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Bill Leonard 729 SIXTH AVENUE, NEAR 42nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. KOOM lOO. Oflirc Hours, lit a. m. to :: p. m. BIG GETAWAY SPECIAL GOES TODAY// And Another One Tomorrow It ik gattine; ncai the end of the meeting and my connections have notified me to expect some l»n things the next few days. YKST Kit DAYS SMI HOHSK: DARK HILL 16-5 WON 31 ON MAYS 4»i; 11 tlt si:: YASHMAK 5-2 WON SATI ItHAS OM: IIOHSK: WADSWORTHS LAST 6-1 WON ruinws 4 m: ■•atspsi BROTHERLY LOVE 3-1 WON Till KSDAYS OM: HORS10: PLAIN BILL 8-1 WON FIVE STRAIGHT WINNERS. TERMS. 0 daily or 0 lor balance ot meeting. Wb« your b.ib-■-.cription by Western Union 01 Postal Telegrai h. I I i i ] i i ! , Last Winner Honest J. Curran Bligh Last Winner. Ask Any Regular My Reputation for Giving Winners. !7 WINNERS 01T Of 24 HORSES GIVEN LAST WARNING — Proposition I ofler: Every name now on my books and all those who wire or remit for my next special, which goes this Saturday, can always in the future secure my specials for . regardless of the price I advertise. REMEMBER, this is my last special. Next special will be 5 or 6. My informaiioi: on Saturdays horse comes from the same source as previous. They have given mo seventeen winners out o: t.wenty-tour hor-e::. It will be a sire winner at a sweet price. It is up to you. Mr. t0 go vour lunf or. my books. NOW. send fMllilaaw i-arly and avoid the rush HORSE IS GFAEANTEED TO WIN OR MY NEXT SPECIAL GRATIS. I wire prepaid name of a99W n;ght before. WIRE REMITTANCE IMMEDIATELY. Remember, My Next Special Goes Saturday, Feb. 25 I oiil ;vite «»ji«- or 1 v» «■ apt I lala :i «cck asm more. si ITK r.«»S* - - -"J*; LAFAYETTE BTRBKT - - M: VOKK CITY, BJ. Y. Sound Service Bureau ROOM landtj 19 SIXTH AVE.. RXW YORK N. Y, YESTERDAY S WIRE AVISPA 5-1, WON Our Tijuana 5 Special goes Thursday. Feb. 23. This 5 Special will be sent free to all our weekly clients. One wire, 55: Sound Service six wires, S25. Wire subscription fo-weeks service now. No propositions. No m s-leading guarantees. J. f. "Lucky" Baldwin If you are latatestaa1 ia iafanaatiaa on horses that are well meant and 01 fliich few n.istakcs are :nade. and you arc in a position to make at least live straight flat bets, dont hesitate, rush your correct address at once. Winning on a flat b* t i- tiie cruciblo test of racing. I an: p. positive winner in a straight flat bet. My terms — Seul mo by wire, after you collect youis. the winnings ci a 0 straight play. My specials are at Tijuana. Havaaa, New Orleans. I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. FIVE STRAIGHT fjjfij* ~j5*~I Satin days nwdo go«-d. Feb. 13 won |3f*fii»" at 21 anrt lo01, S;n;1 S1 for Febi M/Jp 20 two. Hardly a day goes by rat- J3t ev«A mgs dovt show up a nice one Get LHP late:, any newsstand, 35 . and lian- : — """" Todays Best: dicap cm jraandf. Hurry-Southorii-Cib-Ue-Far-Nut. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago, 111. MARK TWILL THE LIMIT BEST EVER Three-horse win parlay sent pvery Monday, Wednesday at.d Saturday. When scratches aro as-c- itained lew mistakes are i.;ade and long s hots possible. Daily Racing Form is wired same parlay, -o cannot ivisreprescnt. Rush .00 and get started this week, with the guarantee if first fail:; next one free: third fails money will be lefunded. Get wire. Nuff sed. Remit to MARK TWILL LETTER BOX 246 LORAIN. OHIO. MADE GOOD AGAIN "**V Satuiday. Feb. 18. Makes 25 out of /jj, last 35. Where else can you get UMJKM .