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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 727 CHURCHILL DOWNS. LOUISVILLE, Ky., October 14. Todays work outs here included the following: Weather clear; track fust Three-Eighths Mile. 721-By Golly 37 72."i- June Grass . . .34 724- Billy Star ....3C7T. 724-Miss Joy 38 721- Cozette 35?f. 724-North Tower ..37 707-Cot. Blossom. ..37 7irt-Our Dear 3Cf. 725- Colonel G. ....37tt 721-Rockiminlster .35 723-Dixie Carroll. .30 72i-ltoyal Duck ...37 Half Milo. 723-American Boy. .53 C90-Girlie 52 723- Bcttina 52 712-Harvest King.,52 7Jj-Brainstorm 47 725-John Finn 47 725-Cherry Tree ..50 029-Leander 51 724- Clintonville ...51 725-Rocket 40 719-Doric 54 713-Startle 50 ji"cmoik : 49 719-TuIsa 51 723-Pair Orient ...50 Five-Eighths Mile. V Ak5n -1:02 -r78-My Rose ....1:03 Xiot 1:02 721-Millcrsburs .1:00 Zi-Afsar 1:0-1 724-Red Leaf ...1:01 iS p"raliso .1:02 718-Rapid Dav ..1:02 .20-Frank W. ...1:05 719-Sweet Libcrtyl:OC- 719- Imaso 1:04 719-Settle 1:02 Jake Berger .1:01 703-UncIe Velo ..1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 723- Amhush 1:10 724-MUo. Dazie .1:20 i7Asm. 723-Marimba ....1:10 .10-Bemeeareful 1:10 723-North Sea ...1:17 ?-"asil 1:17 724-Pindar Peel.. 1:15 "m,.-"1 27-Smiling Lad.l:19 Httr0ilUv: 1:22 -Sir Lawnfal .1:16 98-Lou TTJdriK...l:19 Ci7-SpodK 1:17-7- Jzitl01 1:18 724-TwinU. Blne.l:15 23-Lady Madcap.l:13 Uennilec ....1:20 Mid. Stories. .1:20 723-Voogcria ....1:1S 70i-Moorcsxue ..1:19 Seven-Eighths Mile. 71S-First National!:?!-- 711-Sea Prince ..1:28 One Mile. 703- Eersagliero ..1:49 7i::-Repeater .. 1-46"- 704- Cheer Leadcr.l:44 718-Kcfugee II . 1:41 724- Paatoureau ..1:48 Mile and an Eighth. 720- H.E.Culcnian 1:57 725-War Zone ...l:57i 09-1 -La Deruiere..2:01 DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 712-Brollier .lohn.,.35 715-Coni. Mcilkin..30 Half Milo. 718-B.of Elizalown.55 717-Royal Dick ...49 Three -Quarters Mile. MO-Tippo Sahib. .1:18 LAUREL. LAUREL, .Md., October 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eightlis Mile. 723-Bunting 37 723-Pride of India 39 710-Crank 39 725-Rockct 37 709- Dissolute 37 723-The Archer ...37 Fcinged Zeal ..37 720-Tbe Porter 38 717- IInmorist 37 71S-The Wag 35 725- ltessines :?5 723-Uncles Lassie 40 GIG-Our Birthday .39 725-Vic Munoz ....39 725-Iolly Ann 39 722-Wessie B 38 Half Mile. 723- Arrah Go On .51 723-Natnral 53 722- Caligula 49 725-Oil Man 52 718- Colonel Matt ..50 725-Peeiless One ..53 723- C.alUvant 51 724-Tennons Bon ..52 700-Mythology 51 725-Valentia 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 710- Callstoga ...1:05 725-Rajali 1:01 722- Careful 1:01 726-Sammy Juy ..1:04 720-Fnars Rush 1:05 453-Titania 1:05 715-Riukavous ...1:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 712-Bengalese ...1:17 720-KiiJah 1:15 720-Breeze 1:18 700-Mar. Luckett.l:10 724- Bright Lightsl:18 720-Right Angle 1:17 724- Oamonfleur ..1:1G 724-Rcd Brand ..1-19 724-Copper Demonl:19 r.8l-.Satana 720- Dough Girl ..1:17 721-St. Germain .1:17 724-Encrinito 1:19 One Milo, Blazonry 1:14 721-lron Bor 1:44 721- Cavendish ...1:48 720-Luckv Kind . .1:48 724-ForecIosure ..1:50 723-Serapis 1:47 J?3-1"11"3 1:30 "27-Tho Trout ...1:50 4 24-Hobey Baker 1:48 721-Troopcr 1:47 Mile and an Eighth. 724- Exterminator 1:33 JAMAICA. NEW YORK, X. , October 14. Todays training gallojs over tlie local courses included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths" Milo. 723- Burley 37 722-Sea Cove 37 ; ll-Fusee 41 710-Vineyard 3S- i-Mnru! Maxim 3S 723-Whisk 37:11 721- Surinonnt 37 Half Mile. 725- Arapahoe 49 J,. Lichtcnstein51 21-IJonorable 49 717-Swccny .19?;. 722- Jug 51 7" Fivo-Eighths Mile. 722- Fmit Cake ..1:04 725-Snu Girl ....1:04 722- Mnig. White 1:00 723-Wireless l-03 721-Masfer Jack 1:01 082-War Xote ...l:o Three-Quarters Mile. ! 721-Jymee i:is 723-Trajaims ....1:10 J 72.-St. Allan ...1:21 One Mile. 721-Sammy Kel!yl:45 710-Star Court ..1:48 1 BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Milo. 723- Arrow of Gold.3G 723-Citation 30 Half Mile. 723-Budana 48 720-Mimcio Man . .50 i-u-Dan Boiling ..30 725-Northcliffe 50 23-EnfHadc 51 721-Orcus oi 21-Halu 50 711-Reparation ....51 21-Long Island ...50 723-Valor 48 Three -Quarters Mile. 723-Sca Mint 1:14 - ; t i