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RECOGNIZED TURF AUTHORITY. The el.ief points af argwaseat in Mr. Helasath*. i. . l b. •..: . the .oiirt Wfl ■ . "That Dail Baring K. rm was a tarf authority, liiirt been bono, biv pwhlisued for Iweaty-firr years; a/a* larataahi* to awaers, breeders and twrf or ualiibalious: was a record and rare toll. -.l"! for all |w i seats laterested in breediag •ad rHiintr of th- world: did not pabilxh or gaean ai adraare odds; tint Monthly atarteg Form. Aaraal Daring Folio and tie Raciag Manual. side publication- were alas satharitatiTe and rir- .tilatod in all par;- of tin- F.nii-h »|ieakiag WSrtd, :h srell as Praaee, Geraaaay, Rawth Aaaeriea and wherever rarlag was la rogue; thai all the Racing Form publications v.ere treated BS text books bj raciag argaaisatioas and that if Daily Raciag Form was Illegal, hundreds of other publications which less fall; and ...rieitlv published raring new-. sane .t-o Mega." , Mr. Heiaaatha brief concluded with a statement r.f the evident int.-nfiou of the Miller law under which taeJac is reantarted in Caaada, and for the violation of which Daily Kaciag rants ageat, W. A Hewitt, .a- prosi rtited. Ihis statement was: •■The i lause under which the barge is laid was insi-ited by pailiainent to prohibit the sale and transmission of ndvaaee odds and information by Jockey claha to sststrejoaaa for betting parposes, » caauaaa practice before the law was j.assed. ••It vvas noi iut-uded lo prohibit the publication 1 of ruling news and view- b. new.sp.tpers and this was -,, stand, both in the hoii-e of commons and in 1 th.- i-cuale when the hill was passed." A similar case was pvcacatcd to Ihe Ontario court of appeals in 191 » when tin- court iinanimou-lv sajaahed it and declared thai there was aathlag illegal " in the osateats of Daily Baciag Foim. The justices who si. decided in MM weta Messr-. More dith, M.Geom. MeFlaren and Farrow. The Wiml-or Jockey Club and llie Western As-o-ciation of Wladaar will !«■ a.b- to bold lace meetings on whiih bet* are made, according to the judg-BBCat of tii apptihtU division at Osgood Hall to-dav. . .ludgments in ea h ease were prepared today by Mr Justice Ferguson and agreed to by the ether ,.