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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX.. SUNDAY. JANUARY 15. 1922. One mild. Forty -fourth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 128 or more day-. Weather clear; temperature 86°. m siding Strwsld rrsarts TTrhwa nnssflnta Stewards. J. W. CaBratk and Leon Winn. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. Baring Starts at 1-SS 9. bb. Catragt time ;::.1.7 p. in.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. fCasCiO "I TIBST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Juno 28, 1916— l:05Vs— 3— 118. Purs© 00. 3.year-«3 _fO__X olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, SSO. Index Horses "AWtPPSTt aj Str Fin Jockeys Owneni Eguiv. Odds 8trt 59538ORLENS OIRL w S MB 1 3 "t 8*1 T Is C Studcr H T Palmer 610-100 59085*Mc.MURPHY w 11 110 ?. 2 B*] 21 8 2 B ParUe M Morrison t« 0-100 59593*PUEBLO w 5 110 4 1 1- Is 1 3n E Noble C Irby lOiMOO 59SS7**GOLDIE ROSE w f !0S fi E r., 1« U* 4nk A Jacobs H James "70-100 59SSS*R-_B-__S w 8 1US 7 0 4 4 4; : * C Ralls Thompson 9 Pern- " MM00 595SS*BI— I Y JOE w U mi B 8 s T; C- 8*1 II B B*wer W L Schaefer 21GO-100 70125 YORK LASSIE w 1 108 S 7 77 til 7s 7=1 D Hum T Crystler 1120-100 59590 HUG ME w 7 113 1 4 8*1 I 8 S L Hall II Rasmussen t tMutuel field. Time, 24. 48%. 1*1%, l:0tf-S. Trtck fast. mutuels paid. Orleans Girl. 1.20 straight, place. .00 show; McMurphy. field. .40 place, .20 show; Pueblo, .80 show. Equivalent honking srtsa Ollisill Girl. 610 to 100 straight, 200 to 100 place. "»0 to 100 show: I -Murpliy. lie-Id. 170 to 100 place, 00 to 100 Pueblo. 40 to 100 show. Winner— Br. in. by Jack Atkiu — Lady Installiitor. by Installiitor trained by . Manley; bred by Mr. 1 nomas Shaw. Wont to peat at 1:54. At post 1 minute. Start pood and slow. Wnn easily: second and third driving. OKLEANS GIRL, while farwsrdly placed, was saved until after entering tie stretch, where she overcame interference, then to k a quick leaf and won ns if much the best. MrMlIilIlY was a came contender througlauit Bad, hard ridden, just managed to BBVC second place. PTJBBLO set a great pace, but tired badly in the iia! eig, th. GOLDIF, ROSE made up ground in I fast finish. ROSF.LLIS ru well. Scratched— r,or,ST-Ask Jessie. 103: 33638 Lavata. 113: 63813 Master Franklin. 110: 59i08*Quinam. 110. RTQ|R* *? SECOIiD RACE— 5 1-0 Eurlor.-: . Jur.e 28, 1913— 1:05* :,— 3— 118. Purse ?500~ JTyear-f_f UVMAJ elds and Barnard. Cfaisafag. Net vr.lue to winner 50: s-econd. 00: third, S50. Index Horses A Wt IT St K % 85 Kill Jockey- Owner- EiiuiyT~bdds~s7rt 59:571 BIG SMo;:: ~: ns i v v 21 1* • Gross R W Smith tSMOO MM7 EARLYMORN si; 11 Ul : .: 2* 2?. 1"» 2= C Studer H T Palmer 256-190 ." !M 13 -•STILETTO wsa6M6 6 4 1. 1. I* S» A Jacobs G W Atkinson "SO-100 .-,! .- »8 "-KIIMITAN A a 7 Ml 7 . E] 4, • 1, II Long J Kern 10rio-loii .MI18K SEA BEACH wit .• lir. :. C I ] r,. :. :. p Martinez ¥ R Irwin .