Second Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-31

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SECOND RACE r» 1 -- lurlouss, T waif1 alsns ami upnaril. 4 hiimiii. • .Iiiim- liS, 1D141 1:U5 1-5 ■ 118.» GALWAY. ch. g, 6 110 By Havoo or Qalatine — Irish Last II., by Donovan. Owner. W. Harvey. ESSIE Tijuana Ej f 1 :0:i,-,fast 2if 113 3 11 1 In p Martinet 12 Cionibs. Ethel, MoatOBS aso;.:; N.Ktaa 5-8 l:t»6 hvy 17 H2 4* J Baawoaal • EfyBrb, Ut.Praacea, atagteOastai 51532 X.Kt11 Ab 5-S 18%kvy 7 loO 3J J Smwooi • Amer.Maid. CI. Frames. l.ue.May 5 i:,S X Ktn Ab 5-8 1:0! fast 21 116 57 C Garner 0 Presumptn, Kaynian, Participle :.-t::i N.Ktn Ab 5-8 l:01«ifast 25 113 8»| C Garner S F.G.cley, BaXferty, Amer.Maid S8S8E X.Kton 3-4 l:lS*ifast 11 115 8" C Taylor 8 M.Kruter, Tw. Seven, L. Eyes II. LAVAGA, br. m, 5 110 By Prospero— Charley* Aunt, by St. Flarisni. Trainer, G. W. Crippen. Owner, Blaekwell A Crippen. E9S28 TUaaaa E-» 1.3 %B»s " 1 13 :; 4 4 1] la 1: Fator Kt Infield, Cigale, Coombs M8H Tijuana 3-4 1:22%mud 12-5 111 I I 2 2" Li F3 Fator lit Haisy. Ind.Hrigade, L.Josephine E93S3 Tijuana 3-4 1 :l!tMjmu l 8-5 115 2 3 4 2- 2* T Murray 7 OnrMaid. L.JosephV, M.Frnklin f.! 260 Tijuana 6*f l:12%slop 5 109 9 8 8 b* 3» R Duggan 9 iold.Rose. Rosa Atkin. Hot Foot C: 246 Tijuana Eft f l:12%slop 13 M 8 8 7 4i 22 R Dug«an 8 Mistake. Infieid, Our BfaM 6M70 Tijuana 1 1:47 slop 6 10S 10 B 7 6 4» 4Di A Jacobn 11 Pinecrest, Krmitana, Lit. Orphan EVALYN HARRIGAN. ch. m, 8 110 By Harrigan— Vancena, by Batten. Trainer, W. Leeds. Owner. W. Leeds. 5*7*3 Tijuana ;t-4 1 :lti..-,fast 45 112 4 3 3 3* If E Fator 11 Am. Maid. PkTenny, Pltagenet 6*714 Tijuana 3-4 l:16Vifast 13 l«i» 2 6 9 94 9"J ■ Xeal 12 NoWouder, B.Beach, Nepperhan 6*387 Tijuana 5-8 l:«3yrood 16 110 3 5 3 6J 67J P Ilurn 8 View, Ask Jessie, Goldie ilo-e 5,4Jl Tijuana oi f l:13*«a|ap II 110 6 4 5 6 5«J P Hurn 7 Gndling, Earlyiuorn, Plow Steel BMZf Tijuana 5-8 1:06 mud 17-5 110 6 6 6 6* 7*1 E Noble 7 L. Romper. Crispie, Josieuorman 59387 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 slop 9 110 2 1 1 3s 2* P Hurn 7 Gadling, CloverJunia. JackLedl aSHTON GIRL, ch. m, 7 108 By Sir, by El Rio Ray. Trainer. G. McCjslin. Owner. E. Anderson. B84B8 TUaaaa 6 f i:i.v..hvy 10 log i 111* i T: Parke 8 D.fied, Dstlie Bart, Baskwona EMM Tijuana 5-S 1 :«.", slop Ml 1« I 7 7 S 8* C Bsailtl S Ij.lM-lia. Perfect Day. Hot BBSM fSOS Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast Ml 111 7 6 5 7 7" B EflcEwea 7 TUIOtsoa, Pafferty, MoctslsPal f.N7l« Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast Ml 114 8 7 I 9 St14 B McKvven 9 M.ofAusel, P.Martin, NoWouder 57699 Willow? 