Havanas Racing Spirited: End Man First in Feature Race-Cuba Encanto Again Successful, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-22


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HAVANAS RACING SPiRiTEDJ[] End Man First in Feature Race — Cuba Encantoj Again Successful. ,. v HAVANA, Caba, January 21.— Under clear tkiea and with perfect raeiag condition- prevailing large Saturday attendance wltaa.au td aaaae spirited roatests at Oriental Park hi- afteraooa The mile race, run as the fifth, commanded the most a! ten tion. laid Man and Sweep lean were eipia! choices and tliey finished first and third respectively, The T Pirate at 19 to 1 separating the pair. Bad -Man x was away fastest and set I sharp pace, with The Pirate always in scares! pursuit. They maintained this order throughout, but The Pirate gained rapidly in the last eighth and almost overtook the leader in the last quarter of a mile, only ■ half length separating them at the finish. Sweep Clean was forced wide on the first turn, hut for which he might have beea ■ more formidable factor, as lie closed • nig gap aad fiaiahed fast and gamely. The first race brought together an ordinary ha ad Of of three-year olds, of which Mooresaae and Aeosta were the choices, but the winner turned up in Na vi-o. which ran ia much improved form. Aeosta waa probably the best and might have won bad he nor been buffeted about rounding the far turn, but as ii waa he had to be ridden bard to beat Thistle-bloom oa for second place. The speedy Currency m.nfiged to stagger in half ■ length ill front of Sunrose in the second race. The winner drew away into t commanding lead in the early stage-, but tired badly in the stretch and would hare beea beaten in a few more strides. -l Judge Budrow found the track a bit too hard and | would not extend himself at any stage. Cuba Kncanto. the Cuban-bred colt which race* under the esters of E. C. CiTiffitu. accounted for the " third without being fully extended. Pickens had ? him under restraint all the way and the son of * Solomon always held Fiarastle safe. Don Pepe, another Cuban bred, finished third. Bistouri. the :l well-bred stallion which Augu-t Belmont sent to Caba several years ago. made his firs; appearaia a J in Cuba with colors up this ra«e. Jockey Penmans suspension expired today and J he will he in the saddle again tomorrow. It lias developed that ihe brood mare thai died here a few days ago was Bdl Main and not Quick Step, as waa first reported.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922012201/drf1922012201_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1922012201_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800