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CHURCHILL DOWNS The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Churcluli Downs Louisville, Ky., October 13, 1921. J Guviior, Dartmoor, Ben Valet. 2 Shipmate, D-oyle, Toney 1-ady. 3 ABADANE, Jim. Daisy, While- Star. 4rr-Bernlcij .K., Qpmipotont, Suave Prince. S--DK Clark, Marjorie Hynes, Rouleau. Margaret AAir.sor,. BUI. and Coo, Lina Clark. 7 Dodge, Herd Girl, Jouett. J. L. Dcmpscy. New York Handicap. 1 Guviior, Dartmoor, Beri Valet,: Miss Petite. - Shipmate, Doyle; Marine Corps, Hadherway. .3 ABADANE, Ruby, Jim Daisy; "White Star. 4 Bright Trash, Bobbed Hair, Omnipotent, Kan- del. 5 Rouleau, Dr. Clark, Marjorie Hynes. Advocate. G Martha Fallon, Jeanne Bwvdre, Precious Lulu, Linn Clark. 7 Dodge, Jouett, Herd Girl, Belgian Queen. Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps. J. John S. Rcardon, Last "One; Guvnor. Ciihalan. L Shipmate. .- Doyle, IJadherway,. Toncy Lady. 3 ABADANE, Jim Daisy, Ruby. White Star. 4 Little Polly. Suave Prince, Bright Trash, AViudlug Through. 5 Rouleau, Dr. Clark. Advocate. Marjorie Hynes. Martha Fallon, Lina Clark, Margaret Winsor, Jeanne Bowdre. 7 Runzaf, Herd Girl, Dodge, Jouett. Observers Handicap. 1 Guvnor, John S. Rcardon, Ben Valet, Last . One. 2 .Shipmate. Dovle. Toney Lady, An Revoir. 3 ABADANE, Ruby, Jim Daisy, White Star. 4 Bright Trash, Little Polly, Omnipotent, Suave Prince. 5 Dr. Clark. Rouleau, Marjorie Hynes, Advocate. 6 Martha Fallon, Margaret AVinsor, Lina Clark, Bill and Coo. 7 Dodge, Jouett, Herd Girl, Runzaf. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Guviior, John S. Reardon, Dartmoor, Ben Valet. 2 Shipmate, Dovle, Toney Lady, Hadherway. 3 ABADANE, Jim Daisy. White Star, Ruby. 4 Bright Trash, Berniee K., Little Polly, Omnip otent. 5 Dr. Clark, Rouleau, Marjorie Hynes, Advocate, fr Martha Fallon, Margaret Winsor, Lina Clark, Bill and Coo. 7 Dodge, Runzaf, Jouett, nerd Girl.