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1 1 P 1 1 ■■ | a* 7 57 i H ! p; I ,; 51 1 aj 1 H 5c * -i . E t , r.. 1 I 59 .".: 1 51 i :". 691 . v. I H ° w , . , .; , , J j! : , ,: ,; , ■ ! »! , n " I 1 1 : »1 ;■ ! r- I I , , j I l • •• * » I : • 1 ! r • [ .. i i : :• . ! j j . j 3 l 0:1 i ; .. ; j j j 3 li " p I • 1 n Laralo sa .•! jjj S II u C . I e [ H ii y SI I I .-« B 0! e i- u It d H D H . p n ° e I I k * I I • 5 ■ r 6 e | c ,1 ,: ■ 5! * 51 SECOM HACK .5-4 lile. 4-ycar-olds and npward. flalnataua;. IVIi. », i»is l:H 1-r. • 11G.I PERIGOURDINE, br. m. 7 107 By Aeronaut — Miss Perigord, by Perigord. Trainer J. P. Smith. Owaer, A. Solomon. rii4l P.Gnda 3-4 l:16%taa4 8 IBS 14 ri E 4 || 1 Thomas 1l ciin.litield. Pretend--:. Mmphy E6789 P.Gnda 8-4 IdBKnmd 15 105 7 I 4 4* 4»i E Scobe 11 Actress, Bertha 8., Back Bay 59657 F.Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast 12 107 IB 9 • 9* 8" B Scobie 11 Vtinncconne. Pistng lorn, lU.lo S68H Jeffson 6 f l:07%fast 10 105 4 7 J 9 911 V wskaf 9 Flnzey. BillMcClov, Propaganda 6 H.deGce 3-4 l:15%fast 19-10 114 a 4 6 7* ■ T Rowan 13 Old Sinner, AmMtkassIn, ri*»» 57418 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 22-6 114 4 3 4 4 4s J Murphy IS Ktrah, Dairyman. Trusty 56610 Sartoga 1 l:3»%fast 12 115 2 2 4 7 I* 81 A Tryon 8 Episode. Pi.kwl.-k, Bantrr WINNECONNE, ch. m, 5 107 By MeoUck— Golden Agses, by Golden Kaslui. Trainei, C. Buxton. Owner, A. Marrone. 8M6B P.Gnda 3-4 1:14 fasi ." 146 7 a 1 a 8J A Gantner s A.-e „r Aces, Sack Beat, Treiiaa 56697 P.Gnda 2 4 l:16%mud 31 108 8 3 1 1 a1 A Gantner 7 Burg. yne. Plain Bill. Car 59667 F.Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast I W2 4 11 14 Is A Oantnarll Ptasaistag Tom. Rol... Tailfll 59453 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :15%nlow i 103 Left at the post, A Gatunerll Kolo, Sandalwood, Fleer 9193 Jeffson 3-4 114%fast 6 ]U5 Left at the post. A Gantner 11 Ace of Aces, Beugore, Sandy H. ."IXtGl Jeffson 3-4 l:15Vfcgoud 10 106 5 4 4 V 3"! A Gantner 10 Cormoruu, Murpliv. Perhaps 58251 Empire lm70y l:46%fast " 109 8 6 6 6 E1 »** M Buxton 11 Star Court, BalM stack, JaS Jos iSBM Empire 1 1-16 l:49*ifast 10 109 9 6 6 6 «» S2* M Buxton 10 Asterisk. Pickwick. Soot. Cblef BURGCYNE. b. g. 5 115 By Meelick— Army Maid, by Yankee, Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, Winfrey Bros-V rotSI P.Gnda 1-4 l:16%mud 2 116 6 7 6 2l V L Lyke 7 Wiaaeeeaae, Plata BIB, Cat ;♦ P.Gnda :.iud 3J 138 « 6 4 3ft I» A Gantnerll BeleaAtkia, B.sWiag, T.Deciandn E9393 P.Gnda 2-4 l:13%taat 2 113 » 6 5. 4i F1 r Ung 7 Tltaais, rtyiagOrb, Mark Wsat .5 Jeff son S-i l:14%good 10 110 6 6 6 84 5" A Gantner 8 A.Ale.