untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-10-29


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Pimlico and Bowie Meetings TWO FOR ONE the elite de luxe of eastern racing, throws open its gates Tuesday, continuing for ELEVEN PIMLICO, DAYS. Bowie follows with a like number. In ALL TWENTY-TWO DAYS OF HIGH-CLASS RACING. In order to accommodate our vast clientele, at the same time show our appreciation, w.e make the National News Bargain Offer MEETINGS one horse daily for 5. Inasmuch as we NEVER send more than ONE HORSE TWO DAILY from any track, we GUARANTEE one and all, not less than THREE SPECIALS from Pimlico. Dont forget, Herd Girl, 7.20, was our 00 Guaranteed Special, and that EVERY subscriber to Louisville received it FREE. Just one of our methods of advertising. SPECIAL In subscribing pase include your phone number. We PREPAY all long-distance charges on our specials. Rush yours NOW. - . NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Tart Dept. SUITE! 1003 - 109 NORTH DEARBORN STREET - CHICAGO ILL, WIN WITHOUT WORRY FOB STEADY PROFITS, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL AND WINTER, TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE LAWS OF AVERAGE. Those Laws Hake Millions for the Insurance Companies Every Year. OPERATE THE SCIENTIFIC P ARI-0 STEND SYSTEM. WIN JUST AS I AM WINNING. The wide-awake, ever ready to learn fellows the GET THERE type will not overlook this proposition. Its an all-year winner. Start now. Run your profits up to ,000 ,000 by the time next springs racing starts. I wire the PARI-OSTEND play to clients early every morning. My fee is 0 out of each 00 the system wins on the smallest scale of play. You can use any scale you please, depending upon your capital. I started over 18 months ago on Scale 1 and used less than 0 capital. This positively is not a "doubling up" place or show system. But one that gives you a price for your money. All bets are made to win only. Especially adapted to operation in hand-books. Write a;; once or wire your name and address. You will receive some of the most interesting turf data ever published; also complete table of results showing every single bet made by the great PARI-OSTEND SYSTEM for the past three months. Get this sensationnl information about real, systematic operation. It may save you great loss, for it shows how you can WIN WITHOUT WORRY. Postcards Not Answered. FRANK B. RIDLEY 159 N. State St, Room 610 Chicago, 111. MELIORA .50- WON This makes 4 straight winners on our FREE FORM SPECIAL. GET LATEST BOOK ON SALE TODAY 35q AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Gives the BEST LINE on all the sleepers at all LEADING tracks, also contains code to above FREE FORM SPECIALS that appear in this paper daily. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: Octoher-Applo-21.22-57-30 Standard Turf Guide, 22 W. ftuincy St., Chicago, 111. THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM is obtaining wonderful results at all tracks. Moderate hut positive. An investment, not a speculation. If you expect fabulous results, dont inquire. Must win its cost in three days or money refunded. THIS WE GUARANTEE. Play at or away from the track, one race or the whole card. Our one best is a wonder. Write for data which showB it won on every trade in the United States and Canada in 1920. For terms address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM, 117 West FranhUn St. BALTIMORE. MD. THE -AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Book with code for these Specials on sale at all newsstands, 35c. Good for a week. Todays Special: Come-Southern-Nut-Hit-Hit-Ate 510 Baltimore Building :: Chicago, Illinois, SUBSCR1IE FOR DAILY RACING FORM The Chief Clocker Winners Every Day. Price 50 Cents WE WON AGAIN Yesterdays Occasional WHO CARES ....60- Wop ON MY SHEET I said to GO THE LIMIT "WIN ONLY," as I had the O. K. that this was ready, MELIORA .50- Won BERMONT .30- Won OMNIPOTENT ...00- Won "PARLAY" ALSO WON And this was on our 50c Sheet Yesterday "GET AWAY" LONG SHOT TODAY AT LEXINGTON RUSH to your newsdealer and get todays CHIEF CLOCKERS Occasional and you will win, as this one I expect to pay 0 for BET. MY 50c SHEET TODAY r has 2 Good THINGS Best Bet and SPECIAL at Lexington and are worth A LIMIT play; alio a "LONG SHOT" PARLAY on todays 50c SHEET GET ME? SOLD ON ALL NEWSTANDS 50o DAILY . FOR LIVE ONES Get the REPORTER. Only 35c weekly. Wherever RACING FORM IS SOLD. SATURDAYS SPECIAL: Kentucky-Tuesday-Be-On-Pan-Do. The Turf Reporter, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, 111. National 0. K. Racing Utter Dont fail to get TODAYS LETTER, as we have one of our "BEST BETS" - that should he worth many times the price. of the LETTER. 50c DAILY AT ALL NEWS STANDS 50c NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, IU. SUNNYSIDE H 0 T-E J Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - AUbawt In the heart of the Ponce de Leon Qountry, be tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, 0P4 all the year round. Fine fiahinjr. The Spiiait furnish a certain cure for kidney disaaieit j i RATES: 5 PER WEEK. j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921102901/drf1921102901_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1921102901_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800