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FOUR SIRES FOR COLORADO King Plaudit and Jack Stuart to Serve for Army Mounts in West. DENVER, Col.. January 16. — Four thoroughbred sire- have be. 11 received in Denver for distribution through the state as a part of the national campaign to restore the number and quality of the American cavalry and riding horses. Major C. F. Cusack. Denver representative of the American Remount Association, received four stallions frciu Front Royal. Va., this week. He will exhibit the stallions at the National Western Stock Show and will then distribute three of them to other Colorado cities, keeping one here. The horses are: King Ilaudit. brown. 1916. by Tlaudit— Wild Thistle, by Knight of the Thistle. Jack St mi it . bay. 1915. bv Valens — Sweet Same, by sir Geoffrey. Sands of Time, chestnut. 1916. by Beach Sand— A 1 111. 1 K.. by Conrad. Aslnon. chestnut. 1910, by Electioneer — Franc-olio, by Inverness. King Plaudit is the one selected to stay in Denver. He will stand at the Country Club stables in charge of 3 a la* lliwaba The horse is hi fine condition and waa a racer of more promise than performance in his day. As | two-year-old lie won in the Eaat and had a sreat reputation after selling for S7 .011*1 as a vearlinp. one of the largest sum* of the year, at Saratoga .lack Stuarl was BlSe a f:i-i hoise and a sood winner two or three years .lack smart geea to the Thatcher Cattle company Bt Iueblo. 1 ol ; Sands of Time N la be unaltered ■jt Kiowa. CeL, and Ashton ai Meeker. Col. -v «