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LAUREL PARK ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 WEATHER CLOUDY; tllAClt HEAVY. Racing starts at 1:43 p. m. Chjcago time. 1:45- Fourth Race 1 Mile. Superior mud runner. " X Good mud runner. . JF5"115" nandicap. Fair mud runner. M Maiden,. .Apprentice TiSrJrOcf SSl3andM allowance, b Blinkers. .ri7073a Top Sergeant 115 1:38 3 112.. 750 Firs 1 Ra"c 3-4 MUo 57765 Jcg 302 l:45y 118x7-1." 5771S By Jiminy 103U:38S .1 110X740 Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Claiming. 574052 Bunga Buck 103 1:3S 3 112X740 fTnrk Urack record- rccoru. Oct Utt. "i o, lJlb 11S1 l.ll--i -11 it i mi 10S. 57230 bBreeze 108 1:39 7 111X730 ,-,7765 Dark Horse 97 1:40 3 119X73.-, t,i tt. To-f t ,2,laS 57"07 Ienvoman 103 1:38 3 109x745 i.? :r;i,?,; ffiSfc 4-SSS ggg a!L;"::::::::!g T:.:::mim SS 5ras Ml""";, -fif8 3M5"IM 57150 Dick Deadeyc 112 3:14- 112x715 E"th Race 3-4 Hile. 57715 Zunnotta 103 1:15"C 08 715 1 ,,rse ?1."-M- -year-olds and upward. 50021 Hyperbole ns 710 , , Claiming Handicap. 57703 rris 98 l:17"-s I8 710 Track record: Oct. 0, 3918 1:11 1108. 57715 Higli 10S 1:15 " 304!705 Ilt55iOs KNOT 123 3:31 r, 301X750 57709 Reamer ion 705 57391!- nMotor Cop 134 1:11 130X740 57007 Miss Colin M ... 312.. 700 -r7522 tbHobey Baker 112 1:12 -1 109 X 735 57518 lTcut do Suite 106 l-.lS-J-s OS. .700 fi"-l54 Lnnetta lir, 3:lt- 4 KHX735 57110 ltestlcss M mi .700 J771i3 AVvIlfinder 108 1:12 3 107.. 735 , 57307 fbSuperwoman 103 1:12 3 !8.730 Second Race Aoout 2 Miles. 30480 bPr"idu of India 114 3:13 5 00X735 Prospect Steeplechase. b,B,t ; "i,iJo1- J?J 5 J?" "7W.5 Mock Orange 100 1:12 4 93X725 Purse 2,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. 57537 Bromelia 104 1:13 4 93.. 725 Allowances. 56125 bMoody 118 1:13 3 D7..723 W. J. Salmon entry. .TCrfl.Mnsly 3 1200700 57-1113 yCimmc ;j 330.. 095 Sisih Race 1 1-4 Miles. .".Till1 Sobrigade 3 130X095 Chase Claiming Handicap. 577G73 PhoeniS ;t 130X005 Purse S1.500. :!-yenr-oIds and upward. r7353 Jim Cof froth ; 147.. C93 Track record: Oct. IS, 19172:023120. 57350 Lucky Find .. ;t 133x090 57S03 lComme Ci lib 2:08 5 10GX7"5 50S99 Deputy Vest. -1 345.. 090 57572 Joan of Arc 100 2:0S 5 110X720 57400 bDan DInan ."147..CS." 57717 bSummer Sigh 107 2:07 5 98X715 57011 "bShoal 4 1-10X08." 57801 Fizer 7 109X7JO 50159 Left FielUei- 5 147X0SO 57044 Lady Lillian 307 2:08 3 307. 705 fJ. S. Cosdcn entry. 57072 Cubanita 3 313 705 I Tliird Race 3-1 Kilo ,"801 bGo,di" W0 2:08 4 100X705 Purse ?1,500. 2-year-olds. Allowances. jSStJSTSSon. Track record: Oct. -5, 1918 l:ll-4 10S. Track record: Oct. 21, 1919 1:C7 1 125. 57550 Caretaker 305X750 r7644SlAttorney ..,......113 1:41 111x725 57530- Fannie Bean 108 1:14 105X745 57717s Morning Face ...107 l:-lGh 303 X 720 57797 TBrainstonn 110 1:12 300. 1740 57801 King Trojan 103 1:42 10SX715 57799 tRocket 115 1:15 10S.-740 57717 Perhaps 301 1:39 306.1715 57799 fCherry Tree 30S..740 5C303 ltDough Girl 308 710 57002 Devonlto 115 1:14 308:i:735 57W0 Peggv Rives 102 1:41 303. 710 37721 Sailing Along 102 1:15 105. .735 57704 Mollie Barnes 103 1:41 308.. 705 57531 John Morrill 10S..730 57701 Bodanzky 1011:40 10GX705 57449 All Over M 1111:12 100.. 730 57410 Lough Red 113 1:42 " 111.. 705 57715 Attoo M 109 1:15 100.. 730 57551 Artisan 106.. 700 tH. P. Whitney entry. 5764-1 bCWunic Walsh ...112,1:12 103X700 LAUREL PA11K JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From .Jimnary 1, 1921, to October 7, 1021, Inclusive. At or Ator Ov.r cver Jockey. P.C. AVf. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockej. P.C. Wt. Mta. 1st. 21. 3d. McLaiie, 100 95 1 1 0 0 Boganpwski, AV... .10 102 167 17 10 21 Stirling, J 33 106 135 44 25 34 Rodriguez, J 30 112 199 39 39 20 Marino, G 23 95 4 1 0 0 Callahan, J 09 93 241 22 26 40 Keogh, F 21. lit 175 30 33- 31. Stearns, H OS 101 129- 10 13 15 Butwell, J 20 114 26C 54 50 47 AVallace, J OS 94 64 5 2 5 Hamilton, II 39. 309. 3.8 11 7 7 Fletcher, I. 07 103 99. 7 7 15 Coney, E. IS 10.1 ,41 S 3 S- Lowe. : S. .00 309 135 8 34- 30 Coltilettl, F 17 101 405 78 90 CO Swart, X 04- 93 21 3 2 4 Haynes, B 37 310 84 34 9 34 Woodstock, F 01 102 79 1 30 32 Heupel, J 17 101 ISO 31 29 23 McXnmee. R 93 10 O 0 1 Penman, L.- 17 97 527 91 8S 71 Browsi, E .. 93 1 0 0 0 Parrington, T 10 112 130 21 15 10 Buell, II 130 3 0 O 0 Kelsay, W 10 312 347 57 51 50 Flynn, R 95 11 O 2 0 Morris, L 15 10S 224 31 30 23 Fowler, H 300 5 0 0 0 Rowan, J 14 92 279 -10 39 31 Fraley, .7 13 5 0 0 1 Rowan. T 14 113 84 12 30 30 Gieherger, F 05 l 0 O . Johnson, A 34 312 142 20 22 22 Hartingstall, F. . . .. 95 7 O 1 0 Moouey, J 13 101 249 33 32 32 Hudgins A 93 1 0 0 U Josiah, E. 12 97 291 30 3S 29 Huff, X 307 33 0 1 1 Cements, n 12 104 20 3 2 3 Klein, A 10S 7 O O 3 Fator, E 12 100 207 33 35 SS I,entini. R. 95 38 O 1 O Brooke,. T 12 90. 100 13 S 30 Moore, F. F 300 1 0 1 0 Allen, A 12 102 102 20 21 21 FIRST RACE 8-4 Mile. 2-year-olcl.s. Claiming. Oct. 5, 1!1S 1:11 8-5 1 IOS. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Yi. Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finlam FIJ?KGIAVf f BySeaKing-Bnlcinen.,byKidglitof th Tilrtl Trainer, W. M. Sheedy. Owner, G. C. Walsh. f7715 LaureL 3-1 l:14f ast 33-10 IOC 3 12 3"t 2uk f Cltilptti 7 Mad XeU. Attoo. Ze.unotta 57G10 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 11-3 103 4 3 4 3 3 F Cltilettl S Moco, Brilliantltay, Chatcaugay o74;,0 H.dcGco 3-4 l:14fast 9-5 112 5 2 3 3 3 C Ponce 30 Fan.Bcan, Dovcsroost. Cteaugay o7S82 H.deGco 5-S lKKfast 9 10S 7 5 4 Ci 7i J Rowan 32 Bountiful, Champlain, All Fair 57330 H.deGco 51 f 3:30?5mud 23-10 110 3 1 1 1 3 C Ponco. 7 Clansman, D.Deadeye, Zennotta 5G941 Belmt 5Jf MC 3-.C7 fast 4 312 5 5 3 4 21 S Bullman ft Sweepy, XorthWalcs, Cllnchfield 5CS51 Belmt 5Jf MC l:06fast 1 100 2 2 1 Is l8 N Swart 6 Sword, Last Girl, Lady ZeuP - 5G75S Belmont 5-S st 53fast 12 10S1 8 9 3 4J C Ponce 9 Bcllatrix, Eayonne, Lucky Girl HILLSDALE, br. o, 2 M 101 B7 JCont dOr Lady Garry Herrmaaa. wxuuaj. Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. R. Skin kor. C..C:; Laurel 5X f l:07fast 11-5 107 4 1 1 3 2 L Coney 32 Sword, The A-engeanee, Cqlauilo- 574S1 H.dcGco 51 f l;Q7f ast 39-30 107 C 2 X 2 3s L. Coney 12 Brilliantliay, Ashlin, Jos.Braat 57328 H.dcGco 51 f l:31mud 20 101 4 1 1 3 2" A Tryon 7 Dovcsroost, Fannie 15can. Sword 53959 Empire 5-8 l:01fast 10 307 0 13 55 15i F CltllettilS Swift Grasa, Dolman, F.Virginia 05714 Empire 5J f l:07fast 20 107 5 5 C S S- L McAteo 0 Sweepy, RcparaUon, Zennotta 53CT5 Empire 5-S l:023lop 10 109 5 2 2 71 14s1 L McAteo 11 Atta Gal, Stock rin, Slinz THE WAG, ci. c, 2 108 By Trevisco Mollio Elliott, by Voter. Trainer, H. Rites. Owner. S. L. Jenklni. 57769 Laurel 51 f 1:09 fast 51 117 7 7 C 4b 4i J Butwell 12 ChastcStar, Ashlin Jewell A" I 5ulS H.deGco 51 f l:0Sfast 12 313 2 ... 