARIC WEST wb 4 110 i. G 4 2 2t BUell Sunnyland" Stable 2315-100 57588SUGARatTNT w 4 10S 10 11 0 71 R!J .Tu p Glebger E P SuaimerfieM lliurlOO 57281 VIC w 3 100 C10 i 8 P 0 A Iludgins R I MJUpr tH65:iC0 T.7102 NAPOtl w G 113 3 1 2 2i 41 II Fowler J Butler 1580-100 r.74 18 SDA111YMAN wis G 113 S 4 9 C 91 S C liarttall O W High. 563-101 CSOOSFRJDK: THI2 GRTwis ti 10S 5 8 S1 9 10 9 A Fralny A Zimnifr 2430-100 57608SUNROSE C 105 7 5 ll5 llil22 lrfj R Flynn X Tierriey t .-57014 SU1YI11UB wn 3 109 2 7 301 13 11 IP it I,antlno V. A Wnggaman t 57555 MRTHA IICETT wn 4 110 It 3 3l 53 8 12"J B Brown at Grant t 57555 WHO CARES wn 4 103 12-13 12l 10i 13 13 A Klein V Farrar 1515-100 tliutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:15. Track fast. .2 mutuels paid. Coca Cola, 0.50 straight, .0 place, .30 show; Amackassin, .10 place, .50 filiow; Ilurgoyne, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Coca Cola, 425 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Amac-kassin. 255 to 100 place, 125 to 100 show; Bnrgoyiie, 05 to 100 show. Winner Br. f, by Superman Rupicola, by Advance Guard trained by A. L. Ausin; bred by Mr. Henry T Osnard. Went to post at 3:1S. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. COCA C 01. A began slowly, but gained steadily and, passing; AMACKASS1N in the stretch, was going sway at the end. AMACKASSIN, away forwardly, sprinted into a long lead, but tired badly in the final eighth BURGOYXE was as good as left, but closed an immense gap and finished with a rush. 3IARK WEST- ran well. SDGAltMINT bud no mishaps. NAPOEI and MARTHA EUCKETT quit. Kciatched 57555 Perigoufdlhe, 116; 57555 Edna 1., lOG. bvenvcights Mark West, 2 pounds. . ; , , . . ., .. . 0 t, w TIETH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Oct. 7, 1918 1:42 4 113. Purse ,459.20. Oi 404 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances; Net value to winner ,059.29; ; second, :. 50; tliird, 50. . . . Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners . Equlv. Odds Strt 57521 GALLIVANT wn 3 10S 5 3 1- 1 l3 l1 ls G Corey J R Skinker 115-100 r75213N,RFORDS CHCE w 5 109 4 1 3i 55 5 43 2l I Fletcher L II Tubbs 610-100 57377 PJIOENIX w 3 10S 9 5 4i 3l 31 3U ai J. Callahan J E Davis 4270-100 57G70 RAJAH w 3 10S 1 S 5 41 4- 51 4 L aiorris J J F.arrell Jr 1290-100 57521 FERN GRASS w 3 105 3 2 7k 7 7 61 5j J. Rowan J F Flanagan Jr 2000-100 54153W"M OF CORarAN w 3 10S 6 4 2? 2 2 2 GJ F Cltiletti H R Dulany 570-100 57521 LOUGH EAGLE wb 3 108 8 C C5 Gl 7l 7i E Josiah E B aicLean 3110-100 57592 BAR COY w G 112 2 9 9 SM 8 88 810 A Allen W D Althouse 20S5-100 57353 GRENADIER w 3 108 7 7 81! 9 9 9 9 II Hamfon Quincy Stable 1175-100 Timo, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:42, 1:40. Track fast. mutuels paid. Gallivant, .30 straight, .80 place, 2.50 show; Norfords Choice, .40 place, .00 show; Phoenix, 0.50 show. Equivalent booking odds Gallivant. 115 to 100 ,s.trajght, 40 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Nbrfords Choice, 120 to 100 "plate, SO to 100 sliow; Phoenix, 425 to, 100 show. Winner B. g, by Garry Herrmann Lady Galette, by Lord Edward II. trained by.W. A. Burttschell; biwl by air. Gebige 11. Widennr. Went topbst at 3:30. Atpost 1 minute. Sthrt good and slow. Won driving; .second and third the same. GALLIVANT at once dashed to the front and took a loug. lead in the early running, but tired and had to be hard ridden at the end. NORFORDS CHOICE; began slowly, but gained steadily after rounding the far turn and, finishing fast, would have won in a few more strides. PHOENIX ran a creditable race. RAJAH showed speed. WILLIAM; OF COROTOMAN raced well to the last eighth, but quit badly when called on. : Sera fclied 50148 The aiacNab, 112. . - K. r?F7SQ- SIXTH RACE 1 Mi!e.: Oct. 21, 1919r-l :37-r4 125. TurSe ,159:29. 