untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-10-15


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; XX SPECIAL NOTICE Commissioner wants a few reliable players- Will give you first horse as convincer of tho connections t for winnings of a five dollar flat play. Send i name and address at once to J. J. DeMARTE Xynbrooks, N. Y. Telegram will be sent the morning of race. You will pot coda by mail. TURF TOPICS TODAYS FREE CODES: Louisville: Brock-48-42 Laurel: Bay-12-43 Jamaica: Brook-18-22 NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY For Sale at All Leading Newsstandi 5.CS Publication for 85 Cents. TURF TOPICS PUBLISHING CO. ROOM 64. Ill NASSAU ST. NEW YORK CITY J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN If you are interested in real, genuine, gilt-edged stable information information on horses that large commissions are played on and horses that few mistakes aro mado with dont hesitate. RUSH YOUR CORRECT ADDRESS AT ONCE. Wires sent out after 1 p. m. day of race. Terms: Send me. by wire after you collect yours the winnings of a 0 straight play. Confidence faithfully observed and absolutely expectod. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ON BALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS latest REPORTER. Good for all next week. Costs only 35 cents. SATURDAYS X SPECIAL. Wire-Friday-Not-See-Will-Ship. THE TURF REPORTER. 88 W. Qniuoy 8t. EtaT. im, Cfcicfo, jJUaolt, LADY BALTIMORE, 15 to I, WON AUandSPyZ KOpED UP i,oa bo a mollycoddle. Buy live "information." not "tlDS." "We KNOW. We are specialists. For EMPIRE mMnZ CITY MEETING. October 17 to 26 we ar making a BARGAIN OFFER ono horse DAILY, the entire meeting, for ?10. JUNE FLY, 9.40 to , WON This was our getaway special from Kenllworth. Positively the ONLY horse sent out on tills track on that day. All horses on file with this publication. SPErCI7ln,rder to circumvent "pilferers," information will be held up until 11 a. m. The nrlce-for EMPIRE CITY, one horse daily, is 0. Dont forget wo SELL 00 SPECIALS. This Emnira City offer is only ONE of our methods of advertising. Rush your subscription NOW. National News Service Turf Dept. SUITE 1002 - 109 NORTH DEARBORN STREET - CHICAGO, ILI,. ALL M1SS0URIAHS -DOUBTERS SKEPTICS LOSERS ! ! ! WONDERFULLY I Writ Tday for a Complete Prospectus of wlB! I THE MIRACLE SYSTEM TSI i am i mm i iib ii iiiiib FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED Immmmmmmm ACI?? MANUAL, containing 23 pages of valuable turf data, vitally im-prl r-rfwRnC?YSTwLIZE? mSvt?c PlnJterS testimonials sworn results and statistics, tho 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the best known "systems" published, will be sent y you absolutely aosoiuieiy without witn- charge or obligation. Postals arc ignored. ... .. YOU CAX MAKE EVERY DAY A WINNING DAY with the same assurance as you would negotiate a certified check! The System is not a list of horse-; to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE. Hundreds Prosperous satisfied cUents, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying consiency of thisTerceUw Win SeihPLTr 5tatIaFffa- submit a collection of these flattering endo" ements SoriJSl Cl0pe "ched showing post-mark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidenceis a hundred fold fnM more convincing than our full-page ad. Wo aro waiting- for you to check us im t,, appreciatejhe true meaning of the word N-O-W, you will soon Ipell ft ttetter way undf W.ofN" fin everrckt andniaSS- If th Systcra does not consistently and ful- VBAA M. P. WALTER and CO., eI, CANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTE3I CONCERNS AUSTRALIA Chief Observer 35 CENTS PER COPY For Sale at All Newsstands Everywhere Mailed 10 Weeks, .00 TODAYS FREE CODES: LOUISVILLE Georgia-10-23-3. LAUREL Georgia -2-1-10. WINNERS IN NEW ISSUE SO FAR KEWPIE QNEIL.. 4.90 WON FAIRWAY 2.50 WON BOLLET 7-1 2ND There is a lot of other good ones left, so by all means dont fail to get this weeks issue. TODAY I Am Going to Advise a Real Smart Trick AT LOUISVILLE This one has shown mo A WORLD OF SPEED and I cant see anything here to even threaten this one in Mondays race, if any racing luck at all. Should win by himself. Under no consideration fail to got this one. Is plainly marked 0 FREE SPECIAL on todays sheet. For this one be sura and get the Chief Observers Daily Track Letter ONLY 50 CENTS, OR Mailed 2 Weeks, .00. Remit to CfflEf OBSfRVfR PUBUSMNfj CO. 25 WEST FORTY-SECOND ST NEW YORK CITY Louisville for sale: EILER and GOODMAN, 227 FOURTH STREET ALSO FOR SALE AT: CINCINNATI, 0. At All Newsstands. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Wm. Laser, 705 Market St., Lobby LEXINGTON, Ky. Rob. Bishow, Main and Lime. HAMILTON, 0 Halperin, 338 High St. COVINGTON. Ky Rob. Gordon. 