3 3 3h 4A J Butwcll 12 Swiftcrickct, Barriskane Orris- 57450 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 27 105 7 7 9 51 C D Stirling 10 Fan. Beau, Dvesroost. F. Virginia 5732S H.dcGco 61 f l:llmud 31 313 6 7 6 61 7a5 L Stirling 7 Dovcsroost. Hillsdale, Fan Bean 55193 Aqduct 5-S l:00andfast 10 113 11 30 8J 9TJ T Rice 12 Runnyol. MadNell, DickDeadej 55071 Aqduct 5-S l:00fast 20 111 6 6 3J 3i T Rico 17 Zealot, Mir.Coopcr, DIckDeadeya 4174 Pimlico 41 f 5G hvy 21 110 5 3 4 5 5" S Boylo 5 QulckRun, ExcuseMe, Caretaker DICK BEABEYE, ch. c, 2 112 By Dick WeUesFlIght Ella, by Senall. - Trainer, H. Freeman. Owner, W. A. Buck. 57430 H.deGco 3-4 l:14fast 18 303 2 S 7 G .5" A Tryon: 10 Fan.Bean, Dvesroost, F. Virginia 57330 ILdeGce 61 f 3:10mud 5 115 1 .4 4 3l 331 J Butwell 7 F.Virginia, Clansman, Zennotta 565CC Sartoga 3-4 3:33fast 32 312 2 3 4 41 651 F AVciner 32 EagcrFyes, Doughnt, Dovearooat 5633S Sartoga 51 f l:07fast 11-5 107 5 4 2 21 4i L Morris 14 Janku, Koster Girl. Kacquetta 55730 Empire 51 f l:0Sfast 9-5 312 3 1 2 3 41 W Kelsay 8 Marsdale, Kirtlc, Timbrel 35516 Aqduct 5-8 l:00fast 32 112 3 5 41 3" AV Kelsay 10 Budana, Stock Pin, Zealot 534C4 Aqduct 5- 59fast 10 39 8 9 7 C E Kummerll B.Rascal, Budana, Dr.T.S.Dney ZENKOITA, b. f, 2 . 98 Ey Vulcain-Zenobia, by David Garrick. Trainer, H. Grant. Owner, M. Grant. 57715 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 12 103 3 4 4 51.42 A Allen 7 Mad Xell, Fair "irginia, Attoo d7330 ILdeG cc 51 f l:10mud 12 105 C 5 5 4 451 L Coney 7 F.Airginia. Clsman, D.Deadeye 57006 Timum Ab 5-S 1:01. fast 11-10 134 31 A Allen O Thriller, Wreckless, Gwynedd 55964 Empiro 51 f l:0Sfast 1S-5 95 7 7 6 4l 3ll J Campbll 7 Sail. Along, Duncecap, GrassTrew 55S37 Empire 51 f 1 :07fast 7 99 8 9 S 6 G3 M Harson 0 Bcv.Bclle. FiftyFifty, LdyDcUU 55714 Empire 51 f l:07fast 13-5 101 2 3 2 21 CJ J Callahan U Sweepy, Rep;iration, Dare HYPERBOLE, br. f, 2 98 By Jack Atkin land League, by Voter. Trainer, C. J. Casey. Owner, Pelican Stable. 5C025 Dshlrc 5-S l:0:;ln-y 37 107 7 8 0 6 5 T Burns 9 PeaccPal. Pcp.Tea, Swiftcrickct 53010 Empire 5-3 3:02fast Si 312 8.4 2 4 4J3 B Haynes 9 SlingAlg. Tulwar Mag.Murphy. ivq tiUC r"H:?s I 1 1 1 1U P "aynes 0 MgieMurphy, Kirtlc, BirchBark 55228 Ag duct 5-S l:01fast 6 300 7 3 4 S E Haynes 31 Marsdale, Stock Piu, Hillsdale 5462a Belmont 41f st 53fast SO 112 1 2 2" 31 E Haynes 14 Bcrgton, Marg.White. Fr.Rnsh 54238 Jamaica 5-S l:01fast 5 107 5 5 5 55 6" M Buxton 8 L.Dclhi, F.Kinney, Dovcsroost ORRIS, br. S , 2 03 By MartinetHostility, by St. Blaiso. Trainer, B. B. Rice. Owner, B. B. Bloe. 5uC3 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 11 HI 2 S S 7 C!l E Fator J 2. Sword,. Hillsdale The Von-cancc S1?S!C0 "HJ:Sffst W 103 1 C C 4 31 E Fator 12 Swiftcrickt, Briskane, TheWng -HVa S."d,e-G C0 r?"4?:sl3y It ,SS 2 S S Ch 5 E Josiah 12 High C, Barriskane, Lady.Zoua -?wS.B ,!r CH i:Jnud 4 4 4 4 4 J Shelepets 0 Hap.Buxton, B.AVhite, V.Colleen ofr20 Dshire U-S l:03hT 03 307 S 7 7 6 4" A Gantner 9 PeacePal, Pep.Tea Swiftcricket 55S70K worth 61 f 3 :07fast 51 112 7 7 7 7 7 J D Mney 9 Mom, Hysteria. Orma Dale 5o?jG It.Erie 5-8 1:02 fast 13 109 7 9 8 7 653 A Richcrkl2 MyRosie, CatwoodBoy, RosaLee E1GfnS:- ci,42T Jt , By Delhi-Helena C, by John Bright. n Tramer, W. Irvme. Owner, E. F. Whitney. 57715 Laurel 3-4 3:14rast 41 301 2 3 3 31 .52 J Rowan 7 Mad Xell, Hair Virginia Attoo lz-d.cp ce rf J:1SJS,0W 13 104 4 2 1 x 11 J T.owan 12 Barriskane, LadvZeus, Selota 5G17 Sartoga 3-4 l;13Vfast. 10 10S 6 6 5 9U10" G W Car"1113 Dolman, Vendor Nose Dive ial"OBa rri 10:! c 6 4 6 45 J Rowan G Witchwork, Dolman, Vnlen.dOr C213Sartoga 51 f l:07?jfast 41 312 14 14 9 91 9.1 T ParrtonIS Kirtlc, Radiola, Fred Kinney 5C33 AVindsor 51 f l:0Gfast 110 3 4 5 65 C4J T Par.gton 9 Photoplay, StarTlme, Com.Colin BEAS . . 1C6 L1Sht Brigade Mali Bony, by Lonj Street. , Trainor, J. xitzsimmoni. n Owner, Qulnoy B1 Stable. 1?ZI22 a,m"cl 51 f 3:03 fast 19 117 S 6 5 81 61 II Hamfnl2 ChastcStar, Ashlin. Jewell V D 1,dVct-, c-sl:Clfast 41 109 3 7 05 6S L McAtee 13 Dolly Vnrden, RedTora, Pastoral c.6778 Belmt 51f MC 3:0Rfast 25 312 5 4 8 9" 9" J Mooney 10 SwlftGrasa, Ban.Pass. Pastoral ?6rL!S aritoga 1 1:10-.h- 107 7 8 7 71 7?3 R Lcaster 8 Duncecap, Evil Cl.nnaman Aq duct 5-S l:00vigood 32 312 1C 8 7 7?1 J Mooney 18 Stock Pin. Sweepy, Mad Nell q,dUCt o51 Via8 t V 1 3 9 93 J Mey 17 Zealot, MiriamCooper. TheWax 51339 Belmont 6-8 r st l:02fast 2J 103 4 1 lh 2J J Mooney 9 EvelynWhite, MadNeh, Berton MISS COLIN, blk. f, Z lij- 112 By Colin-Miss Kingston, by Bramble or Kingston. "t.uu. . Trainer, J. F, Schorr. n Owner, E. B. McLean. rH1:KaS 1 5 !. ,S Butwell .10 Rocket, Alex II.-, Gladbrook o41G ILdeGce 51fl:0S fast 34 113 1 3 3 3 33 J Butwell 12 Plucky, L.B.Sheep. MlandBelle K-cIeGcc S-S llop 16-5 113 S 7 5 5: 633 J Butwell 12 Simplicity, Mad Xell, Early Bird oS717 AVindsor 5-S 1:00 fast 50 30S 6 4 4 4 4! N Huff 0 S. Thought, Diademk, H.Rogcn T0U? SXJlT, h f 2 98 By Tim Payne-Dirocta, by Vinotor. Trainer, F. Holman. Owner, J, D. Wilson. g-o 1 ltOSHfaot. 48. 102 1 5 4 cand 7-l P. Lcistcrl2 awUtcricJwt, BarrlaVaue. 6rrl3 l?d?Q ce J-i1:1slorr m 102 2- 3 4 n u" R LcacterWHIghC.j BarrlSane, LadxZeul 67223 Mlboro Ab5-S WlVifaxt 1. 10 1? J- SchlessT 5 Gwynsdd, SarafaxT T CVte? 05:a?lre E-S l:03slow 6S 104 8 5 4 71 8 F Hunt 3 Eve. White7itar Timl Tmrtu ECG2G D shire 6-8.1:03l4hvy Si 112 2 2 2 4? 7 F Hunt H PeacePal, Pep.Tea, SwlftSet iv W,?rth J Mtot iSf lit! s 10 10 101 10" C Lang 11 Photoplay, L. Loralne, WraMdt RE8TXBSS, b. f, 3 M 10 By Wrack--Lauy Elite, by Order. Trainer. G. E. Foley. Oxasr, B. Coioa. B7416 ILdeGas c i 1:03 fact 2011153 7 7 Oa 76 D Stir line 12 Plucky. L. B. Sheep. Miss Colin 59771 B.Bonts is t l:03fast 23 103 10 7 4 31 33 R RomellilO PuffBall, Overrun, KeRysQuocn 55750 Empire 3-S l:02andalow 15 103 13 10 10 103 SJ F CltilottlU Restraint, Emma W., Awning 55675 Empire 6-S l:02slop SO 10110 10 10 11 93 N Swart 14 Atta Gal, Stock Pin, Sling 55010 Empire 5-S l:02fast SO 93 5 7 S S10 7J N Swart fi SllngAlg. Tulwar, Mag.Mnrphy 55516 Aqduct 5-8 l:00?sfast -10 90 10 9 9 91 N Swart 10 Budana, StockPln, DIckBeadeye SECOND RACE -About Ji Miles. Prospect Steeplechase. 3-venr-olcls and upward. Maidens. Allowances. MUSTY, ch. s, 3 M 130 By Ultimus Divination, by Horoscope. tFormerly ran as Musy. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. 57252 Aqduct Ab 2 4:12 fast 10 133 4 1 1 1 11 2h R H Cfrd 4 Robert Oliver, Algardi, Decisive Cli2 Sartoga 3-4 l:13rhud 11-5 115 1! .1 1 1 1 T Rice 1.1 Lucky Find, Brlganna, Lampu9 51266 PImlico 3-4 1:14 rast 4 115 Left at the post. J Rodgcz S Dr.ChurlesWells, Rep, Trantula 43054 Sat toga 5-S 59fast 7 110 Lett at the post. J RodgezlO Sailing!!., Rancocas, SquawMan , 45375 Saf toga 55 f l:06slow 5 110 7 4 3 5 61 J Rodgez 7 Thimble. MorningFace, TheAUy D 4914S Sartoga 53 f l:CGfast 8 115 6 3 4 6 7" J Rodgezl2 Exodus, St.Michael, Gen.Average GIMME, b. o, 3 M 130 By Theo. Cook Sackcloth, by Stalwart, Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. 