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J. E. MADDEN THE LEADER t-« » ■ f Heads List of Breeders For Fifth Successive Year. , . m H. P. Whitney, A. B. Hancock, H. T. Oxnard and August Belmont b in Among 1921 Leaders. II r *-* ♦ :— t v v Mm B Maddea hi for •« *••■ flftli year is aacces- t ■tea the leading American breeder Iwth as to the f ■aaaae of nee* area and woaey earned during tin- • raeiag of !!•-! by horses bred at bia famous Ham- | barg Il.i.f la Kentucky. AB ,,,|,i- "!1" baadred P and eighty-five horses bred by Mr. Maddea «nn 424 races. flslilhcd second ia :s:; and third in 35."!. r Their combined winnings assoaated to tin- lataaease 1 Mini of BSZ7.577. Tin largest roatribator to that • iota! araa the champion three-year-eld of last fear, h ;rey Lag. Others prominent ia upholding the reputation of the master r Baatborg Plare included 1 Jl aaa i limn Ca|itaia Alcuk. Be Frank, t-opper De- « assa, Geaie W.. Geeraie, Incog. John B. Bearaaa, Kai-Sang. Registrar. Boekmlaister, st. H •my and .star Realaa. i i Beread aa the breedera list is Harry Payae , Whitaey. Horse* bred at his aoted and aoeceasfal eataMiahateat won ITSt raeea and t*tl,8M during ,, 1921. The failure of Mr Whitney - star taw-year- ] •Ma af 1930 la the big three-year old -t :i ;.»-s el last year, the loss of Breoaaaoan after hla Freak- , aeaa rletary a ad John P. Grier aad Upsets failure to stand tratniag the ireater part of the year kept the Whitaej figures tower than early forecast indicated. Severtbeless the Whitaey ■table bad i big year, earning 41. •W, the balance af the , Sawl.Baa to Mi Whitaeya «r tit aa ■ breeder ramtac 1. rook dale si nd bornea racing in other | Interests. Piaum paa Baatiag and Plait 17 ojsjra f the big Whitaey uiiaatia af 1921. Arthur B Hancock. Kentucky and Virginia breeder, la third aa the lis. He bad aa boraea raeiag in hla aasae. bat tharaaghbttdi bred at liis tare aatable breediag establishments were quite inaaaiatal la the raeiag of last year. Collectively I he won 1 «;j raeea and 299.149. Careful, Touch : Me Sot, Knobble, Edwiaa. Babert Oliver, By .Mutiny. Hobej Baker and Kiag Tii ush were the beat of the Haacock-bred boraea actirely ea-esjajed in the raeiag of 1921. K. T. Oxaard. August Bebaoat. !■.. B. Bradley. , B. Basjeekets, It. T. Wit aaa, I. N. Caaadra. . W. Hoore Bad T. C. MeDoarell aere othera rho Had worthy reareacntatlrew of their breediag faraia in our raeiag or ln~i year, ralliag ap rletorj after victory and paricbiag their fortunate oaraera witii :, goodly snare of the apeilfl of a reeord-breakiaa; i tweln iion;h- rf raeiag. j The greal iaflai of foreUta-bred boraea to this roaatry ia the lust few years and their Inflaeaee oa ra in- ia n in the figu - " ■ • ►repeated. Horaea bred bj Kngliab bre de non 27 1 :•...