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_ - - 1 I by •v the ." _ ~ - ~ 4 " his is Id I ie = ,1 is ,e id I m in II 1 KIHST RACK — :i-I »lile. 3-jear-dds. Maldeas. Si.,;*!;.! We latli4sj. 1 IV l». «», litis t:H !-r. — ■ 1 10. nadei tourse lMst TiojeTckOdds Wt St Vi ,i *4 Str Fin Jockeys SI irted t Oder of Finish UALT.OT MARK. b. c. 3 M 116 By Nbtofol— Ballot Ered, hy Meddler. Trainer, W. Shields. Owner, J. I.. Holland. r.s: 22 JefTson 1 1 :40 fast IM :: 5 t 3 3J !* H Pool . iahland, Marsdale, Honorable Be2i8 JefPaon E f l4K%fast M 115 7 I r. I* S| W Htatoa 12 Crorh -. Gold, By Soah, Tricks SUN TIHE, ch. c, 3 M 118 By Yankoe--Stt;!la Moherly, by Woolsthorpe. Trainar, ii. Cavaaaaga. Owner, J. M. fioode. S.%93 F.Uhda 52 f !:«7%fas1 4i in; 7 ." 4 4J I* 8 McGrawll TheFraaccaa, J.H.Levy, Consort L.uis .leffKon and-8 1:ui%fast 7 ii". :; 2 ■. !» 2* 8 McGrgwio Hillsdale. Vaa.Bt«sstt Jgcaaalla E5098 Latonla 6-8 1:02", slow 21 113 2 1 I I 5* It Hartoii 8 Article X., Poriu*. Rundel 64MB Latonla. 6-8 148%faat 17 5 103 2 7 7 74 7»* W Lllley 12 Article X.. Salamander, Dad 64781 Latonia . f M nswd i-i . los 4 4 4" 4** N Barrett I Colossus, Wm. Oldt, I ad C414G Jh.inhl 4A f 55-;. mud 7 110 I 1 i 2" T Murray 8 Colossus, llermoden, Bktnghaia 54121 ChurehI 1-2 4S ,.-,rnu l 23 115 I 6 G Ga N Barrett 6 Topmast, Bemcarefui, Autocrat OUR BETSY, h. f, 3 M HI By Hiion— Mary Lu Ens, by St. Savin. Trainer, A. F. Dayton. Owner, A. F. Dayton. 58279 Jeffson 55 f 1.98%faat 20 113 12 12 12 6* PC Miller 12 Vk o Gold. By Gosh, Bal. Mark 5s::SS Lex ton IV 1 :ll4,;,fast 6 112 M M 1" a 7:1 F Wilson II F.portsman, BartejfKl, Bon. Blue 58288 Fexton I l:41%faat 21-5 112 4 C 4 I 2* 2] D Connlly 5 Our Dear, Ida McGee, Melon £896 Lexton FC l:I0%faat :" i 112 7 7 1 •■ G« K Harton 7 Lugs, Cautious, Ida McGee 67771 Latonla 1 l:468Uaat 9-5 109 Left nt the post. B Parke 8 Thibodaux, Lt. Colonel, BliltiDeop B767S Latonhk 1-4 1:14---. fast 41-10 112 7 8 6 4" 34 K Parke 11 Asia, Reliability, Megau :.7i:i2 Lulonla f.J f l:0.S.good 11 112 » X 7 4J 4« A Smith 10 Georgette, Marimba, Canny Lady PI.URIBF.LLE, cli. i", 3 M 111 By Pluvious— Ossabar, by Ossary. Trainer, T. J. Shannoa. Owner, T. V7. OBrien. 59507 F.Gnda •" f l:l "..hvy 1". Ml M 16 10 8* :l: B Marinellll2 Petie, Lit. Patsy, LyRochesfer F.9214 Jeff* BOB 6j f 1 :u ♦ fast 1G-5 101 12 12 II 12 12" A Gantner 12 MyRosie, HermisKemble, Alton and979S Jeffson 6-8 l:01f,fast x 112 12 12 12 12 12-- C Hans 12 Capelillar. ByGosh, Honorable 69076 Jeffson 6 f 1*91 fast I I08 I 4 4 4* 4i ll Mariellil2 Skooter, Dol.Yurdeu, PoderFace 58934 Jeffson 3-4 1:11 fast 4J IIS S 2 2 2- 2 J Butwell 12 Dbfouuder. Her.Keuihle, F.Lark 68907 Jeffson 1-4 l:M%BloW 5 105 2 1 2 2" Gs3 H Thurber 9 K.Bmmniel, H.Kemhle, F.Queen 68833 Jeffson 6* f 1*08 fact 7 115 1 3 I -i 2J ■ Marrelli 9 LtEffort. K.Brummel, Spinning B8791 JetPsnn 6* f l:08Mifast 10 105 i 0 G 7 712 F Weiner 14 Dorins, Brush Boy. Voogerin C0MS0RT, br. c, 3 M 116 By Celt— Silent ftueen, by Forfarshire. Trainer. P. J. Crawford. Owner, E. J. Crawford. 