57411 Ariduct Ab 2 4:17 fast 1-3 130 2 4 2 1 1 3S X Kenndy 4 Hallavill, Sobrigade, Woodruff 51373 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 13 112 7 7 5 6 910 J Rodsezl4 JoknsUm., Silence, Chlu.Walsh 51319 Pimlico 3-1 l:125ifast 42 115 S 9 9 9 918 J RodgezlO Polytliia, Bon Homme, Twopair 50673 Laurel 3-4 1:14 faandl 22 lUJ 7 6 6 7 7" Rodgez 7 Transient. L.Storm, PollyAnu 4703S Pimlico 1-2 49 fast 12 117 5 4 5a 4B C Kummer 8 BalyGr.xnd, Serwomnn, Peerage 40911 ILdeGce 4j f 54mud 9 116 6 E 6 7 7" C Kummer 7 Careful, Intrigante, Superwoinan 46S09 ILdeGce 1-2 48fast 17-10 112 1 ll1 13 C Kummer 7 Rodanzky, E.Opener, M.oMine SOBRIGADE, br. g, 3 130 By light Brigade Sobranje, by Polymelia. Trainer, F. A. Herold. Owner, Bosoris Stable. l 57;ill Aqduct Ab 2 4:17 fast 4 130 3 2 3 3 3 23 L Cheyne 4 Hallavill, Gimme, Woodruff , 5683 U.Hunts Ab 1 fast S-5 110 6 6 6 6 C 68 II Mountn t; Brigannn, Dorcas, Madellu 54941 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 3 109 4 G 3 3 53 l"i J Mooney 9 Star Realm, Phalaris. Silence 54702 Belmont 1 1:3S fast G lit 4 C 2 2 4 45 J Mooney 8 Fantoche, Devastation, Natural 54609 Belmont 1 1-16 l:43fast 30 100 4 6 3 4 5 4i J Mooney 7 L.Bghton, T.McTgart. P.Whfc 54511 Belmont 1 l:42fast 7 145 G C 6 5 4l 43 P Alpers 0 Servitor, Piraeus, itoutledge PHOENIX, br. g, 3 M 130 By Garry Herrmann Phonicla, by Troutbeok. Trainer, M. Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. 57767 Laurel lm70y l:46?ifast 43 10S 5 4 3 3 3a 3i J Callahan 9 Gallivant, NfordsChoke, Rajah 57377 Aqduct Ab 2 4:llandfast 9-5 130 5 5 5 5 5 55B W Mahny 5 Bullseye, Sea Brvn, Decisivu 572GG. Aqduct 3-4 lOSandfast 20 112 8 S S 8 818 M Mountn S Ruddles, CareFree, PrinceJames E4S90 Belmont i l:3Sfast 40 115 5 5 6 6 7 7" M Mountn 7 TopScrgt., CtView, TwoFeatrs 54754 Belmont 11:38 fast 10 110 7 7 8 9 61 128 M Mountnl2 ScotlandYet, CtView. V.Regal 54C4S Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 40 105 7 8 4 43 2and J Zoeller 20 Invincible, Polar, RUineatone 642S0 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 40 115 10 10 10 10 10 J Zoeller 10 Dnnsandel, Golden Flint, C.View JIM COFFHOTH, blk. g, 6 M 147 By Collnet Marie Hyde, by Handcuff. r Trainer, D. Kearney. Owner, D. Kearney. 57553 iLdeGce Ab 2 4:06fast 7 ISO 4 3 1 1 Fell. P Brady 7 Lytic. Overmatch, Nonus E74S5 il.deGrce Ab 2 4:0S fast 53 142 3 1 C 3 43. 4JS J P Hgn 8 Dis. Shore, Pioneer, Infidel II. 57356 H.deGce Ab 2 4:09 slow 35 147 3 G 5 Lost rider. T Fennsy 7 Perkiomen, Brlganna, Pioneer h 55715 Empire 1 1-16 1 :43fast 50 104 10 9 S 8 71 9te H ClemntslO Smartr, Gem, Lucky Find 65611 Empire lm70y l:47V5fast 60 104J10 10 10 10 10 10" H Clemntall SunnyHill, Episode, GloomyGua 55547 Aq duct 1 l:40?Sfr.:at 50 111 Left at the post. P Weiner 10 OceanSwell, Annivsary, OldDsd 553S0 Afjduct 65 f l:215slqw SO 11G 13 11 9 91 ST G Teargin 17 Turnabout, Arapahoe, Flypaper LUCKY FIND. b. c, 8 M 133 Br Ferole Lucky Catch, by Top Rock. Trainer, W. A. McKinney. Owner, E. T. Zollicoffer. 57350 H.deGce Ab 2 4:09 slow 9 135 6 Bolted. II McMans 7 lerkiomeu, Brigannn, Pioneer 56182 Sar toga 3-4 l:15?f.mud 15 115 11 10 6 5J 2 C Ponce 13 Musty, Briganuu, Lampns 56051 .Sar toga 1 .l:40fast 13-5 110 5 G G 6 6 6IS P Keogh 7 Arapahoe, OutEvents, Brlganna 55S41 Empire 11-16 1:49 fast 7 97 2 S 10 10 10l 98i P "Walls 14 Tan II., K.of the Hther, Salute 55715 Eaiuire 1 1-16 l:43fast 3-2 mi 2 S 4 3 3s 3s F Keoph 10 Smarty, Gem, Johnny OConnell E5165 Aqduct 7-8 l:25?4fast 15 114 G C 6 7 7" G B Sande 8 Wellfder, T.Feathers, M.Petlte DEPUTY VEST, ch. c, 4 M 145 By Jim Gaffney Whats left, by "Wadsworth. Owner, Sir Mortimer Davis. CS99B.Bqnts Ab 2 4:01 fast 11 ISO 3 2 2 L. rider. B Kleeger 4 Xranspero, Hibler, Lieut. Seas DAN DINAN, br. g, 5 M 147 By Charivari Failure, by Handcuff. Trainer, G. P. Sherman. Owner. C. H. Gilroy. 57460 Wdbino Ab 2 4:0Gfast 58 132 4 5 5 5 5 5-01S Higgins 5 McCorbuni. Superba, G.Patriot 57313 Thcliffe 3-4 l:10?jgood 25f 113 11 I Fletcher 11 Dora W, John Arbor. Suez 5tK70 D shire 11:45 slow 00 105 9 10 10 11 10 10ls .1 Simmonsl2 Xonleck, Car, Gorhain 56114 Dshiro 3-4 l:13fast .5f 111 6 10 10 9 85J I Fletcher 12 Locarno, EdnaD., EastdPncess 5G2S9 Ft.Erio 3-4 1:20hvy 39 113 6 7 7 75 782 J Simmons 9 Service Flag, Fuse, Edna D. 51315 Pimlico 1 l:405f,fast 160 115 G 7 7 7 7 7 I Fletcher 7 Pit.Patter. S.Clarence, L.Bwyck 50CS9 Kwrth lm70y l:40fast SCf 10S S 10 10 10 10 10" I Fletcher 10 Refugee, Philistine, Frank F. SHOAL, b. g, 4 M 140 By Danger Eock Smirr, by Carnage. Trainer, J. Beamish. Owner, R. Pending. 57611 Laurel Ab 2 4:07fast 10 135 6 4 4 5 3s CT Fennsy 7 CrcstHill, Dis.Shore, LeMarsin . 57553 ILdeGce Ab 2 4:06fast 5 132 1 2 5 G 3 5" T Fennssy 7 Lytic, Overmatch, Nonus 57417 H.deGce Ab 2 4:05fast 21 130 1 Lost rider. B Kleeger 7 Peccant, Perkiomen, Lytle C6952 B.Bonts 3-4 l:12i!;fast SO 114 7 7 7 7 75 W Bog ski 7 Ma jorParke, Wraith, Hasten On 56733 B.Bonts 11:40 fast 19 111 5 5 5 5 5 45J A Claver 5 Madge F., Exhorter. S. Peur II. 56138 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 18 112 4 6 6 7J 68J T Rowan 8 Kuklux, PhntomFair, Sgarmlnt E6063 Ham ton 3-4 l:13"ifast ?9 114 5 8 8 75 7" T Rowan 8 LadsLove, SmartGuy, S.Baby LEFT FIELDER, b. g, 5 M 147 By Garry Herrmann Navarres Hope, by Henry of Trainer, G. A. Saportas. Owner,. Malvcrin Hill Farm. Navarre. EC159 Sai-toga Ab 2 4:20 fast 20 132 . 5 7 7 7 7 741 W Keating 7 Syrdarya, Joyful, Sonmanglia W361 Sartoga Ab 2 4:22 fast 12 . .137. 111 Fell. N Kenndy it Peccant, Sea Bryn, Overmatch 50372 ILdeGe lm70j 1:48 fast 77 115 8 4 8 8 S 8le R Ball S Fizer. Kallipolis, Lactle Cottage .50225 H.deGft lm70y l:46ifast 38 101 S 8 7 7 C" F Hunt 8 Miss Filley, Link Boy. . Nolawn "THIUI RACE -::-4 3111c. 2-year-olils. Allowances. Oct. .1, 31S - 1 :11 ::-5 4 IOS. CARETAKER, b. f; 2 105 By Sweep Pliant, by The Commoaor. Trainer, W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. 57556 ILdeGce 5A f l:07yirast 10 113 1 3 3 31 H J Rom 8 Fannie Bean. Bountiful, Misdeal 5Gtl3 Saratoga 5-S 59 fast 0 122 5 5 5 5J 64 T Parr ton S Dolores, Yashmak, P.QuiRoulc C6JS7 Sartoga 5-S l:01?imud 12 122 3 1 2 25 35 T Pargtonll Xedna. Roulette, Ultimata 55736 Windsor 55 f 1:11 slop 4i 109 1 11 1J lJi B Taylor 7 Wcssie I!., S.andBoots, B.Bumps G561G Windsor 5-8 l:u0sfast 8 115 4 2 4 5s 6s T Pargton C Devonite, Capt. Scott, Clansman GoSjOFtErte 5i f l;07f,fast 4-5 115 2 1 1 15 1 T Parrton 0 Ogarite, LtieLoraine, WesaieB. FANNIE" BEAN. br.V. 2 105 By Zeus Mascal, by Sain. Trainer, M. C. Keliey. Owner, B. Harding. 57556 H.deGce 5?. f l:07-fast 3 113 7 7 7 43 2 C Ponce S Caretaker, Bountiful. Misdeal 57450 ILdeGce 3-4 l:146fast 27-10 103 S G 2 l4 1 L Morris 10 Dovesroost, F.Virginia, Ceaugay 57328 H.deGco 55 f l:llmud 23-10 114 7 6 4 3U 3h J Butwell 7 Dovesroost, Hillsdale, Sword 56005 Ham ton 5-S l:01fast 11-10 119 4 8 8 8J 5,s H, Pctie, Ferrum 55818 Kworth 55 f landfast 29-10 112 3 3 4 3 32 H J Burke 5 Clansman, J.B.Brown. M.Curtis 55758: worths 5-8 l:02?fnood S 115 8 9 Lost rlder.E Taylor 9 M.Fallou, Corenzio, H. Rogers" 556SC Windsor 5-S l:00fast 5 107 6 6 G 6 In J McTag 1 12 StarTimc. Colossus, M. Curtis BRAINSTORM, br. c, 2 M 108 By Potcr Pan Bubblo, by All Gold. Trainer, J. Rowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 57797 Laurel 5i f 1:09 slop 12-5 115 1. 