-.der, Cornioran. AaCAcsfl -/.ill I Jeffson 1-4 1.18 mud l;.-6 110 I 3 3 1- I- F Cltiletti 7 Anticipate, Ace StACes, PlaiuBill E8976 .left son :.- li muu e 117 0 9 9 7* 8* T Rowan 12 Bllaace, Prapaganda, Ante .pate PHILANDERER, ch. g. 4 103 By His Majesty— Pretty Maiden, bv Kingston. Trainer. J. C. Cahn. Owner, J. C. Cahn. 80286 P.Gnda 1 l:17%bvj 11-5 MB 1 2 2 3| 3" A Wilson • Kirsh, Baadalwaod, BeraM 120 P.Gi Is 3-4 1:14%sIow 18-5 163 4 1 1 2J 8" A Wilson 10 Sandy H.. Actress, Borah 55*01 P.Gi :h 3-4 l:17--.hvy 12 168 5 4 7 8- 8" A Wflaon 11 Pr..n.Totn, LyLaxaty, M M.oTe 59717 P.Gnda 3-4 l:16%hvy id 106 4 3 3 41 eB A Wilson 12 Anticipate, Helen Atkia, Kft»h« 59594 F.Gnds 3-4 1 .14- fast 8 KM I 1 1 1ft 8* A WBsaa, TItaaia, Ullie Wood " ; P.Gnda 3 1 l:15%alow :t 168 5 3 2 2J 2» a Wilson 9 Bond, Nerdeck, Flying Orb 99472 P.Gnda 3-4 l:;.; mud 10 KC 2 2 I li V A Wilson 10 Mi.-.Mre. M.Hkln. IPpBalBVl i.inde S-4 ld4%faat M HI 5 2 2 V 3* A Wilson 12 OraJegaa, Pa via. Huzey 13 JefTaoB 3-1 li4" 8 ur? 7 5 2 ii 1 F Smith 12 MtasBaakfca, /.e.aloue. SaM Htona ROLO. b. f, 4 103 By ftkaaaf — Santa Maria, by Golden Maxn.i. Trainer. C. Houbre. Owner. G. Oddo. F.Gml 11:13* fast 1 146 4 1 2 H 3* • : Brenlnsll Mm phy, Bad avellL Locarno I F.Gnds 1-4 I 21%hvy :■ 113 i S 4i 4:3 S Bnllman B Halea Atkin, Herbiaa, Car •..., . : I 17%bvy M ":. 3 4 1 t» 3* •: Breningll 1.- Decsiion, Jago, inticipaM 59637 P.Gnds 3-4 1:13 faat ti 103 3 3 3 2» 3 G P.reningil Wiaaecanse. Prow .Tom, 59579 P.Gnda 11-16 1:49 uood 12 0 3 11 1 2" s»* U Branlngld Mid.Sna, Z.dArmee, Laay Lou l P.Gnda 1 I 1 inLalan 7 a 1 ail1 Is j Waltace 11 Sandalwood, Pleer, AleiackU. : Jeff «on lm7rjy i:4:%faHt 15 103 1 3 6 5 6» 6» M Har*soa 8 CsriBa, The M.n.r, Paaay 13 Jeffson 3-4l:iC fast. and 168 1 1 1 1ft 6ft M Ba r*aanl2 TbeMoor, Baliyaew, M:ssRKnktn S8a25 Jeffson Gi f 1 :iiHihvy 7 109 3 3 7 9 8*» C Ponce B Malvetis, Anticipate. Plain P.lll ACTRESS, br. f, 4 103 By Meridian — Paradise. Queen, by Waterboy. rraisar, J. Itob:;on. Owner, B. C Million. 60ia 1 Gnd . : 14 Ion . KM 1 I 1 li Sft J Iwena 16 Sand] B., Philanderer, Bareh 3916 P.Gnds I : l:18%mud 12 MO 1 LIS l*i E Scobta i Camouflage, MarieMaxnn, Jat:o v.i.:. P.Gnds ;.-4 l:17%hvy o~ 2 : 1 8»ft 8*1 C Lang 11 Declaim, lags, K..lo i9759 F.Gnda 3-4 lU5%asnd 11-16 361 1 1 1 1» 1* A Wilson 11 BerthaS., BackBay, I.iiguine 9717 P.Gnda .-4 l:16%hvy 7 1 »6 3 1 1 1* 4* G W «arl!2 Anticipate, Helen Atkin. litabe " P.Gnda 2-4 108%fnat 7-5 108 2 11 H 3i C Lang 11 MachisveJU, Jerry, Murphy , P.Gnda 3-4 1:15 slow 5 103 3 1 1 2* 8* A WUaoai 11 T. Nephew, k.Bamtan, Autuats 58728 Bowie 64 f Lruud 11 102 3 1 1 V 1» G »v Cai/1112 Rajah. Bsdaaaky, PAUL DONNELLY, br. g, 7 109 By B; iBst—Ll r.povcr. by LampUghtar, Tiainer. C. Phillips. Owner, H. Tw-ymanj. 