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[ i I a p. i, -. LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 823 FAIR GROUNDS. NEW ORLEANS, La.. lannarj 21 Today f tiaining galloaa here included tin1 foUowiag: Weather i oady; track he-ivy — Thre«-Eightlis Mile. Billy WhlakmaaTlfc B17-LUac Time :i7., 818 Baiaty Lass ..:tii. 821-Bataaa -7 .-, 821 i.rass ir.e . .98% $•■ siivern.n .:«» llign Tea . Ms Stilish Miss ....■ •-, 815 loarphiar C. ,J88 siiMi..- Makianer.9J% Half Mile. 7.1X-Avispa 7i4 SIX! Honorable 55 sis-Bonero Blue . . .re* 819-Legacy 52 811-Braah Bay ... Stft sil Penitent 7J2 7,.r.-l,..v 53 S21 -Wolfs Cry .. :,:? 771 Hyp-i hoi.- Tjii StfeT-Yaaaaaak 31ft Five-Eighths Mile. S21-Bii:.v Dunn .. 1:93*0 s-jl -Marie Mkllal.TaTM 819-Deroaits ...l:l»7 817-The Decision.l:0l S21-Forest Queen. 1:03 S21 T. Col. Bawn.LOP BU-Hhrh Gear ..l:l»7-f. 817-Timbrel l:iMi-5 Three-Quarters Mile. S°.2-Berrington ..1:20 829-Geedhart ...1:21 S20-Blosm lloustl:20 SLl-Johns Unima.l:19 S20- orsou 1:2S sl9ilay Blossom.] :~*ii SCSI-Bay Lilly ...1:18 820-Kosa Lee ...1:19% 19$ Bahinda l:2t» Seven-Eighths Mile. S22 General Hai?.l:37 S21 War Spirit .1:33 SlS-Olynthus l:3i3 SKi-W.H. Bckner 1:33 BB-Baa 1:99 One Milo. 8-1 -Attorney lM% M7 Sparkling ...1:54% S17-aptaiu Tom. 1:7.8 S19-Stoc k Pin ..1:98% 819-Pietor 1:99 aBh-The Wit ....1:4B% SIS-ITeteuder . . .1 :33 Mr_-Tlc klish 1 :4C. sjo-Kiisiler I :." SKl-Who lacs ..1:41% S21 Sccii Verdict. 1:33% 820-Wo.KUhrusli .1:34% Bn-Baaart Guy . .i:."io:v. Owing to the heavy condition of the track this 8 ■naming lew List trials were recorded. Marie e Maxim ran exceptionally well in the goinn:. Ticklish - worked good in going he likes. Dainty Lass .% siiowed good speed. Pietor is training well and is near gctod form. Who Cares was never in better r condition. War Spirit was under restraint. May y i Blossom baa a good way of going.