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i l i ; i • : i I ; l 1 ■ e t a i . » ". a . v , ", t- M i ,] is s * tl RACING IN CITY OF MEXICO i e » i Receives the Personal Indorsement of President Obregon. ■ ■ ■ ■ » ra Horses Arriving Every Few Days — Work of Preparing Track Almost Completed. i e 1 C1T1 l P MEXICO, Jaiiuir.v .♦. The Jockej Clah Internarioaale de Mexico will inaugurate its firs rue meeting at the liippoiiromo de la Conde-a course here on January 11 with the strongest gov eraaseatal Indorsement The meeting will run forty to sixty days and be marked by the distribution of between SlKUMX and toWbVBM among the par ticipaiing horsemen, nearly all of whom will be Americans. The Mexican governments indorsement of the enterprise is contained in a statement of President Alvaro Obregon, Issued la-: week and published in the Spanish and English language papers of riie City of Mexico. Over his signature President Obregon wrote: "American breeders and owners of thoroughbred horses, and the tboreaghbred itself, will be welcome to the City of Mexico S -. also, will be tourists vvho may come on to sritneos the raciag. Beery metropolis of the United States. Canada, Bataae. Booth America and Aaatralasia has it- racing and it is qnite fitting that the metropolis of Mexico should develop ihis fine sport. The Mex; an gov ernm nl i- keenly interested in the improvement of tfce hi d of karses and I am hoping that some of our wealthy people will presently establish thor-i oagbbred breeding stud-. Signed A OBREGON." Albert J. Olivier, an aaaericaa long resideat in Mexico, i- president of the Jockey club Interna -i etonale de Mexico and Mexico Citys resident direc- tor. James F. OHa.a and n Bryan. Jr.. the piomoters of racing a I Bowi ■■. Jefferson Park and elsewhere in tfce United States, hive the controlling interest in the enterprise. Mr. OHara, who has been widely know ii among American horsemen for a number of yean as manager of raciag at Bowie. will manage the impending meeting at the Hippo dromo de la Coadeea, also the meeting- of aaceeed- ing years. s,,i,ie loo or -Jii thoroughbreds of varioaa ages that have recently campaigned at Maple Heights. Cleve land: Prince George Iark. Bowie la Kentucky ami a: Jefferson Park, New Orleans, will fill the Hip podromo de la Coudess races These horses are ai riving every few days from the States under the care of c. B. Bryson ami Mr. Olivier. The Mexican government is facilitating shipments mer the border and the national railroads, which are in excellent condition. The muse- coming down are all thai onghlj seasoned ami none of them n is beea af fected by tue high altitude The Hipped roma de !.-• Condesa coarse, which is situated in the heart of the Coilona Boons residence section of Mexico City, ha- changed tin- old roars* from one mile and five eightka to a conventional American mile track, and coastracted a fine new grandetand of steel, brick and cement that will seat 5. ."inn. the work of making the Hippodrome te la omle-a over has been followed with keen inter-,J est hy Mexicaas and toreigaera alike. Crowd -r gather at the course every day. General Obregon and the various iiieniln ra of hi- military stuff and administrative cabinet will atti , -i the opening of tie- Jockey Club lntornuf iouab ■ meeting, as will the minister- ami ambassador- of the various foreign legations and embassy- with their numerous staffs. The foreigners In Mexhro City ii.imber seme 9W,CtO. Having no jiarticulai liking for bullfighting, now the national amusemeir ..f the Mexican people, these foreigners are looking forward to the institution of good horse racing with lively anticipation. *