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-CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE, XY., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1921. Churchill Downs 1 mile. Second day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 10 days. Weather clear; temperature .58". Stewards. Chas. V. Price, S. C. Nuckols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. W. Hay. Judges. W. H. Shelley, X. H. MeClcllanrt and Edward Jasper. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. Racing starts-at 1;45 p. in. Chicago time 2:45 p. in., indicates apprentice allowance, Kr7Qr77 FIRST RACE 7-8 Mile. May 21, 1921 1:23 4 110. Purs ,200. 3-yoar-oids O t 5r 4 6 and upward. Claiming- Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00 "lrideiHorscs AWtPPSt j lis 4, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 777TPLUS ULTRA wn:M10 2 S Ci 4 2" ll 1J .1 I Mncy J Lowo 2130-100 57C80FOSTER EMHRY wn 5 107 5 I 2 2l 2i 2i 2s A "Wilson Allen and Hall -fS2.300 57722 GLORIA FRANCE wb 4 10 14 2 41! 5i 5k .1 2l ,11 J Burke J S Ward 130-100 57804 GIPSY QUEEN wsb fi 1135 9 5 3h s: 4i li 4i H LuiLsfd J F Baker S3O-10O 57551 RING ROSE w 3 10S 4 10 7l 7 Gi Ci 53 11 Harton .T Masterson 700-100 57620 COL. TAYLOR wn 5 1J5 7 4 l3 I3 l1" 3U C W AY Tor AY Ba.umg.irtncr 11C0-100 57B209 "JACOBEAN wn 3 m: 12 13 10i CJ Si 7l 7 G Fields M Goldblatt f 57559 OMOND ws 5 113 13 12 91 131 1U5 Si S II Kin? M Quinn t 57525 PAHASKA wb 3 10S 11 7 121 12 12 llh 9k 13 Pool M and J Xowensteln 1SCO-100 57090 BLACK AVTCH II.wb 4 112 C 11 SJIOUIO2 101 J0J J Ked6ris AV AVoodard t 53722 AVISE JMAN w S 112 3 1115 9l 7- gU2 Cnnelly J Mcpherson t ?55i25JACKSTRAW wb 7 107 8 14 13 ll1 9 12" 12 E Parke A L Kirby 4G55-100 57649 BRITISH MAID W 3 107 10 15 142 15 15 13U133 E Scobio AV Xi Lewis 1030-100 57423MAB w 7 104 15 3 15 I4 ll1 ll2 143 E Anthony H T Batchler 4093-100 57630 ED GARRISON w 7 107 1 G 51 -SHISJ 15 15 J Francis AY Fcuchter t fMutuel held. Time, 23, 47, 1:13, 1:26. Track fast. .2 mutuehj paid. Plus Ultra, 50.00 straight, 20.10 place, 1.20 show; Poster Embry, field, 30 place, .40 show; Gloria France, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Plus Ultra, 2430 to 100 straight, D05 to 100 place, 460 to 100 show; Foster Embry, field, 215 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Gloria France, 40 to 100 show. Winner Br. g, by Von Troiup Dally, by Giganteum trained by J. Lowe; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. Went to post at 1:47. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. AYon easily; second and third driv- ing. PLUS ULTRA was close up from the start and. saving much ground on the turns, raced into the lead in the last eighth nnd won going away. FOSTER EMBRY ran a good race and held ou gamely in the final drive. GLORA FRANCE was forced to race wide for nearly the entire race, but came fast in the.Jnst eighth.. GIPSY QUEEN was tiring at the end. COL. TAYLOR set a fast pace to the last turn iinditired badly in the stretch. Scratched 57722Mabel G., Ill; 50943 Missed the Time, 109; 57770 Port Light, 112; 57502 Phi-landcrerv lOS; .57807 La Deruicre, 105; 57058Teniiiloe, 10S. , Overweights Gipsy Queen, IV- pounds; Col. Taylor, 2; Omond, 1. - KiWiQryQ SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 1813-1:11 2 105. Purs ,200. 