11 1" l1 L Penman 7 Alex H., Marylnd Belle, Jocose 66710 Belmont 3-4 l:llfnst 110 G 6 6 7 73 F Cltiletti 7 Snob II., June Grass, Sedge C612G .Sar-toga 5-8 59faRt 10 304 10 10 9 9,510a L Penman 15 Toil, Bigheart, Fair Phantom C6047 Sartoga 5-8 SSfast 15 10S 7 8 6 6 55 L Penman 12 Oil Man, Bigheart, Pegasus C5994 Sartoga 65 f l:06fast 6 10S5 7 7 7 7 71 F Keogh 7 MissJoy, Kai-Sang, LdBtimoro 65410 Aq duct b-8 SSfast 12 115 5 2 21 4i C KummerlS Sidereal, Ultimo, Northcliff ROCKET, b. g, 2 103 By Broomstick First Flight, by Thrush. Trainer, Jas. Rowe, Jr. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 57799 Laurel 3-4 l:14sIop 12-5 109 4 3 4 3h 4:J L Penman 8 Relay, Yankee Star, All Fair 57667 Laurel 5J f l:0Cfast 19-10 112 6 1 1 1 I1 L Penman 10 Alex II., Gladbrook, Miss Colin 57552 H.deG ce 3-4 1:15 fast 27-10 113 2 2 4 2li 21 F Cltiletti 0 Trevelyan, AlexH., MylandBelle 57451 H.deGce 55 f 1:07 fast 2 103 1 2 3 34 P Cltiletti G All Fair, Camencita, Gondolier 57382 ILdeGce 5-S l:0Candfast 9 10S 11 30 9 71 65 P Cltllettil2 Bountiful, Champlaln, All Fair 66775 Empiro Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast S 112 7 6 6 8 7 F Cltilettlll Ray Jay, June Grass, Snob 11 G5G30 Empir 5J 1:07 fast 10 Kfi G 8 7 8 6i L Penman 11 Surf Rider. Yankee Maid. Modo CHERRY TREE, b. c, 2 103 By Broomstick Cerise, by Voter. Trainer, J. Rowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 57799 Laurel 3-1 l:14sIop 12-5 169 8 S 7 5H 51 F Cltiletti 8 Relay, Yankee Star, All Fair C6S56 Belmt 65f MC 1:20 fast 7-lu 108 2 1 1 Is Is L Pcuinan 2 lavia 56761 Belmt Sit MC l:05faat 0 104 4 4 4 3- 31 L Penman 4 Harridan, Yank.Star, Rib Gras 54548 Churchl 41 f 54fast 23 115 G 4 3l 2i J D Mney 10 Pr. Welles, Bob.Hair, LittlePolly E4265 Churchl 45 f 52fast 9 115 9 7 7J 7" L Penman 10 Rob, Rockminister, Hutchison DEVONITE, br. c, 2 108 By Granite Devonshire Dolly, by Broomstick. Trainer, C. F. Clark. Owner, J. H. Louchhelm. 57602 Wdbino 1 l:41igood 9 110 3 S S 6 ll 6S. G Walls 9 Marble, John. Dundee, WcssieB. 57187 Thcliffe 55 f 1:08 fast 19-3 110 ll G Walls S D.Buckucr, Push Pin, Wessie B. G530G Ft.Erlo 5. f 1:09 hvy 5 105 4 3 4 4 33 G Wall:; 4 Capt. Scott, Corenzio, Wessie It. 56252 Ft.Erie 3-4 l:13fast 5 115 " 4 4 4 4C2 G Walls 5 Photoplay, Champlain, FastTrial 56157 Dsdiire 55 f l:0Sfa3t 21-10 110 5 5 5 4s 25 B Pool 1 DarkAges, Glengarry, Incogce 66083 Dshlro" 55 f l:0Sslow C 100 7 7 7 5 25 G Fields 7 Mar. Fallon, J.Dundee, S.Prince 55S76 Duhire 5-S l:00?andfast 6 113 5 5 5 5 3!5 G WTalls 5 M. Fallon, Photoplay, DarkAges BAILING ALONG, oh. f. 2 105 By Pennant Enchanting, by St. Vlotxir. Trainer, P. H. Mepham. Owner, R. I. Miller. 57721 Iaurel 3-4 1:15 fast 12 102 2 1 1 l1! 1"J F Cltiletti S Fancier, Maryland Belle, Moco 57556 H.deGco 55 f l:C7fast 36 112 6 4 4 55 755 J Butwell S Caretaker, Fnic Bean, Bountiful 57430 ILdeGco 3-4 l:14fast 25 305 9 9 8 0- 9l H ClemntslO Fan. Bean, Dvesroost, F.Virginia 573S2 ILdeGco 5-8 l:00fast 19 108 9 6 7 85 10" D Stirling 12 Bountiful, Champlain, All Fair CG073 Sartoga 5J f l:00fast 31-5 96 3 2 1 25 335 C Brnlng 8 Duneecap, Btry Pass, Doughnut 55934 Empire 5 f l:0fast 6 101 1 2 2 1- l1! F Cltiletti 7 Duneecap, Zennotta, Grass Tree 55842 Empiro 55 f l:08faat 13-10 105 5 4 3 4l 4s P Morson S Simple Simon, Kirtlc, Wrecklesa JOHN MORRILL, b. c, 2 108 Ey Fayette Arcopliane, by Arizona. Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner, Sunnylahd Stable. 57556 H.deGce 51 f l:07-1ifast 51 108 8 S S S 6s L Morris S Caretaker, Fnie Bean, Bountiful 7353H.deGce 5i f l:07slow 13-5 116 4 3 2 2- l1 C Ponce 11 Gondolier, Trevelyan, ChasteStar 56694 Dshire 5-S 1:01 fast 6 112 6 5 G 5l 2 L Morris 8 Foy, Modna. Consul ALL OVER, b. c, 2 M 106 By Zeus Lassie, by Knight Errant. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmont. Owner, Quinoy Stable. 57449 Aqduct 01 f l:19vifast 16-5 110 6 5 4 41 3 T Rice 6 Ten-Lee, Tody, Com. McMcekin E73S1 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 110 6 4 3 21 25 T Rico 8 Relay, C.McMeekin, Chsterbrook 57199 Aqduct 3-4 l:14?Kgood 12 109J 4 6 6 15 25 T Rice 12 Missionary, My Play. Emotion 57069 IBelmt 3-4 MC l:12fast 10 114 9 5 4 3i Sl T Rico 11 Chesterbrook, Reparation, Tarn 56781 Belmt 5f MC 1:06 fast 50 113 10 10 10 10 10 J Mooney 12 Firm Friend, Aknustl, Pietrus 5C-183 Sartoga 55 f l:064fast Z0 115 9 9 10 101 101 J Mooney 13 Lglsland, Mercntio, Chesterbrk ATTOO i. c, 2 M IOS By Hesperus Simonda, by St. Avonicus. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Quincy Stable. 57715 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 55 109 4 5 5 4 33 H Hamtn 7 MadXell. FrVirginia, Zennotta 57512 Vqduct 5-8 1:01 fast 10 103 5 3 25 2l L McAtce 10 Nightboat, MiracleMan, Rebuke 57378 Aqduct 5-8 l:0l7;fast 15 107 7 4 G5 55 L McAtce 12 Fusee, ItrilliantRay, FredKinuey 56211 Sartoga Ei f l:06fast 20 112 10 10 10 S2 8" S Lowe 12 BantryPass, EarlyBlrd. Dghnut 56126 Sartoga 5-8 59fa3t to 104 12 13 15 15 158 S Lowe 1G Toil. Bigheart, Fair Thautom 65323 Aqduct E-S l:00good 12 112 3 13 13 133 S Lowe 18 Stock Pin, Sweepy, Mad Nell "bolGZ Aqduct 5-8 l:00fast 50 307 9 9 6J S Lowe 11 Ir.Brigadier, Bravo. Broomflaz FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Equity Handicap. :t-year-olds and upward. Oct. 21, 101ft 1 1" ".-5 4 125. 4 . i , r r J TOP SERGEANT, ch. fi, 3 113 By Cock o the Walk Fairy Rsy, by Radium. Trainer, G. E. Hall. Owner, G. E. Hall. 5767S Laurel 1 1-16 l:15ast 9 111 1 1 1 1 2H 3 F Cltiletti 4 The Porter, Serapis Super 55752 Empire 1 l:41alow 2 113 2 4 2 2 1 Is E Sande 0 Curfew, Parader, LEclair 55493 Aqduct 1 l:S7ifast 6 108 2 3 3 S JJ 3J P Werner 3 Quecreek, Fair Gain ES363A?!duct 1 1:39 mud 5 lli 2 1 1 1 2l 4" E Sande 8 C.Demon, Cfew, JohnPaulJone 54S90 Belmont 1 l:38fa8t 41 115 7 G 5 3 Is 1 E Sande 7 Court View, Two Feathers. Rep 54754 Belmont 11:3S fast 4 112J 5 2 2 2 25 6 C KummcrR! ScotlandYet. CtView. V.Regal 64572 Belmont 1-4 l:12tfiaat 7 115 13 13 14 13 1318 F Keogh 17 Mainmast. Esquire. GoldenFUnt JEG, ch. 0, 3 118 By Zeus Ryols, by Mexican Traiaar, H. Eits. Qtiazt, J, E. Grifflii:. 57765 Lauiel 1 1-13 l:45fast 34-5 123 S 2 3 2 2:a 2 J Butwell 4 DrkHorse, Cop.Bcaa, Ifcntelvt 57590 H.deGco 1 18 l:52fact 10 103 V V V 6 5J fle J Rowan 0 Capt.Alcock. Trystcr, ThoPorter 17451 ILdeGb 1 1-16 l:46?jfast U 103 1 2 2 4 1 1J F Cltiletti 7 WcllOndcr, Limettn, Polly Ann 573SG H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 2S-5 110 9 7 8 3 75 8 El Haynes 0 Tryster, ByJimlny, BygoneDay 54214 Pimlico 1 1-3 1:51eIow 17 114 11 13 12 9 6s 33 L Morris 14 Brmspun, Pol.Ann, Leonardoll 54156 Pimlico 1 1-10 l:485slop 4 116 5 3 2 2 2J 2 L Morris 5 Sea Pirate. My Dear, Yorkist 64097 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:45faet 43-10 107 5 5 5 2 2J 1 L Morris 5 Sun.Jim, Sport.Blood, Une.Jobo BY JIMINY, b. f, 3 110 By Jim Gaffney Ianna, by Fatherlew. Trainer, W. Irvino. Owner, E. F. Whitney. u 57718 Laurel 11:40 fast 3-2 113 1 3 3 3 2nt 4s j jjowan 4 Poll.vAnn, Rubidium, Muttikins 1 57522 H.dcGo lm70y l:43fast 13-10 10S 111 1 1 3 J Rowan " Bellsolar, Serapis. Italco 573SG H.deGce 1 1-10 l:4Gfast 26 101 2 4 3 2 2 2and J Rowan 9 Tryster, BygoueDays, PollyAun 57303 H.deGce 3-4 l:12slop 55 107 2 4 4 4s 4s J Rowan 9 Careful. TippityWiteliet, Serapia 56523 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 10 115 G 7 6 C5 45C Kummerl2 V.oftheMoon, Polythia, L.Straw 564S2 Sartog 1 l:37fast 18-5 103J 12 2 1 2 31 L McAtes 5 T.Feathers, OurFlag, B.McLlin 5636G Sartoga 1 1:33 fast 6 107 1 1 2 2 25 3J J Rowan 5 Touch Mo Not, O.Flag, P.Ann BUNGA BUCK. ch. o. 3 112 By Vulcain Mary Orr, by Orimar, Trainer, J. H. Deavenport. Owner, H. Dattner. 