3iyear-olds Oi 4 OO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,559.29; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 94 Str Fin Jockeys- Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57454 DRESDEN w-"4 105" 4 4 C 5J 53 5s 1 J-Heupel W Fenwick 815-100 S.7672 LADS -LOVE w 5 113 3 3 4s 4i 4l 3j 2 A Johnosn S aiiodow 160-100 57387SERVITOR wb 4 110 6 2 ink 15 l1 11 3n- p Cltiletti C P Winfrey 1G0-100 57589 CROMWELL ws 5 103 5 1 2- 2 2Ji 2 43 J Callahan W J Daly 785-100 5G2093FAUNUS w 3: 93 1 6 33 3s 43 s2- N Swart 3 S Cosden 3125-100 57444 DEVILDOG wu 4 100 2 5 W 6 G G G J aiooney Quincy Stable 2455-100 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:40. Track fast. mutuels paid, Dresden, 8.30 straight, 7.50 place, .30 show; Lads Love, .20 place, .30 bIiow; Servitor, 2;30 show. Equivalent booking odds Dresden, 815 to 100 straight, "275" to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; Lads Love. .60 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Servitor, 15 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Rock View Polly Prim, by Pirate of Penzance trained by W. Fenwick; bred by Messrs. Gallaher Bros.. Went to. post at 4:18. At post .2 minutes. Slart gboiT and slow. Won driving;- second and third the same. DRESDEN raced under restraint to the stretch and cojniiig with a rush when called, on got lip to win in tlie final strides! LADS LOVE finished fast, and gamely. SERVITOR showed the most speed nearlr all tlie " way.- but tired in the final -drive. CROMWELL ran well, but failed in the final drive: FAUNUS quit. DEVILDOG ran a dull race. 1 ScratcliedPr57764CharIie Summy, 102; 57718RubidiUm, 112. " tS7t7and SEVENTH" RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct; 31, 1914 1:05 2 118." Purse ,459.29. 53 4 4 QgLy 2-year-olds. Claiming.- Net value to winner ,059.29; second, 50; third, 50.. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 57484 CHASTE STAR w 109 4: 2 1- 1 1. li L, Penman P Powers 1771-100 57552" ASHLIN wb 109 12 1 8J 7l G4i 2- J Heupel J W Dayton G00-100 57667 JEWELL V. D. w 101 6 12 9 f 3 H Clments G Koehler 505-100 57518 THE WAG w 117 7 7 7and Ch 4n 4n J Butwell S L Jenkuia G50-100 57519 LITTLE AaiMIE w 103 3 3 4. 4 7h r,i A Jolinson L T Bauer 14S5-10Q 57478 BEAMER wb 117 11 S ?A f.u 85 Cfr It Hamtn Quincy Stable 1930-100 57416 RACK EM UP w 109 1 5 2i 2i 2" 7h A Allen J W Bean GOSlOO 57640 BABRISKANK w 112 2 4 3" S.l F Cltiletti S. Louis 321-100 57519 OLYSIPIAD wb 107 9 11 Hi ll1 ll3 9n A Fraley A Zimmer 11850-100 5T4H4; JOSEPH BRANT w 114 8 ft 10s 101 lfli 10J. V Pargton Crown Stable 1200-100 57342 "WEDDING PRINCE wb 112 10 10 12 12 12 11 J Rodgez G H Abbott t 57519 3SODTH BREEZE w 112 5 V, Snfc.Si 91 12 L aiorris: .1 I! Block t tMiitiiel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:02, 1:09. Track fast. mutuels paid. Chaste Star, 7.10 straight, 4.00 place, .00 show; Ashlin, place, .30 show; Jewell V. 11., 4.30 show. Equivalent booking odds Chaste Star, 1770 ib 100 straight, 615 to 100 place, 350 to 100 show; Ashlin, 215 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Jewell V. D., 115 to 100 show. Winner 151k. f, by Lovetie My Star, by Armeath IT. trained by E. Trueman; bred by Urs. L. A. Livingston. Went to post at 4:49. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and Ithird, driving. CHASTE STAR at once sprinted into a long lead and was under restraint at the "end: ASHLIN began slowly, but worked her way up.steadlly and finished with a rush. JEWELL V. D. began sluggishly and finished fast. THE WAG ran well. BARRISICANE and RACK EM UP showed speed, but quit. Scratched 57715 Commander Colin, 112. Overweights-rJoseph Brant, 2 pounds. ..

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