3-4 1:16 fast 8t 112 8» B Mt:K-weu 8 Col. Boyie, MissSedalia, IkeMilln 56917 HaatgH Ab 5-S l:M«mad 28 118 6" B McEweu 10 GraysFavorite, Mistake, Josenla 6673? B bouse 5J t l:W%fast U US V* F Wilsoo 8 C. Master. Ermltana, Miner. Jim MEX, b. g. 10 110 By Mexican— Eastern Shorn, by Tbn Bard. Trainer, E. Stowcll. Owner, E. fltnwellt. 59609 Tijuana 3-4 l:l«5»faat a-M 117 7 7 7 •■ 9= C Gross 11 Indian Brigade. Ohrsaw, Petlar 5P568 Tijuana 5L f 1:16 hvy 1S-3 115 7 1 I ..» 3«4 J Mtealf 7 Restful. Inrield, Dieoere 69333 Tijuana 5-8 1 :OtWfcIlvy 5 114 I 6 t o* i«f C Cross 8 Jack Ia-iU, Rosa Atkin Inrield 692U Tijuana B-8 l-0l-*..siop 33 10 M r. 5 4 4b 4« j Wiilims 8 cir the Wiiv JackLedl rdHoao EE88f TUaaaa Eft t l.-M fast 28 112 6 lo H 8 8J B McEwenll Busy Bird. Gadling. Our Maid MONTGOMERY JR., ch. g. 8 110 By Montgomery— Relationship, by Heywood. Trainer, F. Owner. F. Leincr. 59730 Tijuana »-81:03%faat 64f no » 5 5 9=ll0 « D Hum 11 Kll.-i Waldo, tsakaai Little Jake 52798 Tijuana f.i f 1 :0S fast 53 log 145 U Hedf rn 14 K. Rankin, J. James Divland 53591 Tijuana BJfl:08%fas 29f 106 8 4 3 2 1 | A Redfern 11 Let.Bee, BeHBqaurcl Pr Nana 53524 Tijuana 6-8 1:«3 fast 232 106 I 5 4 9 9«J A RotMerald BeaBeach. LettyBee M.Praaktta 533452 Tijuana Eft f lKM%faat 98 112 10 10 11 ll* 11* B Pinnegr12 MkGnrner, Fan. Nail of SedaNs 52930 Tijuana 8-1141 mud I3f 115 7 7 8 8" 7»J W Taylor 9 T.Diincan. BoaBeoca, W.C. Dooly CONICHON, h. g. 6 M 110 By Reformation— Janice Marian, by Rubicon. Trainer, Dr. Lovell. Owner, G. Van Gordon. 57853 Willows 3-4 l:15%fast 9 111 510 E BfeCaara 7 II.Angin. L.Fnfld. PasBaidrr 57751 Wlllas Ab 5-8 l :"i-.-.livy :. lit ta Caron 3 Bqaash, Poessaa, MaMsfAaoH 57745 Wlllws Ab 5-8 634/ slop 80 111 4*| Caraa • BtaaleyH., G.sPsvorlte, Uiake 576 5 Willws Ab 5-8 59%fast 12 114 l1 .1 Murray 10 afikelHxon, Eureka, DixieMasM 56931 Haatga ai 1 6-8 I M ■ftmad 24 111 s14 R Darlti 8 BosieBogoa, BaMrari, Cer. Point MISS KRUTER. b. m, 11 103 By TrRssvaal— Lillie Kruter, bv Orimar. Trainer, C. Manlev. Owner. H. T. Palm*r . 59652 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 hv 3] KB 1 2 2 5- r11 C Btader 7 Kestfal, Infield. Hex 69420 Tijuana 5-8 lrO«%mud 7 IN S 4 4 5" ;.