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HAVANA li horse which Mem heal in Wednesdays races are: Havana, Cuba, February 21, 1and5.2. 1 — Tender Beth, Straight Shooter, Gonwitbim. 2 Alt.imaha, Mr. Krutir, White tiown. :; BUI Bunley, Hnmpy, Bbwdei. ■i COMBDIH DABOUB, The Poll Call, Laetre, :, Lb-am, i- B., Mayor House, Hutchison. ; iioiiy c . lawaaeatha, Sir Jack. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. l r«aier Beth, Btraighl Shooter, CarheaeU, Pan- dine. :. Prosaeroa Baby, Fair and Wanner, Automatic Rait, Sain Rose r; -hiomioi, Bafora Bill Bunley, Panama. i Cpmpdie dAmomr, IJw s4a, The Roll Call, RamfeL C PRANK V, Deaaoc s. Petrarch, leay Bean. t; Ureal Bhwk, McAmno, Beds s, Dully C. Ii1c;ik Dial Hu Itll lo Handicaps. 1 lender Setk, straight shooter, Gonwithm, Bine Dale. » .iii- ami Warmer, White Crown, Pro aerea Pa by. Aigrette. :: I.ioiaiei. Buford, Wreckless, Rameea. •i illi: ROLL ALL. Col Chile, omedie dAmoar, Lustre. :. MsrceUa Boy, Eleanor S., Prank W , Bayor iloll e. 0— Greal Hawk, Dotly c, Mary Erb, Medusa. Observer* Handicap. ] Tender Bilk, Oonw itliiui. Straight Shooter. Car- beaett. ! Aliauiaha. Fair and Wanner. Mr. Kruter. lros-peroa Pa by. 3 F.I.ondll. Pill Bunley, Bitford. Wreckless. •1 Corned ie dAaaoar, The Poll Call, Queaada, Col Chile. S — M.ircell.i Pov, Fiank W., Eleanor S., Join Lean. I Daily C. Medusa. Great Hawk, McAdoo. Consensus of Handicaps. l ti.ndlu BETH, Straight Shooter, Gonwitbim, Garbonell. L Aliauiaha. Fair and Warmer, Pronperol Baby, White Crown. :: r.h.miei, pin Hanlejr, Beford, Wreckless. 4 t .medio dAuiour, The Poll Call, Lustre. Queaada. !• Marcella Boy, Eleanor S., Frank W., Mayor House. I Polly c , Qreal Hawk, Medusa, Tawasenthu.