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SPRING STAKES FOR JAMAICA Eighteen Fixtures Provided by Metropolitan Jockey Club for Early I922 Racing. NEW YORK. ". V.. January ft*.- The Metropolitan Jockey Club has anaonneed its stake offerlago for iis 1923 apring nieetiag al Jamaica. It is x.i ■ ly the same ,- - last uiir. The list comprises eighteen fixtures, win, the Kxcelsior Handicap of ,500 and the Youthful Stakes of ,889 the beadUners. Ibre are the stakes, which close for entries March 1: For Thice-Year-Olcls and Over. Exeelaior Handicap, one mile ami a sixteenth. value . .".oo Kings County Handicap, one mile and a sixteenth, added 3.500 Long Beach Handicap, one mile and an eighth, added 3.7,00 Paunionok Handicap, three-Quartera mile, ralue Rainbow Handicap, three-quartera atUe, added 2.:in Garden ity Btnkea selling, one aaile and a aUteenth, added 1,1*$ Newtown Stakes oelling, tin ve -qua rters mile. added 3,098 Olympic Btnkea aelling, three-quartera mile. added 1MMM For Three-Year -Olds. Boathanipton Handicap, one mile and a sixteenth, added S.SO0 Btuyreeanl Handicap one mile, value 6.000 Spring Handicap, three-quartera mile, value., ."..turn Highland Stakes selling, three-quarters, added 2,000 Tor T*o-Yr,ar-01ds. Youthful Stakes, five and ■ half furlongs value 7. KM Colorado Stakes, five-eightba aaile, ralue 8,000 Bosedale Stak s fiilies, flTe-eighths mile. ratne 5,000 Greenfield s-ak.-s aeUing, fira and a half f i! longa. added 2,000 Hontauh Btakea Selling, five and a half furlong*, added 2,000 Suffolk Btakea selling, five-cightbs, added. 2,000 *