-uch inlo for 41 : Ma:! yours now .-or rpiwffl two -rouig Feb. 25. ;f» latest RE-J~fy PORTER for Getaway Specials, 35c, +£S all newsstands. Wednesdays Spe cial: No. 4. THki TIRP BEPOHTKH OLDEST PUBLICATION IN EXISTENCE. 82 W. ftuinoy 8t. Estab. 1904. Chicago, Illinoii Get new book on sale today. 35c at all newsstands. Gives, best line on all the sleepers at all leading tracks. Todavs Form Special: June-Peach-42-54-18-11. STANDARD TURF GUIDE , 403. 22 W. Quiney St. :: CHICAGO I Annual Racing Torm for 1922 Is Now On Sale ; DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL 4 157-169 EAST 38nd STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y 1 7* EXCJUtfGJB STREET || BUFFALO, N. J , I ; 4 1 The American Racing Manual FOR 1922 OW 0 SALE J he Incyclopedia of Thoroughbreddom THE It22 MANUALS Uacasicap Tahln have been brought up to flate. Instead of divisions of quarter second* the three tables ha. all been modernizetl into fifths. Before th • tables and their apptieatioa chart- is an intru duetion and general direetion for hsndieap ping bj tbe late Nin S. Hand, an expert of lb first class. Engraved diagranu of thirty-two Iradtns] American race courses, with their location-eapacitiea, chutes, stands, width of racks, and length of Mrctches m detail. ITS REGULAR FEATURES ARE All Brain »f Kacias WeisRU Aim-i leai Leariiai Sir**. iiM-ii.Mii Bariaa Btatixtk-t ■ IIm Teal ItSl V in . l-i. ;, :i Stake I: ri--.-- lor rbw r«n IR21. Karsaia Teariiatpi aad ia* Rrverac Bonkaiakiaa Parcvatatte Tabic ITmaparatire Mile Bpe d n i0 Beats af 1*ji;1 IMmiTialifimtiaafl ..r ISC1 i . i Hh !:■" mg Balew. • in il llaae] Wiaaiag Ham el Ifcx Aaterieaa Australasiaa aaal Stearliali I nrf II Hill .iili"- .i mi lt:i:n with I ..;iii|.ii Ilislieat-Prieed Thoroaalibred* T ike i auric ia aad Rarefieaa Tarf. Leadiaa Wiiiiiinx T«o um iliN. Laac-Prieed Tfiaarn of MCI. bapartaal ri.e-e- af rarelfa Cuuutii"». Neetalag? of Ike Turf in 1! LI r ii i -Muiiii-i Bettiag Exalaiaed. Raca Track Bctaiaa "f am ike Track* of tkc Hatted Stated, Oaaaeai, Caka aad Mexico. Rariag "f Amerii-an TlMMtaaajkaeada ia N8!» Racial Orsaailaatiaaa aad Tkeir OffV data. Rat as liei-ords f tin- kaii tlrn Aaatralasiaa. Caaadiaa aad Knli-h Turf l; ils of Miles in 1 -.:|s or Better. Record o.ids in tkc Pari Matacta. Reaaarkakle Jockey reata. siros of Twa-jrear-oM Vflaaen "f I9CI. TfcawaKfckrtaa Tkal Ii« l l urins i:ui Track Rocard Ipcad. Tuiiit.v LeaatkaB American Sin-- f lltJl. VTIaaen of haportaat Aaierleaa Btakea. Teartbaf s.iles ot lOJl in Aawrica, ei .. etc. PRICES RY MAIL: U-Hthert-tte Bound 81 fin Pa*cr Raoad — 1 M Full l*arakaaa Price Must Accompanj Each Order Wirh this eminently handy book any admirer of raeing can readily answer almost any qu»ry that may come up concerning fucts of racing In the past. Its eiiual has never been printed and. considering the topics it co»ers. it is an extremely low-priced book of general and correct turf Information. THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL is a copyrighted publication. Its contents must not be used without permission. The matter in the pases ot" The American Racing Manual is original and has been written and compiled by its editors and statisticians. Proof of originality is roady in protection has to be sought against unauthorized copyists. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORR. N. T. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. R. J,