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THREE CRACK ENGLISH JUMPERS Knulish stc"ple liasing expel la in. line to enthu-siaauji oer three young jumpers which :tr.- carrying ■II before them in the early National Hunt obstacle raeiag. The three arc si. Bernard, Bhai wood Pores-tee and Clashing Arms. Bach is brilliant at his fences, fast on the Bat, baunrovea with rack race; each baa won three tiaaea aad all are considered to be Grand National timber. St. Bernard is .lass.. a ;i best, lie is ■ chestnut adding, eight yean Bid, by si. Maaaaa— Lady May II., by Koamos Bey. lashing Arms is 1 brown gelding, seven yean old, by st. Martia— Glea Inch, by Gleawaad. She 1 wood Forester is .-. 1 aeidiatc, seren jtmn "ii. by Campfire II.— Daacina Crow, by Loafisis. This one i.r.iitly. with IM pounds t.« Cktshiag Arms IM. beat the latter in the Manchester Victory Bte. pi. has", from which Duettiste «..s scratched. All three eeldinss an entered in the ioj LiTerpool Grand National.