-.on-ioo 64373 •KGHT OF PIAS w IB 105 1 J 4* 6*1 6 «7 C Ralls S Hazeltine E663-M6 NMt*0. MHLEBACH era G 1«8 4 7 7 7 7 7 K Noble Mannale and BraBWtOCk H49-M6 i T:ne. 24 5. 68%, 1:66%, 1:03«5. Track fast. 63 aiataeli paM, Big Baasite, 8886 straight. . 63 place, S3. 20 show; Kails asm a, .46 place, .68 Bbew; stiletto. 12.08 shew. i;.iiiiv;i|. nt boakiag nads Bin Smoke. SM to loo straight, t " to 166 peace, 68 to loo siiow: Earlymorn. 70 to MM pi ecu B0 to loo ifcew; stiletto, 86 to M0 ■hew. Winner B. g, br I:ke of Orsaandt — Gold Lace, by Onaaade trained by ». L. Diekeron: bred by Mr. V. oh. Ilardeanamh. Went to p"st at 2:10. At i».»t I minute-. Sf;irt pood and slow. Woe driving: second and third the basse. BIG SMOKE raced lapped on toe leader* and. respoadlag t. hard ridinp. proved games! at the ead and w n narrowly in a fast fii h. KAKI.YMORN raced in nearest early pursuit and. after showing in front BMBM -nt-irily midway of the stretch. eeaM not quite withstand the winners rush. STILETTO sH ■ East pare, bnl tired. ERMITAXA raced fairly well. Bcratched S68S6 Lady Uae, MB; 56366 Dae Be Galse, IIS. RrQ£»Vji« THIRD RACF— 1 l-S Belles. "March IT, 1921—1:52—5—117. Purse SPOO. S-yeax-ehll lJ«U*rf«i and upward. Claiming. Vet value to v.inner 50; recond. S100: third. 0. "index " Hones A WtlMSt-"1! "i Str~i in Joeky-= G~v:n"ers EqtllT. Odde 8tr*i 59.".«.*l-"AN; !: ,.-■ I!, w -tt i" p 7 :; - ;■, ivl1 V l» K Nobh- J S McDeaiel : i i«l BBCIS*AUDRRV K. w T 115 7 1 4-". 1 - ::- P 8«1 P Martlaei C B Irwin SBSMITNDINE wa 4 Ml ■ ■ B" " i* ■• i: Taylor . T Whit, hill -ifo-ioo BB4M*BIL.L.Y STUART w 11 1 :■ I I • -; r : V C Btader II T Palmer irco-pm .-.!.-, ■"■ BKENRTDGB wi HI I 1 V 1| V I* r,- B Parke Morris Stable BW-1W BB547 CAM. MCI. I. nit w I 11. :, i. 7 7 7 7 c3 R r.irt-r E McCown 810-100 59590-Happy w 7 11" it I . B* 7 w Orgaa -i G Arvln yno-ioo Time, 25. 49,, 1:15, l.*df%, l:aa%. Track fast. IS mutuil- p., id. Paaaie Bail, 13.40 itralffbt, SS.80 place, .40 show; Audrey K.. 14.00 place, 1320 show: Dadiae, 14.00 ibow. Bonlralenl bookiae odd* Faaaie Nail. 170 te loo Btralght. 90 to 100 place, 70 to I0B show; Aadrey K.. Pki to M0 piece, 00 t" 100 dhow; Dadiae, 100 to 100 rbow. Winner — 15r. m. by Leonid — Bernie Beeabert, by Dunparven traiaed by V. Samples; bred by Mr. W. . Nail. Went to post at 2:48. At poet 1 minute. Start pood and alow. Woe easily: Btcoud Bad third driving. FANNIE N .!l, walled ea the paceaBaker until roaadias the far turn, where she Bpriated to tie-front Bad, withataadins the chailenae at AUDREY .. drew away declaletly ia the final alxteeath. ACDBET K. iie.v d op fa»t while raondiua t: • la«t ram, but maid no4 cope with the wiaaera reeerre ipctd. UNDINE rlnsrd ■■ pap in ■ raxl Rnl b. TBfl BRECKENRIDGK ahowed the Btoat early speed, but was deae aftrr taraiac for heme. iiAlIY V ALLEY awerred eal badlj ea the far turn and quit laally. Ker -. ishtn I adl , 1 ; ■ Bad. rrCfcjCJO/l rOITRTH RAGE— S-l Mile. May 20. IHJ 10 I 107Q Purr- I860. 3-ycar-old3 and •_» uv .*ddl upward. Oaia»aa;. Ret eahee to wiaaer 50: aaaaad. 00: third. 