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t 1 LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 721 1ATONTA. LATONIA, Ky.. October 8. Todays work-outs here were as follows: Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 719- Mar. Fallon . .37 715-W.U.McClin k . 43 Five-Eighths Mile. 717- Billy Star ..1:05 713-Little Polly 1:03 702-Casey 1:00 325-LouIs Adair 1:07 689-Caunzel 1:11 716-Millersburg .1:07 721-Hutchison ..1:09 707-Peace Pal ..1:05 718- Jolm Finn ..1:05 699-Unclo Sonny.l:07 Three-Quarters Mile. 710- A11 Right Sirt:22 716-Judgc Pryor 1:22 711- Ben Valet ..1:17 712-Miss Joy ...1:20 712- Brookholt ...1:19 705-M. the -Time 1:19 710-Bgetn Maid. 1:21 704-Planct 1:20 715- Carpt-ter ..1:22 716-Riug Rosa ..1:21 698-Ferguson ...1:22 712-lTreasurer ..1:19 713- FaIr Phantoml:18 710-West Side ..1:22 720- High Cost ..1:19 710-Yoshimi 1:22 Seven-Eighths Mile. 789-Tawasentha 1:37 One Mile. 710- Botheration 1:52 707-Rkministcr 1:49 697-Darjeeling ..1:53. 720-Redmon ....1:53 Mile and an Eighth. 720-Green Gold.. 2:02 719-Rangoon ....2:01 lAUREL. LAUREL, Md., October 8. Todays training: gtil-lops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 705-Sammy Jay ..-38 718-Tenons Bon ...37 714-Tippity WitchetSS 576-Tubby A. 3T Half Mile. 712-Bountiful 54 711-Manheim 04 719- Bluffer 50 OSS-Old Sinner 54 711- Camouflage ...51 719-Theo 51 712- Dem03 50 565-War Relief . . .pi 714- Fair Virginia 52 571-Wessie B 31 577-Joan of Arc 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 097-Brlght Lightsl:04 571-Ogarite 1:06 719-Calamity Jaucl:03 719-Prudish l;03 709- Daddy Holbtl:08 718-Stonlcy 1:03 718-DoIorcs 1:04 711-Tout dc Suitcl:05 097-Flying Jib ..1:02 577-Vie Munor ..1:02 718- Mission Bells 1:0-1 Three-Quarters Mile. 71C-Antoinettc ..1-23 705-Mlss Filley ..1:17 719- Buntiug 1:18 719-Musty 1:10 719-Crocus 116 718-NaturaI 1:18 Dalton 1:19 714-Night Balder! :24 719-Gimme 1:19 719 Plucky t;21 710- Hyperbole ...1:21 7.9-Prldc of Indlal:167t 562-Kgs Chamnl:17 719-Roulette 1:20 718-Love Tap ...1:10 704 Shoal 117 718- Motor Cop . .1:20 Seven-Eighths Mile. 719- Mock Orange 1:33 704-Troopcr 1:32 One Mile. 682-Billy Kelly ..1:48 711-IndoIenee ...1:48 710-Bridesman ..1:43 712-Lady Lillian 1:47 719-Briganua ....1:53 716-Overmatch ..1:40 719- Broomster ...1:50 71S-P. G. King ..1:47 716- Belario 1:44 719-Prudcry 1:43 716-Chasseur 1:51 716-Sunny Hill... 1:44 720- Cavendish ...1:49 716-Top Sergeant. 1:47 710- Chinnie Walshl:47 Mile and am Eighth. 719-Serapis 1:38 BELMONT PARK TRAINING TXACK NEW YORK, N. Y., October 8. Todays, training gallops over the local courses included tho following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 711- Dan Boiling ...38 703-Pirate McGee ..3S 719-Execution 38 Half Mile. 716- Arrow of Gold. 19 715-Monastcry 51 719-Bravo 50 717-Sedgerield 53 718- Exterminate ...51 714-Summer Breeze. 50 719- Gladiator 51 717-Toll 51 715- Good Bye 53 717-Tricks 53 719-IIalu 51 719-VenizeIos 53 719-Long Island ...51 719-Wishbonc 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 719-Black Rascal. 1:07 718-Story Teller .I:H 717- Frigate 1:01 719-Tarn .... 1:07 719-Kose Hill ...1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 71S-Billy McLhlinl:24 719-Orcus 1:21 717-Chesterbrook .1:18 717-Quecrcck 1:18 715-Domiaique ...1:17 719-Routledge ...1:19 719-Dunce Cap ...1:1S 715-San Stefano..l:17 719-Drm of t. Vyl:16 719-Tangerinc 1:15 719-Good Times .1:15 717-Turnabout ..1:17 715-Invincible ...1:14 71S-Valor 1:17 719-KirtIe 1:15 707-Vendor 1:18 719-Kai-Saug 1:17 710-Wrecker 1:21 719-Mlle Cadeau.l:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 719-Ty Sth Div.l:30 One Mile. 719-Diomcdcs 1:44 719-Play fellow ..1:45. 719-Mad Hatter .1:44 719-Purchase 1:13 JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 717- Bombast 37 717-Tcn Buttons ...35-.-. 589-ShiIlelagh II. ..38 Half Mile. 718- Arapahoe 18 710-Irish Dreani ...49 71S-Ballotmark 51 71S-Jyntcc 49:4. 717-Deep Sinker ...51 719-Maric Maxim ..31 696-Fred Kinney ...51 639-Vcto 54 714- Goodhart 53 717-AVar Bond 33 719- HonorabIc 49 Five-Eighths Mile. 715- PIuribella 1:03 719-Surmount ...1:10 717- Red Tom ...1:04 719-Translate 1:07 719-Sun Girl 1:10 709-Wclcomc Sgerl:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 71i-Adventure ...1:16 703-Pirate McGeo.l:10 718- Joe AVhipple .1:19 716-Prelude 1:12 719- Miss Finn 1:1S 718-Round Robin. 1;21 703-Marjorie M. ..1:1S 711-Sea Sinner .-1:18 716- Mcuse 1:17 71S-Ticklhh 1:15 719-Mastcr Jack .1:10 712-AVar Pennant. IjD Seven-Eighths Mile. 712- Burley 1:40 720-Sammy Kelly. 1: One Mile. 719-Brumado 1:43 716-Lord Herbert. 1:45 717- Crack o Dawnl:44 719-Royal Jester. .1:44