59392 Ftiiidp 5 f 1:ii7;-,iasi 12 116 6 C 5 5 4- J Zoeller 11 TheFcisenn, J. II. Levy, SuuTime 58222 Empire 6£ f 1 :v7%fasl 30 107M0 6 6 8- G" J Zoeller 13 Knot Grass, Klrtle. AvUpa 58161 Bmpira 61 t HTHgnnl M 114 5 4 5 71 9IJ J Zoeller 11 Sling, Picnic, Finnish Maid DORIS, b. f, 3 M 111 By Boots and Saddle — Evelyn Doris, by Ben, Brush. Trainer, R. N. Vestal. Owner, O. L. Blackford. 55378 JefTson 5-s 1 :01 -".fast 8 112 7 5 5 .". 5* J 1" Mn.y 10 Hillsdale, SunTime, Van. Dresser "/i"7l Jeffson 51 f l:0S%fast 20 112 G 2 4 5- 5T1 J D Mney12 Crk Gold. ByGosh, Bal. Mark -517:: LMonia 5-S l:0J%fast is 112 !» 7 7 SJ S»j F Paul 11 Or.Dale, Jewell V. D., W.C.Ttdl 55149 Latonla 5-3 1 :0l:-.fnst 7 lot G 4 4 C1 €» J Francis 10 Tulalip, Commander Colin, Nig 5t:t!9 Latonla 6-8 l:8f%fast Vlt 107 10 11 9 o"" D* F Smith 12 BirdleG., Alda, TheColPsLady 64223 ChurehI 4* f 64 23 110 5 6 t* 4« J Smallwd 6 Naty Nisba. C.dAmr, B.andi. SEMPRONIA, h. f. 3 M 111 By Hanbridge — Bernaise, by Bemproaius. Trainer. A. Winters. Owner. Tujagno tc Lascola. ES3K FCiids 5". 1" 50 111 5 f. 7 7- 71T S Lowe 11 TheFeisoan, J. n. Levy. RunTime r,7.,2G Latonia *l-flill%taat C2 107 10 11 11 12 12- S McDottl2 FlyBall. BlackBetty, Fincastle f.7309 Latonia H f l:ll4*mud 4G 113 8 8 8 8 8** II Gregory S Image, Megan, Humanitarian CAMILLA S., ch. f, 3 M 111 By Ormondale— Dolly Higgins, by Migraine. Trainer, J. H. Baker. Owner, J. H. Baker. St 14 Jeff son 5J f 1 :oi fast 20 165 10 11 12 9*. 9" F Marielll 12 MyRosie. HermisKemble, Attoo 53783 Iexton 1-2 49%hvy 31 112 4 5 6* C17 W W TMorl2 J.Bowdre, Alverida, LillnMaeB. r."S12 F Jnds 3-8 30 112 10 9 7* T Jarvis 19 Mawicoron, H.Buxton, RedTom 525f6 F Gnds 3-8 :37;-bfast 12 10*7 7 5t 4«J T Jarvia 13 One Pin. Stamp. Baby Bvelyn 63266 F.Gnds 3-8 :*TS hvy 7 117 6 6 65 W W Tlor 6 Gentllly, EvelynWhite, GraceR. PRINTERS DEVIL, ch. g. 3 M 116 By Sea King— Bine Gown, by Nathanson. Trainer, W. H. Travers. Owner. J. Armstrong. E9232 Jeffson 11-4 1 :14*f,fast 12 105 9 9 8 8* 8" F Cltilettill Honorable, Wireless, Roy C. 8992 Jeff son 1-4 l:lC%faat 12 115 11 10 8 9 9" I, Morris 12 Bullet, Honorable, Crock o* Gold ixitfi uhiH-lr* 61 t 1 :08=igood 8 114 4 6 4 61 6*1 A Gantner 11 Sllug. Picnic, rinutsu Maid WALESPA. b. c. 3 Ml 116 By King James— White Silk, by Galloping Simon. Trainer, F. P. Letellier. Owner. Southland Stable. 