59971 F.Gndi -: 1 :21s hvj ;_ LU - 4 4"- •." C Lang 6 Siesta, J. gi . Bas ; P.Gnda 3-4 1:17" hvy 12 III 7 7 5 C* 4" H J Lumeii Pram.Tom, ULaxary, M.Maara 59717 P.Gnda 3-4 U4%hvy 7 ill 6 10 7 7» CJC ling 12 Anticipate, Uelea Ktishs ■■■ "■! I P.Gnda 3-4 l:17%mud ir. 113 11 S 6 ti PtC i-a:i« 11 Bargayne, BeleaAtkia, u.»Wjag . J. ff84 n 1 1 -if. l;55*.-hvy 11-8 M6 2 12 4 6» 61 C L .r.K 8 Little IM. Thirteen. Btaaonry a J-ff-un .-4i:ia road 9-5 lii 4 3 2 4» 8*ft A BlcncCk • M.Moore, P.Bsaatrr. Gali Baana BOMDXVS, br. e, 4 M. 110 By Honey wood — Roman Lady, by Brutus. fTrainer. R. A. Snrth. Owner. Sunnyland Stable. ■ • »l:l*%fa ■ 114 I • M 11* 11 L Mori 12 Bri • BI MseaHoasa on :-4 1:14%faat 2 114 * 1 7 7s 5*8 L Morris 11 Honorable. Wireless. Baj 1.. BACK BAY, b. g. 14 105 By Rubicon — Oenna, by Balgowac. Trainer. E. Farman. Owner, E. Furman. PC258 P.Gnds i 1:15 ko...1 l j 6 4J 4*J A Gantner 9 rtk Bfeara . P.Gnds -4 1:14 hvy r N8 E - . -•■ -* S Bnllman H Betaiada, North Shore, Archive -. P.Gnda 3-4 1:18s hvy 16 113 I i" I I 7 • - Bnllman 12 CobtLsss, Betsluda, Bacajaarea 59821 P.Gnda I 1.. W7 4 2 S •"■ 3* H Tbomaa 10 Jaga, lietsin-la. Kardeck ■ P.Gnda 3-4 i:i,-6mud 8 113 6 4 3 3a 3* B J Eurkeii Actress, Bertha B., iyiiganrdlaa ■1 P.Gnda 3-4 l:14%faat IE 111 7 6 6 "• 75i H J Bnrka 8 AeeofAces. Philanderer. Tiujiils 34 P.Gnda 3-4 1 :1S hw :?j ttl 10 4 3 3j 4» A Wilson 12 Grnland. H.Baafcla. Conctrata .!• rson 3-4 l:H a3slow 8 no 8 l l !• 3J L McDott 12 Pretender, Bareb, Kiee; HACHIAVELLI, ch. g, 4 110 By Disguise — Ghetto Girl, by Ben Brush. Trainer, G. Arvin. Owner, O. Arvin. P.Gnds 3-4 1:1 faat ii! 6 ?• •". -J 21 Wilson 11 alarphy, !:!••. L ocsr ■ . F.G ids 3-4 1:1! fa t 12 M6 4 3 3 3J IJ M Garner II Jerry, Actress, Marphy 69396 P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:47%faat 4i lui a 4 4 0 2" 2J j McCw ll I.Overtoa, LraaBay, UarveatKlag ». rrson 1 3-16 2:01%faat iu 10 8 2 8 4 4- 4» J Owens U Lacy Kate, Sle Devil, Hataa 59285 Jeffson 11-8 1:55 fast ti BN 123 1 i-4 2-.«. K Scobie 8 v. ...tan, Jataa.Uvertoa, Blaaaary O Jeffaon 11-181:56 slow 12 100 8 4 3 0 9* 9* .1 Owens 16 TgAdaaa, MlssPoatatae. Verity i9073Jefraoa 1 1-6 131 fast s-ft Ml 7 7 4 4 6 5«| H ThurberKi 01 Wood, B.Moaatn, LyGraadaa i894S reffson 1 1-16 135%nrod 7 OS 2 l l 1 3» 3* H Tamrberld LBaJelenr. T. McOee, MtaaHaU i892ft J. lfson 1 1-16 l:56%good M :o4 7 6 4 « 4* 3» : Oarena 10 Amaze. Miss Bank in. Pr. Ttraaa BENGORE. ch. h. C 185 By Rockville — Irish Witch, by Blairtinde. Trainer. F. Sn:ith. Owner, C. J. Brocfcniiller. ■.. .