57195 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45igood 11 104 5 2 3 3 3 2 E Barnes 7 Rungii, B.of White, United Verde 573CS Latonia 1 l:38fast 11 103 S G C 7 3n- 11 B Barnes S K.tsteside, Wickford, Dartmoor 57169 Latonia 1 l:38Sfast 5 102 4 5 6 5 65 3" B Kenndy 9 Advocate, Iarader, TJnitedVerde 5CS93 Latonia 1 l:S3?5fast 14-5 111 2 3 3 3 2i 25 S McGraw 0 Ben Valet, Bettina, Uncle Velo 6672 Dshlro 1 1-16 VAVAsood 12 101 3 2 2 2 in 13 S McGraw li Incog. Irish Kiss, Pastorals wain 56597 Dshire 1 l:3Sgoodl9-10 107 3 5 4 4 4 S S McGraw 0 Moutalvo, J. Hoshor, Fitz-Boodle 361S9 Windsor 1 1-16 l:45fast 9 9S4llll51S McGraw 8 Adonis, Brisk, Tippo Sahib BREEZE, b. e, 1 114 By Ballot Eliso B., by Prince Royal. Trainer, J. D. Heard. Owner, G. H. Abbott. 57250 Thcliffe lm70y 1:44 fast 7 103 3i C Duggan 10 StaiReahn, Irish Jig, King John 57190 Thcliffe lm70y l:43fast 37-10 109 3l5 C Duggan G Star Realm, Smart Guy, Louis 5C59S Dshlro 1 1-16 l:44good 5 106 1 4 3 4 4and 53 C Duggan 5 Guy, Irish Kiss. The Archer Vmi Windsor 1 1-16 l:43vr,fast 5 108 1 3 4 2 2 2 X Duggan 4 BriltJester, Kinburn, K.Thrush 50373 Windsor 1 l:4Jf,slop 5 10S 3 4 4 3 25 2 C Lang 4 By. Days, KiiigTbrush, T.Archer 56273 Ft.Erie 1 1-1G l:45fast S 110 G 4 3 3 35 4J X Duggan Registrar, Black.Daw, M.Orange 56219 Ft.Erie 1 l:39igood 13 107 2 4 4 2 2 Is C Duggan 4 Runquoi, MkOrange, KgThrush DARK HORSE, b. c, 3 119 By Ballot Incognita, by DIiguiM. Trainer, J. Mooney. Owner, E. E. Mooar. 57765 Laurel 1 1-16 l:16fast 23-10 112 2 1 1 1 V li D Stirling 4 .Teg, Copper Demon, Moutalvo 57645 Laurel lm70y l:45fast 26 110 3 1 1 1 l1 25 D Stirling 4 Tit.Witcliet, Gnome, Bridesman 574S8 H.dcGcc ll:4iy5fast 10 105 1. 5 5 3 5nt 5J J Heupel 8 Rubidium, TheArcher, H.Baker 57356 ILdeGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 56 102 5 6 9 9 8 73 J Houpel 0 Tryster, ByJimfny, BygoneDays 6r.373 Dshire 1 1-3 1:50 fast 22 111 2 4 4 4 4" 410 J Butwell 5 Grey Lag, BI. Servant. By. Days 35778 Kworth lm70y l:44fast 7-5 118 5 4 4 3 2l 3 J Butwell 7 Pongee, Kentish Boy, Pimlico 5569S AVindsor 3-4 l:12fast 14 116 6 C 6 5and 2 J Butwell 0 Adonis, By.Iiminy, Auntie May 55660 Windsor 1 1-16 l:45fast 15 102 8 7 7 7 8 8 J Gneisen 8 Irish Jig, Jim Daisy, Runquoi 8TJFERWOMAN, ch. f. 3 109 By Superman Marjoram, by Hastings. Trainer, E. Wayland. Owner, W. J. Salmon. 57S07 H.deGe lm70y l:49slop 22 100 4 1 2 3 4 l 4l B Josiah 0 CleanGue, D.deMorny, X.Raider 307S0 Belmont 1 l:37ifast 0 103 1 1 1 3 4- 41 J Mooney 5 A.ofGold, Edwiua, Mavourneen 5G523 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 30 303 G 2 2 31 5 F Cltilettil2 V.oftheMoon, Polythia, L.Straw 56049 Sartoga 3-4 l:12fast SO 100 4 5 5 6 63i S Bullman G Tody, Ararat, Billy McLaughlin 55343 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:47mud 35 109 5 2 3 4 4 5 C Robson 7 Banksia, LtStraw, Chat.Thicrry 55165 Aqduct 7-8 l:25fast 7-5 102 7 G 5 4 41 55 W Ridenr 8 Wellfder, T.Feathers, 3I.Petite 54SSS Belmont 1 1:38 fast 15 103 3 1 1 1 2 2 W Ridour 0 Ralco, Biff Bang, Devildog BASTILLE, ch. c, 3 108 By Voter Oppression, by St. Serf. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. L. Ross. 57719 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 6 104 5 6 6 6 42 J Callahan G C.otlieRoost, Wellfder, TlicBoy 57570 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:495hvy 55 104 5 1 1 1 1and 23 A Claver S Star Realm, Incog. Court Fool 67434 Wdbino 11:41 fast 8-5 101 4 2 1 1 15 1 A Claver 4 IrishJig, Johnlloslior, Kent.Boy 56954 B.Bonts 1 l:S34ifast 7 103 3 2 2 1 1 4i A Claver G Star Realm. Estero, Lads Love 56868 B.Bonts 1 l:39andfast 17-10 100 2 1 1 1 ink iu a Claver 4 Betty J., Padua, Waketleld 56705 Dorval 3-11:13 fast 13 101 5 6 6 6 51 A Claver 0 Kuklux, Lads Love, My Mazie 56500 Windsor 3-1 Irlliifast 2G 103 9 9 9 85 S H Ericksn 10 BultProof, LstOne, MidnhtSun BRIDESMAN, b. b. 5 119 By Lonowand Fleur u Orange, by William tl Trainer, W. L. S. Martin. Owner, W. L. S.Martin. Third. 57645 Laurel lm70y I:45fast 6 116 1 4 4 4 4 45 J Callahan 4 Tiii.Witchet, Darkllorsf, Gnome E74SS H.deGce 1 l:41fast 27-10 IIS 7 7 S 7 7 65 J Callahan 8 Rubidium, TheArcher, n.Baker 57357 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:17ifast 1 11S 3 2 2 1 2 Ink J Callahan 5 Servitor, Belario, Clean Gone 57303 H.deGce 3-4 l:rslt.p 26 110 8 9 5 5 5" J Callahan 9 Careful, TippityWiteliet, Serapis 54570 Belmont 1 l:37fast 1 118 4 2 2 2 3 3 J Callahan 4 Stromboll, Fair Gain, C.Sweeper 54473 Belmont 5Bf st l:05fast 30 118 5 7 7 7 3i J Callahan 9 Krewer, Peter Piper, CareFree 61320 Pimlico 1 3-16 l:5S?fast 33 111 3 1 1 2 55 653 J Callahan 7 The Porter, Boniface. Damask IIONTALVO, b. c, 3 105 By Friar Rock Catherhie Carson, by Ben Stroma. Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner, Sunnyland Stable. 57765 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast S 105 4 3 3 3 Snk 4 L Morris 4 Dark Horse. .Teg, Copper Demon 374S8 H.deGce 1 l-.llandfast 12 103 2 2 1 2 35 7:5 A Tryon S Rubidium, TheArcher, n.Baker 573S6 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4C?fast 16 312 3 3 2 3 9 9s A Allen 9 Tryster, ByJiminy, BygoneDays 6597 Dshire 1 l:38good 21-5 107 6 2 2 2 1 1 M Buxton G Jn Hoshor, B. Buck, Fitz-Boodlo 35209 Sartoga 3-4 l:i2fast 15 112 2 5 4 4 4s J Callahan 0 Frigate. Gallivant, Faunas 56050 Sartoga 11:39 fast 20 103 3 4 3 5 6 68i J Callahan 7 Ly Gertrude, Parader, H.Bnker 55070 Aqduct 1 l:38Vfcfast 30 103 G 7 7 7 7 7" H Hamtn 8 Knobbie. Playfellow. Careful FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming- Handicap. Oct. ,i, 101s 1:11 r.-r, 4 108. KNOT, ch. m, 5 101 By Jack Atkih Snarl, by Yankee. Trainer, W. H. Brooks. Owner, C. T. Grayson. 50590 Sartoga 3-4 1:11 fast 3-2 123 2 4 4 4 JJb McAteo 0 Reprisal, Serapis, Ten-Lee 5631S Sartoga. 1 l:37sfast 11-5 ill: 3 1 Lj- 2 in 2 F Keogh 5 Thderclap, CperDcmon, llsolur 64095. Pimlico 3-t l:12Vandfast 11-5 105 1 " 2 2 2" 12 R Lanster 5 Motor Cop, Bly, Sweep Clean 51299 Pimlico 1 l:29fast C 103 1 1 1 2 1 23 L McAteo Ci Veto, CaptainAlcock, Bridesman 51145 Laurel 3-11:13 fast 12-5 110 3 3 4 J 482 P Keogh Mor.Cop, E.Rtckenbr, G.Summy MOTOR COP, b. h, 6 130 By Uncle Xaroo, by Q. W. Johnson. