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P 1 "I • i ■ ct A rt oi d di of ■• oi of ti li al an a C I -i r rl j, ! i ,; f f is n t i HAVANA OUTLOOK ROSEATE Prospects for Second Half of Meeting Exceedingly Bright — Interest in Baby Races. HAVANA. Cuba. January M -Ihe first half el the Oriental lark si-ason of raciag is BOW a BUttC history, and the sei-oud period having b-en catered upon ta a most eacoaragiag manner gives every iadicatiea ef being even more saccessfa] fi na every angb- With a heavier influx than ever if Amcrii an touri-ts the mooting can tie said to have rea bed Its spex, aad the flockiag to these shore-of nicssare seekers apaareatly -how- little ar ao mi no tioa with the paasiag of the days. Many I In- -»- Anu-ii.-au- aie gettiag their tii-. ta-t. ruling, and aatil coaaiag l - Cuba had m-vi-r ea tered a race track tatlasaie. Their experieace Lore i- ireat ing a rti-isi tavoralile imprc--ion OB thcas, and they will retara to their bosaes with altogether differeai vies of the sport to that which they had reavjared in their ssiad*. After witaesaiag tiio sporl ..f raciag as ceadacted in Ctvba nader bealtbfal and beaatifal sarroaodint;i they retara to their besets anient boosters ..f the -port. Beasarkahle inter. -s, i- heiag flsaaifeated la the forthcosaiDg reeewal ol the Cabaa Javraile Btakea, the firal «.: the stake fixtures ai the year f.u the iuvi-uib s. which rill bo decided early in February. in- iatereal is being intensified an ng Cuban race goers dae to the fact that ten awl of the fortj noasiaees are the pradace of Cabaa st... k fauns, aad, liko the abaa Pradace Stakes, wbicb tor Cabaa heeds, this stake will he lastru- mental in arousiag well BSCrlted ini.i.-t m the thoroughbred breediag radestry in the istaad u-public.