••: ; i I4%faat 7-5 ill 1 1 4: 6*f M 1 .a: 1 : B ! lAcres, Philanderer, Tit.u ia ..Lit son 3-4 1 11 faat 7 113 S 4 4 2* l*ft J D Mneyl2 Midnight San, Urslcggo, Sutana ■ ; JefCaon ::-! l:14%faat E U2 a :s 4 2i i"k 1! MarineUill .. •■• af Aces, Sandy 11., Livel . Jeffson 3-4 1:15 Cast ol in ■"» * «; 64 8* B Nvcklea 11 Co atoraa, Mnrpby, KirstiesCnb -:..; Juffson Eft f lHB%faat 4 M6ft 1 l 1 1 la s Kncklaa ll TbeMoar, J.Pnybaker, M.Fr.Pai 57681 Kwoitb oi f 1 :U"-ofaat 41-10 105 4 12 1" 1 » C Lang 9 Musito, Ina Kay. Retreat ■-■i Itshiro :-" 1:1. 1-2 11? 2 1 1 1» t» .T 1" Vnev s iraaa .1 Vi..l:. ;.. "arrr Op IITANIA, ch. m, 5 107 By Bard of Hope — Lady Fern, by Hippodrome, Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner, W. Durnan. F.i ",. d , : • LOT ! l I l» -Lt H Thomas 8 Betsiada Sorl •• Back Baj P.Gnds 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 1 Y ? 2 ! 3i B»» C I-ang 1! Wianecoaae, Pising Tom, Bole i p.Gnda 3-4 l :i4--fast :. U6 4 2 2 25 "• L C. n-y 6 AafAces, PhUaaderer, Ol.vo«. l 59593 P.Gnda 3-4 l:13%faat 9-5 101 1 11 l1 I- L Coney 7 Plying Orb, Mark West, Iha— all 58685 6J f 1:22 slow 7 Hit M 6 I -I1 4* L Coney 13 Banajaa, Moroui, Tidings 58354 Laurel 1 l:41%faat 14-5 113 2 2 2 2 42 4l* A Allen 7 WhoCaree, O.s.un.r. IheDeclso f,82Gl Laurel 3- 1 :14-ifast 20 106 5 111* IIP Cltilettl 12 Old Sinner. Maae. Bright Lights COBALT LASS. b. m. 7 107 By King Cobalt — Lady Rosalie, by Handspring. Trainer, J. Randolph. Owner. J. Randolph. fast H KM 3 I I 7b 7 C i.a.-i?r ll Marphy, Uachiavelll, Bala P.Gnds I L:lS%hvy 16 1"3 S 3 I l* lnL A Uson 12 Betaiada, Bacajawea, l.yMild.l 69820 P.Gnda 2-4 1:1S hvy IS lOT. II 3 lo ll1 11" F r"ltllettll2 RnstUr. BeesWing. UeleiiAtkln E97S8 F.Gnds 3-4 l:15%nrad ■; 103 4 6 6 61 6M A Gantnerll Actress, Bulha S.. Back Bay BM77 P.Gnda 3-4 1:14 fast 20 103 E : * ej o« a Gantner 11 Beagcall, Jago. Miss Rankin 58728 Jeffson hi t l:0S2f,fast b 108 li* 10 12 12 12l« A Gantnerll! Plain Bill. Corkey W.. liet Em CS61S Jeffson 6-8 l:64%faat 4 113 4;* T Drmotul 7 DoraW., Av.Tniinbo. HardTliues ."aOOI Jeffson C-S 1:02 fast 8 112 5* T Dlamnd 7 Murphy. J. Frederick, l»i ..letias E5K57 Pt Frie 1-4 1 :13%fast 22 166 I 111* 4* H Thurber 6 Purl. Cormoran. Kama rWOPAIR, b. g, 4 115 By Broomstick — Trumps, by Sandrinpbaui. Tiainer, C. V. Chappell. Owner. 0. W. Caappell. 60193 P.Gnda l 1-14 1:47*, ft ti "■ MM 3 11 i H 11* .1 r M*n • 1 1 Lazy Lon, I arrl Erenta lloreb 60612 P.Gnda 3-4 1:11 hvy 7 l"7 J 11 1 • i Is* J I_ Mn.