0. !i ;• v rbTi7- AWtrPI I • -. BtrFIa Jacheya Owners- Equir. Odda Strt B912B : FIREPLACE wa fi 112 3 1 . I II 1 C Gross Kallinp.-r 1 Coffman 6M-100 5M32*HARRT D. v I 109 1 3 . ! :- !• B Parki C B Grove* to-100 BB1BB* MAYFLOWER w 4 Ml 8 7 T Murray Shafer A Conway BBand72 HONEST GORGE B « 114 S II 7. S» t- ■ - W Ganraa W Sbns BnBO-100 S9SS2*THRILLS w 7 IN I E l 8 ■ ■■ R Carter II D Cml MOB-MO Bt#7«*K. CHEATHAM BMC t t :■ r; R Noble Z B McGregor I "MOO BBltf *DON JOSE wa 7 M4 7 t. I "• 5* 7" A Vacoba Noyw t Ferwoaoa IBM-MO B9900*CLEAR LAKE a I !• E ! I • P I D Horn .1 W Tate IBSf-lM Tin,". 23"i. 48%. 1:01%. Trach fast. U BtataeJ* paid, Fireplace, |12.20 atrabrht. .80 place, .80 show; Harry I. ?:t.v i place, 12.00 show: Mayflower, .00 show. Equivalent bookinc oddi -Fireplace, BM to 100 atraijcbt, M to 100 place, 10 to MO -hew: Harry l M to 100 place, M b. 100 show: Mayflower, 80 to 100 Rbow. Winner— B. p. by Oeeary— Anna May, by Kins r.rk- trained i y B. A. Balliager; bred by Nerad stock Farai i . Went t.i post it ?;01. At to-J 4 ulaatea. Start pood and slow. Won drivinp: aecOOd and third t! -s.:me. FIREPLACE began fa*l and. holdinx sway thronshoat. stood a I !•:- atretch drive and withstood ih" pame chaDeaare of HARRY I . Th lattet caate with a rreat rush threagh the final eighth and waa rapidly orcrfaanliag the winaer. MAYFLOWER beaaB alowly, but roshed iq to forward eaateatioa on the outside aad loomed up menaciujrlj midway of the atretch. bat tired. HONEST GEORGB awde ap prouud in a panic race. CUEAR LAKE si, owe. 1 early speed and quit badly. Orerweiirhti Mayflower, 2 poaads; Hoaesf George, 2; TbrUla, 3. RCOfT2* SC TIFTH RACE— 1 Mi.e and 70 Yard*. Feb. 1. 3920— 1:43%— G— 122. First Rumnner 0« 0jiO SAN FRANCISCO HANDICAP. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner SI. 900: second, S4G0: third, 00 "index Horses AW tP l JMJTj -■ | ~ s tr Fin JOckeya Owners EqnJT, Odds S tr] t fl9BW*RIFLE w 7 Mff 7 1 1*1 ll Is Is lh P Martinea C B Irwin tnao-loi BB142 IKE HARVEY wa 1 M : I 5*3 :- 1*1 " I t C Stader Jones BOO-lOO BBS70* FURBELOW w *. 114 4 s s s | t T Murray Shafer £- Conway MO-IOQ BB4M**BTERAN wit 1111 . I ". . #3 ■" i: Taylor G Alexandra E0t-M0 BBM4 EAST INDIAN w r, 114 1 7 71 61 1 ."- Bl B Parke ; J Miller 130-108 9M»BREEZE ora t MS 1 I 3 C Dup-pan G II Abbott r.nsr.n-WILD FLOWER w S IM S E t;i 4- :. -.* - A Jacobs a L Brisca Z70B-1M , 59389 BEGRESO w B 103 8 I ■, 7: 71 S I D Horn C B Irwin I : tCoupled in betting as C. B. Irwin entry. Time. £4. 48%, 1:14%, 1:41%. 1.:»5%. Track fa-.t. *.• Biataela paid C. H. Irwia entry, 0.00 straight, .00 place, -00 show; Ike Harvey, 17.40 place, |3 lo ahrow; Farbelow. 14.01 abow. Bqoiraleal booking odda — C. B. Irwin entry. 930 to 100 rtrairht. 250 to 100 place, 100 to HM» slew; , Ike Harvey. J70 to 100 place. 7o t., 100 ahow; Farbelow, MO t, 100 Kbow. Wlaaei Cli. g, by Uncle— Flenr * Ha ie, be Meddler traiaed bj . B. Irwia; bred by Messrs. .1. o. and ;. h. Keeae. Went t,. pool at ...