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i , v KENTUCKY RACING OPPONENTS ACTIVE I/E ,_ FBANKFOBT, By., Jaaaary it Beaat * John A. r,,,. .,! Blew •■ said this evening that unless s.mie •Tne member introduces the aati-rneing bill lorrow, ,_, be iMs a measure prepared which he will preseat ,.ii; ;n the senate. •T am oppc ied to all terms of gajabliag, by I,. pari-rnqtuel or by baokasakiag, and shall s.-.-k to to provide means !•• atop n on oar race tracks," i„. he sal I. In connection voli his crusade against the betting ,„i feature of racing, Seaator Lee tadaj rose, ,, during the adoption of the rales of proeedare of the senate, sad laqaired of president pro tem em William A. Perry of Laahtville If ti.e latter waald ., V .; signal e fram time to tiaae what interest certain ain senatora were taacerned in and what esaploymeat eal tkey had arhich would bar them fram votiag aa ■ ■ pending measure. Senator Perry replied that this this is a matter for each individual to decide for hint- im- self itnd that ii would be Improper for I tea i" seek eek to determine the degree of interest thai Bay senator "" illicit have, through present or past employment ent or expected future employment, of earning stock : in in any corporation or ••mpaiiy affected by legislation, !"■ la the beaee speak r Thosanooa named the fol-lowiag « I- committee n racing commission, urhteh wili lvili consider the aati-racing bill, which, ii is expected, led. will be latrodnced lorn ar raw. Arch L. Hamilton .r"u of Fayette, .hainiian: Bafaa I isl,. d Jeaanaaiae, tens. W. T. MeGaires of Powell, Ira D. Raaltb of Chria- **•" Oacar Pest of Carroll, v. O. Wheal sr °* sd Warren. Samuel A. Cary of Camber land, Y. L L Truinho of Lewis and .lames S. Park "f Madhsan, sou- Tne la-1 three are Bepaattcaas. — — ■ — ■ — -— ♦— — ■