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SERENE AT FAIR GROUNDS * Visitors Flocking in Since Danger of Legal tl Interference Has Been Removed. NFVV 0BLCAN8, la.. January 9 —There was in -steal reaction to the deariag of the laing situation : here, for noted in today- crowd were many visitors from afar who made haste to reach the local racing assured that no further t scene a- soon as they were interference with the layers be made There i-general • rejoicing over the outcome of the trouble Dome matter, for it assures that the period of fifty • lavs racing, as originally announced by general I manager Robert S. F.ddy. would be run as per schedule. There will be no further annoyance to the sport or layers, for Mr. Marr. in a signed state-meat, . declared that ky request of states attorney t general Cera he would abstain from ordering further p arrests at the Fair Grounds during this meeting. Mr. Marr -till contends that the memoranda used j in connection with the betting here constitutes a ! "device." but will remain aaaatve until the courts I rule on this pehnt. The able attorneys of the Fair [ .rounds declare the betting mode is strictly within the interpretation of the Supreme Court, in its decisions handed down in the Austin and McBridc , i:lses. They are confident that when the ca-es conic . up for trial the courts will decide in racings favor. . mien nay of the trials will come up is still peek tomattoal, but it is geuerally held that the meeting r here will be well over before final disposition is made of the cases. With assurances that the rating will now go on ! without any semblance of interference there is a 4 big influx of visitors expected from various parts a of the country who heretofore have been undecided j in their plans on account of the unsettled local conditions.