2-year-olds. Oi J 4 O Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner ?900; second, " 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt M and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqulv. Odds Strt 1 57675 "RELIABILITY" w 113 5 3 U l 3 l5 G Fields M Goldblatt 960-100 57805 EVENING STORIES w 112 12 9 5J SJ 3l 2l E Barnes M C Moore 225-100 J 57526 -BLACK BETTY w 112 3 5 3 42 4 Sii 13 Pool E R Bradley 170-100 57771 BBLUE DEEP w 112 4 7 85 5k ci 4" II J Burke A B Hancock 1935-100 57771 CHARL1NE w 112 C 8 9l Sl 6A 5 .1 lCederis C AV" Clark -..MS-lOO 57805 ETHEL AALE w 112 13 1 2i 2i 2i C J D Mney OMeara Bros tO-lOO 57675 AVHO CAN TELL w 112 2 6 7l 7i 72 7 D Cnnelly Fair Acre Farm 4330-100 57363 QUALITY w 112 1 1 01 CJ 8 .Ri ..! Howard T C McDowell 7975-100 57676 QUEEN HIGH w 112 7 12 12 10A 9s S3 R Harton AV H Crawford t 57675 CANNY LADY v. 112 S 2 4t 9 101 10 T Murray AV F Knebelkamp 6GSO-100 57675 PERSIAN ROSE w 112 9 11 lOHli2 n ll3 A AVilson L B Combs - t 55004 BATTY It. w 112 11 10 11" 12 12 12 J Francis .T P Baker t 57G61OUR DEAR w 115M0 Left at the post. AV AV Tlor Marshall Bro3 700-100 tMutuel field. Time, 24, 48, 1:14. Track fast. mutuels paid. Reliability, 1.20 straight, .10 place, S4.20 show; Evening Stories, .30 place, .80 show; Black Betty, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds Reliability, 900 to 100 straight. 255 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Evening Stories, 115 to 100 place, 40 to 100 siiow; Black Betty, 30 to 100 show. Winner :B. f, by Transvaal Dependable, by Dalhousie trained by M. Goldblatt; bred by Messrs. Morris .and Waldcn. Went to post nt 2:20. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow for all but OUR DEAR. Won easily; Fecond and third driving. RELIABILITY began last, showed the most speed tor the entire race and wou in .a canter. EVENING ST0KIE5 began slowly and had to. come around the others, but finished fast and gamely. BLACK BETTY was close up in the early running and made a game finish. BLUE DEEP was forced back at the half-mile ground and closed a gap. ETHEL AALE tired after racing in closest pursuit to the last eighth. Scratched 57944 Field Lark, 112; 57771 Megan, 112. Overweights Our Dear, 3and pounds. K. T7 THIRD RAOE 1 jTlfi Miles. Sept. 25, 1911 1:44 5 105. Purse ,200. 8-year- 3 4 3 4 J olds. Claiming. Net "value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt and Y Str Fin Jockeya Owners Eqnlv. Odda Strt 57728 WAPITI w 103 f. 4 2nt 2 1 P J Kederl.s M and, J Lowenstein 170-103 G7728 PETRARCH W 107 7 7 4J 4l in 2b and J D Mney G JXonc C50-100 57535SAGAMOOK 104 4 S 5 5s 5 Su 32 B Parke G M Hendrie 345-100 57670aACE WB 101 2 2 21 2Ji 2 51 4 E Robblnr, G L Blackford 480-100 57680 BLARNEY STONE W 115 3 3 S 7 C2 C2 5i H J Burke Reiser . Bron 655-100 5777GMISS FONTAINE w 9S S C 1 1 4J .4 C2 E Scobie K Spenco 27ai-10O 57620 RAMA wb 104 1 1 d 8 71 7s 7s G Fields M Goldblatt 3110-100 G7728DAINTY LASS w 104 5 5 7 d 8 S S A Wilson J S Ownbey 1720-100 Time, 23, 48, 1:13, 1:38, 1:45. Track fast. mutuels paid, Wapiti, .40 straight, .30 place, .70 show; Petrarch,, .70 show; Sagamook, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Wapiti, 170 to 100 straight, 65 1o 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Petrarch, 200 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Sagamook, 55 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by lTarmonlcon-- Catacomb II., .by Ladas trained by M. Lowenstein; bred by Mr. AV. R. Cne. Went to post nt 2:53. At post - minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and. third driving. WAPITI, much the best, was saved under .restraint until in the last quarter, where he raced into the lead to win eased up. PETRARCH madir a game rush just before reaching the stretch and took the lead, but tired. SAGAMOOK wns in close quarters Just before reaching the stretcli turn and came fast in the last eighth. ACE ran well, but tired In the stretch. BLARNEY STONE ran well. IISS FONTAINE quit after sotting n fast pace to the last turn. Scratehed--r.7C53 Mlllersbnrg, 103. Overweights Pptrarch, 1 pound. KWftDA FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 19131:112105. Prospect Purse. Purse ,200. 