4th and Scott Sts. THE CHIEE CLOCKERS A "GOOD THING" in each race "LOUISVILLE," Sold everywhere. Only 50c a day. WE ARE WINNING EVEY DAY. BEST BET: TOP SERGEANT ....10 WON JOHN S. REARD0N..10 WON Were two of the good things we gave to WIN ONLY yesterday. Also gave other WINNERS yes-torday, and this ONLY COST GOc. How can YOU lose following such "INFO"? TODAY "BIG DAY" BEST BET and SPECIAL worth a big play today at LOUISVILLE. We also have a LONG SHOT "PARLAY" on our Sheet today. Spend 50c and CLEAN UP today. GET ME! THE CHIEF CLOCKER, Sold everywhere, 50c only. THREE SPECIALS AT CHURCHILL DOWNS NEXT WEEK. The chief docker and track representative of Kentucky Turf Success expects to have three long-priced specials at Churchill Downs nest week. These are real sleepers which are being relied upon for three killings at this track. Our osperts are on tho job here day and night and we think we know more about what is going on at this track than any other organization in the country. DONT MISS THIS CHANCE. Well wire you all three of these horses at 10 oclock on tho day they go for 0.00, and if all three dont go wo will refund you ?3.35 for each one that dont start. Mail cr wire remittance to reach us not later than noon Monday. As to our success at the. Kentucky tracks wo refer to any Kentucky owner or trainer or any subscriber or reader of Kentucky Turf Success. Address S. MEYER, Care Success Publishing Co., LOUISVILLE, KY. GET THE THOROUGHBRED if you want winners. New Book on Sale All Live Newsstands, 85 cents. TODAYS SPECIAL: Corae-Western-Use-Ead.For-Out. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore- Bldg. Estab. 1907. Chicago, IUlnoli SUBSC.8JBE EOB PAJJUX RACING form WHY NOT WIN O CONSISTENTLY I Others Are Doing So You can no more win by playinar in an UVSVH TEMATIC manner than you cVrnn the U. bT ?-ernmont without system. Haphazard play means hjss-always. Timo-tested METHOD leads to ateaS P.roflt ., Ask. me t0 PrTO bow SYSTEMATIC onera-0A7lJ?jor you- Learn a" about the groat PARI-OSTEND SYSTEM-totally different from a" other systems. Makes operators feel "safe and S,"Ja i. sta?ted with less than 00 cash capital; did not have to use one-half of that sum. Full particulars free, also my 4,000 word circular, In the Plainest Language Possible." Of mat value to anyone interested in racing. My t e is 0 out of each 00 you make. POST QAfiDfl POSITIVELY IGNORED. It will cos! yovTtSo cents, nothing more, to investigate. FRANK B. RIDLEY Room 610, 159 N. State St. Chicago, Hi. NOTICE Thomas Lane Boyles address wanted. Anyono knowing present address of Mr. Boyle, casluer for me at Fair Grounds track, Now Orleans! 1910, please write. Oh, Boys, Look! The last meeting at Woodbine and Havro tbs Graco combined this system only had 11 login: fosTr 62 b6tS ThC hCSt bet 0nly iad In ten days at the different tracks this systems best bet only had 6 losers cut of 37 bets. y occasional for one month on a 0.00 flat bet to win figured 28 profit. SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still picking winners. Here src a few: Hello Pardner, 0.70-; Jean Bullant, 7.80.: Guaranteed, 7.80-; H. E. Coleman. 1.10-: Attorney, 3.20-; George Starr, 817.70-S2 Rel pcater 6.20-; Winding Through, 5.50-; J KtAet1k50?2s HPtoey. ?27.30.; Rnii-Sunnyland, 12-1, and a large numbor of others. Price in full for both systems 0.00: thon after you get them and if they have not done just as I say I will gladly return your money. J- H. CROSMAN 623 SOUTH 5TH STREET :: :: BOX "M 200 LOUISVILLE, KY. 37 Winners Last Week 32 Winners This Week HOWS THAT FOR HIGH! Tin: TURF LIGHT issue of September 29 contained 37 winners in the dockers Columns. And the same issue had nine 9 winners October 8. The watch-dog of the turf. Your docker at your service. FIFTEEN CENTS EACH WEEK, This will be a big week again. ALL STANDS 15 CENTS ALL CITIES. FREE CODE TODAY: Twenty-six-Nine-Seven-Faith-Kentuciy. TURF LIGHT 25 West 42nd Street :: New York City, N. Y. A REAL GOOD THING you are overlooking if you have not got a copy of tho OLD RELIABLE BLUE BOOK. JUNE FLY 9.40.82 WON DELHIMAR J. . i0!i WON ELECTED II . R.I Wqk REPEATER 6.20-?2 WON were a few LONG SHOTS given in this weeks 63 many ther WINIII:HS at SHORTER PRICES GET NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY". 35o AT iSy8!?!?8 Contains the best line on all the REAL SLEEPERS at all loading tracks. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Grape-40-13-19.23 STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, III. tAH0NAL - K- RACING LETTER MARINE CORPS W.55-W WON was yesterdays BEST BET. OMNIPOTENT ...U.tO-9Z WON was yesterdays LONG SHOT SPECIAL Remember, we absolutely only rive TWO HORSES EACH DAY. Dont Fail to Get TODAYS BHEET. 50 cents-DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS-50 cents Mailed direct 1 week, ; 8 weeks, , NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO., 4U Baltimvre Bldei :; ;; OMwsfc HJi

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921101501/drf1921101501_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1921101501_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800