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. X. Ross. 57396 Wdbine 3-4 1:13 fast 19-10 132 4 1 2 2 2- II Ericksnl2 Sailing 1!., MajorParke, Yorkist 56263 Sartoga 3-4 J.:llandfast 15 133 3 2 2 6 71 T Rico 7 Thdeiclap, SmokeScrn, Georgie 55300 Hamton 3-4 l:15good 1-2 137 6 3 2 23 25 A Claver G SeUCombs, ByJImy, BlkieDaw 55207 Hamton 3-4 l:137sfast 4-5 133 3 111 ll A Claver S U.Gold, M.Orange. BrillitTester 54739 B.Bonts 3-4 l:13Hifast 27-10 129 1 2 1 l1 la II Thurber 7 E.RickIier, G.Chance, Pnnaman 543SS Wdbine 3-1 1:13 slow 1-6 327 1 1 1 1 43 J Gneisen G BillyKolly, SlippyElm.SomeBabv 54311 Wdbino 3-4 l:12fast 9-10 131 2 11 1 3 F Keogh 13 Uncle John, Keltie, Jean Corey 54095 Pimlico 3-4 l:32fast 7-10 130 2 1 1 lnfc 23 T Rice 5 Knot, Bly, Sweep Clean HOBEY BAKER, blk. g, 4 109 By Celt Augusta Victoria, by Sain. Trainer, E. Wayland. Owner, W. J. Salmon. 37522 H.deGe lm70y l:43fast S 103 2 2 2 3 o 5" E Josiah 5 Bellsolar, Serapis, Bv Jiminy 5748S H.deGce 1 l:41,4fast 17-10 113 13 2 1 l 3s; J Butwell S Rubidium. T.Archer, D.deMorny 57452 H.deGce 3-4 1:12 fast 9 1045 7 7 5 33 35 D Stirling 7 Tippity Witchet, Ararat, Ralco 57331 H.deGo lm70y l:4Smud 1-2 112 3 1 2 3 3 3s J Butwell 4 Dresden, The Archer, Aiken 6591 Sartoga 1 1:3.8 fast 3-2 112 1 2 2 2 25 1" F Cltiletti 5 Servitor, WarNote. Sweep Clean 56519 Sartoga 1 l:38andfast 13-5 105 2 2 1 1 li in L Fator 4 Donnacona. C. Sweeper, Recount 56050 Sartoga 11:39 fast 8-5 1003 7 7 G 6 5 3l3 L Ensor 7 LyGrtrude, Parader, Sundlalll. LUNETTA, b. f, 4 104 3y Luko McLuke Agnes Virginia, by Sir Dizcs. Trainer, W. Livingston. Owner, S. Louis. 57454 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 111 5 3 3 5 3h 33 C Ponco 7 .leg, Wellfinder, Polly Aim 57303 H-deGce 3-4 l:l3slop 8 100 4 7 7 65 6" A Tryon 9 Careful, TippityWiteliet, Serapis 5C612 Sartoga 1 1-4 2:03vsfast 3 HS 2 11 1 2 3 C Ponce 5 O. Thierry, Bellsolar, L.Emellne 56506 Sartoga 7-S l:24fast 13-5 100 1 G 5 4 2 Is E Scobie 7 Ararat, Valor, War Note 56246 Sartoga 1 1-8 l:51fast 1 110 3 1 1 1 1 1 L Fator 2 Bellsolar 56075 Sartoga 1 l:37fast 16-5 107 4 4 4 3 3 1 L Fator 4 Valor. Love Tap, Servitor 55771 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10rast 4 105 3 7 7 6l 1and L Fator 11 Guvnor. The Boy, F. Churchill WELLFINDER, ch. g, 3 107 By Broomstick Wonder, by Disguise. Trainer, R. I. Miller. Ownor, R. I. Miller. 57719 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast !i 10S 4 4 3 2t 22 L Penman 6 C.otlieRoost, TheBoy, Bastille 57589 H.deGe 3m70y UiC, fast 17-10 9G 2 2 1 1 ll lJ J Rowan 7 Rubidium, CleanGone, Ladslve 57454 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:4G?f,fast 12 13 4 1 1 1 23 23 J Rowan 7 Jeg, Lunetta, Polly Ann 57385 H.deGce 55 f 1:07 fast 11 118 3 3 3 5 43 C Ponce 12 TheBoy, AppleJackll., ImaFrnk 55100 Sartoga 1 l:41hvy 7 101 3 1 2 3 312 3lB F Cltiletti 4 Cimarron, Cop. Demon, LoveTap 56023 Sartoga 1 l:38fast 6 112 2 1 2 2 2 42 F Cltiletti 5 Sportiboy, Killala, CopperDeraon SUPERWOMAN, ch. f , 3 98 By Superman Marjoram, by Hastings. Trainer, E. Wayland. Owner, W. J. Salmon. 57307 ILdeGc Im7iy l:49slop 22 300. 4.1 2 3 41 4 B Josiah 9 CleanGne. D.deMorav, N .Raider 5G7S0 Belmont 1 6 103 1 1 1 3 4 4i .T Mooney 5 A.ofGold, Edwina, Mavourneen 56523 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast SO 303 5 2 2 3 5i F Cltilettil2 V.oftboMooii. Polvthia. US t raw 6601! Sartoga 3-4 l:12fast 3. 300 4 5 5 6 603 S Bullman 0 Tody, Ararat, Billy McUtughliu 55343 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:47mud 15 109 5 2 3 1 4 - 6u O Robson 7 Banksia, LtStraw, Cliat.Tiiierry 5.1 AqMuct 7-S l:25fast 7-5 IC2 7 5 3 4 4l r,! W Ridenr 8 AVellfder. T.Feathers, M. Petite 54888 Belmont 1 1:2.8 fast 15 103 3 1 1 1 2- 2- W Ridenr G Ralco, Biff Hang, Devildog 4 54677 Belmont 11:39 fast S 116 6 1 5 6 5 Xfi F Keogh 7 Flambette, Ivornian, Joan Marie PRIDE OF INDIA, b. h, 5 98 V By Delhi Dominoes, by Domino. Trainer. W. H. Brooks. Owner. S. Ross. C64S0 Sartoga 3-1 l:llfast 15 108 6 G 6 5 5t0 L Morris G Thnderclap, Routledge, BestPal t.M99 Sartoga 7-S l:27hvy S 9S 6 6 6 6 6 G1 L Penman G S.Sereen, B.MeLaughlin, Lanitis 54175 Pimlico 3-4 l:15hvy 5 1015 2 2 2 2 21 R Lcaster 8 Biliy Kelly, Vicc-Chairnian 54037 Pimlico 3-4 1 :l6shvy 27-10 114 3 1 1 13 la L. Morris G Super, Vice-Chairman, Satamv 639S6 Pimlico 3-4 l:14slow 13-5 115 2 2 2 2J 2" F Keogh 11 Unc.Johu, Manoevrc, SirenMaid 51161 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 6 117 4 5 4 6 4li F Keogh 9 Manoevre, BonJour, TheDecIsion 50995 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast C 109 1 3 3 25 23 P Keogh 5 WarMarvel. HelenAtkin. Scurry NIGHT RAIDER, ch. g, 3 94 By Whisk Broow II. Fly by Night JX, by Pet Trainer, J. Beamish. Owner, G. W. Forman. Pan. 57420 H.deGe lm70y l:40Vifast 19-10 102 5 4 4 2 2a 2fl5E Josiah G Chasseur, Belario, Kizcr 67307 H.deGo lm70y l:19slop 22-5 103 3 2 3 4 23 3.i F Andson 9 C.Gone. D.deMorny, Sperwoman 56645 Dorval 1 l:39fast S-4 104 2 2 2 2 2nt 35 II Thurber 5 P.Diamd, LadsLove, W.Haven 56532 Dorval 1 l:3Sfast 16-5 102 1 4 4 1 lnt 12 H Tliurber ;" Registrar, LadsLove, KtlshBoy 5533S Sartoga 1 l:4lhvy 25 100 2 3 3 3 2 2 E Scobio 6 BiffBang. T.McTagt, Escarpto 56301 Sartoga 7-8 l:20good S-5 106 1 4 3 2 21 3J F Cltiletti u Incog, T.McTagart, Wynnewd 56264 Sartoga 1 l:S7fast 43 116 2 3 3 3 3 3 F Cltiletti 3 Billy McLaughlin. Kirklevington tDisqualified. MOCK ORANGE, b. g, 4 95 By Louawand Oranye Lilly, by William the Thirl, Trainer, I. Gorhasi. Owner, 7. 7. Farrell, Jr. 57643 Laurel 3-4 l:13,andfast 48 96 6 6 6 6 58i J Callahan 6 Billy Kelly, Crocus, Careful 57590 H.deGce 1 1-8 l:52fast 84 93 4 2 6 7 8 7 J Wallace 9 Capt.Alcock, Tryster, ThePorter 57303 ILdeGce 3-4 l:13slop 53 110 7 S 8 7 7" A Allen 9 Careful, TippltyWitchet, Serapis 56326 FtErie 1 1-16 l:45good 12 95 5 G G 4 43 43 L McDott O Bril.Jester, B.Grand. Black.Daw 56273 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:45fast 2 9S 5 3 4 4 41 3 C Lang 0 Registrar. Blackic Daw, Breeze 56219 FtErie 1 l:39andgood 4 102 4 3 3 4 4 33 C Lang 4 Breeze, Runquoi. King Thrush 56164 Hamton 3-4 l:12fast 4 104 5 5 5 5 6s J McTagt 5 Hildur, Keltie, Lads Love BROMELIA, ch. f, 4 93 By Whisk Broom II. Savannah, by Yankee. Trainer. T. J. Donohue. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Clark. 57537 Wdbino 1 l:40fast 19 100 4 4 4 4 4 4 R RomeUi 4 MyDear, LadyMeave, Muttikins 57396 Wdbino 3-4 1:13. fast 209 104 10 8 8 10 S8J R Romeilil2 SailingB., MotorCop, Maj.Parke 56951 B.Bonts 53 f l:06fast 8 104 3 1 1 2 3 R RomeUi 7 Messines, Last One, OaklnBelle 56866 B.Bonts 55 f l:07andfast 5 100 3 2 1 la 13 R RomeUi 6 Runatrlx, Ikey T., Kuklux 56248 Sartoga 3-4 1:13 fast 43 110 3 3 4 4 53 L McAtee 7 Mercury, Summit, Gallivant 6019 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 100 1013 5 7 7 8 8" L. McAtee 8 Careful, Naturalist, Lanius 54765 B.Bonts 3-4 l:12fast 28 101 1 2 2 2k 2" R RomeUi 8 SailingB., BettyJ., JgeEllswtk 54033 Pimlico 3-4 1:16hvy 27 110 8 8 8 8 6" R RomeUi 9 Sun.Jim, SeaPirato, Whalebone MOODY, b. g, 3 97 By Broomstick Contrary, by Hamburg. Trainer, R. E. Watkins. Owner, R. E. Watkins. 