4 5l0" 3-year-olds " and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. . Jcdcr Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Ownera Eqnlv. Odda Strt 5723GsAVESTWOOD w 4 113 1 4 3l 31 2i lJ II Lunsfd Florisant Stable 190-100 576782RAPID TRAVELERw 4 107 3 3 2i 2i 35 2!J J Mooney J Marino 1150-10C 572362PETER PIPER wn 7 113 4 1 l2 l2 li 3i H J Burke Greentreo Stable 1K5-100 57073?BULLET PROOF vu 4 107 2 5 42 4h 4 4 R Harton Shnfer and Conway 525-100 57638 COURTSHIP wn 7 107 5 G 52 G Xfl ifi E Barnes Marshall Bros 1025-100 57674 2UARCELLA BOY w 3 100 C 2 C G C G H Stutts: Montfort Jones 121S0-100 Time. 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. mntuels paid, AVestwood, .80 straight, .00 place, .40 show; Rapid Traveler, .90 place, .30 ahow; Peter Piper, .50 show. Equivalent booking, odds Westwocd, 190 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 plaee, 20 to 100 show; Rapid Traveler, 195 to 100 plaee, 03 to 100 show; Peter PJner. 25 to 100 show. -WinnerBr. c, by Honeywood Roselawn, by Orsinl trained by E. Trottar; bred by Nevada Stock - - " Farm. . - - Went to post at "3:23. At post 1 minute. Start. good and slow." Won easily; second nnd" th,ird driving WESTWOOD wa saved losrt up from the tltart and, under- gtfofl riding", "toiik tho load In the stretch iimt held RAPn TRAVELER-safa through the last sixteenth. RAPID TRAVELER ran n good rnco and nwerved wln-n tiring, hut. finished fast and resolutely. PETER PIPER showed the most speed to midway .f the rttreteh, but quit badly in the last eighth. BULLET PltOOF raced wide on all the turns, but finished close up. 1 RACE l JUiie. May 7, 19211:36 3 93. New Albany Purgo. .,300 4ddcd. 517042 I tfOJL 3. year-olds and upward. Allowaaccs. Net value to winner ",000; second, 30 , third, 20. Indei HorBea AWtPPSt A lA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 5794G DISTINCTION w 4 107 4 3 1 in l2 l3 li . Howard T C McDowell 115-100 57651 CHO. CHO w 3 113 5 2 2i 2lh 2" 2s 2 D Cnnelly F E Courson . 215-100 57623 2 ADONIS w 2 1051 1 5 4h 42 42 3 E Barnes J S AVard" 825-100 57494 DARJEELING WB 3 104 2 4 5 31 3. 32 48 E Scobla J N Camden 78O-J0O 57563 BLANCHE IAC w 3 104 3 1 3.1 5 5 5 5 J Kederls Chandler Stable 1710-1OJ Time, 23, 403, 1:11, 1:37. Track fast. mutuels paid, Distinction, 4.30 straight, .00 place, S2.30 show; Cho Cho, .70 place, .30 show; Adonis, .R0 show. Equivalent booking odds Distinction, 115 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Clio Cho, 35 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Adoiiis, 30 to 100 show. Wiuner 15. f, hy The Manager Alanarka, by Allan-a-Dale trained by S. Chenault; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. AVent to post at 3:53. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second nnd third driving. DISTINCTION raced into the lead at once and showed the way at a great pace, while nndcr restraint all the way and won eased up. CHO CHO raced in closest and game pursuit throughout, but failed to gain on the winner when called on in the stretcli. ADONIS raced gamely and was going fast at the end. DARJEELING ran well, but tired in the stretcli. Scratched 57596 Dr. Clark, 122. Overweights Adonis, 1 pounds. KI7QS9 SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 1913 1:11 2 105. Purse ,200. 