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GREAT VICTORY IN CANADA lp - i ♦ Daily Racing Form Status Upheld by Appellate Court. I of s a- 1. Windsor and Devonshire Tracks I ■ Within Their Rights to Con- i duct Racing With Betting. i i — — TORONTO. Out.. January 30. —The first divisional BUBJlllBll ...lilt gave ..ii.lgmenl :i ! Osgood , Hall today in favor of Daily Km. lag Perm I ,, |H bin;: the convii-1 ion of Its Toronto cli-tri u toi-. , v. i.o was r halted thai be "did ceatrary la taw ad- , vertbte. publish, exhibit, vi || oi- n apply or otter to „ ■pfl or supply information intended to Basil in. or t- iateaded for use in ramseetiaa with bookmaking , liooi aetliag, betting or wageriag upon horse raeee." Mr. justice Hodgin- wrote tin- main judgm. at , nuil the court of five judge- unanimously nun -erred , in ihe decieiea. hirf yastiee sir Wbliniu Merdith summarized the view- of the ioi,it a. follows: , •"iv read tin- statutory aadcr which the v conviction look place a- i mu-t have been read In , ihe learned police magistral! is to siib-iitule for tin- | word •intended" the word calculated or some sack , • word. ••The essence of the effease which the statute i creates is tin- dissemination of information bsteaded i lo as-ist in or for Use in connection witli baak- I making, ate, Tlic information n :i-! In- intended for i the the purpose mentioned in the statute, i "Them was no evidence of the forbidden inten- .» lion by either the publisher or the d:-tributor. I he i most i.-n he nM is that the intoruiation aught i and. pel haps weuM, I.o of use in betting, but that • is far fiom establishing lhal it »» intended to be i need in connection with hotliug." Juwtice Hodgin-. who write* tlie judgment eon- : « nrreil in by the entire eourt. points out that the offence created by the statute i- not the distrt- I nut ion of the information but the gravamen of 1 the ntfeii.-o is the intention that the infoimation nIbmM b - us.d to aasial bettiatg. He aajn ••li waatM be eery eaay to put mrh inforniation , .is iv io lei.- in the category of farhiaafra , ptttili. ations. ;i wan daae Kit raaapletely lurinLr il"1 war. in lesp.. 1 to those paper* -vhi.-h leaded 1" , sap the morab of the people i r weake* theii heliof in their cans.- ami it- altiaaate anrceaa. Bal this htep has not lieen taken and it is ..:,.• for pailiainent an. I not for the lonrt to mak« * , The deffiaal «a- .blj rep ew ated hy Meaar*. Kir.ys toutisel H.bnttth and I.aliantype of Toronto Th* arigteal w.i- hraaght by Attorney i;.n etal Bainey of tint. trio, an ardenl political refar-mer agaiaat w. A. Hewitt, who represents Daily Itaciag lo:in. In Oa carlo last Bepteamher, la the i. .wet .-oiirt. lawfege Deatoa decided agaiaat Hewitt and fined him s2" . brt reclared bis belief that II. ere was no intentional olf.-n •• and thai Ihe b-cal point wa- dehatabte and bad better !»• passed upoa bj the higher wmrt