- aad 8289.275. »• ""reach breeder* 293 raeea and 9378.491 in the Americaa raeiag caaapabra of 1921. The record* of oar leading breedera rroai the ataadpeiat of ra •- and awaej won dariag the year lt2i by boraea bred by theai are here preaeated: Breeder lot. 99. Bd. A.nt. .lolin K Madden -• S83 363 9C27..»7] Harry Payae Whitaej IT! 189 132 391.H99 Arthur B. Hancock 192 129 122 299.149 Henry T. Oxaard l"s 138 I*1 218.441 August Belawal »- v ;" 205.953 Edward K. Bradley r7« K2 83 -"01.918 Adolph B Bpreckels » 91 100 191.094 IIU-Im .1 T Wllaon ISR 118 I4S 178.498 JoUns.,n X. Caindea ~ ~ 61 61 144.030 t harles W Moor* 1W 193 IM 111.9.19 momaa C. McDowell 93 9tt 63 100.865 .loin, Sanfortl ■ s" " Mi °07 H II Hewitt ... 27 91 23 80.021 S K Xtebola -K 92 35 78e900 Thomas Piatl 99 3H 36 r8.821 I r Bianaa « 9« 3fi 48.349 George J. I aag ":" 91 102 77.993 Hal Price Headlej -"1 17 •"«• T4.7t«i Nevada Stock rana 192 94 86 73.540 Headier and Miller 88*93 89 72.963 Frederick It. Kalght 22 13 i!» 68.196 lorgr 1 . Wideaer 53 i« 59 66.149 Rdward Cebrlaa 87""107 Ts 66.049 Thaaaaa M. Marphj -14 99 32 63.200 Mrs. U A. Livingston S - 106 62.383 I?. H Anderson o0 81 I" 58.013 White A; Garaetl 88 84 S3 ......1 .1. K. 1 Boat 89 28 22 56.269 V.eniamin A. Maea 9S HK» H"J 56.039 WUliaaaa Bros «• TS "s 54.370 Jerome B. Beapeea -i-1 32 r,T 33.702 Gifford A. Cochran :5« 3" 84 52.349 AV s Kilaaer 28 28 11 51.309 W. B. Milter Is 31 ■■ -I lUlair Stiul :54 27 38 ,.0.-J3r. Tall.i Bran 92 29 81 4Vln:; Gallaber Brae 89 19 29 49.869 J. Teaapie Gaataaaey 31 X. s 44.998 Wade K. MeLeaaore 85 28 29 49.791 .loim O. Carr and Bra 32 18 41 42.723 Gearge W. i. Baaartl :i 58 It 42010 H. H DuUny It 1- " 40,237 Gearge L Blackford 4« »n 92 39.593 .1. B. Ixmclihpiro 29 :vj J4 :!!t.0"J Josvpli K. S.-agram 3"_ 41 49 88,391 J. O. and «;. H. Keeae B9 -» 29 38.047 A. K. Haaley and Son 3 sj -JT 87.858 S. and A. K. IKinelit 30 25 1! 3li.7tr. John S s: Xi 29 95.999 Aatbeej L. Aste -1 12 12 84.999 .1. Ilari Brown 1« 12 19 94.215 Lauren, c and Coaaetock 4i :w 44 ::3.!t"3 Philip M. Walker 23 18 30 32.981 Barney BchreJber 3? in 37 82.999 W. i: L. Garth 29 28 28 82,543 Lstatp of Jaines H. UaBgin... Lv L« -- 82,255 Walter O. Parmer 40 : %2 51 30.905 ENGLAND. Breeder 1st. Ld. 3d. Ann. Knglisii breedera 279 275 217 9289,279 John 11. Joel 30 98 21 II.BBB AugiiHt Belmont 16 16 18 20.442 Sir W. Cooke I 8 I I1.B99 Joiia Sauford 10 13 U 10,472 Breeder. 1st. 2U. 3d. Amt. M. D. Peacock 9 3 7 9.999 . Mclntvre 4 J I 9.73r, apt. G. lasts* 8 11 10 S.o33 FRANCE. Breeder 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Freaeh breeders 2tr L«2 19 7s.4!M John Baafard 41 48 13 r.:..79l Clarence II. Macka.v Bl Sf 30 88,522 Herman B. Daryea 48 99 if» 82J91 August Belmont Bf 3". 30 ir,.-ji r, Belair Stud I 0 1 15,621 Maekay and Carroll VJ. 10 14 14,556 Baron Maurice de Rothschild. 17 81 18 13.3.J1 T. P. Thorne 20 17 19 13,43 IRELAND. Breeder. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Irish breeders 14 7 19 4,541 T. Nolan « 8 B 4.706 C. Hobsou 3 » B 3.19S P. Quinlan | 3 I 2,830