2-year-dlds. i3 4 sJGJei Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Homes AWtPPSt U 74 Str gin Jockeya Ownera Eqnlv. Odda Strt 57775 GLYN w 104 S 2 4 4i 45 15 B Parke GaUaher Bros 310-100 5767GGEORC5ETTE w 105 G S 71 G2 G2 2- E Barnes 1 AV Scott ES0-100 57496 REKAB wsn 10S 9 1 31 ;;t 35 3 E Pool G: F Baker 29C5-1C0 577753WOLFS CRY" w 102 3 5 22 1" 1" 43 A AVilson G Knebelkamp 2420-1C0 57775 QUINCE GARDEN w 10S 4 4 C5 52 fi2 5" J Kederls A Raker G30-J.OO 57496 LORD ALLEN w 105 1 3 15 22 21 6 E Scohlfe T J Pendergant 1C3-100 572680PUL"ENT " w 10G 7 7 S1 V I2 7 J Francin AVilliainB Eros 76S5-100 57597 TOPMAST v. 109 5 a ;9 Ss :S 10 H J J3urke T P Hayes UPQ-10O 57426FOUL "WEATHER, wb 104 a .6 fih 9 9 9 F Smith T E Mueller - S177Q-100 r Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels -pahl, Glyn, .20 straieht, .20 place, 53.70; show; Georgette, ;30 place, 54.40 shew ; llekab, 1.10 show. .. Equivalent; booking odds Glyn, 310 to 100 straight, 1C0 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Georgette, 165 to ;100 place, 120 to 100 show; Rekab, 453 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by Delhi Bourbon Lass, by Rourbon Beau trained hy J. U. Gallaher; brad by Messr3. GaRaher Bros.. Wnt jto-ipost at 4i23. Jit .post ? minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third tha nme. GLTN came wide Into the . stretch, but moved up rapidly and, finishing, fast nndgamely, got up in the last sixteenth to win drawing clear. GEORGETTE began slowly and also came wide, but linished fastest of all. RE1CAB raced forwardly from start to finish. "WOLFS CRY" passed LORD ALLEN la thu first Jlve-elghtha, but tired near the end. LORD ALLEN set a fast early pace, but anexpectedly quit In the stretch. QUINCE GARDEN j-an poorly. Scratched 07598 Mooresqne, 95. Overweights Georgette, .1 pound; Topmast, 4; Foul Weather, 4, K fyCandQ SEVENTH RACE 1 l-4 Miles. May 21, 1921 2:03 7 100. Purse ,200. 8-year-O 6 BfOd elds and upward. .Claiming. Net valuo to Winner 1921.sh00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeya Ownera Equlv.. Odds Etrt 57561 ELEANOR S. w 3 101 4 2 2 in I2 11 li A AVllson A Baiter 148260-100 .57808 GIPSY LAD wn 3 SS 2 11 7"t 511 25 25 2C B Parke IL H Shannon J4O-1O0 577243BRITH LINER w3 9G 7 3 2i 15 G5 3U ?,! 13 Scobie T J Pehrlergast 440-100 57624 MELAIN w 4 107 9 4 4 3 45 45 4" .T Ketleris AVilllams Bros tO-JOO 57772 NELLE YORKE w 5 105 1 5 5s 6l r.s 5"" r.h N J Barnes A Hill 1220-100 57772 OLD FAITHFUL wa 3 107 7 S1 Si 7s CJ ! R Harton D McDermld 57770 ALULA wb 4 105 2 C, 0 7i Sl 72 7 E Barnes M L Wheeler 370-1CO 57653 DOLPH w 4 107 11 S 95 9i 9 91 S5 J D Mney Alien and Hall 3250-100 57772 AATA. R. wb 4 106 10 9 102 102 102 10i 9s F Smith J Loive. , -665-100 577768 SERV1CE FLAG w C 102 5 1 1 21 35 S5 10 E Pool J L Paul 10225-1CO 57653 RICHELIEU wb ! 102 8 10 U 11 11 11 11 G Fields AV A. Banmgartner 2E05-1C0 IMntuel field. Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:40, 2:05. Track fast. . mutuels paid, Eleanor 8., 59.60 straight, 0.40 place, .20 show; Gipsy Lad, .00 place, .70 show; British Liner, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Eleanor S., 2SS0 to 100 straight, 720 to 100 place, 260 to 100 show; Gipsy Lad, 95. to 100 place, 35 to 100 show: British Liner, 00 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Ivan the Terrible " Arline, by The Commoner trained by A. Baker; bred by Mr. R. n. Sanford. ; AVeht to post, at 4:58... At post 2 minntos. Start good and .slow. AVon easily; , second .and third driving. ELEANOR S. raced close up from the start and, taking the lead on the bnckfltretch. ensllv held GIPSY; LAD safe through the stretch. GIPSY LAD was far back in the early running and closed an immense gap in the last half. BRITISH LINER lost ground on the last turn and appeared done, but came again in the last sixteenth. MELVIN ran well, but tired near the end. SERVICE FLAG set the early pace, but quit badly after going three-quarters. ALULA tired. Scratched 57080 La Foudre, 107; 57772 Nordeck, 102; 57202 Royal Duck, 115; 51803 Puzzle, 98. Overweights Eleanor S., 3 pounds; Gipsy Lad, 2; Nello Yorke, 1; Alula, T; Ava R., 1; Richelieu 2; Old Faithful, 4.