-yii Brown Bill, Service Star, Pie S94S7 P.Gnda 8-41:13 fast .10 110 6 ■ 5 5* 4* S BfcCamw 11 Wlantrnaar, Pising Teas, : .l« Std ■■• Jeffson 3-4 l:14r5faat 6 112 10 lo 8 8* Si* N J ttt— a 12 Cstkraach. My Rose, Zaluex 58912 Jeffson lm70y 1 :4.siGsIow 15 104 6 9 10 10 10 lfl58 S Bu.lman 10 Courtis. Phelan, Magician IE819 Jeffson lm70v 1.47V5fast 6 103 5 2 2 2 4* 6"i S Bulhnan 0 Deckmate. Copyright. Joe Joe 5S7 7 Jeffson 8-4 l:14-ifast 6 110 1 3 4 64 «"1 F CTtllettlM May Bodine, Doric, The Moor 18091 Empire Ab 3-4 l:l%fast 50 105 8 8 9 9* 9* S McGraw 10 FortCliur.ini. bmjuire. H.Hi.bls 54691 Dorval 3- 1 :1S%slow 37-10 108 I 1 4 4* 4" R Pali h Fitz-Boodle. Cltisen. CorllU PORT LIGHT, b. g, 9 110 By Hamburg— Morningside. by Meddler. Trainer, R. McGarvey. Owner, W. 0. Stoner. tUU P.Gnda 3-4 l:13%fast IE 111 2 1 7 Eft 11M F Weiner 11 Murphy. MaekiaveUi, Rolo ES8N .1. lfson B-8 l:2;,.-,fast 1-2 116 1»» H Gregory 7 BoB.Gaaaa, Norinandie. Sky Man 582 58 L- 1 ton 3-4 1 Jfi slow 12 114 2 3 R 3; 310 H J Burke 12 Meliora, Doric, Our Alice 56881 Lexton 8-4 l:i3~fast 12 118 8 6 8 9- **f H J P.urkel2 Od-BweB, GLpsyQaeea, Meliora ."M.U Churchl 3-4 103%faat 35 110 4 3 fi 24 21* B KenndylO Col. Taylor. Amanda. Plus Ultra 0777O Latonia 3-4 1:13%fast 42 113 2 I 1 IB IJ Burke 12 Diana. SHm Bah, Fluzey 57223 Latonia 3-4 1 :14good 7 I08 6 7 7 7» 9" M Garner 12 Stvi Libty, lii-Son. E.IC.arriion GP7S2 LatonU 3-4 1 ITHklJ 18 115 9 9 9 9 9» W Crump : Green ;.,ld. Ieggy C. haaaj 5;-49r. Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast IB 115 U U 10 84 81 M iarner 11 Youneed, HonorMan, GipsyQueen 5.7346 La ton is 3-4 1 :12s/ifast 27 112 7 8 6 4* 3*4 R Harton 11 Clintonville. Kinglike, Acclaim 6S234 Latonia 8-4 l:16Vshvy si 103 E 6 6 3»4 3: M Garn-r 7 Dr. Carmen. SweetLiberty. Ruby 55197 La to n lit 3-4 l:12-6hvy lo Kb 2 7 6 «» 6,s W Lt.le 12 Orljva. TwlukleBlue. Col.Tyio* COURLIS, ch. h, 5 106 By LOiseau Lyre — La Voie Lactee, by Le Sagittalre. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner, 3. Arthur. 66813 P.Gnda 2-4 l:14%coed 2 Kto 7 R 6 i* 8** C l-ng 12 PtataBBI, s. Btasoa, Nater acker E8684 8-4 lll%faat 12 106 1 6 8 8 8:1 C Lang 8 AceofA.-es. Philanderer. Titania 59856 P.Gnda 8-4 1 :U. slow 6 110 1 7 5 61 5* C Iang 11 T. Nephew, Aetress, A. Hamilton ■667 F.Gnds lm7Dy 1 :4f.%fast 8 101 4 13 2 24 653 C Lnafl B ■ararpta. M.Ktaitie, Scrgemau HBa Jeffson 1 1-16 l:47Vsfast 8 Will t B # C Lang 11 O.Faithfiil. Firstiullet, GrtGull 59197 Jeffson 1 1-16 1:4S fast 6 10! 1 1 1 3 T1 "" C Lang S Aee, Current Events. Cote dOr 5903o Jeffson lm70y 1:48 alow 18-5 108 2 1 1 1 1« 1" 0 Lnng 8 Verity, Gloomy Ous. AunaGalluu