« T Baa 7 Harryl., IVrfectltay EIlsWsMs 59405 Tijuana Eft f l:12isslop 11-5 113 3 3 3 4* 3* T Rae 8 P.Bteel, Infield, Emma We Her 69248 Tijuana Eft f l:12*Ask p I 114 I 4 4 3s t* T Rae 8 Mistake, Lavsga Our MsM EMM Tijuana 6-8 14t%alop 12-5 MO 1 2 2 2* 2« H B Bwer 7 CI. Waldo. kfisaDanbar, Dah yN. ■8609 N.Kfn Ab 8-8 l:04%mud 12-5 109 6» TRa«i 8 BUlyBeota, PoadBopo, Rafferty McMCRPKY, ch. g, 11 110 By The Rush— Ozma, by Morti Foiia. Trainer, C. L. Kent. Owner, M. Morrises. " 34 Tijuana 5-8 1:03 fast 3 IM I :• :» 7 6*1 J Htasaer 9 Lobelia. Clear Like. Alajah 50650 Tijuana 5-SP02 fast 19 109 5 I fi 7= l»| H Long * Riibi-IL. B. Mack II. NoWoodef 59621 Tijuana 61 f lK»%fast W 110 2 2 2 3i 2l B Parke 8 Orleans! : it 1. Poeblo UoldieBosa EMM TUaaaa Eg f 141 fast s-5f m 4 « 4 44 »■" i; Maaarld 11 Plow, M HaMe, Baay ivita E8M7 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%fast 24 110 2 2 2 8* 8*1 B Maskri.l 7 Stanley!!., DyFashion T.BotTal 68M1-TUaaaa E-S l.M%fast 8K M8 3 12 2= 1% B hfasbrridl2 Blngleader, Alajah, Mahal Rule TOM CARO, b. g, 9 HO By Marts Bant*— Argos Esher, by Eaber. Trainee, P. A. Oandldgs. Ov7ii6r, P. A. BaudSdse. 79834 Tijuana 5-8 1:63 fast !! 115 1 3 4 •:.- 8*ft J Metcalf 9 Lobelia. Clear Lake, .Maiaii 59773 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fist M HM I 7 E c:i B*l J Htamer I* Careen, Thirty Serea, Qoiaaa I Tijuana 5-8 l:03»4good 12 112 1 2 I 4- 1% fl Long 7 *XobertI .Owen, Lobelia. Rose||i» 59567 Tijuana 6-8 l:04««slOW 32 110 I 4 4- 4 i H Long 7 Karlvnin, W.C.Dsoly Mad Uvng 59501 Tijuana E-3 14Z%hvy 15 115 2 1 1 1 4i H Long 8 ICver.-Tpaz, B.JIackll.. P.steei 08 8 at A WO, ch. g. 7 M 119 By Celt— Cantaloupe, by Hastings. Ov.-n?r. C. Tompkins. 41584 Jeffs.. i 3-4 1:17 slow 3; 115 11 6 12 12 12" A CoUins 12 Cterbalaace, L.ySaaaB. N. Model 41578 Jeff son 3-4 1:11 mud M 113 1 7 7 7 7" M Garner 8 Trastv. XrySimplex Minawand I1S2S F.Gnda Eft t IM fast 50 U3 I I 7 10- M ; M Rosma 12 PoTerina. Estimable, ApproTal COL. SNIDER, ch. h. 5 at 110 By Fireman— Helen Scott, bv Contestor. Trainer. A. Hubbard. Owner, V.T. A. Wright- 67855 Willows 3-4 l:15«4fast 21 114 PJFJ Baker 7 B.Aagta, L.Eafieid, J.Caar4 57842 Willws Ab 3-8 l:00%slow 25 lit E* t.i Baker 7 C.Moore, Pittsburg, H. Angle tos 57703 Willows 3-4 1:18 fast 10 lit 4*1 P J Baker 8 Val.Lady, Cl.Jnaia, Md of Aasei 56924 Hastgs Ab 5-8 l:01%slop 31-10 109 7* P J Maker 8 No Wonder. Ooana, Bai A 56742 Bbouse 3-4 1. It. 41-10 IM 7PJ Baker 1 1 Carabosse, Figuration Dr Para

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Local Identifier: drf1922013101_8_4
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