- A1 pool 1 minnte. Star; bad and slow. Won driving; aecoad and third the •une. BIF1 B, luck; at the start, took a qaick lead and held away under --1 irrdt rostraial t , the stretch, bat had to be ridden oat to the last ounce to withstand the rash of 1KB HABYEY. The latter, after racing In closest parsall of the wiaaer, eaaae fast in a game lalsh aad woaM haee won in another stride. FURBELOW, away poorly, ran ■ One rue from such a had beginning. VETEBAN. also left at the po.-t in ■ tangle, ran wil. BAST INDIAN ran ■ good race from a i r t.irt. BREKEB had no mishaps. Bcratcl ed G0019 Gath, 100 Overweights Wild Flower. 4 poaads. fTQ£? T iO BZXTH RAfF— 3-4 Mile. CDee. 20, 191S— 1:113 ,— 3— 110. i Paras *,?00. 3-ycar-o!ds ar.d t?;Di«© Bpward. Hinrtic-p. Rot value to winner ?G30; second. S1S0: third, . Index Tb~so- AWPPSt , ■, S~Fin .ToThTT- iTwners Pguiv. Odds Strt ?, rv.;.ii sa.m ru:n v. it i M S •" P S Bl r C Stader shafer i Conway t*M-100 BtB70s HURON [I. w 0 1 I ; 1 • r Bj E Noble .1 A Parson BOB-1O0 !it350 W. MNTGMERY w 9 MO I B B* " IJ • 1*3 E Donahue F P. Irwia 7380-401 5M11 HERDER w7 Bl 7 : i "-_:■ 4« D Hum C B Irwin t :.!»: no HEAD O HEELS wa S MB M 7 E* V B "" C Grooa Pisbee Stable S3O-M0 ;,i:,:l STAR REALM w S 111 3 8 B* 81 71 BJ E Taylor W Walker 240-100 BOOlfl I BRDi LOON w5 M si" i" M ". 7- H I.onc; J L Brannon M30-M0 .".!570 SEDAN v. s in; i k 4 i, s- P Martinez C B Irwin t :.X!t8.7 ;r:ci: * B MO 2 S :• B*J B» H-. B Harton Shafer A- Conway .".;»1X! RAPID STRIDE v. e. •" 107 I ! 7 7;li 1" !, Paruo .1 L! M40-M0 fCeapltd la betting as Bbafer ,V Conway entry: JC 15. and F. B. Irwin entry. Time. £3- . 43. 1:14%. Track fast. S-J Biataela paid, shafer a Coaway entry, 4.20 straight, .40 place, 5= I 1 " show; Huron II., SB.B9 place. B4.20 show: C. B. and F. R. Irwin entry. .00 bb ■•■- Eqaivaleal booking odds— Shafer A Coaway eatry, MO to 100 Btralght, JTO to 10 place, 120 to 100 slow; Baron !!.. 390 to lOO place. 110 !•• loo Show: C. P.. and :•. It. Irwia entry, r,! to 100 show Winner B. h. by Peep eDay— Coy Maid, by bUagatoa trained by L. Brb; bead by Mr. H. II. Hewitt i Weal to p.t at :;r,1. A: posi " mfaiates. Start pood and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. BAM BEH moved ap steadily after roaadlag the last tarn and. irspoadiag to hard ridinp. wore HURON II. dowa in the lit tifty yards and WOO poinp away. HURON II. set a fasl pace and hunp on pan, ly when challenged, althoogh tiring. WOODIE MONTGOMERY wa- going fast ;,t the end. HERDER siiov..d niinh speed, but tired In the Baal drive. HEAD OVER HEELS bad as mi-haps. STAR RliAI.M made up groaad, hut is i est eoor a lonper real •. Scratched- :,!iit Motor Cop, 181. rrQr»Ory SEVENTH RACE— 1 l-lR Miles. June 24, 1910— 1:5— 3— 110.1 Purse 5500. 3-year-*y*J3 andA 4 old.s and ur-ward. Ciaiinin?. Net yalue to winner 50: recond. S100: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt t4 % *A Btr Fin Jockeys Owaers Bqolv. Odds 8tr*l S~i " 0 r*8HORT ST! P wsn 7 111 .", .". 