56125 Sartoga 1 l:39faBt S 112 4 8 5 6 5 6" F Cltiletti 7 Wapiti. Thimble. A.Hamilton 55S65 Empire lm70y l:44fast S 103 1 8 5 6 6 5s F Cltiletti 9 St. Isidore. O.oDawn, SeaSinuer 55771 Empire Ab 2-1 l:10fast 10 103 7 5 6 4and 88 F Cltilettill Lunetta, Guvnor. The Boy 55650 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10Vfast 20 103 7 10 10 7J 71 F CltilettilS Al.Hamllton, CumSab, Mavrnn 55479 FtErie 3-4 l:13fast 16 104 5 6 7 7 71 H Thurber 8 AuntieMay, Dayduo, Ladvjieave 55397 FtErie 3-4 l:13?ifast 41 303 7 S 8 8 V A Claver 8 M.Orauge. E.Rickcber, Daydue 55207 Hamton 3-4 l:133taat 30 103 4 6 6 7 63 H Myers 8 MotorCop, UltraGold, M. Orange 150119 ILdeGce 3-4 l:14Vsfast 8 115 G 5 6 7 610 J McTagt 7 Serapis, Jeg, Polly Ann SIXTH it.vcr. 1 1-4 Allies. Cbnsc Clulmiiiif Ttnodionn. ;;-ycar-oldN und ujmnrvl. Oct. J. 1 !M 7 -2 jO"3 11M1, OOltHE cr, oli. g. 6 100 By AttrouoBiet Koep 8ti.ll, by St. Blalae. Trainer, 3". Beandsh. Owner, G. W. Foniuui. 57503 Laurel 1 1-10 J:49raSlol IT-S 10T 7 8 S 7 G5 4 .1 HoWiUi 9 Mcllitnav, Madge F.. King Jubn 57G72 Laurel 1 1-1G 3 tfSandfast 11 101 7 9 C C 2and 22 F Wdstcfe 9 Lads Love, Runquoi, Chaseur 3755S H.deGce 1 1-4 2:0S fast 11-10 112 4 5 5 5 6IS 55 J Rodgez 7 Benevolent, L.Lillian, SunnyHill 27459 H.deGe lm70y 1:43 fast 7-3 103 8 6 J 7 G2 8 J Homn 7 Pas.Swain, W.Bedotte, Osgood OC001 Dshire 1 1-S l:52ftfast 5 104 1 S S G 4l 13 R Holway 9 Star Realm, WarGod, DoctorJIm 55875 Kworth lm70y l:43 11 111 2 7 7 7 7 4S J H Burke 8 MlntCat, DoctorJim, O.Blossom KtiSl Windsor 1 1-1G l:462fast 9 107 2 5 6 7 7 7ei J H BurkelO Accelerate, Pas.Swain, MlntCat JOAN OF ARC, b. m, 5 110 By Ballot Jewie Woodson, by Scorpion. Trainer, F. Musante. Owner, F. ttutante. 57172 AVdbine 1 1-4 2:ll4,hvy ID 103 4 4 4 1 34 2 T Burns 7 Austral, Trickster II., Rhymer 57504 Wdbine 1 3-16 2:02 fast C 107 10 9 10 9 C3 T Burns 11 Austral. Rouen, Trickster II. 57402 AAMbine 11-15 1:48 fast 16 97 4 10 11 9 GJ 2l" K Par ton 11 Madge F., Greenland, Exhorter ,57346 Thcliffo 1 1-S 1:51 goodl3-10 102 ink K Parton 0 ltonil. Rliymcr, Thos.F.McAIahon 57252 Thcliffo 1 1-16 l:4Sandfast 12-5 107 511 J McTagt 10 Cavaleadr II., Austral, Uardora 57133 Thcliffo 1 1-15 l:46Hfcst 16 93 4i w Andson 8 Brisk, Roisterer, War Winner 56466 Windsor 11-16 1:50 slow S-5 107 5 4 4 4 3 3si J McTagt 8 Darnley, Roisterer, Fr. Shannon SUMMER SIGH, ch. g, 5 08 By Ormoadale Bummer Night, by 8ur Shoot. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, J. R. Skinker. 57717 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :47fast 20 113 4 6 0 5 42 45 J Rodgez O S.Peurll., Franklin, Morn.Facc 57C46 Laurel 1 1-S l:34fast 18 107 7 4 5 5 6 e9i L Coney 8 H.Pardncr, S. Verdict, Franklin 55262 An duct 1 l:40f.tnud fr 101 8 S 8 S 92 S13 R MNmeelO Rep, Tom McTaggart, Silence 56192 Aqduct Ab 2 4:19fast 20 142 6 8 8 Ran out. C Wilksn S Sea Wold, Overmatch, Peccant C50SS Aqduct Ab 2 4:15rast 15 134 7 6 Lost rider C Wilmsn S Tattle. Fair Mac, War Victor 54090 Pimlico 1 l:40,fast 24 96 11 9 9 8 7 7" J Rowan 11 SirenMaid, Oath, KingJohn 3S40 H.deGe lm70yl:45fast 25 112 10 10 10 10 10 IVi A Richcrkl4 Am.Boy, Wdthrush, D.Carroll FIZER, b. h, 7 109 By Trmval Foundling, by Laixarone. Trainer, W. Livingston. Owner, S. Louis. 57801 Laurel 1 1-S l:5Gslop 9-3 107 4 4 1 3 45 415 L Coney 0 Goldine, KingTrojan, H.Pardncr B7G71 Laurel 1 1-8 l:55fast 19-10 102 1 7 6 6 4 21 J Heupel 7 Diadi, Bardora, Bill Hunley 7489 H.deGe lm70y 1:43 fast 1S-5 110 7 7 6 6 7 Gl J Heupel 7 Pas.Swain, W.Bedote, ComineCl 57420 H.deGe ImTOy l:46ftfast IS 107 1 C C 6 4l 41 J Heupel 0 Chasseur, Night Raider, Belario E632C Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:43jBOod S 98 6 5 6 6 Gi ai C Lang Bril.Jester, B.Graud, Black.E-.-rW GGS07 Ft.Erie 1 l:41hvy 12 106 1 8 S 8 4l 3 II Myers 8 KingsCliauipion, BettyJ., St.Pl 56193 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:46slow 4J 113 3 5 3 4 2J 2l A Claver 5 Brisk, Murray, Ten Can E6036 Hamton 1 1-16 l:46fast 61 114 6 4 4 4 4 45i F Merimee 5 King John, Murray, Madge F. LADY LILLIAN, blk. f , 3 107 By Zeus Black Swan, by Herbert. Trainer, E. Hankins. Owner, F. Hankins. 57644 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47-;jfast 29-10 110 7 6 6 6 52 4Ti L Morris 7 Merriniac, Attorney, T.Maiden 5755S H.deGce 1 1-1 2:03 fast 55 107 3 4 4 3 35 21 J Rowan 7 Benevolent, SunnvHill, O.Eveuts 673S8 ILdeGce 1 1-8 l:54fast 8 102 5 6 6 5 42 lot J Rowan 7 Cubanita, Gath, Walnut Hall E662U Dshire 1 1-2 2:43 mud 23-10 9S 1 1 2 4 4" 47i A Gantner- 5 Austral, Court Fool, Pit 56470 Windsor 1 1-16 l:50sslow 7 96 7 S 7 C 31 15 A Gantner 8 Lazy Lou, Woodthrusb, Goldine EC408 Windsor 1 1-1G l:52mud 24 103 2 9 10 9 and 63J C Lang 10 Goldine, Greenland, Court Fool CUBANITA, b. f. 3 115 By Hessian Susy Girl, by Meddler. Trainer, D Kearney. Owner, C. Koehler. 57672 Laurel 1 1-1C l:48fast 15 102 6 S 9 9 0 78 H Clments 9 Lads Love. Coinme Ci, Rnnquoi 57455 H.deGe lm70y l:46andfast 37-10 102 4 4 4 2 21! 15 J Rowan 7 Old Dad, Gath, Hello Pardner 67383 ILdeGce 1 1-S l:54fast 8-3 107 2 2 3 3 35 2nt C Ponce 7 Lady Lillian, Gath, Walnut Hall 56599 Dshire 1 1-8 l:52good 11-5 103 6 5 5 3 1J 1 B Barnes 7 Osgood, Sir Clarence, Tan Son 56328 Ft.Frio lnYTOy l:41good 3 107 5 6 4 2 lJ 1 B Barnes 7 Darnay, Trickster II., Sea Way GOLDINE, b. f, 4 100 By Golden Maxim Mary Bodice, by 8tu Snoot. Trainer, A. L. Austin. Owner, A. L. Austin. 57S01 Laurel 1 1-S l:56slop 22-5 104 r. 2 2 1 1 li" .1 Rowan C King Trojan, Ilel. Pardner, Fizcr 57361 H.deGe lm70y l:45Vslow ?1-10 106 S 7 6 5 6J V W Bogski S MrieMaxim, M.Filley, Encrinite 5C-470 Windsor 1 1-16 l:509f.slow 41-10 107 4 1 1 3 41 4 R Holway 8 L.Lillian, LazyLou, Woodthrush C640S Windsor 1 1-16 l:52mud 16-5 101 1 2 2 1 l2 l2 A Gantner 10 Greenland, Court Fool, J. of Arc 66058 Dshire 1 1-4 2:13hvy 6 94 3 1 1 1 1J 35 A Gantner 11 Court Fool, Pit, Dr. Rae KG61 Windsor 1 l:39fast 22 106 4 4 4 4 4 4 M Buxton 4 Muttikins. LghStorm, Talisman SEVENTH RACE 1 31 lie. Ci-year-olds. Allowuioes. Oct. ai. JOl! X:..7 ii-S 4 iar.. ATTORNEY, b. o. 8 ,111 By Strephon Haversack, by Mamner. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey." Owner, C. P. Winfrey. E7644 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 6 103 3 5 o 1 3 2 F Cltiletti 7 Mcrrimac, T.Maiden, L.Lillian G758C H.deGe 1 1-16 l:47?ifast 9 108 1 6 6 5 4 4i F Cltiletti 0 Mr. Bruiumcl, BribedVoter, Gath 67524 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:43fast 11 113 1 4 7 6 1 13 C Ponce S Theodosia, Fantoche, Explosive 57332 H.deGce 1 1-4 2:12,4mud 37-10 107 1 4 4 2 2 22 J Heupel 5 Scotch Verdict, Explosive, StirUp C6936 B.Bonts 1.1-8 l:53fast 17 105 G 7 7 7 65 4si A Claver 7 Exhorter, SansPeurll., Darnley 56S28 B.Bonta 1 l:41fast 34 113 1 4 5 5 4J In A Claver 7 Perhaps, George W., Sister Flo WS33 Dorval lm70y 1:44 fast 34 101 3 7 6 7 7 7" R Flynn 7 Darnay, Sentimental, Veteran MORNING FACE, b. f, 8 103 L Tiie Picket Mary mag, by Father lew. Trainer, F. Farrar. Owner, F. Farrar. 