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Never Wager Unless at 7 to 1 or Better NO WIN NO PAY I have two or three plays weekly only on specially prepared horses. This week I had three plays: LADS LOVE, 19 to 5, WON GUY, 6 to 1, WON And I had one loser. All information filed with this paper. I am the only one that ever advertised to give the public six days FREE information with 35 winning result. I will have THREE SPECIALLY PREPARED horses on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. They must he 2 to 1 or better or no play. TERMS: NO WIN NO PAY AVire winnings of a 0 straight play day after horse wins. I want no money unless horse is 2 to 1 or better. This demonstrates my confidence in my information. Instruct your bookmaker, "all horses must be 2 to 1 or better, play straight." FURTHER TERMS Ask the telegraph company the cost of 10 day telegrams of 12 words each and remit by telegraphic money order and I will send you 10 wires prepaid. Information wired at 9 a. m. Leave it to my judgment from which track to wire you information. . , ABSOLUTELY FREE THE WINNING PERCENTAGE of 25 leading newspaper tipsters. It is in- valuable. Can you win on newspaper selections! Why not? If one "could win playing favorites, every.!1? player would win. You know that I will tell yon wliat every turf speculator should know, so that you can win and cant lose. There are always spots where one can invest with warranted assurance. WhatTi percentage of races are won by the first, second and third choices? The recognition of "CLASS" and the- -GAUGLNG OF IMPROVEMENT EXPLAINED. General advice compiled from years of racing, long research and experiment. What consideration should you give to time, weight, distance, going, etc.? The. above information is worth a fortune to the turf speculator with ordinary intelligence. Very interesting, unbiased discourse on systems. However, I do not sell systems. A well-known horse owner lost 00,000 in eight years. Ho said: "Harry, if I had had your literature, this would never have happened. I would have been a big winner." HARRY C, WHITE, 206 East Lexington Street BALTIMORE, Mb. 0 Special Free! It Goes Tuesday at Windsor Becauso of our inability to properly advertise BOTH Churchill Downs meeting at Louisville and our promised 0 GETAWAY SPECIAL at AVindsor, we herewith make our most liberal offer. Here it is: Th ENTIRE meeting at Louisville, one horse DAILY, all for 0. If your subscription is received in our office on or before NOON Tuesday, it will include our 10 getaway special at Windsors FREE. HOROLOGE, 3 to 1, WON LADY BALTIMORE, 5 to 1, WON Proving up that we KNOW that we have INSIDE information, we gave both of these horses FREE openly advertised in this publication DAYS IN ADVANCE. They both won at THE FIRST ASKING. Thats INFORMATION, not "tips." Rush your subscription to Louisville NOW National News Service TarJE Dent. SUITE 1003 - 100 WOUTH DEARBOIIX STREET - CHICAGO, IIAj. THE OHIO STATE JOCKEY CLUB COMPANY Inaugural Meeting October 22 to Nov. 5 Maple Heights, Ohio Vicinity Cleveland, Ohio A NEW ONE MILE TRACK Steel Grandstand, 5,000 Capacity ONLY TEN MILES FROM CLEVELAND, OHIO Pennsylvania R. R. Unloads at Main Entrance Inquiries for Stabling Should Be Hade to J. H. WALKER, Secretary, BEDFORD :: OHIO The Reliable, Wonderful, WINNING SYSTEM The SELECT PLAYS are winning big money on a flat bet straight. A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital. My system is giving many gcod-priced winners. Modna, 4.30-; Bountiful. 2.30-: Theodosia, 2.60-; Ticacny, 1.90-; Sudor. 0.85-; Pit. 0.20-?2; H. E. Coleman. 1.10-; Bayonne, 12 to 1; Blarney Stone, 0.30-?2; Sweet Liberty, 4.40-; Nightboat, 4 to 1: Trantnla, 0.30-52; Sweet Bouquet, 3.35-; Star Realm, 2.45-; LEnjoleur, .70-?2; Captain Alcock, 10.20-: Genie AV.. 8 to 1: Swecpy, 5 to 1; Ting-a-Ling, 8 to 1; Rep, 8 to 1: Jean Bullant, 3.50-, Billy Kolly, 0.40-: Bit of White. 0.20-?2: AVynhe-wood, 5 to 1; Golden Rod, 3.95-; Runzaf, 7.40-; Bright Leaf. 5.30-; Mad Nell. 1.50-; Cock o the Roost, 4.80-?2; Missionary, 5 to 1. You can get my system oa small payment down, balance after you win. STOP LOSING RIGHT NOW AND START AVTNNING. AVrite at once for free particulars. WATSON CORNELL S41 AV. 45TH ST. NEW YORK CITY WANTED. ODD MONTHS OR VOLUMES OF Daily Racing form or Any Other Guides or Books on Horse Racing or Breeding. ED L. WENRICK Dealer in horse books and other outdoor sports. 510 EAST 87TH STREET NEW YORK CITY I OUISVILLE y EETING 10 Days f for 0 DIRECT TRACK INFORMATION I leave for Louisvillo Wednesday, opening day, and will be on the ground for the entire meeting. I have very closo connections there and will know from day to day just what is coming off. At present I know of several horses that have been carefully kept under cover to be cut loose there at a nico price. I will "KNOW" the day when this comes off and so will you if yoa subscribe for my service hers. My terms arc 0 for the entire meeting of 10 days. By this, I mean I will wire you "one horse" that I have information on every morning direct from Louisville, giving you the track and weather conditions at the same time. Now, you all know my success as an owner and trainer of horses and my ability to dig up live ones when I am on the job myself. You can rest assured -when I send you one all angles have been taken care of to the minute. This is just what yon havo always been wanting and never could get, "Direct last minute information." Subscribe NOV. Time is short. This add will not appear again. Send all subscriptions to Chicago office. GEO. L. STRANG SUITE 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. :: CHICAGO, ILL. LOUISVILLE RACES J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER Thirty Years Experience as TRAIN ER-CLOCKER A sufficient period to establish my reputation for -expertness and success. I can refer to hundreds of satisfied patrons. There is no immodesty in that, and it saves me from blowing my own horn. You can employ me to work for you. 5 FOR THIS TEN-DAY MEETING, r Opening Day October 12 From Me You Get Track Conditions and No Scratched Horses, but Fit Horses. Rush Your Order, with Address, for My Code. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two hoi-.ies daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. Propositions Not Considered. Strictly Cash Only. TYLER HOTEL : : LOUISVILLE, KY. VOLUME X, of ANNUAL RACING FORM! FOE 191 IS NOW ON SALE DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, LLL.t 167-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. X ,74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. T.