5 4., :• ¥ 1-j i" Sculler H D Cates ~~~~~ BOBAS saxs PEUR n. villi 1 t I I :" . i: Taylor C Fall MO-1O0 BB14S*G*DON RBERTS wr. f BM 1 2- g] 9 45 :; T Wilson P L Short 600-100 8S620»*OUR MAID v.n ,r, 10 :: 1 ]- 1- 1- |» 4% ■ Noble J A Parson :;..l-liKl 50571 YKRMAK W»1U I t I : ■"■ • ■"• I Hg«B C P. Irwin BOB-MO Time. 24%. 40%. 1:15%. 1:42%. 1:49%. Track fast. KU mutiieb paid. Short Stop. SJ5.S0 straight, S3 40 plan. fJAU show: Sans ieur II.. . SO place. iiLX thaw; Cordon Roberts, .00 show. BaaivaJeat booalag odds— short Stop. PJO to loo straight, 70 to loo place. 31 to loo show; Sans Peur 11., M to loo place, 40 to loo show: Gordon Roberts. 50 to 100 show. Wiaaer — B. p. by Garry Herrmann -Little Nell, by ted-rstrome traiaed by J. frofton: bred by Mr. J. Howard Lewis. Wont to past a* 4:10 At post 1 minute. Start goad and BBBW. Won easily: so, ond Bad third driv-iip. BHOBtT STOP was aall ag to the last turn, where he eaaae around the leader- with a gloat rush and. takinp the lead, won in a canter. SANS PEUR 11. was a forward contender from the start and. tinishinp pamoij . satstayed GORDON ROBERTS. The lntter tired after racinp In closest ]iursuit of the leader. OUR MAID set a good parr, hut was done ufter eateriag the stretch. YRRMAK made a raah while roaadlag the far turn, the* fell back beaten. OflQ EIGHTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 23, 1910— 1:05% — 3—118. Turse 00. 3-year-«3* 0/«0 oids and upward. Claimimr. Net vrlee to winner S450: second. 00; third, 0. Tnde x Horses AWtPPSt % %■ ■" ; StrKin Jockeys Owners Tfr7uivTOdds:~StTrt 50«:-i ioiA COLA wa 4 UO g S i : , 4 5* B Donahue A I. Austin MSt-MO ..»!»• HAZEL DALE a B 101 .", Z IM- l BJ A Jacoba J A Paraoo ."v70-1n 89S0S C. A COMI8KEY w 7 123 I 1 J1 :: P Martinez C : Irwia V-to-luo BolWBIKTBR WJBIE waa 0 M0 :; 3 *•* I* Q 4; I: Noble Padgett it- Dauphorty Z30-M0 594RH*PHKDIKN WB 7 Ml 1 1 . B» fi B* " Studer M I, Allen :,00-10o 5!t.s.s- kim; dick wSMS 7 t; «: t - B* R Harton BB Gotohell MO-Mt 500K9 TRUSTY w s ir, 2 o ■ P|7* 1*1 R "artor A D Harrlaoa Vjid-vh. 59505 3*!;ILL HEAD wb 6 Pfl B I 7, B S S f: Parke J McCool 1310-100 Time. 23%. 43%. 1:02%. 1:03%. Track fast. SL miitnels paid. Coca Tola. .*M3."0 straight, 1 Lo place. .40 show: Hazel Dale, .00 place, .00 show: C. A. Comiskey. .G0 show. i: jrivaleiit BOOkfasg odds— Coca Cola. 1000 to 100 straight. 510 to 100 place. 170 to 100 show: Hazel Data, 300 to lOO place. 150 to 100 show; C. A. Comiskey. 130 to 100 show. Winaer — Br. f. by Superuian-Rupicola. by Advame Gaard trained by A. I,. Austin; bred by Mr. Henry Y. Oxnard. Went to peal :.t 4:47. At ]K»st 4 minutes. Start pood and slow. Won drivinp: second Bad third, the I same. COCA COLA began slowly, but moved up fast after rounding the far turn and. eoaiinp around the leaders, nnished fast tinder vigorous ridinp and pot up to win in the last twenty yards. HAZEL DALE set a great pace and hung on resolutely when challenged. C. A. COMISKEY was speedy, but tired under I bis weight. SISTER SUSIE ran a good race and will be benefited by it. PHED0DEN finished fast and I close up. KING DICK bad uo mishaps. i