57717 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast fi 96311 1 1 33 T Brooke G SansPeurll., Frklin. Sum.Sigh 57592 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:48fast 26 96 3 1 1 1 1J 2l J Wallace 8 Flliertygibbet, Perhaps, Bar Coj E7487 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:48Vsfast 86 99 5 2 0 5 6 6J1 J Wallace 10 Current Events, Pibroch, Mose 57334 H-deGce 3-4 l:152smud 28 93 3 7 7 6J 61S J Rowan 12 C.othRoost, O.Sinr, S.Emblem 55157 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 9 93 5 9 9 9 10J L McDottl2 Ou-moran, Efficient, Blazonry 55033 Connht 3-4 l:15fast 21-10 97 1 2 2 2nk 3si D Priblo 12 General, Cormoran, The Moor 64643 Thorncliffe GJf l:12y;mud 9 103 C L McDott S J.sUmma, Ch.A.Byrne. GetEm KING TROJAN, br. g, 3 108 By Ring James Bohemia., by Wagaeor. Trainer, F. Musante. Owner, J. Musante. 57tJl Liur.-l 1 1-S i:nsiop 21 102 C. 5 5 5 r,ok 210 II Clments C Goldine, Hollo Pardupr, Fizer r.7606 Wdbine 1 1-16 1:4S good 14 9S 3 fi C 4 4l 2i T Burns 10 Roseate, Asterisk, The Desert 5753S Wdbine 11-16 1:49 fast 23 101 2 3 4 4 2" 2 T Burns 33 Secretary, GiltFringe, Harmque 57347 Thcliffe 1 lMOSsgood 9 16 10lffl R Holway 12 Black Top, Broadview, Walk Up 57253 Thcliffo 3m70y 3 :45fast 0 105 i3 I Gordon 7 Roisterer, Azrael, GiltFringe C7189 Tlicliffo 2-1 l:12l4fast; 40 107$ lls J McTagt 12 JolmHoshor. M.Reigel, Tubby A. DC486 Windsor 1 i-10 l:4S5ifast C 93 C 7 7 7 6l 661 W Huntly 7 K.George, Merrimac, S.J.Vergiie 5C442 Windsor 1 1-16 l:50slow 6 107 2 6 7 6 5 3J J McTagt 8 TanSon, GiltFringe, Merriniac PERHAPS, oh. g, S 106 By Luke McLuke Kiai Georgia, by Star Shoot. Trainer, P. J. Miles. Owner, P. J. Miles. 57717 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47ifast 15 99 6 4 4 4 3s 5 W Bogski 0 S.Peurll., Franklin, Morn.Face 57393 H.deG0 1 1-16 l:48fast 32 99 i 3 3 2 33 3 W Bogski S rertygibbet, Morn.Face, BarCoj D7537 ILdcGe lm70y l:46fast 40 103 7 7 7 7 75 71 W Bogski S J.Bullant, Gath, Flibbtygibbet 57324 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:49fast 71 305 3 6 3 3 C5 5s J Rowan 8 Attorney, Theodo3ia, Fantoche C743C H.deGe 1 1-16 1:49 fast 43 101 9 S 8 10 10s 30" W Rogsklll Miss Filley, LEnjoleur, Hendrie BOUGH GIRL. b. f, 3 108 By Great Britain Black Tail, by Diienue. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, M. Smart. 563C3 Sartoga. 3-4 1:12 fast 60 106 2 2 3 6J 7 F Cltiletti 9 Tryster, Mcssines, Polythia 54914 Belmont 3-4 l:31fast 32 115 4 6 4 S1 8" M Mountnll Siren Maid, Beckna, Tlie Boy 54835 Belmont 3-4 1:12 fast 10 118 2 11 2" 35J M Mountn 6 LtStraw, MdeusBallet, Vivian C4675 Belmont 61 f 1:19 fast 20 97 3 2 2 4$ 7i J Callahanll Strouiboli, Maj.Pke, Arrowhcaa 54590 Belmont 5if st l:05fast 15 100 5 3 1 iJ 5sa J Callahan 7 ElectedlL, GenieW., L.Gertrud3 54473 Beimont 5if st l:05?fast 100 104J 1 5 S 8l 8" M Mountn 9 Krewer, Peter Piper, Bridesman C1540 Bowie 3-4 l:13Ufast 6-5 106 3 . 1 1 3 38i J Mooney 5 Antilles, Blue Belle, Vic PEGGY RIVES, b. f, 3 103 By Sea King llintless, by Minting. Trainer, C. H. Sprague. Owner, C. H. Sprague. 5764C Laurel 1 1-S l:54fnst 33 304 3 6 7 6 6 G3i J Heupel 8 H.Pardner, S.Arerdict, Franklin 57391 H.deGe 1 1-16 1:50 fast 11 101 7 10 8 0 5: 4J J Heupel 10 LEnjoleur, Diadi, Mose 57487 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 16 104 7 4 2 3 45 4i R IansterlO Current Events, Pibroch, Mose 57384 ILdeGe lm70v l:46ifast S9 101 8 8 7 5 52 4Ji R L caster 9 Theodosia, Mose, Bodanzky C7100 Tim Ab 1 1-16 1:50 fast 29-10 107 3 D Stirling 0 Diadi, OMalley, Plum Blossom C7013 Timum Ab 6lf 1:21 fast 41-10 307 22 D Stirling 5 Trusty, Kailbird, Diadi MOLLIE BARNES, ch. f, 3 108 By Trojan Suivez-Moi, by Seahoe XL Trainer, P. J. Fox. Owner, P. J. Fox. j 7764 Laurel 1 l:41fast 25 301 :; 2 2 2 4 42 A Allen 7 Charlie Summy, Tioacey, Gath 57421 H.deGe lm70y l:47?ifast 19 10S 8 5 4 3 S3 7 F Cltiletti 9 Scourgcninu, Osgood. Bodanzky 57:V2 H.deGco 1 l:42slop 10 ICS 7 4 3 3 4 42 J Callahan 8 Antilles, Merrimac, Baywood 50632 Sartoga 11:41 slow 3 103 3 1 1 1 2i 32 L Penman 4 Pibroch, Thimble, Pirate McGee G05C1 Sartoga 3-4 l:12fast 30 9S 4 4 4 22 ll L Penman 12 Grny Lee, Pgourdine, Tnabout C6182 Sartoga 3-4 l:152imud 10 11J 10 12 9 6- 6" L Fator 13 Musty, Lucky Find, Briganna BODANZKY, b. g, 3 100 By Celt Nora Langbcrae, by Fatherlet. Trainer, W. Livingston. Owner, S. Louis. 57764 Laurel 1 l:41fast 13 104 4 5 0 6 0 610 F Cltiletti 7 Charlie Sumray, Ticacov, Gath E7670 I-iurel 11:42 fat 9 105 5 5 5 0 C 6" F Cltiletti 8 J. Bullant, JJribed Voter, OldDaa r.7591 H.deGe 1 1-16 1:30 fast 6 304 6 3 3 1 1and 0 F Cltiletti 10 LEnjoleur, Diadi, Mose 57524 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:49fast 33-10 100 4 0 2 2 2l 05 V Cltiletti 8 Attorney, Theodosia, Fantoche t7421 H.deGe lm70y l:47fast 21 109 4 4 3 2 2J 3l C Ponce 9 Scourgeinan, Osgood, Sunny HIU E7384 ILdeGe lm70y l:46fast 19 102 7 2 2 2 211 22 A Tryon 9 Theodosia, Mose, Peggy Rlvea CC521 Sartoga 1 1:40 fast 12 110 7 7 7 7 E C81 L Fator 7 Sagacity, Gallivant; Fluff LOUGH RED, b. 0, 3 111 By Lougb Foyle Ruby Hyami, by Orlando. Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. 57419 H.deGo 1 1-16 l:49fast 5i 103 8 6 7 S 8 S11 K Josiah S Siesta, B.HuuIey, NfrdsChoice 57383 H.deGe lm70y l:46fast 4 102 11 11 10 8 Slii" Ii3 Josiah 12 Ticaeey, Stanley, Canso C5443 Latonla 1 1-16 l:45fast 7 132 6 7 7 7 6" 7s J Butwell 10 Dona. Lorioite, Humphrey, Aeo 15332 Latonia 1 1-16 l;4i-fast 29 1121 7 6 5 3 2and 2J J Butwell 12 MayBodine, CutUp, GraceKing 65093 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48fandslow 20 110 7 6 6 5 5 B M Garner 7 Petrarch, Miss Fontaine, Ace C135D Pimlico 1 l:41faat 27-10 113 8 4 3 4 4a 57J J Butwell 10 Thimble. Tus.Maiden, HdGuess 51319 Pimlico 2-4 l:12fast 40 315 9 8 8 8 Sl L Morris 10 Polythia, Bon Homme. Twopalr ARTISAN, br. c, 3 106 By Uncle Melee, by Yankee. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner, E. B. Henderson. 5534 H.deGce 3-4 l:157andfast 17 102 5 7 6 9l 916 L Coney 14 Camoullage, Coca Cola, Burgoyne 61217 Latonia 3-4 l:15hv- 9 101 4 11 It 11 ll55 C Buel 11 White Star, Julia N., Rama 51097 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 4i 109 2 2 2 2t 22 H Lunsfd 10 Socinl Star, Acclaim, Doric B05SS Latonia 5i f l:0S?fcfast 29-10 10S 5 6 6 u1 53 C Buell 7 Billy Barton, Alberta S.. Sure 49369 "Windsor 5J f l:06fast 24 113 9 11 S 61 5J C Buell 12 B.Graud. Polythia, .I.S.Reardon 49350 Windsor 5J 1 1:0S fast 27-10 110 5 4 5 62 523 L Morris 11 MauriceH., J.Budrow, Easteside CHINNIE WALSH, ch. f, 3 105 By Handsel Bodin, by Dr. Leggo. Trainer, J. Mooney. Owner. E. E. Kooar. 57644 Laurel 1 1-16 l:472fast 23 10 6 7 7 7 7 7" X Huff 7 Merrimac, Attorney. T.Maiden C4172 Pimlico 1 l:46hvy 7 98 5 G G G G 55 1 Gordon 5 Wid.Bedotte, L.Kate, H.Atton and1Q55 Pimlico 1 l:4Shvy 6 97 6 5 3 3 3 ll I Gordon C Roseate, Lucy Kate, Spugs 63333 Bowie 7-8 l:27good 44 1011 6 6 6 6 6 G1T A Allen 6 Mythology, NitRaider, Pimlico 53512 Bowio 5 f l:0725fast 59 103 6 7 7 7 C8J A Allen 8 TubbyA., JnsUmma, SoclStar 515S6 Bowie 3 l:47hvy 11 96 8 9 10 9 10 S11 M Schwtzll Tingling, Ross R, Explosive