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RACING WITH FEW THRILLS J All but One Fair Grounds Race * Given to Platers. Veto Takes the Feature Race with Ease — Turner and Lang on Two Winners Each. i ■ « i j ■ NEW OTtLEANS. I-t.. January l»i. — Threatening i weather with an occasional ilwwn wet ■ prevailing conditions lliis .tf l iTH.-on :H Ike flair Grenade, liul , an unusually large attendant ■•■ was agate present .ind it included a goodly number i.f first timers. recent arrivals from different parts of the .nun- | 1 1 v . Large Heals of the poorest racers in these parte had the card to Ihiassilnii there hate* ■ general aheenre of racing star-:, with the possible exception « f the fourth race at the aiiie and seventy i yards distance. In if several airly good sate* ion leaked ami it resetted in an easy victory fat Veto, which rated aa overwhelming favorite ami ran as l if truly nfwti He met with Interfere ace Maa 3 after the start anil Leeg was forced to pride him t a wide eaajraa, Intt when the loader- began tiring- lie brought Veto up with a rash and. arhea la the 1 mi retr-h. rated into a decisive lead, sea Core was I good enough to ontstay the othcra, with the out- 1 ■Mar Padua third. The initial da»ih was a three-eighths scramble I for two-year olds, in which several were given hopeful attention, but the finish found Peter Brown heading the others, with Hilly Vinson in second place ami Better I. nek third. Baring luck was the I deciding factor in Peter Brown- MCCaaa, for Better l.uek. Old Tag and Ilie Muleskinner should have led .urn home The trio met with considerable interfer- once. Machiavelli finished an upset a ud in-dentally en- • abled George Arvia to pull dowa bis firsl parse ia | yean when he managed to outstay Jerry, with : Actress, the fa mite, finishing third. Some speedy ones started in the third ra e and it resulted in a thrilling finish between Arrowhead, Paiiamiin ami Gray sen, which wound up noses apart. Arrowhead, the bveritc, getting the rerdiet. BOB upset calculations in the mile dash, in which some ordinary three year-olds met. with Devonite the favored one. He failed to ret i place, bis diminutive rider. Thomas, heteg unable to guide liim advautagi ously. Another favorite to suffer defeat was Barry Shannon, on which Beatnef had ihe mount. He finished among the ahm rans. Haraay winning here from Hello Pardaer, with Pirate lieGee in third place. WELLBACKED FLUZEY WINS. The concluding race enabled Lang to land his second winner of the afternoon when lie hroaghl borne riuzey. a well nggarted aae, with ;aliot in second place and British Lteer, an entetner, jus; managing to head Solid Beck or third place. 0. T. Worthiagtoa has ■ two-yeai aid sister of Marvin May in hN stahte, a filly Which he named il-ie Venior. She is a chestnut daaghter cf McGee -Conclusion and is endowed with denty of -peed. The other two-year-olds in the Worthiagtoa establishment are Hizheth Jewell, aaj filly, hy Bocfc-v iew— Sumptuous: Fighting Cook, brown filly, by Thee. Cook -foyer; Alta Mae. bay filly, by Pataud Kuhla: Miss Khua. che-tnut filly, by McGee Bwcet Charlotte; Charles Whitney, bay colt, by Med Heiiu Mauiona . S;un M -Bride, bay colt, by Herron--Palermo; ;ail Feed, bay gelding, by Brummel-Ktnel May: Sam Troxell. bay colt, by Trap Bock -Baby Rose, and Kull o Fun. bay gelding, by Jack A i kin — St. Theresa. The halter brigade broke with renewed fury today, three boraea changing bands ia riaiaslng nice-. Deronite was acajnired by .1. Dundee Car ,000: C.aliot went to Milton Smith for .510. While McGarvey and Lewis acquired Fluzev far .yon. lot hi J C. Iang brought in a double again today. Veio and Kluzey This made the fourteenth cousecn-the day for him to i ide one or more winners. 87. H. Rites, owner of Hondo and several other , baraea, was ■ visitor from Covington. Cimarron i- now a member of the I. S. Hays stable. She was claimed out of the seventh race Saturday . fmni E. B. Klkins for W.300. LTKES WINTER DEBUT. Jockey Lawrence Lyke made his winter debut t today on Bribed Voter in the seventh race. He was j given a great ovation on the way to the post. Jockey Clarence Turner showed a flash of his j brilliant form of last summer when he rode Arrow-bead . and Rob to victory today. Before leaving for Havana jockey Harry Luns-ford was married Jo Mi-s Florence Norman, a New ~v Orleans QirL The marriage ceremony was performed . in St. I ouis Cathedral, and the couple left for Cuba inimeiliatolv afterward. •■Hank" Brennan. known to hundreds of racegoers as "One Legged Hank." and a familiar figure .. on race tracks for a quarter of a century or more, died suddenly Sunday He was stricken ill ■ Saturday night and wa- removed to a local hospital, where he lived only a short while. Racing secretary L Joe Mclennan is taking subscriptions to provide him with a decent burial. Robert McKeever yesterday purchased a one-half f interest in Mevotirneen from B. A. Lane. McKeever r will train the horse in the future. C. H. Knebelkamp today sold Wolfs Cry to ». Drumhiller. It is said that the three-year-old cost t his new owner 0,000. C. T. Heushall. who lias been identified with i racing for many years, was an arrival today from i New Vork. He plans au extended visit. Victor Vivaudou. owner of the Riviera Stable, , for aihlth firmer jockey Wed Taral is the trainer, , was an arrival this morning intending to make n long stay, but was suddenly called to New York on l urgent matters. He came from California, where e lie stated the outlook for racing seems bright for r the near future. "There will be attempted a short t meeting neit spring over the Tanforan track." said ] Mr. Vivaudou. "which has been leased to Messrs. Spreckels, Rosseter and other turf supporters. The e introductory meeting will be of the matinee variety, , e r t ] e , but is expected to eventually lead to favorable legislation." Mr. Vivaudous horses are wintering in excellent style at the Jamaica track, ac-coiding to reports the owner has received from trainer Taral.