59436 F.Gnds lmTOy l:454ifast 20 K E E 4 E S 57 G Breneag "• Kt.rnily. Wrecker. Jorrv 69279 Jeff son 6i f 1 :08~faat M 11.". I 7 7 M V* R Rice ]•_• Crk o Gold, ByGeah, BaL Mart 59192 Jeffson 6-8 l:01Hfast 15 110 4 I P »"J Butwell 12 Cape Pillar, By Gosh. Honorable 69092 Jeffson 3-4 l:16VRfast 15 115 9 7 7 8- V R Rice E2 Bullet. Honorable. Crock o Gold 69023 Jeffson 5-8 l:07?ihvy 8-5 11". 4 3 3 2J 25 ■ Barnes Sj Skooter. Farsight. Kedgwick EMM Jeffson 5J f 1:12 mud 15 112 3 I I 2" 2" E Rarn-s 10 Forest Queen. Ballet, Execution 68786 Jeff son 6-8 1:02 fast 10 115 4 7 9 9 9" 9 Bryson 3 Bait. red, Honorable. For. Queen THONELLA. br. f. 3 M HI By Marathon, Delia Mack, by The Commoner. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner, Kenton Sta bleK Mtt r.Qndi Slfl:0Mfctaa1 Ifi % 7 :: l # ■" . c LanK IS Paaee, Biaiple Nam, Dan ..9282 Jeff son Midi fust IS i"2 l - 1 65 8*1 LOomji 11 MateheaManr, Brtercltff, Asidin ..9172 Jeffson 6* f l :09:Vast 13-5 lM 3 6 M M* M" P CkdavtafJ Spinning. Piadcace, Van. Dresser ."9050 Jeff son 5-8 1:03 good I IMfl 3 I 6 Bf. 8*1 T Rowan 12 Her.Kemble, Briarcliff. P.Micou 66249 Ft. Erie EJ f ljMftfaat B 99 3 3 5 7 8" I Gordon S Petie. Bump. B-nnns. Oicat. Baa EMS Dshin* E-S 22-.".f 92 « 3 7 71 9»3 C Lang 11 B. Baas*, Paaapa, Dissolute 54594 Dorval E-S l:10%hvy 27-10 108 2 12 3"* 6» S Boyle 8 Moco. Loveliest. Carruthers CONSUL, b. c. 3 M 116 By Ferole— Euche, by Hasting* Trainer, C. J. Casey. Owner. Pelican Stable. E0433 F.tTada 3 4 I ;i!-. S ■■ 15 ME •"• - 3 B« I B Martin n B. Lee, Arcaire, Straight shot BOS lvshirc 5 f 1:0? fast 7 M 8 9 8 :V l*|T Burns 3 ai Pedum, Grace Mayers MM Dslnre E-3 1:01 raat 7 113 t I I 3* 1*1 T Bums s Koy. laaa MerriB, Mnitea .Mi..i.S IVshire Ej f 1"..yast 147 112 9 10 10 91 9- T Burns 10 PiftyPifty, rumps, .si.irvAdnmn .V.776 Kworth E-3 1 ;i 2 fast .4 110 9 9 • M* 30** T Burn? 11 B.Dana, Dolliitmir, IlHltaliaTI OM Empire E| f IsM feat M 106 8 10 11 9" 8" G W Carllll Barf BMer, Yankee M ■ id. Mode 54707 Belmont 4Jf at 63 fast 16 107 6 5 6 * 6" A Klein ■ BrkRaeeaL Galeta, BrfBatBay 64476 Belmont 4*.f st 63%fast 6" 112 1 6 64 9" ■ Haynoa 12 Minna. Brilliant Ray, Confusion LOUIS LICHTENHEIM. b. g. 3 M 116 By King James— Belle at Oakley, by Himyar. Trainer. D. Vititoc. Owner. J. White. :,-s l *1« .fast 12 IIS I 8 7 7. 7i: B Martin M 1 1 iltedale, BaaTiaae, VaauDreaser 68279 Empire 5J f 1 :08 £fast 15 108 6 4 6 l» M«* R Martin 12 Grandson, Payette, Bellii Maid 68025 Jamaica 61 f 1 :07Vfcfast 20 112 10 6 5 12 B*» E Martin 12 CHacafteM, Awateg, Promnad* COSTIGAN. br. c. 3 M 116 By Colin— Sanicula, by Santry. Trainer. A. G. Blakely. Owner. W. Daniel. ■MS Empir- Slfl:68%fast 13 113 6 7 C 8" S* C ii Miller B N. -e Dive Leghorn, Cbewiak 6S1C1 Empire 6J f l:0S-hgood 30 114 10 8 8 8J 8= C II Mille-11 Sling. Pteate, Finnish Maid